GPL 2.0

A list of the 95 libraries that are licensed with the GPL 2.0 license.

24s02ya__M24SR02-Y Library for interfacing with 24s02ya__M24SR02-Y NFC chips.
AGirs A Girs infrared server for the Arduino platform.
Accessories This is a library for Arduino to handle accessories like lights, motors.
advancedSerial An Arduino library with additions to vanilla Serial.print(). Chainable methods and verbosity levels. Suitable for debug messages.
Ai Esp32 Rotary Encoder Easy implement rotary encoder to your application for ESP32 and ESP8266
AnalogRTCLib Library for Analog Devices Real Time Clocks.
ANT-Arduino Library for communicating with various ANT radios from Dynastream Innovations.
ANTPLUS-Arduino Library for easy ANT+ integration
arduinoVNC VNC Client for Arduino
Arduino_OV767X Capture images from your OmniVision OV7670 camera in your Arduino sketches.
Beacon An AMX-style Ethernet beacon, allowing for remote discovery.
BohleBots_BNO055 Library for the BNO055 as easy to use compass.
Cojson Zero-effort JSON reading and writing on Arduino platforms,
Commanders This is a library for Arduino to handle input devices like buttons, Dcc (railroad modeling), CAN or I2C bus, or serial interface to give orders.
DCCpp This is a library to control DCC devices.
DcDccNanoController This library is made to build a basic Dcc controller on small Arduino Nano or Uno.
Deneyap OLED Ekran Library for Deneyap OLED Display Module SSD1306
DIO2 Fast digital input/output functions.
DisplayUtils Utility classes to help working with displays (eg large fast changing numbers)
DistanceSensor HC-SR04 distance sensor library.
ELi_McM_4_00 A library for using Microcontroller modules of E-LAGORi.
EEPROMextent This is a library for Arduino to read/write complex data to EEPROM.
Elegoo This is a library to use the ELEGOO Smart Robot Car Kit.
EncoderButton Lossless event based rotary encoder & button library
ERO A library make learning basic robotic easier.
esp32-flashz ESP32-FlashZ arduino library
EtherCard EtherCard is an IPv4 driver for the ENC28J60 chip.
EventAnalog Event based library for analog inputs.
EventButton Event based button library
EventJoystick Event based library for analog joysticks.
FacebookApi A wrapper for the Facebook Graph API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards)
FortniteAPI Arduino library to access unofficial Fortnite API.
GigaScope A library allowing you to use your Arduino as a basic osciloscope.
GlobalCovfefe An emulation of a GlobalCache device with one IR sender and (optionally) an IR learner (demodulating or non-demodulating).
GoogleMapsApi A wrapper for the Google Maps API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards)
Grove - OLED Display 0.96 Arduino library to control Grove - OLED Display 0.96.
HeatpumpIR Heatpump / Air Conditioner infrared control
HeliOS An open source, community delivered, embedded operating system project.
I2C-Sensor-Lib iLib Library for i2c-sensors and some other specific functions (fast eFn, HDLC, SpektrumSerial).
I2Cwrapper I2Cwrapper is a generic modular framework which helps you implement Arduino based I2C target (slave) devices for control of non-I2C hardware.
IFTTTMaker A helper library for triggering IFTTT maker events (ESP8266 & Wifi-101)
Infrared An object oriented library for sending, receiving, generating, and decoding IR signals on the Arduino.
InstructableApi A wrapper for the Instructables API for Arduino (supports ESP8266, ESP32 & WiFi101 boards)
keyboardButton Convinient way to map a push-button to a keyboard key. This library utilize the ability of 32u4-based Arduino-compatible boards to emulate USB-keyboard.
LcdUi This library is made to build sophisticated User Interface on Arduino for text Lcds.
LibLCC A library for interfacing with LCC(Layout Command Control)
LightDimmer This library allows to drive LEDs to simulate railroad signals.
