
A list of the 7289 libraries of the type Contributed.

1NCE Arduino Blueprint Sample integration of 1NCE SDK with Arduino, providing demos for various features of 1NCE OS.
107-Arduino-24LCxx Arduino library providing a modern C++ wrapper around littlefs.
107-Arduino-APDS-9950 Arduino library for the Avago / Broadcom APDS-9950 Digital Proximity, RGB and Ambient Light Sensor
107-Arduino-AS504x Arduino library for interfacing with various Austria Micro Systems angle position sensors.
107-Arduino-BMP388 Arduino library for interfacing with the BMP388 barometric pressure sensor which can be used for inferring altitude information.
107-Arduino-BoostUnits Arduino library for providing boost::units for the Arduino platform.
107-Arduino-CriticalSection Arduino library for providing a consistent critical section interface over various Arduino platforms.
107-Arduino-Cyphal Arduino library for providing a convenient C++ interface for accessing OpenCyphal.
107-Arduino-Cyphal-Support Arduino library for providing a various support functions for building a full Cyphal compliant application.
107-Arduino-Debug Arduino library for providing convenient macros for printf-style debugging.
107-Arduino-littlefs Arduino library providing a modern C++ wrapper around littlefs.
107-Arduino-MCP2515 Arduino library for controlling the MCP2515 in order to receive/transmit CAN frames.
107-Arduino-NMEA-Parser Arduino library for interfacing with any GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or GNSS module and interpreting its NMEA messages.
107-Arduino-Sensor A unified sensor abstraction layer used by all 107-system sensor libraries.
107-Arduino-Servo-RP2040 Hardware-PWM based servo signal generation for RP2040.
107-Arduino-TCS3472 Arduino library for TCS3472 color sensor
107-Arduino-TMF8801 Arduino library for interfacing with the TMF8801 time-of-flight distance sensor.
107-Arduino-TSL2550 Arduino library for TSL2550 ambient light sensor
107-Arduino-UniqueId Arduino library for providing a unique 64-bit ID over various Arduino platforms.
1euroFilter Algorithm to filter noisy signals for high precision and responsiveness.
24s02ya__M24SR02-Y Library for interfacing with 24s02ya__M24SR02-Y NFC chips.
3BC Language Virtual Machine 3BC Language Virtual Machine
7Segment 7Segment
74HC138 Arduino library for the 74HC138 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer.
74HC154 Arduino library for the 74HC154 4 to 16 line decoder/demultiplexer.
74XX595 Arduino library for control 74XX595 IC
8x8 Led Matrix Soldered 8x8 LED Matrix library.
ADebouncer Advanced Debouncer Library for Arduino.
aE2 E+E E2-sensor library for Arduino.
AGirs A Girs infrared server for the Arduino platform.
AIfES for Arduino The stand alone TinyML solution for self learning smart sensors, systems and almost any Arduino board.
ALog Low-power general-purpose data logger library, written for the Arduino-based ALog but expandable to other devices.
AMx8x5 RTC driver for Ambiq, Abracom and Microcrystal
aREST RESTful API for the Arduino platform.
aREST UI A graphical user interface for Arduino based on the aREST API.
AStar32U4 A-Star 32U4 Arduino library
aTalkArduino Real Time Data communication protocol
ATmega32U4 Grove Air quality sensor ATmega32U4 Arduino library to read values from Grove Air Quality Sensor.
ATmega_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on AVR ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega1284 with MCUdude MightyCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin
ATmega_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an AVR ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega1284 with MCUdude MightyCore
ATtinySerialOut Minimal bit-bang send serial 115200 or 38400 baud for 1 MHz or 230400 baud for 8/16 MHz ATtiny clock. Perfect for debugging purposes. Code size is only 76 bytes@38400 baud or 196 bytes@115200 baud (including first call)
ATtiny_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.), using megaTinyCore, to create and output PWM to pins.
ATtiny_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.), using megaTinyCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
ATtiny_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc.) using megaTinyCore
AUnit A unit testing framework for Arduino platforms inspired by ArduinoUnit and Google Test.
AVision_ESP8266 Libraries for easy and quick programming on the A-Vision ESP8266 learning board
aWOT Arduino web server library.
A1301 Arduino library for A1301 et al magnetometer.
