Data Storage

A list of the 193 libraries in the category Data Storage.

107-Arduino-24LCxx Arduino library providing a modern C++ wrapper around littlefs.
107-Arduino-littlefs Arduino library providing a modern C++ wrapper around littlefs.
AccessPermissionManager Implements access permission control of filesystem resources.
AcksenIntEEPROM Arduino Library for storing data in 8-bit AVR internal EEPROM memory.
Adafruit CPFS Arduino library for accessing a board's CircuitPython flash filesystem and presenting it over USB.
Adafruit FRAM I2C Driver for Adafruit's I2C-Based EEPROM / FRAM Breakouts
Adafruit FRAM SPI Driver for Adafruit's SPI-Based FRAM Breakouts
Adafruit InternalFlash Internal Flash filesystem support for FAT
Adafruit SPIFlash SPI Flash filesystem support for FAT and CircuitPython FS support from within Arduino
Adafruit TinyFlash Barebones Winbond SPI flash library for Arduino and Trinket
adafruit_fram_i2c_mock MOCK Library for I2C-FRAM Chip.
arduino-NVM Direct flash memory access, round robin virtual pages and EEPROM like memory. (Flash, VirtualPage, NVRAM)
Arduino_POSIXStorage POSIX Storage Library for the Portenta C33, Portenta H7, Portenta Machine Control, and Opta
Arduino_UnifiedStorage Simplify cross-device storage management on Portenta platforms with a single library supporting SD, Flash, and USB storage access.
Array An array container similar to the C++ std::array
ArxContainer C++ container-like classes (vector, map, etc.) for Arduino which cannot use STL
ArxSmartPtr C++ smart pointer-like classes for Arduino which cannot use standard smart pointers
ArxTypeTraits C++ type_traits for Arduino which cannot use it as default
astra_esp8266 Easily access a Cassandra database from an ESP8266.
AsyncWebConfig A web based configuration editor for asynchron web server.
AT24C A library for using the AT24C series i2c serial eeproms.
AT24CM01 AT24CM01 EEPROM Library for Arduino Devices.
AT24Cxx Library for Atmel's AT24Cxx Series EEPROMs.
AT24MAC402 EEPROM I2C library for AT24MAC402/602
ATMAC_EEPROM A library that interfaces the AT24MAC402/602 EEPROM chip.
BitReader The BitReader library is an arduino library that allows one to read or write data which is not aligned on 8, 16 or 32 bits variables.
cQueue Queue handling library (written in plain c)
Ch376msc A library for CH376 file manager control chip.
CircularBuffer Arduino circular buffer library
CircularQueue Implementation of Queue Data Structure for Arduino Boards.
ColourKit Simple Arduino library for storing, manipulating, and using colour data.
ConfigStorage Library to store configuration parameters in the file system using LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32.
ConfigTool Save config variable and edit them online.
CredentialManager Provides intuitive interface for storage and retrival for user credentials.
DataLogger Arduino library for fast logging of complex sensor data in CSV or binary format to an SD card or serial stream
DatabaseOnSD A library to easily create and manage a database on an SD card
DS2431 Arduino library for Maxim DS2431 1-Wire EEPROM
DueFlashStorage DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due.
EEvar Allows to save variables to the EEPROM memory. Works with any POD (bool, int, float, custom structs) and String. Lightweight. Simple to use.
E24 E24xxx EEPROM library.
EasyPreferences ESP32 Preferences abstraction and manager. It includes a basic keys manifest and auto setters to streamline implementation.
EDB Extended Database Library
EEBoom Simple and powerful EEPROM emulation for ESP8266 and ESP32
EEManager Simple library for reducing EEPROM wear
EEPstore EEPROM data storage with CRC16 checksum
EEWrap A convenient library allowing one to use the EEPROM just like RAM.
EEPROMsimple Communications with 25LC1024 EEPROM chip
EEPROMAdapter This adapter can read and write AT28C64 and AT28C256 EEPROM chips using Arudino Mega. Creating converter PCB for this task recommended
EEPROMEx Extension of the standard Arduino EEPROM library.
EepromSecureData CRC-controlled EEPROM memory storage
EEPROM-Storage Generic class to wrap an EEPROM variable on the Particle and Arduino platforms.
EEPROMTyped The EEPROM Typed Library is a lightweight static library for reading and writing standard Arduino data types to the EEPROM.
EEPROM32_Rotate EEPROM wrapper for ESP32 that handles partition rotation
EEPROM_24LC64F EEPROM_24LC64F EEPROM memory chip for Arduino
eeprom_25AA02EXX Library to read and write Microchip SPI EEPROM 25AA02E48 or 25AA02E64
EEPROM_CAT25 Driver for On Semiconductor CAT25 SPI EEPROM chips for AVR, SAM3X (Due), and SAM M0+ (SAMD, SAML, SAMC) microcontrollers
EEPROM_Rotate EEPROM wrapper for ESP8266 that handles sector rotation
EEPROM_SPI_WE Library for external SPI based EEPROMs
EEPROM_WL Library for implementing EEPROM wear leveling on AVR Arduino boards
EERAM_47XXX A library to work with Microchip 47XXX EERAM ICs
EEWL EEPROM wear leveling
Effortless-SPIFFS A class designed to make reading and storing data on the ESP8266 and ESP32 effortless.
