BSD 3 Clause

A list of the 260 libraries that are licensed with the BSD 3 Clause license.

1euroFilter Algorithm to filter noisy signals for high precision and responsiveness.
AcksenButton Flexible button library supporting debounce, long presses, repeated presses with acceleration.
AcksenIntEEPROM Arduino Library for storing data in 8-bit AVR internal EEPROM memory.
AcksenPump Brewing-focused pump control I/O library for Arduino.
AcksenUtils Arduino utility library with miscellaneous functions.
Adafruit UNTZtrument Adafruit UNTZtrument
Adafruit VL53L1X Sensor driver for VL53L1X / VL53L1CX Time of Flight sensor
Adafruit Zero FFT Library FFT library for Arduino Zero / Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21 processor).
Adaino An Analog Data Acquisition library for Arduino and IoT.
ADSWeather Arduino library to interface with the Argent Data Systems weather station sensor assembly.
AioP13 Another implementation of G3RUHs PLAN-13 for satellite and sun prediction.
AllSensors DLHR Support for the AllSensors DLHR Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors.
AllSensors DLV Support for the AllSensors DLV Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors.
Arduboy-TinyFont Tiny 4x4 Font for Arduboy which contains the small ASCII Table from 32 to 127. The sprite for the font uses 192 bytes.
arduino-ess Support for Sensirion's Environmental Sensor Shield
arduino-sht Support for Sensirion's humidity and temperature sensors.
arduino-timer Timer library for delaying function calls
Arduino_SerialUpdater small bossac porting for Arduino platforms
astra_esp8266 Easily access a Cassandra database from an ESP8266.
AudioShieldDTMF MCP4921 Audio Shield DTMF Example
BM12O2021-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM12O2021-A/BMD12K202 that NMOS Driver Module
BM12O2321-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM12O2321-A/BMD12K232 that H-bridge Drive Module
BM2102-9x-1 Arduino library for UART and I2C access to the BM2102-9x-1/BMC21M0x1 that Sub-1G OOK Transmitter Transparent Transmission Module
BM22S2021-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S2021-1/BMA26M202 that Smoke Detector Digital Sensor
BM22S3021-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3021-1/BMA36M302 that Semiconductor Gas Detector Module
BM22S3031-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3031-1/BMA36M303 that Catalytic Gas Detector Module
BM22S3221-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3221-1/BMA56M322 that CO Detection Module
BM22S3421-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3421-1/BMA34M421 that Alcohol Detector Module
BM22S4221-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S4221-1/BMA46M422 that PIR Detector Module
BM2302-9x-1 Arduino library for UART and I2C access to the BM2302-9x-1/BMC23M0x1 that Sub-1G OOK Receiver Transparent Transmission Module
BM25S2021-1 Arduino library for I2C and OneWire access to the BM25S2021-1/BME33M251 that Temperature and Humidity Mdoule
BM25S3221-1 Arduino library for UART access the BM25S3221-1/BME25K322 that Laser Dust Detection Module
BM25S3321-1 Arduino library for UART access the BM25S3321-1/BME58M332 that CO2 Detector Digital Module
BM25S3421-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM25S3421-1/BME53M421 that VOC Detection Module
BM32O2531-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM32O2531-A/BMD32K253 that LCD Module
BM32S2031-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM32S2031-1/BMS31M001 that Second Generation Proximity Sensing Module.
BM32S3021-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM32S3021-1/BMS31M002 that 1D Infrared Gesture Control Digital Module.
BM42S5321-1 Arduino library for I2C/UART access to the BM42S5321-1/BML36K532 that Laser Ranging Module
BM52D5021-1 Arduino library for BM52D5021-1/BMN31K502 that Microporous Atomiser Module
BM52D5121-1 Arduino library for BM52D5121-1/BMN31K512 that Low Power Atomiser Module
BM62S2201-1 Arduino library for I2C or UART access to the BM62S2201-1/BME21M621 that Air Pressure Module
BM7701-00-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM7701-00-1/BMC77M001 that Bluetooth 5.2 BLE module
BM92S2021-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM92S2021-A/BMA92K202 that Color Sensor Module
BM92S2222-A Arduino library for the BM92S2222-A/BMA92K222 that Fingerprint Module.
BMB22M210 Arduino library for UART access to the BMB22M210/BMB22T101 UART Expansion Module
BMC11T001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC11T001 that NFC Card Reader Shield
BMC36M0x1 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC36M0x1 that Sub-1GHz FSK Transceiver Transparent Transmission Module
BMC56M001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC56M001 that 2.4G GFSK Transceiver Transparent Transmission Module
BMC81M001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC81M001 that WIFI Module
BMD11M134 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMD11M134 that 4-Digit Digital Tube Module
BMD26M088 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMD26M088 that RGB LED 8×8 Module
BMD31M090 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMD31M090 that 0.96 inch OLED Display Module
BMD58T280 Arduino library for SPI or EBI access to the BMD58T280 that 2.8 inch TFT-LCD Display Shield
BME34M101 Arduino library for UART access to the BME34M101 that Soil Moisture Detection Module
BME63M001 Arduino library for UART access to the BME63M001 that TDS Water Quality Detector Module
BME82M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BME82M131 that Ambient Light Detection Module
BMH06203 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMH06203/BMH63K203 that IR Temperature Module.
