Alorium Technology

Alorium Technology
Eau Claire, WI


evo_bsp Evo BSP components
evo_build_template Evo Build Template
evo_pmux_csr Evo PMUX CSR
evo_servo Evo Servo
UbidotsXLR8 Ubidots library for an XLR8 board with a WINC1500
XLR8ADC Arduino library to take advantage of XLR8 ADC performance.
XLR8AddrPack Arduino header file defining addresses common to the XLR8 family.
XLR8BuildTemplate Template for building custom designs for XLR8
XLR8Core OpenXLR8 Core components
XLR8DMem Access library for XLR8 DMem XB
XLR8DigitalIO Arduino library for access to the extra pins available on an XLR8 Snō.
XLR8Float Arduino library for hardware accelerated floating point math.
XLR8HardwareSerial Library to access UART XBs.
XLR8Info Arduino library for identifying features of XLR8 product
XLR8LFSR Simple LFSR example on the XLR8 FPGA.
XLR8NeoPixel Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
XLR8PID Arduino library for hardware accelerated PID control.
XLR8Pong Pong game using the FPGA logic. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board.
XLR8PWM OpenXLR8 implementation of PWM
XLR8Quadrature Arduino library for hardware accelerated quadrature encoder control.
XLR8RC Captures outputs from an RC receiver (the signals that go to servos) and outputs a 16 bit integer representing the pulse width (in microseconds)
XLR8Servo Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board.
XLR8SPI Library to use SPI interfaces through SPI XBs.
XLR8USB USB FullSpeed (Mouse) host interface
XLR8Wire Library to access I2C XBs.