Rob Tillaart

Rob Tillaart
Gemert Netherlands


74HC138 Arduino library for the 74HC138 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer.
74HC154 Arduino library for the 74HC154 4 to 16 line decoder/demultiplexer.
A1301 Arduino library for A1301 et al magnetometer.
ACD10 Arduino library for the ACD10 CO2 sensor.
ACS712 ACS712 library for Arduino.
AD5144A Arduino Library for AD5144A 4 Channel digital potentiometer.
AD520X Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers
AD524X Arduino Library for AD524X
AD5245 Arduino Library for AD5245 digital potentiometer.
AD5246 Arduino Library for AD5246, I2C 128 step rheostat.
AD5248 Library for I2C digital potentiometer AD5243 and rheostat AD5248
AD5263 Library to control digital potentiometer AD5263 and compatibles.
AD56X8 Arduino library for AD56X8, SPI 8 channel Digital Analog Convertor.
AD568X Arduino library for AD568X series Digital Analog Convertor.
AD5680 Arduino library for AD5680 Digital Analog Convertor (18 bit).
AD9833 Arduino library for AD9833 function generator. Supports hardware SPI and software SPI.
AD985X Arduino library for AD9850 and AD9851 function generators. Supports both hardware SPI as software SPI.
ADC08XS Arduino library for ADC08XS 8, 10, 12 bit ADC (SPI), 2 or 4 channel.
ADC081S Arduino library for ADC081S 8 bit ADC (SPI).
ADG725 Arduino library for ADG725 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer.
ADG726 Arduino library for ADG726 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer.
ADG728 Arduino Library for I2C ADG728 matrix switch. 1x8 Multiplexer.
ADG729 Arduino Library for I2C ADG729 matrix switch. 2x4 Multiplexer.
ADG731 Arduino library for ADG731 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer.
ADG732 Arduino library for ADG732 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer.
Adler Arduino Library for calculating Adler-32 and Adler-16 checksum.
ADS1X15 Arduino library for ADS1015 - I2C 12 bit ADC and ADS1115 I2C 16 bit ADC
ADT7470 ADT7470 Library
AGS02MA Arduino library for AGS02MA - TVOC sensor
AM2315 Arduino library for I2C AM2315 temperature and humidity sensor.
AM2315C Arduino library for I2C AM2315C temperature and humidity sensor.
AM232X Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor.
AnalogKeypad Arduino Library for (Robotdyn) 4x4 and 4x3 AnalogKeypad
AnalogPin Arduino Library for AnalogPin
AnalogUVSensor AnalogUVSensor library for Arduino.
Angle Library to convert between floating point angle to minutes hours representation.
AngleConvertor Library to convert between different less known angle formats.
ANSI Arduino library to send ANSI escape sequences.
AS5600 Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L magnetic rotation meter.
AsyncAnalog Arduino Library for async reading of an analog pin
AtomicWeight Arduino library for atomic weights, calculate massPercentage of elements in a formula.
AverageAngle Arduino library to calculate correctly the average of multiple angles.
AvrHeap Library to runtime analyse the structure of the heap (AVR 328).
BH1750FVI_RT Arduino library for BH1750FVI (GY-30) lux sensor
BitArray Arduino library for compact array of objects with a size expressed in bits.
bitHelpers Arduino library with functions on bit level
BoolArray Arduino library for compact array of booleans of max size 2000 (UNO).
CHT8305 Arduino library for CHT8305 temperature and humidity sensor.
CHT8310 Arduino library for CHT8310 temperature and humidity sensor.
Complex Arduino library for Complex math.
Correlation Arduino Library to determine correlation between X and Y dataset
CountDown Arduino library to implement a CountDown clock in SW.
Cozir Arduino library for COZIR range of CO2 sensors. Polling mode only.
CRC Library for CRC for Arduino
currency Arduino library to help formatting integers as currency e.g. $ 1.000.000,00.
DAC8550 Arduino library for DAC8550 SPI DAC Digital Analog Convertor
DAC8551 Arduino library for DAC8501, DAC8531, DAC8550 and DAC8551 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8552 Arduino library for DAC8532 and DAC8552 SPI Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8554 Arduino library for DAC8534 and DAC8554 SPI Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8571 Arduino library for DAC8571 16 bit DAC.
dateTimeHelpers Arduino library with date and time helper functions.
