GPRSbee |
An Arduino library for the SODAQ GPRSbee. |
Microchip_RN487x |
An Arduino library for the Microchip RN487x |
RTCTimer |
An Arduino library to easily perform scheduled tasks. |
Sodaq_BMP085 |
An Arduino library for the BMP085/BMP180 Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor |
Sodaq_dataflash |
An Arduino library for the AT45DB dataflash as used on SODAQ boards. |
Sodaq_DS3231 |
An Arduino library for the DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock). |
Sodaq_HTS221 |
An Arduino library for the HTS221 sensor. |
Sodaq_LIS3DE |
An Arduino library for the ST LIS3DE. |
Sodaq_LPS22HB |
An Arduino library for the LPS22HB sensor. |
Sodaq_LSM303AGR |
An Arduino library for the ST LSM303AGR. |
Sodaq_N2X |
An Arduino library for the SARA N2X modules. |
Sodaq_nbIOT |
An Arduino library for the uBlox nbIOT modules. |
Sodaq_PcInt |
An Arduino library to deal with PCINT (Pin Change Interrupts) |
Sodaq_R4X |
An Arduino library for the UBlox SARA R4X modules. |
Sodaq_R4X_MQTT |
Adapter to use the Sodaq_R4X library with Sodaq_MQTT |
Sodaq_RN2483 |
An Arduino library for the Microchip RN2483. |
Sodaq_SHT2x |
An Arduino library for the SHT21 / SHT25 humidity and temperature sensors |
Sodaq_UBlox_GPS |
An Arduino library for the UBlox EVA7M (as available on LoRaONE). |
Sodaq_wdt |
An Arduino wrapper for the Watch Dog Timer. |