A list of the 684 libraries in the category Other.
107-Arduino-BoostUnits | Arduino library for providing boost::units for the Arduino platform. |
107-Arduino-CriticalSection | Arduino library for providing a consistent critical section interface over various Arduino platforms. |
107-Arduino-Cyphal-Support | Arduino library for providing a various support functions for building a full Cyphal compliant application. |
107-Arduino-Debug | Arduino library for providing convenient macros for printf-style debugging. |
107-Arduino-Servo-RP2040 | Hardware-PWM based servo signal generation for RP2040. |
107-Arduino-UniqueId | Arduino library for providing a unique 64-bit ID over various Arduino platforms. |
3BC Language Virtual Machine | 3BC Language Virtual Machine |
ADebouncer | Advanced Debouncer Library for Arduino. |
AUnit | A unit testing framework for Arduino platforms inspired by ArduinoUnit and Google Test. |
AccelStepperWithDistances | This library allows you work with the popular AccelStepper not with steps, but milimeter distances! |
AceCommon | Small low-level classes and functions for Arduino: incrementMod(), decToBcd(). strcmp_PP(), PrintStr, PrintStrN, printPad{N}To(), printIntAsFloat(), TimingStats, formUrlEncode(), FCString, KString, hashDjb2(), binarySearch(), linearSearch(), isSorted(), reverse(), and so on. |
AceRoutine | A low-memory, fast-switching, cooperative multitasking library using stackless coroutines on Arduino platforms. |
AceUtils | Useful Arduino utilities which are too small as separate libraries, but complex enough to be shared among multiple projects, and often have external dependencies to other libraries. |
AD9850SPI | Arduino SPI library for AD9850 |
Adafruit Circuit Playground | All in one library to control Adafruit's Circuit Playground board. |
Adafruit DAP library | Arduino library for DAP programming on ARM cortex microcontroller |
Adafruit Faux86 | Adafruit Faux86 |
Adafruit PixelDust | Arduino library for particle simulation |
Adafruit seesaw Library | This is a library for the Adafruit seesaw helper IC. |
Adafruit SleepyDog Library | Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep. |
Adafruit UNTZtrument | Adafruit UNTZtrument |
AFArray | Simple Array ADT for Arduino Framework with template. |
AgileStateMachine | Arduino/C++ library to simply and efficiently model and run a finite state machine |
AJSP | Another JSON Streaming Parser |
Akafugu Four Letter Word Library | Akafugu Four Letter Word Library |
ALA | Arduino Light Animation (ALA) library |
ALLBOT | The library for the ALLBOT modular robotic system. |
AnyRtttl | A feature rich arduino library for playing rtttl melodies. |
APSNode | Apogeo Space Library for IoT networking |
ArdBitmap | A library to compress and draw bitmaps on the Arduboy game system. |
ArdVoice | A library to play audio (voices) on the Arduboy game system. |
arduFPGA-app-common-arduino | The common libraries and drivers for arduFPGA development boards. |
ArduProf | A thin layer framework for developer to code inter-task communication by an event driven method, running on different RTOS. |
ArduZ80 | The first Z80 emulation library for Arduino. |
Arduboy | The Arduboy core library. |
ArduboyPlaytune | A library for playing musical scores and tones that is compatible with the Arduboy game system. |
ArduboyRaycast | A library for making raycasting games on Arduboy |
ArduboyTones | A library for playing a sequence of tones, intended for use with the Arduboy game system. |
Arduboy2 | An alternative library for use with the Arduboy game system. |
ArduinoComponents | A library for writing modern OO Arduino. |
ArduinoDMX | Control DMX lights with your Arduino. |
ArduinoFacil | Librería (más bien conjunto de macros) para facilitar el uso de Arduino en castellano para principiantes. |
arduino-fsm | A library for implementing a finite state machine |
ArduinoOTA | Upload sketch over network to Arduino board with WiFi or Ethernet libraries |
ArduinoSound | [EXPERIMENTAL] A simple way to play and analyze audio data using Arduino. |
ArduinoSTL | A port of uClibc++ Arduino library. |
ArduinoTrace | A dead-simple tracing library to debug your programs |
ArduinoUniqueID | Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller. |
ArduinoUnit | Flexible test framework for arduino projects. |
Arduino_AdvancedAnalog | Advanced Analog library for STM32H7 boards |
Arduino_AVRSTL | A port of ArduinoSTL Arduino library. |
Arduino_BuiltIn | Shell Arduino library to provide the standard built-in libraries |
Arduino_CMSIS-DSP | CMSIS-DSP library ported to arduino mbed cores. |
Arduino_JSON | [BETA] Process JSON in your Arduino sketches. |
Arduino_LowPowerPortentaC33 | Provides access to the low power functionality of the Renesas RA6M5 microcontroller used in the Portenta C33 Boards |
Arduino_PortentaBreakout | Arduino Library for Arduino Portenta Breakout Carrier |
Arduino_Pro_Tutorials | This library contains the complete Arduino sketches from the Pro Tutorials. |
Arduino_Threads | Easy multi-threading for your Mbed OS-based Arduino. |
ardukit | Foundation library toolkit for easier arduino programming |
array-helpers | Array helper classes and functions. |
ArrayUtils | Array utility functions for arduino. |
ArticulatedLib | Articulated Library |
AstroCalcs | Astronomy calculations library. |
AsyncSerial | Library that allow to recieve a serial port stream in a non blocking process |
AsyncServoLib | Library for non blocking controlling a servo |
AsyncSonar | Library for non blocking controlling a ultrasonic sensor like HC-SR04 |
AsyncStepperLib | AsyncStepper is a library for non blocking stepper motor control |
AsyncTask | Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Function Executor for All Arduino Like Platforms |
AsyncTaskLib | Library that implements a non blockin task |
Async TCP | Async TCP Library for ESP32 |
AsyncTimerLib | Simple non blocking timer with callback function |
ATD1.47-S3 Lib | Arduino library of ATD1.47-S3 |
AtrivaTECH PicUNO | Arduino library for programming PicUNO with device specific functions. |
attiny85FasterPin | "Library which lets you to control pins in more efficient way" |
AutoOTA | Library for checking OTA updates |
Automaton | A multi tasking table driven finite state machine framework |
Automaton-Esp8266 | Esp8266 State Machines for the Automaton Framework |
AVR-context | This library provides a low-level facility for context switching between multiple threads of execution and contains an implementation of asymmetric stackful coroutines on an AVR micro-controller. |