DEVFULL Arduino library for a /dev/full stream
DEVNULL Arduino library for a /dev/null stream
DEVRANDOM Arduino library to wrap a random generator in a stream
DHTlib AVR Optimized Library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor on AVR only.
DHTStable Stable version of library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor
DHT12 Arduino library for I2C DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor.
DHT20 Arduino library for I2C DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor.
DHT2pin Experimental version of the DHT library, using 2 data pins instead of 1.
DHTINT Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor. Integer only to save footprint.
DHTNEW Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor, with automatic sensortype recognition.
DistanceTable Library for a memory efficient DistanceTable for Arduino.
DMM DMM (digital multimeter) library for Arduino.
DRV8825 Arduino library for DRV8825 stepper motor driver.
DS18B20_int Library for DS18B20 restricted to a single sensor per pin.
DS18B20_RT Arduino library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor.
DS1821 Arduino library for DS1821 temperature sensor
DS2401 Library for 1-Wire DS2401 UID restricted to a single device per pin.
DS2438 Library for DS2438 1-Wire battery monitor. One device per pin.
DS28CM00 Arduino library for I2C DS28CM00 unique identification chip.
DS3232 Arduino library for I2C DS3232 RTC (minimalistic).
ellipse Arduino library for ellipse class
FastMap Library with fast map function for Arduino.
FastShiftIn Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftIn - e.g. for 74HC165
FastShiftInOut Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftInOut (simultaneously)
FastShiftOut Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftOut - e.g. 74HC595
FastTrig Arduino library with interpolated lookup for sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2() and more.
fast_math Arduino library for fast math algorithms
FLE Arduino library for FLE = FLoat with Error datatype
Fletcher "Arduino Library for calculating Fletcher's checksum.
float16 Arduino library to implement float16 data type.
float16ext Arduino library to implement float16ext data type.
Fraction Arduino library to implement a Fraction datatype.
FRAM_I2C Arduino library for I2C FRAM for persistent storage.
FunctionGenerator Arduino library to generate wave forms (nummeric) for a DAC
GAMMA Arduino Library for the GAMMA function
Gauss Library for the Gauss probability math.
geomath Arduino library with geographic math functions.
GST Arduino library for Golden Standard Test, confusion matrix.
GY521 Arduino library for GY521 angle measurement
HC4051 Arduino library for a HC4051 1x8 channel multiplexer
HC4052 Arduino library for a HC4052 2 x 4 channel multiplexer
HC4053 Arduino library for a HC4053 3 x 2 channel multiplexer
HC4067 Arduino library for a HC4067 1 x 16 channel multiplexer
HeartBeat Arduino library for HeartBeat with frequency and duty cycle.
Histogram Arduino library for creating histograms math.
HMC6352 Experimental Arduino library for HMC6352 digital compass sensor
HT16K33 Arduino Library for HT16K33 I2C 4x7segment display
HX711 Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier
HX711_MP Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier.
I2CKeyPad Arduino library for 4x4 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8574.
I2CKeyPad8x8 Arduino library for a 8x8 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8575.
I2C_24LC1025 Library for 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM
I2C_ASDX Arduino library for I2C ASDX pressure sensor (Honeywell).
I2C_LCD Arduino library for I2C_LCD.
IEEE754tools Fast helper functions for IEEE754 floats.
INA219 Arduino library for INA219 voltage, current and power sensor.
INA226 Arduino library for INA226 power sensor
INA228 Arduino library for INA228 voltage, current and power sensor.
INA236 Arduino library for INA236 current and power sensor.
INA3221_RT Arduino library for the I2C INA3221 3 channel voltage and current sensor.
infiniteAverage Experimental Arduino Library to calculate a high precision average of many samples
integer24 integer24 types uint24_t and int24_t for Arduino.
Interval Arduino library for Interval data type.
Kelvin2RGB Arduino library for converting temperature to RGB values
KT0803 Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter.
Kurtosis Arduino library for calculating skewness and kurtosis of a dataset.
LineFormatter Wrapper class for Stream e.g. Serial to enhance layout of tabular data.