A4963 Library for A4963 brushless motor controler
A4990MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu A4990 Dual Motor Driver Shield
A89306_asukiaaa It controls A89306
AA_MCP2515 MCP2515 CAN Controller Library
ABB PowerOne Aurora inverter communication protocol ABB PowerOne Aurora inverter communication protocol for Arduino, esp8266 and esp32 (Library).
AbleButtons The Arduino Button Library Extension (ABLE) is a simple, lightweight button library to capture input from buttons connected to the Arduino.
absmouse Absolute positioning USB HID mouse library.
AbsoluteMouse Arduino library to control cursor over USB, using absolute positioning.
AcaiaArduinoBLE A library that connects BLE devices to Acaia Scales.
ACAN A Teensy 3.1 / 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 CAN driver.
ACAN2040 ACAN2040
ACAN2515 Driver for MCP2515 CAN Controller
ACAN2515Tiny Driver for MCP2515 CAN Controller
ACAN2517 Driver for the MCP2517FD, the MCP2518FD and the MCP251863 CAN Controllers (CAN 2.0B mode)
ACAN2517FD Driver for MCP2517FD and MCP2518FD CAN Controller (CAN FD mode)
ACAN_ESP32 An ESP32 CAN Driver.
ACAN_STM32 A STM32 CAN driver.
ACAN_T4 A Teensy 4.0 / 4.1 CAN / CANFD driver.
ACANFD_FeatherM4CAN An Adafruit Feather M4 CAN board CANFD driver.
ACANFD_GIGA_R1 An Arduino GIGA R1 FDCAN driver.
AccelMotor Library for smooth control motor with encoder
AccelStepper Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors.
AccelStepperWithDistances This library allows you work with the popular AccelStepper not with steps, but milimeter distances!
Accelerometer ADXL335 Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer ADXL335.
Accelerometer ADXL345 Arduino library to control Grove 3Axis Digital Accelerometer ADXL345.
Accelerometer_H3LIS331DL Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±400g).
Accelerometer_MMA7660 Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±1.5g).
AccessPermissionManager Implements access permission control of filesystem resources.
Accessories This is a library for Arduino to handle accessories like lights, motors.
Accessory Shield Allows an Arduino board to use the DFRobot Accessory Shield
ACD10 Arduino library for the ACD10 CO2 sensor.
ACD3100 Arduino library for the ACD3100 CO2 sensor.
ACDU Support library for ACDU hardware unit.
AceButton An adjustable, compact, event-driven button library that handles debouncing and dispatches events to a user-defined event handler.
AceCommon Small low-level classes and functions for Arduino: incrementMod(), decToBcd(). strcmp_PP(), PrintStr, PrintStrN, printPad{N}To(), printIntAsFloat(), TimingStats, formUrlEncode(), FCString, KString, hashDjb2(), binarySearch(), linearSearch(), isSorted(), reverse(), and so on.
AceCRC Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithms: crc8, crc16ccitt, crc16modbus, crc32.
AceMenu A library that makes coding a user Menu a breeze.
AceRoutine A low-memory, fast-switching, cooperative multitasking library using stackless coroutines on Arduino platforms.
AceSegment Library for rendering seven segment LED modules using the TM1637, TM1638, MAX7219, HT16K33, or 74HC595 controller chips.
AceSegmentWriter Write decimal numbers, hex numbers, temperature, clock digits, characters, and strings to the seven segment LED modules supported by the AceSegment library.
AceSorting Various sorting algorithms for Arduino, including Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort (3 versions), Comb Sort (4 versions), Quick Sort (3 versions).
AceSPI Unified interface for selecting hardware or software SPI implementations on Arduino platforms.
AceTime Date, time, timezone classes for Arduino supporting the full IANA TZ Database to convert epoch seconds to date and time components in different time zones.
AceTimeClock Clock classes for Arduino that provide an auto-incrementing count of seconds since a known epoch which can be synchronized from external sources such as an NTP server, a DS3231 RTC chip, or an STM32 RTC chip.
AceTMI Interfaces for communicating with the TM1637 and TM1638 LED controllers on Arduino platforms.
AceUtils Useful Arduino utilities which are too small as separate libraries, but complex enough to be shared among multiple projects, and often have external dependencies to other libraries.
AceWire Fast and compact software I2C implementations (SimpleWireInterface, SimpleWireFastInterface) on Arduino platforms. Also provides adapter classes to allow the use of third party I2C libraries using the same API.