AvrHeap | Library to runtime analyse the structure of the heap (AVR 328). |
AvrTracing | The last hope for the desperate AVR programmer. A small (344 bytes) Arduino library to have real program traces and to find the place where your program hangs. |
AVRUtils | AVRUtils |
avr_stl | A port of ArduinoSTL Arduino library. |
Awesome | The library that supports the Awesome Shield PCB. |
AwesomeClickButton | Arduino awesome click button. |
Babelduino | A library that allows writing and highlighting code in local language. |
BanglaDuino | This library gives power to your Arduino to write in Bangla. |
Bas.CallbackCaller | A class that encapsulates the registering and calling of a callback function. |
base64_encode | Convert between binary and base64 encoded string. |
Basecamp | A basic IoT library for the ESP32 |
basicCalculus | Perform real-time 1D integration and differentiation |
BasicLinearAlgebra | A library for representing matrices and doing matrix math on arduino |
BatteryMeter | A library for reading a voltage from a battery and displaying the results. |
Battery Sense | Arduino battery sensing library |
bcl | A fork of Nayukis Bitcoin Cryptography Library. |
BeeDataLogger | Example libraries for the Bee Data Logger |
BeeMotionS3 | Example libraries for the Bee Motion S3 |
BeeS3 | Helper library for Bee S3 Board |
BirdhouseSDK | An Arduino library to easy control lots of relays effects, buttons with debouncer, analog indicators and more |
bitluni ESP32Lib | Multimedia library for the ESP32 |
Bleeper | A library to store generic configurations. |
BlinkSuite | A library for blinking pins on and off or in a sequence. |
BlueFairy | Task Scheduler, Keyboard Control, Machine State |
Bluebird | All in one library to control Teknikio's Bluebird board. |
Board Identify | An Arduino library which allows identification of over 100 different boards/controllers. |
BobaBlox | A library that makes it easy to code simple hardware interactions with the Arduino. |
BOF-Bling_On_ofF | Arduino library for playing with relay, LED, and other On/OFF. |
Bonezegei_A4988 | Stepper Motor Driver (A4988) |
Bonezegei_Compute | Bonezegei Compute (BZC) |
Bonezegei_DHT11 | DHT11 |
Bonezegei_DHT22 | DHT22 |
Bonezegei_DRV8825 | Stepper Motor Driver (DRV8825) |
Bonezegei_DS1307 | DS1307 Driver |
Bonezegei_DS3231 | DS3231 Driver |
Bonezegei_GSM | GSM Library via Serial Port |
Bonezegei_HCSR04 | Ultrasonic Sensor |
Bonezegei_List | Simple List Class |
Bonezegei_PCA9685 | I2C PWM Expander |
Bonezegei_PCF8574 | PCF8574 driver |
Bonezegei_Printf | Simple Printf |
Bonezegei_Search | Simple Array keyword Search |
Bonezegei_ULN2003_Stepper | Stepper Motor Driver Library |
Bonezegei_Utility | Simple Utility for Bonezegei Libraries |
Bonezegei_WS2812 | WS2812 |
Bonezegei_XPT2046 | Simple Library XPT2046 Resistive Touch Controller |
Bonezegei_XPT2046v2 | XPT2046 Driver |
Bootstrapper | A client library for MQTT messaging. |
BRAINZY | A library that makes coding user-friendly for programming robots. |
Brasilino | Biblioteca de tradução e facilitação de funções para Arduino em PT-BR |
Brief | A scriptable firmware and protocol for interfacing hardware. |
Brino | A biblioteca possibilita o uso de termos em portugues (Brino) para a programacao do arduino. |
BuzzerMelody | This library provides a simple solution for playing one or more melodies on piezoelectric passive buzzers using the arduino core tone function in a non-blocking way. |
Byteduino | A light implementation of Obyte cryptocurrency platform (formerly Byteball) for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
CAGEduino | Arduino library for CAGEduino board on CAGEBOT platform. |
Callables | General Callables API |
Callback | A simple implementation of Signals and Slots for writing more flexible callbacks |
CanSat Kit Library | Library for CanSat Kit. |
car robot vip | This Arduino library provides the car robot code. |
CarreraDigitalControlUnit | Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 interface library for Arduino and mbed OS |
CFSM | A State Design Pattern for State Machines in C-Language. |
cgnuino | Arduino library for behavioral task controls in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. |
CharDisplay | Library for unicode progress pars, bitmap drawing graphics and plots (charts) |
Charge n Boost | A library for the Charge 'n Boost lithium charger and usb booster |
Chronos | Easily manipulate date-times to perform scheduling, setup calendars and find points in time that are of interest. |
CircuitsFunBasic | Essential basic components library by CircuitsFun. |
CircuitsFunProjects | Beginner friendly projects and project libraries by CircuitsFun |
CircularBufferLib | CircularBuffer Library |
CJKit | Supporting Library for the CanSat Júnior Kit. |
ColorConverter | Color Converter Library |
CONTROLLINO | Support library for CONTROLLINO PLC boards |
CopyThreads | A lightweight threading library |
CountdownLib | Countdown Library |
CppComponentsLibrary | Components Library |
CppLinq | ArduinoLinq Library |
CPPTasks | A simple hardware agnostic library written in C++11 implementing coroutines/state machines |
Cpp_Standard_Library | 将C++标准库移植到 Arduino。支持C++11~17。Porting the C++ standard library to Arduino. Support C++11~17. |
CraftConnect_ESP8266 | Библиотека для приложения CraftConnect. |
CreativeRobotix | Creative Robotix library for Codee. |
Crypto | Rhys Weatherley's arduinolibs Crypto library. |
CryptoAuthLib | MicroChip CryptoAuthLib with Arduino support |
CST816S | Capacitive touch screen library |
CST816_TouchLib | A CST816 touch and gesture library, tested using the LilyGO T-Display ESP32-S3 and T-Display S3 AMOLED. Includes gestures. Includes a rudimentary GUI registration method to aid support for buttons. |
cst816t | cst816t capacitive touch screen |
CTC GO CORE | All in one library containing examples from lessons and projects for CTC GO! Core Module |
CTC GO MOTIONS | All in one library containing examples from lessons and projects for CTC GO! Motions Expansion |
custom_PortentaBreakout | Library for Arduino Portenta Breakout Carrier modified by alessandromrc (Alessandro Marcon) |
dbg-trace | Debug Trace component for Embedded Applications - Debug and Trace Log message system based on trace ports with adjustable levels. |
DCCEXProtocol | DCC-EX Native Protocol implementation |
DCS-BIOS | Connect input and output devices to the DCS: World flight simulator using DCS-BIOS. |
ddns-nightly | Official nightly duinodns (ddns) builds |
DDSM115 | An Arduino library for control DDSM115 Wheels through RS485. |