LightEffect This library allows you to easily create light animations from an Arduino board or an ATtiny microcontroller (traffic lights, chaser, shopkeeper sign, etc.)
LittleFS_esp32 LittleFS for esp32 based on esp_littlefs IDF component. Use esp32 core-provided LITTLEFS library instead of this one when available in future core releases.
MatrixMath Minimal linear algebra library
MemoryUsage Use this library to check your SRAM / Stack memory usage.
MicroMidiDevices Arduino (very) Simple Library to manage various input devices as MIDI controllers
MicroMidiEnc Arduino (very) Simple Library to manage Rotary Encoders as MIDI messages over USB
MicroMidiPot Arduino (very) Simple Library to manage potentiometer (smoothed) as MIDI messages over USB
MideaIRWrapper A library that makes, easier work with Midea Air Conditioners.
NanoBLEFlashPrefs Substitute for the missing EEPROM storage on Arduino Nano 33 BLE and BLE Sense.
NDNOverUDP A simpler and lighter NDN protocol for local IoT contexts.
NE555 Simulation of the function from a NE555 timer chip. ;)
NeoNextion Arduino library for controlling Nextion displays
OctoPrintAPI Arduino library to access OctoPrint API.
OLED Display 96x96 Arduino library for controlling OLED Display 96x96, using I2C communication.
ParseCommands Evaluate commands entered over serial or as string and call a defined function.
PCF8523 Arduino Library for PCF8523 Real-Time Clock
PenguinBotLib A simpler library for the PenguinBot kit v.2 by Elegoo.
PressureNXPMXP Pressure differential MXP serie
RCWL_1X05 A library for the I2C mode of ultrasonic distance sensors RCWL-1605, RCWL-1005, and probably HC-SR04P
RF24 Radio driver, OSI layer 2 library for nrf24L01(+) modules.
RF24Mesh OSI Layer 7, Automated 'mesh' style networking for nrf24L01(+) & nrf52x radios.
RF24Network OSI Layer 3 Networking for nrf24L01(+) & nrf52x devices.
RingBuffer This library allows to use ring buffer with and without interrupts.
Rivers Engineering Arduino library for engineering classes at The Rivers School
rrdtool Round Robin Database Tool
ScheduleTable This library allows to schedule multiple actions along time.
Servo328 A servo motor driver for Arduino Uno with ATmega328P PWM
SevenSegmentTM1637 Library for using a 4 digit seven segment display with TM1636 or TM1637 driver IC
Sleepy Pi 2 Arduino Library for Sleepy Pi 2 Raspberry Pi HAT
SlowMotionServo This library allows to move multiple servos slowly.
Snowduino A library with faster commands for SAMC21
Soldered nRF24 Arduino Library nRF24 Library for Soldered Boards
Speeduino A library with faster commands for SAMD21
StereoSID MOS6581 Stereo SID Emulator Arduino Library
STMSpeeduino A library with faster commands for STM32H747
SunFounder AI Camera SunFounder AI Camera library.
sunset Allows calculation of sunrise, sunset, and moonphase
SuplaDevice Library enables you to connect the device to the SUPLA automation system.
ThingESP Arduino library for the ThingsESP Platform.
ThingsIoT Arduino library for the ThingsIoT Cloud Platform.
TI_SN76489 Arduino (Uno) Library to manage Texas Instruments SN76489 sound chip
TouchKeypad A keypad for touchscreens.
TwitterApi A wrapper for the Twitter API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards)
VivicoreSerial Library to talk with VIVIWARE Cell Core.
Wio cell lib for Arduino Wio 3G and Wio LTE M1/NB1(BG96) boards driver.
Wio LTE for Arduino The LTE module driver for Wio LTE.
wolfssl A lightweight SSL/TLS library written in ANSI C and targeted for embedded, RTOS, and resource-constrained environments.
XBee-Arduino library Library for talking to to various wireless XBee modules from Digi.