Simone Salerno

Simone Salerno


EloquentArduino An eloquent interface to common Arduino patterns, data structures and algorithms
EloquentEsp32cam Use your Esp32-cam like an expert
EloquentRTLS RTLS (Real Time Location System) for Arduino and ESP32
EloquentSurveillance Esp32-cam surveillance system, batteries included
EloquentTensorFlowCortexM An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers for Cortex-M chipset
EloquentTensorFlow32 An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers for ESP32 chipset
EloquentTinyML An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers
EloquentVision Image processing datatypes and algorithms for Arduino and Esp32
Eloquent_EdgeImpulse Easy Edge Impulse integration
eloquent_remote Access your ESP32 camera stream from anywhere in the world
tflm_cortexm TensorFlow for ARM Cortex-M
tflm_esp32 TensorFlow for ESP32