DeadReckoning-library | Uses wheel encoder data on a differential drive robot to estimate position. |
DebounceFilterLib | DebounceFilter Library |
debug-cli | Debug CLI for Embedded Applications - Command Line Interface for debugging and testing based on an object oriented tree structure. |
debuggery | A helper library for getting information (including an assert and print macros) from Arduino including the Esp32 via the usual serial port. |
DecodeIR | A library for decoding IR signals. |
DeepSleepScheduler | Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision. |
Deneyap Renk Donusturme | Arduino library to change colors between different systems |
Derivs_Limiter | This library can be used to limit the first and second derivative of a variable as it approaches a target value. |
Dev Device Pins | Pin definition header files for Arduino Dev Devices |
DEVTAGLibIA | Artificial Intelligence Library for Arduino IDE. |
Devuino | A device library for Arduino and other -inos |
DFRobot_DF1101S | record audio and play audio(SKU:DFR0745). |
DFRobot_DF1201S | This module is a conversion board, which can drive DF1201S DFPlayer PRO MP3 through I2C. |
DFRobot_DF2301Q | This is the library to drive the offline voice recognition module(SKU: SEN0539). |
DFRobot_LPUPS | A library designed for LPUPS.(SKU: DFR0682). |
DFRobot_PN532 | this is a module that reads data from NFC tags. |
DFRobot_RGBButton | This is a Library for RGBButton(SKU: DFR0991). |
DFRobot_VoiceRecorder | DFRobot Standard library. |
digitalWriteFast | Fast pin access for AVR microcontrollers |
DiodeIoT_SI-1104 | SI-1104 library for Espressif MCUs |
DiodeIoT_SI-1108 | SI-1108 library for Espressif MCUs |
DiodeIoT_SI-1116 | SI-1116 library for Espressif MCUs |
directTimers | Library for advanced hardware timers control |
DoubleEMAFilterLib | DoubleEMAFilter Library |
DovesLapTimer | A simple lap-timing library centered around GPS data |
DS1307 | DS1307 Driver for Arduino boards including RP2040 |
DU-INO | DU-INO base Arduino library. |
DualSenseController | Library to use DualSense Controller based on USB Host Shield Library 2.0. |
Dump | AVR dump RAM and Flash |
DunogeonENG | Arduino library for a mini D&D Game (it's a part of a bigger project). |
DunogeonFR | Cette librairie est un simulateur de donjon (une partie isolée d un projet plus grand). |
Dusk2Dawn | Get estimate time of sunrise and sunset given a set of coordinates. |
eBoard shackle the Arduino | All in one library to run qfixSoccerBoard code on the Arduino |
eFLL | eFLL (Embedded Fuzzy Logic Library). |
EMoRo 2560 | EMoRo 2560 library includes all specific libraries and examples for EMoRo 2560 controller. |
EasyCommaLib | EasyComma is a light library that implements funtions for easily parse comma separed arrays |
EasyStringStream | A library for string creation without std:: overhead |
EasyingLib | Arduino library that implements easing functions for smooth property value change transitions |
EduBox | A library for eduBox modules. |
EduIntro | Library used for super-fast introduction workshops |
EduShield-2 Library | Arduino Library for the Edu-Shield 2 by JustPlay Software (www.justplaysoftware.com). |
EducationShield | Library used for the completion of all the projects related to CTC |
EEPROMWearLevel | EEPROMWearLevel reduces EEPROM wear by writting a new value to an other EEPROM location. |
EiMOS | Versatile Mahjong Scorer |
EiMOS_U8X8 | Versatile Mahjong Scorer with U8G2 Displays |
ElectronicsEducation | Arduino libraries and educational materials for workshop |
electuno | Electuno library, simulates vintage organ sound type Electone or Hammond. |
elk | Tiny JavaScript Engine |
Elog | The ultimate logger for ESP32 |
EloquentArduino | An eloquent interface to common Arduino patterns, data structures and algorithms |
EloquentEsp32cam | Use your Esp32-cam like an expert |
EloquentRTLS | RTLS (Real Time Location System) for Arduino and ESP32 |
EloquentSurveillance | Esp32-cam surveillance system, batteries included |
EloquentTensorFlowCortexM | An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers for Cortex-M chipset |
EloquentTensorFlow32 | An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers for ESP32 chipset |
EloquentTinyML | An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers |
EloquentVision | Image processing datatypes and algorithms for Arduino and Esp32 |
Eloquent_EdgeImpulse | Easy Edge Impulse integration |
eloquent_remote | Access your ESP32 camera stream from anywhere in the world |
Embedded Template Library ETL | ETL. A C++ template library tailored for embedded systems. |
EmbeddedUtils | collections of utility headers for embedded c++ |
Embedis | An Embedded Dictionary Server. |
EmotiBit EmojiLib | Library to draw Emoji when using EmotiBit with appropriate Feather Wings |
EmotiBit KTD2026 | Library for controlling KTD2026 led driver and its variants |
EmotiBit XPlat Utils | A Utilities Library required for the successfull operation of EmotiBit FeatherWing and EmotiBit Oscilloscope Library |
Emulation | A comprehensive mocking framework for seamless unit testing in PlatformIO. |
Energia-EBP_MKII | Educational BoosterPack MKII examples from Energia application. |
Energia-MultiTas | MultiTasking examples from Energia application. |
EnergyBoard | Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard |
ENGR100-950 | UMich ENGR 100-950 Library |
ENGR100-980 | UMich ENGR 100-980 Library |
ERO | A library make learning basic robotic easier. |
ESPxRGB | RGB manipulation functions in Xtensa assembler for ESP SoCs |
EscapeAutomate | EscapeAutomate Library |
Escornabot-lib | Escornabot library for Arduino. |
Escornabot-Library | Librería para Escornabot |
ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer | Simple/Stylized HTTP Update Server for ESPAsyncWebServer(by me-no-dev) |
ESP Async WebServer | Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for ESP32, ESP8266 and RP2040 |
ESPAutoWifi | Auto Connect WiFi for ESP32 Board. |
EspBootstrap | Library helps bring new esp devices online and connected into ecosystem |
esp-brookesia | ESP-Brookesia is a human-machine interaction development framework designed for AIoT devices. |
ESPDateTime | Date Time Functions and Classes for ESP8266 and ESP32 |
ESPFlash | Lightweight library that makes SPIFFs usage simple and easy to understand on the ESP8266 and ESP32. |
esp-iot-core | A framework to implement IoT devices/gateways based on the ESP8266/ESP32 hardware. |
esp-lib-utils | esp-lib-utils is a library designed for ESP SoCs to provide utility functions, including logging, checking, and memory. |