BMH08002-4 Arduino library for UART access to the BMH08002-4/BMH83M002 that Oximeter and Heart Rate Module
BMH12M105 Arduino library for I2C or UART access to the BMH12M105 that Weighing Module
BMH23M001 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMH23M001 that 24-Bit ADC Module.
BMH23M002 Arduino library for I2C or SPI access to the BMH23M002 that 24-Bit ADC Module
BMK22M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK22M131 that Button-LED Module
BMK52M134 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK52M134 that 4-KEY Capacitive Touch Module
BMK52T016 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK52T016 that 16-Key Capacitive Touch Shield
BMK54T004 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK54T004 that Slide+4-Key Capacitive Touch Shield
BMK56T004 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK56T004 that Wheel+4-Key Capacitive Touch Shield
BML36M001 Arduino library for I2C access to the BML36M001 Laser Ranging Module
BMN31K522 Arduino library for UART access to the BMN31K522 Atomization Adapter Module
BMP73T102 Arduino library for the BMP73T102 that Dual-channel Motor Driver Shield
BMP73T104 Arduino library for the BMP73T104 that Four-channel Motor Driver Shield
BMP75M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMP75M131 that Relay Module
BMS26M833 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS26M833 that Infrared Thermopile Array Mdoule
BMS33M332 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS33M332 that Proximity&Light Mdoule
BMS36T001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMS36T001 that IR Proximity Sensing + Motor Driver Shield
BMS56M605 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS56M605 that Gyroscope&Acceleration Mdoule
BMS81M001 Arduino library for IIC access to the BMS81M001 that Wake On Shake Module
BMV23M001 Arduino library for IIC access to the BMV23M001 that Sound Detector module
BMV36T001 Arduino library for SPI access to the BMV36T001 that Record and Playback Shield
ButtonKing Arduino libary for improving the usage of a singe input button.
CHx01 Allow to read ultrasound data from Invensense CH101, or CH201 devices, detects targets and computes range.
cQueue Queue handling library (written in plain c)
CIE-PN532 Arduino library for SPI access to the Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE) with the PN532 NFC reader
CmdParser A simple and most powerfull cmd parser with small memory footprint
CRC Simula Arduino IDE Library Support Library for Chicago Robotics Simula Boards.
CRC VCNL4200 Library Library for control of the Vishay VCNL4200 proximity and ambient light sensor package. Now includes limited interrupt support.
debounce A library for button debouncing.
Dictionary A dictionary data type with a fast b-tree based search
digitalWriteFast Fast pin access for AVR microcontrollers
DMXSerial Enables DMX communication using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards.
DMXSerial2 Enables building DMX/RDM devices using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards UNO, Leonardo, Mega.
DU-INO DU-INO base Arduino library.
eFlexPwm Arduino eFlexPwm library for Teensy 4.x
EERAM_47XXX A library to work with Microchip 47XXX EERAM ICs
EspBootstrap Library helps bring new esp devices online and connected into ecosystem
ESPPerfectTime SNTP library that provides more accurate time for ESP8266/ESP32.
Exosite Easily interface with Exosite's device HTTP API.
FatFs FAT file system based on open-source FatFS solution.
GDXLib A library for educators to communicate with a Vernier Go Direct device via Bluetooth® Low Energy.
GroPointModbus Arduino library for communication with GroPoint soil moisture sensors via Modbus.
Helium Arduino library for the Helium Atom module
HomeDing Building Internet Things made easy.
HP03S A library that makes it easy to use the HP03S-sensor.
HUSB238 Driver library for the HUSB238 USB-PD IC
I2C Temperature Sensors derived from the LM75 Support for I²C digital temperature sensors derived from the LM75.
ICM42670P Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM42670P Invensence IMU device.
ICM42670S Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM42670S Invensence IMU device.
ICM45605 Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM45605 Invensence IMU device.
ICM45686 Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM45686 Invensence IMU device.
ICP101xx Allows to read pressure and temperature data from an ICP101xx Invensense pressure sensor (ICP10100, ICP10125,...) and estimates altitude or depth.
ICP201xx Allows to read pressure and temperature data from an ICP201xx Invensense pressure sensor (ICP20100,...) and estimates altitude or depth.
ICUX0201 Allow to read ultrasound data from Invensense ICU10201, ICU20201 or ICU30201 devices, detects targets and computes range.