Logistic Arduino library to explore the logistic formula. (chaos, bifurcation)
LTC2991 Arduino library for LTC2991 temperature and voltage control IC
LTR390_DFR Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor (DF Robotics edition).
LTR390_RT Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor.
LUHN Arduino Library for calculating LUHN checksum.
M5ANGLE8 Arduino library for M5 8ANGLE 8x12 bit potentiometers.
M5ROTATE8 Arduino library for M5 8ROTATE 8x rotary encoders
M62429 Arduino library for M62429 volume control IC
map2bits Arduino library for mapping a float to a number of bits.
map2colour Arduino library for mapping a float to colour spectrum
MATRIX7219 Arduino Library for 8x8 LED MATRIX MAX7219, MAX7221.
MAX14661 Arduino library for MAX14661 16 channel I2C multiplexer
MAX31850 Arduino library for the MAX31850 thermocouple temperature sensor.
MAX31855_RT Arduino library for MAX31855 chip for K type thermocouple.
Max44007 Library for MAX44007 I2C LUX sensor Arduino.
Max44009 Library for MAX44009 I2C LUX sensor Arduino.
MAX471_RT Arduino library for MAX471 current sensor.
MAX520 Arduino library for MAX520 and MAX521 4/8 channel 8 bit DAC.
MAX6675 Arduino library for MAX6675 chip for K type thermocouple.
MCP23S08 Arduino library for SPI MCP23S08 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines
MCP23S17 Arduino library for SPI MCP23S17 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines
MCP23008 Arduino library for I2C MCP23008 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines
MCP23017_RT Arduino library for I2C MCP23017 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines
MCP3424 Arduino library for 18 bit ADC I2C MCP3424 et al.
MCP4261 Arduino library for MCP4261 SPI based digital potentiometers.
MCP4725 Arduino library for 12 bit I2C DAC - MCP4725
MCP9808_RT Arduino Library for I2C MCP9808 temperature sensor
MCP_ADC Arduino library for MCP_ADC, e.g. MCP3008 SPI 10 bit, 8 channel ADC
MCP_DAC Arduino library for Microchip SPI DAC, 8, 10, 12 bit; 1 or 2 channel.
MCP_POT Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers.
MHZCO2 Arduino Library for MHZ series CO2 sensors.
MiniMP3 Minimal MP3 DFURobotics library for Arduino.
MINMAX MINMAX library for Arduino.
ML8511 ML8511 - UV sensor - library for Arduino
moduloMap Arduino library for modulo mapping
MS5611 Arduino library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor
MS5611_SPI Arduino library (SPI) for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor
MS5837 Arduino library for MS5837 temperature and pressure sensor.
MSP300 Arduino Library for MSP300 pressure transducer (I2C).
MT8870 Arduino library for MT8870 DTMF decoder
MTP40C Arduino library for MTP40, MTP40C and MTP40D CO2 sensor
MTP40F Arduino library for MTP40F CO2 sensor
MultiMap Library for fast non-linear interpolation by means of two arrays.
Multiplex Arduino Library implementing a stream multiplexer
NeumannCorrector Arduino library for a NeumannCorrector. (randomizing streams of bits).
NibbleArray Library to implement a compact array of nibbles (4 bit).
optoma Arduino library to control Optoma W305ST beamer over RS232.
palindrome Palindrome library
PAR27979 Arduino library for Parallax 27979 serial LCD display.
ParallelPrinter Experimental (not complete) library to connect a parallel printer to Arduino.
PCA9549 Arduino Library for PCA9549 I2C octal bus switch.
PCA9551 Arduino library for PCA9551 I2C LED driver 8 channel
PCA9552 Arduino library for PCA9552 I2C LED driver 16 channel
PCA9553 Arduino library for PCA9553 I2C LED driver 4 channel
PCA9634 Arduino library for PCA9634 I2C LED driver 8 channel
PCA9635 Arduino library for PCA9635 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 8 bit.
PCA9685_RT Arduino library for PCA9685 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 12 bit.
PCF8575 Arduino library for PCF8575 - 16 channel I2C IO expander
PCF8591 PCF8591 library for Arduino. Supports multiple I2C WireN bus.
PCR Arduino library for PCR process control.