ESP Rotary | ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values. |
EspSaveCrash | Automatically saves exception details and stack trace to flash in case of ESP8266 crash. |
ESPSerialFlasher | [EXPERIMENTAL] Flash the WiFiNiNa module on your arduino nano 33 iot |
ESPStringTemplate | Lightweight string templating library for building static web pages on the ESP8266 |
ESP Telnet | ESP8266/ESP32 library that allows you to setup a telnet server. |
esp32-flashz | ESP32-FlashZ arduino library |
ESP32Logger | Logger for ESP32 for debugging C++-code |
ESP32Logger2 | Logger for ESP32 for debugging C++-code |
ESP32MotorControl | Motor control using ESP32 MCPWM |
ESP32_Button | ESP32_Button is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of ADC/GPIO button functionality on ESP SoCs. |
ESP32_Display_Panel | ESP32_Display_Panel is a library designed for ESP SoCs to drive display panels and facilitate rapid GUI development. |
ESP32_IO_Expander | ESP32_IO_Expander is a library designed for driving IO expander chips using ESP SoCs |
ESP32_Knob | ESP32_Knob is a library designed for driving encoders using ESP SoCs |
ESP32_RTC_EEPROM | EEPROM emulation that stores in RTC RAM. Survives deep sleep, but not reset or power loss. |
ESP32_USB_STREAM | ESP32_USB_STREAM is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of USB stream functionality on ESP SoCs. |
ESP32_VS1053_Stream | This is a Arduino IDE library for playing mp3, aac and flac/ogg local files and online streams with a vs1053 decoder. |
ESP32softPWM | Easily implement software PWM |
ESP8266AutoWifi | Auto Connect WiFi for ESP8266 Board. |
ESP8266RTTTLPlus | An RTTTL parsing and playing library. |
ESP8266Scheduler | ESP8266 Co-operative Multitasking |
Eventfun | Basic building blocks for event-driven Arduino sketches. |
Eventually | Event-based programming library for Arduino |
EventuallyCommand | Trigger Eventually event from a serial command |
EventuallyStateMachine | Extends Eventually with a state machine |
Eventually2 | Event-based programming library for Arduino |
evo_bsp | Evo BSP components |
evo_build_template | Evo Build Template |
ExtFlashLoader | Downloads application binary to external flash memory connected to ATSAMD51 MCU and run it. |
extendFor | Add and subtract from 0 to 10 in 2 steps each. |
EzArduino | A library that makes coding wtih Arduino easier by providing simple OOP based components |
FabGL | ESP32 VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306 ILI9341 ST7789 Controller, PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal |
FancyTerminal | FancyTerminal - A serial console beautifier |
FCWRobot_Model2 | The library array that is needed for the FCW Robot Model2. |
Finite-State | Finite-State Machine (FSM) for Arduino. |
FixedString | A stack based fixed string class |
FlexiPlot Arduino Library | Arduino library for FlexiPlot. |
fmt | Port of the {fmt} library to Arduino |
FOR_MACRO | For macro library |
FPGAArcade Replay MKR Vidor 4000 | Enables access to FPGAArcade Replay cores on the MKR Vidor 4000. |
FTServo | FEETECH BUS Servo library for Arduino and ESP32 |
FTTech Aqualabo Sensors | Aqualabo Sensor Library for Arduino, using ArduinoModbus through RS485 |
FTTech LoRaWAN | Arduino IDE Library to make our SAMD51 interface with RAK811 20 pin click easier to use. |
FTTech SAMD51 Clicks | Arduino IDE Library to make our SAMD51 easier to use. |
FTTech Swarm | Arduino IDE Library to make our SmartNode Swarm easier to use. |
FunctionFsm | A library that simplifies the creation of finite state machines and streamlines the process of turning state diagrams into code.. |
Functional-Vlpp | Provides function templates to better support C++ functional programming across platforms. |
Functor | Callbacks in C++ using template functors. |
FVS | Beinhaltet die Funktionen portMode, portWrite, portRead. |
GadgetBox | Enclosure and Universal Hardware for IoT Gadgets. |
Gadgetron Libraries | Collection of Libraries for the Gadgetron software. |
GameBoyShield | AbenoGameBoyShield, GameBoy Shield |
Gamer | A library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Technology Will Save Us. |
GamerIR | Infrared communication library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Tech Will Save Us |
GammaCorrectionLib | GammaCorrection Library |
Geekble_MotorOrgel | Library for play music on Motors |
Geekble_Note2Freq | Library for easy convertion of musical note to frequency. |
generic-Arduino | Generic Arduino Headers, to increase compatibility of code. |
GenericMotorDriver | Generic library for controlling PWM, brushed DC motor drivers. |
Generic-Queue | Generic Queue Library for Arduino. |
geomath | Arduino library with geographic math functions. |
Geometry | A library for representing where things are in relation to other things in 3D space |
GigaAudio | An Arduino library to play WAV files on an Arduino Giga R1. |
GigaScope | A library allowing you to use your Arduino as a basic osciloscope. |
GLEE2023 | This library is for the Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone mission, which will provide accessible opportunities for students to directly participate in Lunar exploration. |
GMSN Pure Digit | This library is used to control the GMSN! Pure Digit. |
GoWired-lib | Common libraries used by GoWired software. |
gob_unifiedButton | Add touch buttons for CoreS3 / Tough and commonality with conventional buttons (M5.BtnX) |
GoogleCalendarClient | Google Calendar API for Arduino |
GoogleSchedular | Arduino Library for reading events title from a Google Calendar |
GPIOViewer | Web Application to view GPIO pins live! |
Gravitone | Drivers for the Gravitone: a spatial synthesizer. |
GrayCode | Arduino library for decoding Gray Code encoders. |
GyverGFX | Fast GFX library for displays and matrixes |
GyverPower | Library for power management of AVR |
GyverWDT | Advanced WDT control library for ATmega328p/32U4/2560 & ATtiny85/84/167 |
HaLake-M5Stack-Library | A library to create web server on M5Stack |
HeartBeat | Arduino library for HeartBeat with frequency and duty cycle. |
Heltec_LoRa_OLED_Examples | Examples for Heltec boards using main ESP32 libraries |
Hmi4DinBox | I2C Human to Machine Interface for Din Box |
HoldButton | Reads the buttons connected to Arduino pins. |
HPDL1414-74HC595 | An Arduino library for driving HPDL-1414 displays using shift registers |
hsmcpp | C++ library for Hierarchical State Machines (HSM, FSM) |
hueDino | Philips Hue library for Arduino. |
HuemonelabKit | Library for educational arduino kit made by HuemoneLab |