IonDB A powerful key-value store for all data storage needs.
KellerModbus Arduino library for communication with Keller pressure and water level sensors via Modbus.
KS0108_GLCD Arduino driver library for KS0108 GLCD monochrome display
libCBOR A CBOR (RFC 7049) processing library.
Linear Position Control Position controllers for linear actuators with low-cost components.
LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 A library for driving LiquidCrystal displays (LCD) by using the I2C bus and an PCF8574 I2C adapter.
Liquid Handling Robotics Liquid handling robotics kit: low-level control software.
LP50XX Library for interaction with the LP5009 and LP5012 LED driver
Magellan_BC95 AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Magellan_BC95_lite AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Magellan_SIM7020E AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Modbus-Arduino A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-Esp8266AT A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-EtherCard A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-Ethernet A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-Radio A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-Serial A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
MOREbot Games Library MOREbot Games Kit Utilities Library
MOREbot Library MOREbot Controller Library
MPL3115A2_Arduino An library for NXP MPL3115A2
OneButton Arduino library for improving the usage of a singe input button.
OtD Library Support library for OtomaDUINO boards
pImpl pImpl Idiom in C++
PCA9622 Library for interaction with the PCA9622 LED Driver
PersistentQueue Implementation of a queue that persists messages to flash.
Pico-DMX DMX protocol library for the RaspberryPi Pico
PicoDVI - Adafruit Fork Arduino library for RP2040 DVI output, based on PicoDVI
Pictiva OS288048 Library for OSRAM Pictiva OS288048 displays.
PL_microEPD A Universal Hardware Library for 1.1”, 1.4", 2.1" and 3.1" E-Paper displays(EPDs) from Plastic Logic based on UC8156 driver IC.
precise_sntp This library is an implementation of the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTPv4) for the arduino platform providing sub-second precision.
PxMatrix-1R PxMatrix 1R LED MATRIX library for ESP8266, ESP32 and ATMEL
PxMatrix LED MATRIX library PxMatrix LED MATRIX library for ESP8266, ESP32 and ATMEL
PyArduinoDebug A library enabling USB-based debugging.
Queue Queue handling library.
QZQSM QZSS DC Report Service Decode Library
RAKwireless_SDI-12 Arduino Library for RAK13010 SDI-12 module.
Radio Library for controlling FM radio receiver chips.
SDI-12 An Arduino library for SDI-12 communication with a wide variety of environmental sensors.
Sensirion Core Library containing code base for Sensirion Sensor Libraries.
Sensirion Gadget BLE Arduino Lib Library for BLE communication between BLE Gadgets and the MyAmbience app.
Sensirion Gas Index Algorithm Library for gas index algorithm to use with Sensirion sensors
Sensirion I2C SFx6xxx Library for the SFX6XXX sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SCD30 Library for the SCD30 sensor by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SCD4x Library for the SCD4X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SDP Library for the SDP sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SEN44 Library for the SEN44 sensor module family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SEN5X Library for the SEN5X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SF06-LF Library for the SF06-LF sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SFA3x Library for the SFA3X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SFM-SF06 Library for the SFM-SF06 sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SFM3000 Library for the SFM3000 sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SGP40 Library for the SGP40 sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SGP41 Library for the SGP41 sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SHT3x Library for the SHT3X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SHT4x Library for the SHT4X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C STC3x Library for the STC3X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C STS3x Library for the STS3X sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C STS4x Library for the STS4x sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion I2C SVM4x Library for the SVM4x evaluation kit board by Sensirion.
Sensirion UART SFx6xxx Library for the SFX6XXX sensor family by Sensirion
Sensirion UART Svm4x Library for the SVM4Xsensor by Sensirion
Sensirion UPT BLE Auto Detection Automatically detects Sensirion Gadgets via Bluetooth and reads out measurement data.
Sensirion UPT Core Library for definitions and configurations used by other Sensirion Unified Prototyping Toolkit (UPT) libraries.
Sensirion UPT I2C Auto Detection Automatically detects Sensirion Sensors on an I2C bus and reads out measurement data.
SensorModbusMaster Arduino library for communicating via modbus with the Arduino acting as master
SeqButton Sequential Button Arduino Library
SeqTimer Small piece of sequential Timer class (does not modify hw timers)
SerialCommands An Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
SerialTerminal Arduino Hardware Serial Terminal
SFFS Arduino FRAM file system for I2C/SPI FRAM breakout boards
SHTC3 Soldered Library Library for controling SHTC3 sensor with EasyC comunication
SimpleControl A library to control Simple DC-motors.
SimplyAtomic A library for creating portable atomic blocks within your program
SoftModem Audio Jack Modem Library for Arduino.
SoftSPIB Software SPI class for Arduino with support of not 8-bit aligned transfers.
