AmperkaFET |
Allows to control the power switches through the output shift register. |
Octofet |
Amperka Octofet board (eight-channel power switch) interface library. |
TroykaAccelerometer |
Allows you to read data from the analog accelerometer ADXL335. |
TroykaDHT |
Allows you to read the temperature and humidity from the DHT series sensors. |
TroykaGPS |
Allows you to read data from the GPS/GLONASS sensor module. |
TroykaI2CHub |
Allows you to control 8-channel I²C-bus multiplexer PCA9547. |
Troyka-IMU |
Arduino library for Amperka IMU-sensor. |
TroykaLight |
Allows you to read the Illuminance from the light sensor (GL5528). |
TroykaThermometer |
Allows you to read the temperature from the TMP36 sensor. |