HUSB238Driver | HUSB238Driver for ESP32 |
hw262 | A library that enables the use of the HW262 shield. |
IBot | Arduino library for I-Bot camp. |
iBotX | Arduino library for "i-Bot X" to be used in i-Bot Camp by Robot Club KMITL (Thailand) |
iMakeBeta | Library for beginner. |
I2CScanner | I2C Scanner |
ICOM 746 CAT Control | Simulate an ICOM 746 radio from the CAT point of view. |
IniFile | Library to read and parse .ini files. |
InkyBoard | Bibliotheek om gebruik te maken van het InkyBoard van InkyCode |
Int64String | Convert 64bit integers to strings |
InterpolationLib | Arduino library that provides interpolation methods step, linear, smooth, catmull spline and constrained spline. |
IoAbstraction | Treat PCF8574, MCP23017 and Shift registers like pins, matrix keypad, touch screen handler, button press and rotary encoder management (switches) on any supported IO (including DfRobot & Joysticks) with event handling, interchangable AVR/I2C(AT24) EEPROMs. |
IoTivity-Lite | OCF(Open Connectivity Founcation) core framework |
IoTivity-Lite_Arduino-porting | OCF(Open Connectivity Founcation) core framework porting to Arduino |
IP5306_I2C | Library for IP5306 I2C based battery-management SOC for Arduino platform supported boards |
JLed | An Arduino library to control LEDs |
JLedPCA9685-HAL | A HAL to drive PCA9685 LEDs with JLed |
JBLogger | A simple to use logger library for Arduino. |
JMAFoundation | A library that provide event response for Arduino. |
JWT_RS256 | A library to check if a JWT RS256 token is valid |
Kaa IoT Platform | All in one library to communicate with Kaa IoT Platform |
KermiteCore_Arduino | Kermite firmware library for Arduino and PlatformIO. |
keyboardButton | Convinient way to map a push-button to a keyboard key. This library utilize the ability of 32u4-based Arduino-compatible boards to emulate USB-keyboard. |
keyboard_peripheral_modules | A set of general modules for keyboard firmware. |
Kinematrix | [BETA] Arduino library for beginner. |
KnockPatternDetector | Can record, save and detect knock patterns in an asynchronous way with many settings. |
Koyn | A trustless and decentralized Bitcoin library for Arduino compatible boards |
laboratorioFW-DIY | Biblioteca para uso com a placa Laboratório DIY - Franzininho Wifi. |
LEDMatrixDriver | A replacement for Arduino's LedControl library for MAX7219 |
libCBOR | A CBOR (RFC 7049) processing library. |
libasm | Cross assembler and disassembler for retro CPUs |
libcli | Command Line Interface library |
libnapc | libnapc implementation. |
liboshima | 大島商船高等専門学校ロボット研究部用ライブラリ |
LinkedListLib | LinkedList Library |
ListLib | List Library |
LMI | Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) solver for Arduino. |
Log | Simple but useful macroses for logging. Allow use printf() with Serial for logging. |
log4Esp | Extendable logging library for ESP8266 |
log4arduino | Lightweight, no-frills logging for Arduino and friends |
loremipsum | An Arduino library to do lorem ipsum generation. |
Low-Power | Lightweight power management library |
LowPower_LowPowerLab | AVR & SAMD power management library |
lvglCpp | LVGL C++ wrapper. |
M5HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) for M5 Products |
M5Utility | Library for other M5 libraries and products |
madflight | Flight Controller for ESP32-S3 / ESP32 / RP2350 / RP2040 / STM32 |
MagStripe | Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers. |
MagStripe_ESP32 | Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers on ESP32. |
MakerVision | Arduino library used by Scratch generated code on http://makervision.io |
maqui | Library for the maqui sequencer |
MaquinitasParams | Library of parameters for art devices. |
MaquinitasRitmos | Library of rhythmic data for art devices. |
Marceau | This is a library that allows devices to be easily controlled over serial and websockets. |
MAX77650-Arduino-Library | An Arduino library for the Maxim Power Management Controller MAX77650 |
mbino | Port of mbed OS 2 APIs to the Arduino platform |
mc74hc595a | A library to use 8-Bit Serial-Input/Serial or Parallel-Output Shift mc74hc595a |
MCCI Arduino Development Kit ADK | The MCCI XDK ported to Arduino ("Arduino Development Kit"). |
MCCI Catena Arduino Platform | Arduino library for MCCI Catena 44xx, 45xx, 46xx and 48xx systems. |
MCP23017_Attiny85 | "Library which lets you to control mcp23017 I/O expander simply" |
mcu-max | An MCU-optimized C-language chess game engine based on micro-Max. |
MCUOS | An OS simulator for Arduino boards. |
MeArm-Robot-Arm | Provides inverse kinematics control for all MeArm versions. |
MeanFilterLib | Mean Filter Library |
MedianFilterLib | Median Filter Library |
MegunoLink | Library for storing data in the eeprom, processing serial messages and plotting data with MegunoLink. |
Meiro | Arduino Meiro library. |
MemoryHexDump | Arduino Dump memory |
MemoryLib | Library to manage the storage of INT and LONG variables in EEPROM |
MentorBit-1Rele | Librería para Módulo MentorBit Relé de un Canal |
MentorBit-2Rele | Librería para Módulo MentorBit Relé de dos Canales |
MentorBit-3LED | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de tres Diodos LEDs |
MentorBit-BMP280 | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor BMP280 |
MentorBit-DetectorIR | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Emisor/Receptor Infrarrojo |
MentorBit-DetectorLluvia | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Detector de lluvia |
MentorBit-DHT11 | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor DHT11 |
MentorBit-DHT22 | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor DHT22 |
MentorBit-Encoder | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Encoder con LEDs |
MentorBit-Expander | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Expansor de Entradas y Salidas |
MentorBit-LDR | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de LDR |
MentorBit-Library | Librería para MentorBit |
MentorBitMatrizPulsadores | Librería para uso de MentorBit matriz de pulsadores I2C |
MentorBit-MQ | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor MQ |
MentorBit-PIR | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor PIR |
MentorBit-PoteLineal | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro lineal |
MentorBit-PoteRueda | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro de Rueda |
MentorBit-Potenciometro | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro Simple |
MentorBit-Pulsadores | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Pulsadores |