ACE128 Access the Bourns ACE-128 Absolute Contacting Encoder over I2C or digital pins
ACI_10K_AN-temp-sensor Read temperature with analog input and 10K RTD
AcksenButton Flexible button library supporting debounce, long presses, repeated presses with acceleration.
AcksenIntEEPROM Arduino Library for storing data in 8-bit AVR internal EEPROM memory.
AcksenPump Brewing-focused pump control I/O library for Arduino.
AcksenUtils Arduino utility library with miscellaneous functions.
ACROBOTIC SSD1306 Library for SSD1306-powered OLED 128x64 displays!
Acrome-SMD To use SMD Red boards with Arduino.
ACS-M1128 ACS-M1128 SAM Element IoT WiFi Connectivity
ACS712 ACS712 library for Arduino.
AD5144A Arduino Library for AD5144A 4 Channel digital potentiometer.
AD520X Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers
AD523X Arduino library for SPI AD5231 and AD5235 10 bit digital potentiometers..
AD5231 Arduino Library Arduino Library for controlling the Analog Devices AD5231 SPI Digital Potentiometer (DigiPot)
AD524X Arduino Library for AD524X
ad5243 Arduino library to control the AD5243 family of digital potentiometers / rheostats
AD5245 Arduino Library for AD5245 digital potentiometer.
AD5246 Arduino Library for AD5246, I2C 128 step rheostat.
AD5248 Library for I2C digital potentiometer AD5243 and rheostat AD5248
AD5254_asukiaaa It manages potentiometer AD5254 or AD5253
AD5263 Library to control digital potentiometer AD5263 and compatibles.
AD56X8 Arduino library for AD56X8, SPI 8 channel Digital Analog Convertor.
AD5620 Arduino library for AD5620 Digital Analog Convertor (12 bit).
AD5660 Arduino library for AD5660 Digital Analog Convertor (16 bit).
AD568X Arduino library for AD568X series Digital Analog Convertor.
AD5680 Arduino library for AD5680 Digital Analog Convertor (18 bit).
AD57X4R Provides an SPI based interface to the AD5724R, AD5734R, and the AD5754R Quad 12-/14-/16-Bit Unipolar/Bipolar Voltage Output DACs.
ad7124 Arduino library for AD7124 ADC
AD7173 Arduino library for Analog Devices AD7173 analog digital converter
AD7190forESP32 Basic library for analog Devices AD7190 running on ESP32
AD7193 Library for AD7193 Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA
AD7390 DAC library Arduino library for the AD7390 digital to analog converter (DAC)
AD74xx AD74xx Driver for Arduino framework
AD75019 Arduino Library for the Analog Devices AD75019 Crosspoint Switch
AD8495 Arduino library for the AD8494, AD8495, AD8496 and AD8497 thermocouple..
AD9833 Arduino library for AD9833 function generator. Supports hardware SPI and software SPI.
AD985X Arduino library for AD9850 and AD9851 function generators. Supports both hardware SPI as software SPI.
AD9850SPI Arduino SPI library for AD9850
AD_Sensors The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital and analog sensors.
Adafruit 10DOF Library for the Adafruit 10DOF Breakout.
Adafruit 9DOF Library for the Adafruit 9DOF Breakout.
Adafruit AD569x Library Arduino library for the AD569x 16-/14-/12-bit DAC
Adafruit ADG72x Arduino library for the ADG728 or ADG729 I2C analog switch matrix
Adafruit ADS1X15 Arduino library for ADS1015/1115 ADCs.
Adafruit ADS7830 Arduino library for the ADS7830 8-bit ADC in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ADT7410 Library Arduino library for the ADT7410 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ADXL343 Unified driver for the ADXL343 Accelerometer
Adafruit ADXL345 Unified driver for the ADXL345 Accelerometer
Adafruit ADXL375 Unified driver for the ADXL375 Accelerometer
Adafruit AGS02MA Arduino library for the AGS02MA gas / TVOC sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AHRS AHRS (Altitude and Heading Reference System) for various Adafruit motion sensors
Adafruit AHT10 Arduino library for the AHT10 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AHTX0 Arduino library for the AHT10 and AHT20 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AM radio library Arduino library for AM radio on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit AM2315 Library code for AM2315 sensors
Adafruit AM2320 sensor library Arduino library for AM2320 I2C Temp & Humidity Sensors
Adafruit AMG88xx Library Arduino library for AMG88xx 8x8 Thermocouple Sensors.