PERIPUMP Arduino library for peristaltic pump DFR0523 and compatibles.
PID_RT Arduino PID library
PinInGroup A class that groups input pins so they can be read in one logical step.
PinOutGroup A class that groups output pins so they can be updated easier and slightly faster on average.
PIR PIR library for Arduino.
Prandom Arduino library for random number generation with Python random interface.
pressure Arduino library for pressure conversion
PrintCharArray Library to capture prints into a char array.
printHelpers Arduino library to help formatting data for printing. 64 bit integers (base 10 and 16). Engineering and scientific notation.
PrintSize Library to determine size of a printed variable.
PrintString Library to capture prints into a String.
PT2314 Arduino library for PT2314 i2C 4 channel audio processor,
PulseDivider Arduino library to divide a pulse stream with a float factor.
PulsePattern Library to generate repeating pulse patterns. (AVR only)
RADAR Arduino library for a pan tilt radar.
RAIN Arduino library for FC-37 analog rain sensor and compatibles.
randomHelpers Arduino library with helper function for faster random bits
relativity library with relativity functions.
rotaryDecoder Arduino library for rotary decoder with a PCF8574.
rotaryDecoderSwitch Arduino library for rotary decoder + switch with a PCF8574.
RS485 RS485 library for Arduino.
RunAvgWeight Running Average with weight of N elements.
runningAngle Library to average angles by means of low pass filtering with wrapping.
RunningAverage The library stores the last N individual values in a circular buffer to calculate the running average.
RunningMedian The library stores the last N individual values in a buffer to select the median.
SET Arduino library to implement simple SET datastructure.
SGP30 Arduino library for SGP30 environment sensor.
SHEX Arduino library to generate hex dump over Serial
ShiftInSlow Arduino library for shiftIn with build-in delay - e.g. for 74HC165
ShiftOutSlow Arduino library for shiftOut with build-in delay - e.g. for 74HC165
SHT2x Arduino library for the I2C SHT20 SHT21 SHT25 series temperature and humidity sensor.
SHT31 Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor
SHT31_SW Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor
SHT31_SWW Arduino library for the I2C SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor
SHT85 Arduino library for the SHT85, SHT30, SHT31, SHT35 Sensirion temperature and humidity sensors and compatibles.
SIMON Arduino library to build the "Simon says" game or a digital lock.
Soundex "Arduino Library for calculating Soundex hash.
SparseArray Arduino library for sparse arrays of floats.
SparseMatrix Arduino library for sparse matrices.
SRF05 Arduino library for SRF05 distance sensor
statHelpers Arduino library with a number of statistic helper functions.
Statistic Library with basic statistical functions for Arduino.
StopWatch_RT Arduino Library implementing a stopwatch.
Student LArduino library for Student or T-distribution math.
SWSerialOut Arduino library for SWSerialOut, supports only data out (TX).
TCA9548 Arduino Library for TCA9548 I2C multiplexer and compatibles.
TCA9555 Arduino library for I2C TCA9555 16 channel port expander - 16 IO-lines
Temperature Library with weather and temperature conversion functions.
timing Arduino library with wrapper classes for seconds, millis and micros.
TinyKT0803 Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter.(tiny edition). Based upon KT0803.
tinySHT2x Arduino library for the SHT20, SHT21 and SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor. Optimized for AVR tiny.
TLC5917 Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers.
TLC5947 Arduino library for TLC5947 24 channel 12 bit PWM.
TM1637_RT TM1637 Library for Arduino.
TOPMAX Arduino library to track top n maxima.
TOPMIN Arduino library to track top n minima.
Troolean Arduino Library for a three state logic data type
TSL235R Library for the TSL235R light to frequency convertor.
TSL260R Arduino library for the TSL260R, TSL261R and TSL262R infrared to voltage convertor.
UUID Arduino library for generating UUID's. (experimental).
Vibration Arduino library for a vibration / tilt sensor.
VolumeConverter Arduino library to convert volume units.
WaterMix Arduino library for mixing water with different temperatures.
WaveMix Arduino library to mix two signals (A and B) with an adaptive weight.
weight Library of weight conversion functions
X9C10X Arduino Library for X9C10X series digital potentiometer.
XMLWriter Arduino library for creating XML