MentorBit-RGB | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de LED RGB |
MentorBit-Ultrasonidos | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor Ultrasónico |
MentorBit-Zumbador | Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Zumbador Pasivo |
MiDispositivoMIDI_V3 | Provides functions to control de MiDispositivoMIDI V3 hardware |
MicroDebug | Arduino debugging support library |
micro-ecc | uECC |
MicroGamer | A library for content creation on the Micro:Gamer gaming platform |
MicroPOP32 | Fast, efficient and minimal POP32 library for Line Follower robot |
MicroQt | A library that enables event-driven applications on the Arduino platform. |
micro_ros_arduino | micro-ROS Arduino library |
Microcontroller-id | Retrieve manufacturer serial number stored inside the microcontroller |
MicromationDevboardV3 | Library for Micromation Dev Board V3 with ESP32 |
milesTag | An Arduino library to implement milesTag lasertag with an ESP32 using the RMT peripheral. |
minbasecli | A minimal Command Line Interface C++ library implementation with HAL emphasis to be used in different kind of devices and frameworks. |
MiniMP3 | Minimal MP3 DFURobotics library for Arduino. |
Mirobot | This is the library that makes Mirobot (http://mirobot.io) work. |
Mock | Replace Arduino methods with mocked versions and let you develop code without the hardware. Run parallel hardware and system development for greater efficiency. |
MockEEPROM | The Arduino library replaces EEPROM library methods with mock methods. |
MODI | A driver for control MODI on Arduino |
MoonPhase | Get lunar phase information on a esp32. |
MoonRise | Calculate moon rise/set times. |
MpesaSTK | Mpesa Daraja for microcontrollers. |
MPG | C++ library for processing and converting gamepad inputs, with support for XInput, DirectInput and Nintendo Switch. |
MultiTaskLib | Storyboard are a series of non blockings tasks that runs in parallel |
multiplePinOps | An Arduino library to drive multiple pins with the same API. |
Multitasker | A library for managing task switching and multitasking in Arduino projects. |
MusiciansMate | An Arduino library that helps you develop your musical IoT devices. |
Mutila | Mouse's Utilities for Arduino |
MyMacros | The Arduino library identifies your unique collection of development boards. |
my92xx | MY9291 and MY9231 LED driver library for Arduino AVR and ESP8266 |
my_STL | A port of uClibc++ Arduino library with (multiple definition of std::nothrow) error fix |
MycilaConfig | A simple and efficient config library |
MycilaDS18 | ESP32 / Arduino Library for Dallas / Maxim DS18 sensor using RMT peripheral |
MycilaEasyDisplay | Easy to use Arduino / ESP32 library for SH1106, SH1107, SSD1306 OLED I2C displays, virtual displays and carousels |
MycilaHADiscovery | Simple and efficient Home Assistant Discovery library for Arduino / ESP32 |
MycilaJSY | Arduino / ESP32 library for the JSY1031, JSY-MK-163, JSY-MK-193, JSY-MK-194, JSY-MK-227, JSY-MK-229, JSY-MK-333 families single-phase and three-phase AC bidirectional meters from Shenzhen Jiansiyan Technologies Co, Ltd. |
MycilaLogger | A simple and efficient logging library |
MycilaMQTT | A simple and efficient MQTT/MQTTS client for Arduino / ESP32 based on Espressif API |
MycilaNTP | A simple and efficient NTP library for ESP32 / Arduino |
MycilaPulseAnalyzer | ESP32 / Arduino Library to analyze pulses from a Zero-Cross Detection circuit |
MycilaPZEM004Tv3 | Arduino / ESP32 library for the PZEM-004T v3 Power and Energy monitor |
MycilaRelay | Arduino / ESP32 library to control Electromagnetic and Solid State Relays |
MycilaSystem | Arduino / ESP32 library for system-related tasks |
MycilaTaskManager | Arduino / ESP32 Task Manager Library |
MycilaTaskMonitor | Arduino / ESP32 library to monitor task priority and stack high watermark |
MycilaTrial | Arduino / ESP32 library to add a trial duration in your app |
MycilaUtilities | Utils stuff for Arduino / ESP32 like PID, Time, CircularBuffer, etc |
NDefs | NDefs library, dependency. |
NEvents | NEvents library for adding event handling. |
NanitLib | A library for Nanit |
nanoFORTH | A simple and useful Forth for Nano. |
NanoProtoShield | Arduino library to interact with the NanoProtoShield hardware. |
NoBlockEEPROM | Non Blocking EEPROM Library for Arduino |
Non-Blocking Melody | An Arduino library for non-blocking melody playback. |
NonBlockingRTTTL | Non-blocking Arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies. |
Norman | Mathematically simulate natural cycles of daylight, temperature, and humidity for remote locations using minimal data sets. |
NotasMIDI | Library of MIDI notes |
NST1001Driver | NST1001Driver for ESP32 |
OneSystemLibrary | Arduino library for Delta-Robot One |
OpenBehavior | OpenBehavior Course on Microcontrollers |
Ospom | Ospom is FaceBook for your Arduino. |
OTAdrive_ESP | Official library to use OTAdrive services in ESP8266/ESP32 arduino platform |
OtD Library | Support library for OtomaDUINO boards |
pImpl | pImpl Idiom in C++ |
Pablo | A library to run Pablo, an Arduino based drawing machine |
Pantalla12x8 | Library for graphics on a 12x8 screen on an Arduino R4 WiFi |
Parser | Arduino Library that helps to parse a char array |
Password | Handle passwords easily |
PenguinBotLib | A simpler library for the PenguinBot kit v.2 by Elegoo. |
percent_encode | Convert between URL-unsafe string and percent encoded string. |
PetriNetLib | PetriNet Library |
PGMTools | PGMTools |
PHPoC Expansion | PHPoC Expansion library for Arduino |
Phant | A simple interface to post data to a phant stream. |
phyphox BLE | Use the app phyphox to visualize your sensor data on your phone or tablet! |
PixelGrid | Pixelgrid is an arduino based handheld game console. |
PlayRtttl | Plays RTTTL / RTX melodies/ringtones from FLASH or RAM. |
PlotPlus | Plotting library compatible with Sloeber IDE and SimPlot |
portenta-pro-community-solutions | PortentaH7, LoRa and Ethernet Vision Shields and Breakout Board Organized: Robotics, Machine Learning and General Examples |
PowerMonitor | A Power monitor library |
PreMo - Virtual Path Following | Adds virtual path following feature to differential drive robots. |
printHelpers | Arduino library to help formatting data for printing. 64 bit integers (base 10 and 16). Engineering and scientific notation. |
Printoo_Library | The library for the Printoo modules. |
PROGMEMAssert | Assert for Arduino that saves RAM by storing assert strings in PROGMEM and prints to Serial. |
PROMPLUS | A fork of the EEPROM.h library |
PropertyChangeLib | Property Change Library |