Adafruit APDS9960 Library This is a library for the Adafruit APDS9960 gesture/proximity/color/light sensor.
Adafruit Arcada GifDecoder This is a library to display animated GIFs on Adafruit Arcada boards
Adafruit Arcada Library This is a library to abstract away arcade/gameplay display, sounds and controls.
Adafruit AS726X Adafruit Channel Visible Light / Color Sensor Breakout
Adafruit AS7341 Arduino library for the AS7341 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit AVRProg Arduino library for programming AVR chips from Arduino
Adafruit AW9523 Arduino library for the AW9523 GPIO expanders in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BD3491FS Arduino library for the BD3491FS Sound Processor in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BLEFirmata Modified Firmata code to work with Adafruit's nRF8001 Breakout and BlueFruit modules
Adafruit BluefruitLE nRF51 Arduino library for nRF51822-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules
Adafruit BME280 Library Arduino library for BME280 sensors.
Adafruit BME680 Library Arduino library for BME680 and BME688 sensors.
Adafruit BMP085 Library A powerful but easy to use BMP085/BMP180 Library
Adafruit BMP085 Unified Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's BMP085 & BMP180 breakouts
Adafruit BMP183 Library Non-Unified BMP library
Adafruit BMP183 Unified Library Arduino library for the BMP183 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BMP280 Library Arduino library for BMP280 sensors.
Adafruit BMP3XX Library Arduino library for BMP3XX series temperature/pressure sensors
Adafruit BNO055 Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor.
Adafruit BNO08x Arduino library for the BNO08x sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BNO08x RVC Arduino library for the BNO08x_RVC sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit BusIO This is a library for abstracting away UART, I2C and SPI interfacing
Adafruit CAN Arduino library for native CAN.
Adafruit CAP1188 Library Arduino library for the Adafruit CAP1188 8-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
Adafruit CCS811 Library This is a library for the Adafruit CCS811 I2C gas sensor breakout.
Adafruit Circuit Playground All in one library to control Adafruit's Circuit Playground board.
Adafruit composite video Library Arduino library for composite video on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit CPFS Arduino library for accessing a board's CircuitPython flash filesystem and presenting it over USB.
Adafruit CST8XX Library Arduino library for CST8xx-based Capacitive touch screen
Adafruit DAP library Arduino library for DAP programming on ARM cortex microcontroller
Adafruit Debounce Arduino library for basic GPIO/expander button handling
Adafruit DMA neopixel library Arduino library for NeoPixel DMA on SAMD21 and SAMD51 microcontrollers
Adafruit DotStar Adafruit DotStar LED Library
Adafruit DotStarMatrix Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for DotStar grids
Adafruit DPS310 Library for the Adafruit DPS310 barometric pressure sensor.
Adafruit DRV2605 Library Arduino library for Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Controller Breakout
Adafruit DS1841 Arduino library for the DS1841 breakouts in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit DS3502 Arduino library for the DS3502 I2C Potentiometer in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit EMC2101 Arduino library for the EMC2101 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit EPD ePaper display driver
Adafruit ESP8266 Example code for ESP8266 chipset
Adafruit Faux86 Adafruit Faux86
Adafruit Feather OLED Helper class to work with 128x32 and 128x64 OLED displays on Adafruit Feathers
Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library Arduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Floppy Adafruit's floppy disk drive interfacing library
Adafruit FONA Library Arduino library for the Adafruit FONA
Adafruit FRAM I2C Driver for Adafruit's I2C-Based EEPROM / FRAM Breakouts
Adafruit FRAM SPI Driver for Adafruit's SPI-Based FRAM Breakouts
Adafruit FreeTouch Library Arduino library for QTouch on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit FT5336 Arduino library for FT5336-based Capacitive touch screen
Adafruit FT6206 Library Arduino library for FT6206-based Capacitive touch screen
Adafruit FXAS21002C Unified sensor driver for the FXAS210002C Gyroscope
Adafruit FXOS8700 Unified sensor driver for the FXOS8700 Accelerometer/Magnetometer
Adafruit GC9A01A Library for GC9A01A displays
Adafruit GFX Library Adafruit GFX graphics core library, this is the 'core' class that all our other graphics libraries derive from.
Adafruit GPS Library An interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use
Adafruit Graphic VFD Display Library Adafruit's 128x64 Graphic VFD Display Library
Adafruit HDC1000 Library Arduino library for HDC1000 and HDC1008 sensors.