EmotiBit External EEPROM Library for I2C Communication with external EEPROMs
Engineer EasyEEPROM Arduino library for easy work with EEPROM. (AVR and ESP)
ESPLogger This library provides a simple interface to collect data on local storage (embedded flash or micro SD).
ESPWebDAV WebDav server compatible with linux, macOS, windows.
ESP32-PSRamFS "ESP32 RamDisk for PSRAM and fs::FS"
ESP8266 Influxdb InfluxDB Client for Arduino.
ESP_EEPROM An improved EEPROM library for ESP8266
extEEPROM Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs.
EZPROM A library to help organize EEPROM access.
FatFs FAT file system based on open-source FatFS solution.
Feature-Variables Persistent event driven variables aimed at making complex designs much simpler
FIFObuf A library for buffering items into a FIFO/LIFO buffer
FileData Simple library for storing any data in file
FilesystemAccessInterface Abstraction for Filesystem Access.
FilesystemUtility Provides useful functionalities to simplify filesystem operations.
flagsapi Library for packing bits
Flash A library to wrap accessing and writing to flash
FlashStorage The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of microcontrollers.
FlashStorage_RTL8720 The FlashStorage_RTL8720 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user data using the non-volatile flash memory of Realtek RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTM8722CSM, etc.
FlashStorage_SAMD The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of SAMD21/SAMD51. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte.
FlashStorage_STM32 The FlashStorage_STM32 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user data using the non-volatile flash memory of STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1. It is using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. New STM32 core v2.0.0+ is also supported now.
FlashStorage_STM32F1 The FlashStorage_STM32F1 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of STM32F1/F3. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. New STM32 core v2.0.0+ is supported now.
FlashStringTable Easy definition and use of Arduino flash-based (PROGMEM) global string.
Fram FRAM library for Industruino
FRAM_Cache FRAM Cache
FRAM_I2C Arduino library for I2C FRAM for persistent storage.
FS_Nano33BLE Wrapper of FS (FATFS or LittleFS) for Arduino MBED nRF52840-based boards, such as Nano_33_BLE boards
GyverDB Fast Arduino database for any type of data
I2C_24LC1025 Library for 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM
iarduino_REG_595 Библиотека для работы с 8-и битными сдвиговыми регистрами HC595/HTC595.
IGB-FlashSst26 Spi Flash Memory Library for Microchip SST26 1,8V
incbin Include binary and text files in your Arduino project with ease.
IonDB A powerful key-value store for all data storage needs.
JC_EEPROM Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs.
K24C16 EEPROM Library This is a library for interfacing with K24C16 EEPROM
KickSort Arduino library for different sorting algorithms including quicksort, bubble sort, insertion sort, shell sort, and comb sort.
LC_EEPROM Library for working with internal and external EEPROM memory via I2C.
List The Ultimate Collection of Lists
LittleFS_esp32 LittleFS for esp32 based on esp_littlefs IDF component. Use esp32 core-provided LITTLEFS library instead of this one when available in future core releases.
LittleFS_Mbed_RP2040 Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED RP2040 boards
LittleFS_Portenta_H7 Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED Portenta_H7 boards
LittleVector std::vector like container.
M95_EEPROM A library for talking with the M95 series of EEPROM chips from ST. May work with chips from other vendors as well.
Marisa ESP32 Wrapper Fast lookups in large static dictionaries
MCCI FRAM I2C Driver for MCCI Catena's I2C-Based FRAM.
MD_CirQueue Library for FIFO queue implemented as a Ring Buffer.
MicrochipSRAM Access all Microchip SRAM chips
MissionList An arduino queue library for storing commands to be executed
Move Buffer Move Buffer Library for move list storage
NBitArray Array of bits to save memory instead of using 8-bit boolean values.
NanoBLEFlashPrefs Substitute for the missing EEPROM storage on Arduino Nano 33 BLE and BLE Sense.
NVSRAM Arduino library for Microchip 23LCV512 and 23LCV1024 NVSRAM.
OSFS An Overly Simplified FileSystem for storing things, e.g. in the Arduino's EEPROM
PGMWrap A convenient library allowing structures and variables stored in PROGMEM to be read directly.
pgm_utils Wrappers and helpers for Arduino PROGMEM functions
Posit Library for posit arithmetic on Arduino Uno and other microcontrollers
Preferences Preferences library for Arduino, ESP8266 and Particle Gen3 devices
QuarkDB A No-SQL Json Document DB based on ArduinoJson 6 with command line interface and APIs for esp8266 and esp32 using SPIFFS
Queue Queue handling library.
RAKwireless Storage Driver for WisBlock Storage modules
RfidDb A library that stores 32 bit identifiers and associated names to EEPROM which can be used to as a basis for RFID access control applications.
RingBuf A library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer
RingBufCPP A C++ library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer
RingBuffer This library allows to use ring buffer with and without interrupts.