PS2KeyAdvanced | PS2 keyboard FULL control and ALL keys processing, as well as LED control. |
PS2KeyMap | PS2 keyboard codes from PS2KeyAdvanced to UTF-8 for any Latin language keyboard. |
PS2KeyRaw | PS2 keyboard control and raw data receiving |
PT2314 | Arduino library for PT2314 i2C 4 channel audio processor, |
PTW-Arduino-Assert | The library Push The World uses for unit testing. |
PTZProtocolHandler | An Arduino library for reading PTZ commands through RS485 (protocols Pelco-D, Pelco-P, Dahau, Hikvision, Hanbang are supported). |
Puertas-Logicas-Plugin | Librería para MentorBit y Puertas Lógicas |
pulseInput | Non-blocking alternative to pulseIn |
PulseSensor Playground | Support at PulseSensor.com |
PWFusion_VL53L3C | VL53L3C Time of Flight Sensor Library |
PwmSin | This is an LED lighting library for Arduino. |
PyArduinoDebug | A library enabling USB-based debugging. |
QDispatch | Synchronous task library. |
qlibs | A collection of useful libraries for embedded systems. |
QRCode | A simple QR code generation library. |
QRCodeGenerator | A simple QR code generation library. |
QuickMedianLib | QuickMedian Library |
QuickSortLib | QuickSort Library |
QZQSM | QZSS DC Report Service Decode Library |
QZSSDCX | QZSS DCX Decode Library |
RADAR | Arduino library for a pan tilt radar. |
RC.Easy | RC.Easy |
Rdebug | The Arduino library provides a unique form of debugging. |
ReactESP | Asynchronous programming library for the ESP32 and other microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino framework. |
React_Generic | Asynchronous programming library for the generic microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino framework. |
ReactiveArduino | ReactiveArduino implements observable-observer pattern on a processor like Arduino |
relativity | library with relativity functions. |
RGB LED Lighting Shield XMC1202 | This library provides an interface to communicate with the RGB LED Lighting Shield XMC1202 via I2C interface. |
RGBWConverter | Hue preserving RGB to RGBW conversion library for Arduino! |
rhio-pinmap | Macro definitions for compatibility among rhomb.io Master modules |
RobbusKidsy | Rocket Launcher library of the Robbus Kidsy robot vehicle |
Robotec | Biblioteca para robotica educativa |
roo_collections | Memory-conscious collections, supporting flat small hashtables, hash maps, and hash sets. |
roo_flags | Minimalistic library for run-time configuration flags. |
roo_logging | Logging library, targeted at ESP32 and related boards. |
roo_prefs | ESP32 'Preferences' utility library for management of persistent settings, avoiding name clashes by using namespaces and transactions. |
Rotary | ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values. |
RPM | RPM sensor library for Arduino. |
Rtttl | A library that plays Rtttl melodies |
runner | A kind of shell for Arduino. |
sarmfsw | sarmfsw |
SCServo | SC-series Servo library for Arduino and ESP32 |
Scheduler | Allows multiple tasks to run at the same time, without interrupting each other. For Arduino sam and samd architectures only (Due, Zero...). |
Seeed Arduino Sketchbook | Wio Terminal and Other Seeed Demos |
Seeed Arduino SSCMA | Arduino library for SSCMA-Mirco Device |
SeeedNrf52480Battery | Arduino library for battery management on the Seeed Studio NRF52480 BLE (Sense) |
Sensirion UPT Core | Library for definitions and configurations used by other Sensirion Unified Prototyping Toolkit (UPT) libraries. |
Serial Controlled Motor Driver | Use this to command the SCMD and connected chain. |
SerialToWifi | Drop-in replacement for the Serial Arduino library that manages i/o to a remote console over wifi on ESP32. |
Series | It's like a task list. |
Si4703 | Basic functionality of the Si4703 FM tuner chip. |
SiderealObjects | A library for providing basic astronomy related object tables. |
SiderealPlanets | A library for providing basic astronomy related functions. |
Signature | Processing AVR microcontrollers signature |
SiguesAhi | [ALPHA] Library for building instruments that check if institutions still exist. |
SIMON | Arduino library to build the "Simon says" game or a digital lock. |
SimpleCollections | An associative container used either as a list or btree without needing std lib, and a concurrent circular buffer. Works from AVR/Uno upwards to ESP32, mbed etc |
Simple-Hydroponics-Arduino | Hydruino: Simple automation controller for hydroponic grow systems. |
SimpleLogger | A simple Serial Logger for Arduino |
Simple-SolarTracker-Arduino | Helioduino: Simple automation controller for solar tracking systems. |
SimpleStepper | Simple library for controlling unipolar and bipolar steppers |
SimpleTaskManager | SimpleTaskManager - simple task dispatcher for Arduino based devices with limited memory. |
SingleEMAFilterLib | SingleEMAFilter Library |
Sleepy Pi 2 | Arduino Library for Sleepy Pi 2 Raspberry Pi HAT |
slight_mapping | simple range mapping helper |
slight_PlainTime | basic time formating |
SmallSetup | Optimize the Arduino setup routines. |
SolarCalculator | A library inspired by the NOAA Solar Calculator. |
solarfunctions | A library to precisely compute the position of the sun, sunrise/sunset and other solar metrics. |
Soldered MCP4018 Arduino Library | Arduino library for MCP4018 Digital potentiometer breakout board |
SparkFun APDS-9301 Lux Sensor | Broadcom APDS-9301 Lux Sensor. |
SparkFun ATSHA204 Library | Library for the ATSHA204 IC. |
SparkFun AVR ISP Programming Library | A low level library to allow you to program AVR ISP devices from another device |
SparkFun Qwiic Digital Capacitor Arduino Library | A library to get and set the capacitance of the NCD2400M digital capacitor in both volatile and non-volatile memory. |
SparkFun Toolkit | A utility library that other SparkFun libraries can take advantage of. |
SparkFun TPA2016D2 Arduino Library | Library for the TPA2016D2 Stereo Class D Amp |
SparkFun WM8960 Arduino Library | Library for the WM8960 Codec Breakout Board |
SPIFFSIniFile | Library to read and parse .ini files on ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms |
SPIFFS_FilePrint | Lightweight library for rolling file print. It logs to SPIFFS. |
SplashScreen | SplashScreen library to provide abiltity display changing screens |
StateMachineLib | StateMachine Library |
StateSpaceControl | A library for state space feedback control on on Arduino |
Stator | For managing states of your variables |
STMSpeeduino | A library with faster commands for STM32H747 |
STM32ad9833 | Arduino STM32 library for Analog Devices ad9833 DDS module |