Adafruit HMC5883 Unified Adafruit HMC5883L 3-Axis Magnetometer Breakout library using Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library.
Adafruit HTS221 Arduino library for the HTS221 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit HTU21DF Library Arduino library for the HTU21D-F sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit HTU31D Library Arduino library for the HTU31D sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit HUSB238 Library Arduino library for the HUSB I2C USB PD sink driver
Adafruit HX8357 Library Adafruit HX8357 3.5" display library.
Adafruit ICM20X Arduino library for the ICM20X Family sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ICM20649 Arduino library for the ICM20649 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit ILI9341 Library for Adafruit ILI9341 displays
Adafruit ImageReader Library Companion library for Adafruit_GFX and Adafruit_EPD to load images from SD card.
Adafruit INA219 INA219 Current Sensor
Adafruit INA228 Library Arduino library for the INA228 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit INA260 Library Arduino library for the INA260 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit IntelliKeys IntelliKeys library for Arduino
Adafruit InternalFlash Internal Flash filesystem support for FAT
Adafruit IO Arduino Arduino library to access Adafruit IO.
Adafruit IS31FL3731 Library Arduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3731 Charlieplex LED driver and CharliePlex FeatherWing.
Adafruit IS31FL3741 Library Arduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3741 LED Matrix driver
Adafruit Keypad Diode-multiplexed keypad support for Arduino
Adafruit L3GD20 U Unified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope
Adafruit LC709203F Arduino library for the LC709203F battery monitors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LED Backpack Library Adafruit LED Backpack Library for our 8x8 matrix and 7-segment LED backpacks
Adafruit LiquidCrystal Fork of LiquidCrystal HD44780-compatible LCD driver library, now with support for ATtiny85.
Adafruit LIS2MDL Unified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LIS2MDL Breakout
Adafruit LIS3DH Library for the Adafruit LIS3DH Accelerometer.
Adafruit LIS3MDL Library for the Adafruit LIS3MDL magnetometer.
Adafruit LIS331 Library for the Adafruit LIS331 Accelerometer family.
Adafruit LittlevGL Glue Library Simplifies use of LittlevGL library with Adafruit displays.
Adafruit LPS2X Arduino library for the LPS22 & LPS25 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LPS35HW Arduino library for the LPS35HW sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LSM303 Accel Unified Accelerometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout
Adafruit LSM303DLH Mag Unified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout
Adafruit LSM6DS Arduino library for the LSM6DS sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LSM9DS0 Library Arduino library for LSM9DS0 9-DOF sensor board.
Adafruit LSM9DS1 Library Arduino library for LSM9DS1 9-DOF sensor board.
Adafruit LTR329 and LTR303 Arduino library for the LTR329 and LTR303 light sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit LTR390 Library Arduino library for the LTR390 UV sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MAX1704X Arduino library for the MAX17048 battery monitors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MAX31855 library Library for the Adafruit Thermocouple breakout with MAX31855K
Adafruit MAX31856 library Library for the Adafruit Thermocouple Amplifier breakout with MAX31856
Adafruit MAX31865 library Library for the Adafruit RTD Amplifier breakout with MAX31865
Adafruit MCP23017 Arduino Library Arduino Library for MCP23XXX I2C and SPI GPIO port expanders
Adafruit MCP2515 Arduino library for MCP2515 CAN controller.
Adafruit MCP3008 MCP3008 8-Channel 10-Bit ADC
Adafruit MCP3421 Arduino library for the MCP3421 18-bit ADC in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MCP4725 MCP4725 12-bit I2C DAC
Adafruit MCP4728 Arduino library for the MCP4728 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MCP9600 Library Arduino library for the MCP9600 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MCP9808 Library Arduino library for the MCP9808 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MFRC630 RFID Arduino library for I2C and SPI access to the MFRC630 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
Adafruit microbit Library Arduino library for using micro:bit nRF51
Adafruit MLX90393 Driver for the MLX90393 magenetic field sensor
Adafruit MLX90395 Driver for the MLX90395 magenetic field sensor
Adafruit MLX90614 Library Arduino library for the MLX90614 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MLX90640 Arduino library for the MLX90640 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MMA8451 Library Arduino library for the MMA8451 Accelerometer sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MMC56x3 Unified Magnetometer sensor driver for Adafruit's MMC5603 or MMC5613 Breakout
Adafruit Motor Shield V2 Library Library for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. It supports DC motors & stepper motors with microstepping as well as stacking-support.