RingEEPROM The library increases the arduino EEPROM Write endurance
Robust-EEPROM Allows the use of unallocated bytes on an EEPROM memory as redundant memory for failed allocated bytes.
RogueMP3 A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics MP3 Playback Modules.
RogueSD A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics Data Storage Modules.
RP2040_SD This library enables you to use SPI SD cards with RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO using either RP2040 Arduino-mbed or arduino-pico core.
rrdtool Round Robin Database Tool
RTCMemory An intuitive library to simplify read and write operations on RTC memory of ESP8266 and its backup on flash memory.
RTCVars This library eases the storage of variables in reset-safe RTC memory.
rtc_utils Wrapper for esp8266 rtc functions
SD Enables reading and writing on SD cards.
SdFat Provides access to SD memory cards.
SdFat - Adafruit Fork Provides access to SD memory cards and (Q)SPI Flash.
SdTerminal Basic terminal interface for Arduino SD card logging/file management
SD_card_logger SD card logger, easy to use library for data logging
SE_BasicUnit Library for writing firmware of modules of expansion module of the AlphaSE system.
SE_EEPROM The library is made to work with EEPROM. All data is saved in 3 copies to implement the possibility of automatic recovery in case of partial damage.
Seeed Arduino FS A friendly library for file operation.
serialEEPROM Arduino Library for I2C EEPROM
SerialFlash Access SPI Serial Flash memory with filesystem-like functions
SessionManager Manage session states for web server.
Settings Manager Settings manager
SettingsManagerESP32 Abstraction over ESP32 Arduino Preferences library to make your life easier.
SFFS Arduino FRAM file system for I2C/SPI FRAM breakout boards
Shox96 Progmem Compression Compress short strings and messages using Shox96 technique and save space on Flash (PROGMEM)
SIKTEC_SdExplore A light-weight companion library to easily scan / search for files
SIKTEC_SRAM Library for Interfacing Microchip SRAM chips
SimpleStack A library that enables you to create a simple stack of arbitrary datatype.
SmartCardReader A Library with Samples for the Parallax Smart Card Reader.
Sodaq_dataflash An Arduino library for the AT45DB dataflash as used on SODAQ boards.
SpaceTrek EasyStarterKit EasyStarterKit by SpaceTrek
SparkFun External EEPROM Arduino Library Library for I2C Communication with external EEPROMs
SparkFun Qwiic OpenLog Library for the SparkFun Qwiic OpenLog
SparkFun SPI SerialFlash Arduino Library A low level library for interfacing to serial flash ICs
SPIExtension SPI extension/wrapper for Arduino
SPI-FlashMem SPI Memory library for Arduino
SPIFlash_LowPowerLab Simple Arduino library for SPI flash memory chips
SPIMemory SPI Memory library for Arduino. (Formerly SPIFlash)
SPIFFS_Shell A Serial-based interface that resembles a Linux shell for interacting with SPIFFS.
SQLiteDatabaseConnection Modern C++ interface for SQLite.
Sqlite Micro Logger Log data into Sqlite database from any MCU having >2kb RAM
Sqlite3Esp32 Sqlite3 database library for ESP32 core
Sqlite3 for ESP8266 Sqlite3 library for ESP8266 Arduino core (includes Shox96 compression)
SRAMsimple Communications with 23LC1024 SRAM chip
SRAM Simple library for serial SRAM IC's
SRAM_23LC Driver for Microchip Technology Inc. 23LC (23LCV, 23A, 23K) SPI SRAM chips for AVR, SAM3X (Due), and SAM M0+ (SAMD, SAML, SAMC) microcontrollers
SST25VF Arduino Library for controlling the SST Nor Serial Flash SST25VF family.
SSVQueueStackArray Queue/Stack storage based on array ring buffer.
stdcol Collections/Data Structures library
STM32duino M95640-R This library includes drivers for ST M95640-R EEPROM.
STM32duino MX25R6435F Quad-SPI NOR Flash memory library.
STM32duino STM32SD Enables reading and writing on SD card using SD card slot connected to the SDIO/SDMMC-hardware of the STM32 MCU. For slots connected to SPI-hardware use the standard Arduino SD library.
sysfile sysfile manager for Arduino. It uses littlefs
Table Dynamic table for Arduino
tiny-collections Lightweight, compact templated collections classes.
TinyDatabase_Arduino A tiny database to manipulate EEPROM easily
Tiny Key Value Store A simple key-value store library based on FileSystem
uCDB API for querying Constant DataBase file store.
Unishox Progmem Decompressor Decompress short Unicode strings and messages compressed using Unishox technique and save space on Flash (PROGMEM)
UselessLib This library is just for testing purpose of the Arduino Library indexer.
Vector An array container similar to the C++ std::vector
virtmem Virtual memory library to easily extend RAM.
WearLeveling EEPROMWearLevel reduces EEPROM wear by writting a new value to an other EEPROM location.
WebConfig A web based configuration editor.
Winbond W25N Library for use with the Winbond W25N and W25M series SPI Flash ICs
ZEeprom Library for eeprom AT24Cx