STM32duino Examples | Provides several examples for the Arduino core for STM32 MCUs. |
STM32duino FP_Examples | Provides several Function Packs that combine the usage of several X-NUCLEO boards |
STM32encoder | Arduino library for the management of rotary encoders with STM32 |
STM32mcp4151 | Arduino STM32 library for microchip mcp 4151 digital potentiometer |
StopwatchLib | Stopwatch Library |
StoryBoardLib | Storyboard are a series of non blockings tasks that runs sequencially |
StreamLib | BufferedPrint stream for efficient networking. ChunkedPrint for HTTP chunked encoding. ChunkedStreamReader for HTTP chunked decoding. CStringBuilder builds a c-string with Print class methods. StringReadStream to wrap string as Stream. And printf() function with formatting string from F macro. |
StreamUtils | 💪 Power-ups for Arduino streams |
SunRise | Calculate sun rise/set times. |
SwitchLib | An Arduino Library for handling tactile switches...or anything else. |
SyncWaveformsLib | Arduino SyncWaveforms implements timed functions that runs synchronously |
Tago ESP32 | Tago ESP32 library |
Talk2 | Library for the Talk2 Boards. |
Talking_Display | A library to output date, time and sensor values as speech. |
TapCode | An Arduino library to interpret 'tap code' sent with a single button. |
TaskManagerIO | Task manager for Arduino and mbed with marshalled interrupts, first class support for events and timed execution. Thread safe for RTOS use. |
Taskfun | Preemptive multitasking for Arduino AVR and SAMD21 |
Tasks | A library that handles ongoing tasks. |
tcMenu | Menu library for Arduino with IoT capabilities that supports many input and display devices with a designer UI, code generator, CLI, and strong remote control capability. |
TcMenuLog | Logging framework and helper text utils for the TcMenu framework. |
tcUnicodeHelper | Adds tcUnicode UTF-8 support to Adafruit_GFX, U8G2, tcMenu, and TFT_eSPI graphics libraries with a graphical font creation utility available. Works with existing libraries |
tflm_cortexm | TensorFlow for ARM Cortex-M |
tflm_esp32 | TensorFlow for ESP32 |
Thread | Simplest kernel for multythreading. |
ThresholdLib | Threshold Library |
TimedBlink | An object oriented library for asynchrnous programmable LED blinking |
TimeoutTaskLib | TimeoutTask Library |
TinkerController | TinkerController allows you to use Gaming Controllers with your Arduino/ESP IOT devices. |
TinyCBOR | Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Library |
TinyGuixhe | An eloquent interface to guixhe-main Lite for Microcontrollers |
TinyMenu | A Tiny Menu for SuperPico-Compactible Boards (RP2040), based on TFT_eSPI |
TinyTrainable | Library to build media arts instruments with tiny machine learning. |
tinyhal | Tiny platform hardware abstraction layer |
tinyml4all | Companion library for the book |
TonePitch | Real accurate list of music notes with tone variants for Arduino. |
TonePlayer | A library for playing melody in background process using the builtin tone() function. |
toolbox | Collection of common utilities and functions. |
Tools.Easy | This library contains some useful macro definitions that can help you program |
TOTP library | Library to generate Time-based One-Time Passwords |
TriangleSolverLib | Library that implements functions to solve triangles. Usefull for articulated machines |
TridentTD_EasyFreeRTOS32 | A library for ESP32's FreeRTOS in the easy way |
TrimWright | UML State Machines for Arduino |
TunePlayer | A library to decode and play simple tunes. |
uCOS-III_Due | MicroC/OS-III 3.08.01 for ARM Cortex M3. |
uMT | Micro Multi Tasker specifically designed for ARDUINO UNO, MEGA and DUE boards. |
uMulti | Cooperative multitasking for the AVR line of microcontrollers. |
Ubidots Arduino YUN | Ubidots library for the Arduino YUN |
Ubidots MQTT for ESP8266 | Library for sending data to the Ubidots cloud using ESP8266 based systems |
UIComponents | A small toolset to simplify working with physical UI components. |
UKESF Sixth-Formers | Examples and libraries for the UKESF sixth-formers guide to the Grove Beginner kit for Arduino. |
ULWOS2 | ULWOS2 - An Ultra LightWeight Operating System |
UMS3 Helper | Helper library for UnexpectedMaker S3 boards |
unit-system | Si unit types for C++ |
UniversalTransmitter | Customizable Teensy/Arduino handheld controller for RC projects |
USBControllerLib | Arduino library for communication between USB controller and Arduino. |
USB Host Shield Library 2.0 | Revision 2.0 of MAX3421E-based USB Host Shield Library. |
UserManager | a demo for user manager |
Utilities | A library that makes using Arduino a breeze. |
Utils | Utility functions and macros to print with arguments |
vdp-gl | Fork of FabGL 1.0.8 customized for agon-vdp. |
Vector datatype | Library for 3d vectors and quaternions |
Voltage Reference | Arduino voltage reference library |
Wasm3 | The fastest WebAssembly interpreter (and the most universal runtime) |
Watchy | Watchy - An Open Source E-Paper Watch by SQFMI |
Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL | Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL is an Arduino library designed for Waveshare ESP32-S3 SOC with 7 inch ST7262 LCD and GT911 touchscreen to facilitate rapid GUI development using LVGL. |
WeatherFlowAPI | Easy access to network WeatherFlow data. |
WebTerminal | View Serial output in web browser |
Web3JBC | Web3/Smart Contract for JBC Chain |
WiFiEsp | Arduino WiFi library for ESP8266 |
WiFi101OTA | Update sketches on your board over WiFi |
WiThrottle | JMRI WiThrottle Protocol implementation |
WiThrottleProtocol | JMRI WiThrottle Protocol implementation for ESP32 |
WifiLocation | Library to get geographic position (lat, lon, accuracy), without GPS, by listening surrounding WiFi networks (Works with ESP8266 and ESP32 boards) |
Witty | Witty Support Library |
WMM_Tinier | An adaptation of the miniwinwm/WMM_Tiny code for calculating magnetic variation. |
WolkConnect | Arduino library which provides easy connectivity to WolkAbout IoT Platform. |
wordwrap | An Arduino word wrap library. |
WrapperFreeRTOS | C++ FreeRTOS Wrapper. |
XLR8AddrPack | Arduino header file defining addresses common to the XLR8 family. |
YAAWS | Yet Another Arduino Web Server |
YACL | Yet Another CBOR Library. |
Yaesu FT857D CAT | Simulate a Yaesu FT-857D radio from the CAT point of view. |
YASM | Easy finite state machine creation and management library |
yatest | Yet another unit testing framework for Arduino libraries and projects. |
Z80 | A Z80 CPU implementation for the Arduino Mega. |