Adafruit MP3 mp3 decoder
Adafruit MPL115A2 Driver for the Adafruit MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor breakout
Adafruit MPL3115A2 Library Arduino library for the MPL3115A2 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MPR121 Arduino library for the MPR121-based capacitive sensors in the Adafruit shop.
Adafruit MPRLS Library Arduino library for MPRLS series pressure sensors
Adafruit MPU6050 Arduino library for the MPU6050 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit MQTT Library MQTT library that supports the FONA, ESP8266, ESP32, Yun, and generic Arduino Client hardware.
Adafruit MS8607 Arduino library for MS8607 sensors.
Adafruit MSA301 Library for the Adafruit MSA301 Accelerometer.
Adafruit nRFCrypto Arduino Cryptography library using hardware-accelerated ARM CryptoCell CC310 on nRF52-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules
Adafruit nRF8001 Drivers for Adafruit's nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Breakout
Adafruit NAU7802 Library Arduino library for the NAU7802 ADC converter in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit NeoMatrix Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for NeoPixel grids
Adafruit NeoMatrix ZeroDMA library Arduino library for DMA control of NeoMatrix on samd21 microcontroller
Adafruit NeoPixel Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
Adafruit NeoPXL8 Arduino library for controlling 8 NeoPixel LED strips using DMA on ATSAMD21, ATSAMD51, RP2040 and ESP32S3
Adafruit NeoTrellis M4 Library Examples and code for the NeoTrellis M4
Adafruit OV7670 A library for the OV7670 camera.
Adafruit PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD library Arduino driver for PC8544, most commonly found in small Nokia 5110's
Adafruit PCF8574 Arduino library for the PCF8574 I2C GPIO expander Adafruit shop
Adafruit PCF8591 Arduino library for Adafruit PCF8591 combo ADC + DAC
Adafruit PCT2075 Arduino library for the PCT2075 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit PixelDust Arduino library for particle simulation
Adafruit Pixie Arduino library for controlling Serial-based ultra-bright LED pixels and strip.
Adafruit PM25 AQI Sensor This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor
Adafruit PN532 Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
Adafruit Protomatter A library for Adafruit RGB LED matrices.
Adafruit PS2 Trackpad PS2 library for Adafruit capacitive trackpads
Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library
Adafruit PyCamera Library Arduino library for the MEMENTO ESP32-S3 camera
Adafruit RA8875 Adafruit's Arduino driver for the RA8875 TFT driver
Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Library Library for the Adafruit RGB 16x2 LCD Shield.
Adafruit SCD30 Arduino library for the SCD30 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit seesaw Library This is a library for the Adafruit seesaw helper IC.
Adafruit Sensor Calibration Calibration helper for various Arduino compatibles
Adafruit Sensor Lab Arduino library for scientific sensor readings/fusions/manipulations
Adafruit SGP30 Sensor This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP30 Gas / Air Quality Sensor
Adafruit SGP40 Sensor This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP40 Gas / Air Quality Sensor
Adafruit SH110X SH110X oled driver library for monochrome displays with SH1107 or SH1106G drivers
Adafruit SHARP Memory Display This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit Monochrome SHARP Memory Displays
Adafruit SHT31 Library Arduino library for SHT31 temperature & humidity sensor.
Adafruit SHT4x Library Arduino library for SHT4x temperature & humidity sensor.
Adafruit SHTC3 Library Arduino library for SHTC3 temperature & humidity sensor.
Adafruit SI1145 Library Arduino library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Si4713 Library Arduino library for the Si4714 FM+RDS Transmitter in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit Si5351 Library Driver for Adafruit's Si5351 Clockgen Breakout
Adafruit Si7021 Library Arduino library for Si7021 sensors.
Adafruit SleepyDog Library Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep.