Soldered SIM7020 NB-IoT Library SIM7020 NB-IoT Soldered library
SoracomArcESP32 A utility library to use/bootstrap Soracom Arc easily on ESP32 Arduino boards.
spaiot-lib Supervision and Control library for Intxx PxxxSPA with an ESP8266 or ESP32
StaticSerialCommands An Arduino library for parsing commands received over a serial port.
STM32duino FP_Examples Provides several Function Packs that combine the usage of several X-NUCLEO boards
STM32duino IIS2DLPC High Performance Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer.
STM32duino ISM330DHCX High-Performance 3D digital accelerometer and 3D digital gyroscope.
STM32duino LIS2DU12 Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer.
STM32duino LIS2DUXS12 Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer.
STM32duino LPS22DF Nano pressure sensor.
STM32duino LSM6DSO16IS Ultra Low Power inertial measurement unit.
STM32duino LSM6DSV16X Ultra Low Power inertial measurement unit.
STM32duino M95640-R This library includes drivers for ST M95640-R EEPROM.
STM32duino Proximity Gesture Allows performing simple gestures detection using proximity sensors
STM32duino S2-LP This library includes drivers for ST S2-LP sub-1GHz transceiver.
STM32duino SHT40-AD1B Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature.
STM32duino STEVAL-MKBOXPRO-Audio PCM recording using digital microphone MP23DB01HP on STEVAL-MKBOXPRO.
STM32duino STEVAL-MKBOXPRO-Examples Examples to use MEMS sensors and NFC tag on STEVAL board
STM32duino VL53L1 Allows controlling the VL53L1 (Time-of-Flight)
STM32duino VL53L1X Allows controlling the VL53L1X (Time-of-Flight and gesture detection sensor)
STM32duino VL53L3CX Allows controlling the VL53L3CX (Time-of-Flight ranging sensor with multi target detection)
STM32duino VL53L4CD Allows controlling the VL53L4CD (Time-of-Flight)
STM32duino VL53L4CX Allows controlling the VL53L4CX (Time-of-Flight ranging sensor with multi target detection)
STM32duino VL53L4ED Allows controlling the VL53L4ED (Time-of-Flight)
STM32duino VL53L5CX Allows controlling the VL53L5CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view)
STM32duino VL53L7CH Allows controlling the VL53L7CH (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view)
STM32duino VL53L7CX Allows controlling the VL53L7CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view)
STM32duino VL53L8CH Allows controlling the VL53L8CH (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view)
STM32duino VL53L8CX Allows controlling the VL53L8CX (Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with wide field view)
STM32duino VL6180 Allows controlling the VL6180 (proximity sensor)
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 Allows controlling the VL53L0X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L0A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 Allows controlling the VL53L1X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L1A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 Allows controlling the VL53L1 sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L1A2
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 Allows controlling the VL53L3CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L3A2
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A1 Allows controlling the VL53L4CD sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A2 Allows controlling the VL53L4CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A2
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L4A3 Allows controlling the VL53L4ED sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L4A3
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 Allows controlling the VL53L5CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L5A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L7A1 Allows controlling the VL53L7CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L7A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 Allows controlling the VL53L8CX sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L8A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-6180A1 Allows controlling the VL6180 sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-6180A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 Allows controlling the VL6180X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-6180XA1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 Allows controlling the X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 (GNSS expansion board based on Teseo LIV3F)
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IHM15A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM15A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Allows controlling the ST Microelectronics X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Expansion Board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 Audio Digital microphone IMP34DT05.
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Allows controlling the ST Microelectronics X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Expansion Board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-NFC07A1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC07A1 expansion board
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-S2868A1 Allows controlling the S2-LP radio on board of X-NUCLEO-S2868A1
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 Allows controlling the S2-LP radio on board of X-NUCLEO-S2868A2
STM32duino X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 Allows controlling the S2-LP radio on board of X-NUCLEO-S2915A1
TaskScheduler Cooperative multitasking for Arduino, ESPx, STM32 and other microcontrollers.
TI TCA9548A Support for the TI TCA9584A Low-Voltage 8-Channel I2C Switch with Reset.
tiny-collections Lightweight, compact templated collections classes.
TopView NBduino Library Arduino library for the TopView NBduino shield
Trill A library for using the Trill family of capacitive sensors.
Tsunami Library for interfacing with the Tsunami's hardware peripherals.
uiwidgets A library for drawing graphical user interfaces via the TFT_eSPI library.
UpbeatLabs MCP39F521 Library for Dr. Wattson Energy Monitoring Board using Microchip MCP39F521
UTF8 Print AdaGfx Extends Adafruit GFX library family for printing UTF8 chara code
VirtualTherm Calculates RTD thermometers' resistance for given temperatures.
VL53L1X_ULD Library for interaction with the time of flight sensor VL53L1X