Adafruit SoftServo A lightweight software servo library, designed for Trinket/Gemma but good for other Arduino-compats
Adafruit Soundboard library Arduino Library for UART control of the Adafruit Soundboard
Adafruit SPIFlash SPI Flash filesystem support for FAT and CircuitPython FS support from within Arduino
Adafruit SSD1305 SSD1305 library for Monochrome OLEDs based on SSD1305 drivers
Adafruit SSD1306 SSD1306 oled driver library for monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 displays
Adafruit SSD1306 EMULATOR SSD1306 emulator oled driver library for monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 displays
Adafruit SSD1306 Wemos Mini OLED SSD1306 oled driver library for Wemos D1 Mini OLED shield
Adafruit SSD1325 SSD1325 monochrome OLED library
Adafruit SSD1327 SSD1327 library for grayscale OLEDs based on SSD1327 drivers
Adafruit SSD1331 OLED Driver Library for Arduino For 0.96" OLEDs in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit SSD1351 library Adafruit library for the 1.27" and 1.5" color OLEDs in the shop
Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 Library This is a library for the Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 SPI displays.
Adafruit STMPE610 Arduino library for STMPE610/811 resistive touch screen controllers
Adafruit TCA8418 Arduino library for the TCA8418 Matrix Keypad Drivers in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit TCS34725 Driver for Adafruit's TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor Breakout
Adafruit TensorFlow Lite This is a library to abstract away TensorFlow Lite for Adafruit/Arcada boards
Adafruit TestBed Adafruit's internal test bed code library
Adafruit TFTLCD Library Adafruit 2.8" TFT display Library
Adafruit TiCoServo Use NeoPixels and servos in the same Arduino sketch (with caveats)
Adafruit TinyRGBLCDShield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield library ported to Trinket/Gemma
Adafruit TinyUSB Library TinyUSB library for Arduino
Adafruit TLA202x Arduino library for the TLA202x sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit TLC5947 Adafruit's Arduino driver for the TLC5947 PWM LED Driver Breakout.
Adafruit TLC59711 Library for our Adafruit 12-channel PWM/LED driver.
Adafruit TMP007 Library Arduino library for Adafruit TMP007 Thermopile sensor Breakout
Adafruit TMP117 Arduino library for the TMP117 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit TouchScreen Adafruit TouchScreen display library.
Adafruit TPA2016 Library Arduino library for the Adafruit TPA2016(D2) I2C controlled AGC audio amplifier
Adafruit Trellis Library Arduino library for controlling Adafruit Trellis
Adafruit TSC2007 Arduino library for the TSC2007 resistive touch screen drivers in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit TSC2046 A library for the TI TSC2046 touchscreen.
Adafruit TSL2561 Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's TSL2561 breakouts
Adafruit TSL2591 Library Library for the TSL2591 digital luminosity (light) sensors.
Adafruit Unified Sensor Required for all Adafruit Unified Sensor based libraries.
Adafruit UNTZtrument Adafruit UNTZtrument
Adafruit VC0706 Serial Camera Library Library for VC0706-based Serial JPEG Cameras
Adafruit VCNL4020 Library Arduino library for the VCNL4020 light and proximity sensor
Adafruit VCNL4040 Arduino library for the VCNL4040 Breakouts in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit VEML6070 Library Arduino library for VEML6070
Adafruit VEML6075 Library Arduino library for VEML6075
Adafruit VEML7700 Library Arduino library for the VEML7700 sensors in the Adafruit shop
Adafruit VL53L1X Sensor driver for VL53L1X / VL53L1CX Time of Flight sensor
Adafruit VS1053 Library This is a library for the Adafruit VS1053 Codec Breakout and Music Maker Shields
Adafruit WavePlayer Library Helper library for wrangling Wave files
Adafruit WipperSnapper Arduino application for WipperSnapper
Adafruit WS2801 Library Arduino library for controlling strips/pixels using WS2801 driver chips
Adafruit XCA9554 Arduino library for TCA9554 or PCA9554 8-bit GPIO expanders
Adafruit Zero DMA Library DMA helper/wrapped for ATSAMD21 such as Arduino Zero & Feather M0
Adafruit Zero FFT Library FFT library for Arduino Zero / Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21 processor).
Adafruit Zero I2S Library I2S audio playback library for the Arduino Zero / Adafruit M0 (SAMD21 processor) and M4 (SAMD51) boards
Adafruit Zero PDM Library PDM Microphone Input library for Arduino Zero / Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21 processor).
Adafruit ZeroTimer Library Arduino library for SAMD21/SAMD51 timer control
Adafruit_4_01_ColourEPaper Adafruit connector library for the WaveShare 4.01 Colour Epaper display
adafruit_fram_i2c_mock MOCK Library for I2C-FRAM Chip.
adafruit_ina219_mock MOCK Library for INA219 Current Sensor.
Adafruit_VCNL4010 Sensor driver for VCNL4010 IR proximity sensor
Adafruit_VL53L0X Sensor driver for VL53L0X Time of Flight sensor
Adafruit_VL6180X Sensor driver for VL6180X Time of Flight sensor
AdagioPro Controls Adagio RGB Poollights over RS-485
Adaino An Analog Data Acquisition library for Arduino and IoT.
AdaptiveMapping A library that makes it easier to map inputs to a range.
ADCButtons A simple ADC 16 Buttons and 4x4 keypad library.
ADCTouch Create Touch Sensors with a single (Analog)Pin without external Hardware
ADCTouchSensor Create Touch Sensors with a single analog pin without external hardware
ADC08XS Arduino library for ADC08XS 8, 10, 12 bit ADC (SPI), 2 or 4 channel.
ADC081S Arduino library for ADC081S 8 bit ADC (SPI).
ADC_SAmpler Enable analog sequencer with timer on SAM3x DUE
ADC_SEQR Enable analog sequencer on SAM3x DUE
ADCDRP Arduino library for ADC data analysis.
ADE7753 ADE7753 is an IC designed for energy measurement and power monitoring applications of single phase AC line.
ADE7880Energy Energi monitor ADE7880_Energy
ADE9000 Library to interface with the ADE9000 by Analog Devices.
Adeon Adeon is a software solution for controlling GSM devices (GSM gates, relays, modules etc.) via SMS commands.
ADF7023 An Arduino library for RF communication with Analog Devices RF Transceiver ADF7023.
ADG2128 A library for the ADG2128 analog cross-point switch.
ADG725 Arduino library for ADG725 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer.
ADG726 Arduino library for ADG726 - 16 to 1 channel (2x) multiplexer.
ADG728 Arduino Library for I2C ADG728 matrix switch. 1x8 Multiplexer.
ADG729 Arduino Library for I2C ADG729 matrix switch. 2x4 Multiplexer.
ADG731 Arduino library for ADG731 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer.
ADG732 Arduino library for ADG732 - 32 to 1 channel multiplexer.
Adler Arduino Library for calculating Adler-32 and Adler-16 checksum.
ADNS3080 Interface for the ADNS3080 mouse sensor.
ADSWeather Arduino library to interface with the Argent Data Systems weather station sensor assembly.
ADS1X15 Arduino library for ADS1015 - I2C 12 bit ADC and ADS1115 I2C 16 bit ADC
ADS1110 ADS1110 Driver (16-BIT ADC with Onboard Reference, PGA and I2C Interface)
ADS1115 ADS1115 library for Arduino. Easy to use.
ADS1115-Driver Lightweight arduino library for the ADS1115 ADC converter IC
ADS1115_WE A library for the ADS1115 and the ADS1015 ADC
ADS1118 library Arduino library for TI ADS1118 (16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Internal Reference and Temperature Sensor).
ADS1119 library Arduino library for Texas Instruments ADS1119 (4ch mux 16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter)
ADS1148 Library for the ADS1148 16-bit ADC.
ADS1219 ADS1219 24 bit ADC
ADS122U04 ADC Arduino Library Arduino library for the TI ADS122U04
ADS1220 Arduino library for ADS1220 24-bit, 2-kSPS, four-channel, low-power, delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF, SPI and two IDACs
ADS1220_WE A library for the ADS1220 ADC
ADS1232 Simple Library to interface the Texas Instruments ADS1232 ADC.
ADS1256 An Arduino-compatible library for the 24-bit ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter.
ADS1x1x Arduino library for ADS101x / ADS111x Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, ADCs
ADS7828 ADS7828 is a 8-channel 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) with an I2C interface.
ADT7470 ADT7470 Library
AdvKeyPad Arduino library for a KeyPad connected to a PCF8574.
Advance Seven Segment Summary
AdvancedLogger Library for simple logging to memory with comprehensive format.
advancedSerial An Arduino library with additions to vanilla Serial.print(). Chainable methods and verbosity levels. Suitable for debug messages.
ADXL345 A acceleration sensor library for Arduino
ADXL345_WE A library for the ADXL345 accelerometer
ADXL362 Library for ADXL362 -
ADXL372 Arduino library for the ADXL372 accelerometer
AEBO A library useful for AEBO robot.
AESLib AES encryption
AFArray Simple Array ADT for Arduino Framework with template.
AFE44XX library Library for the AFE44XX based pulse oximeter
AFE4950 AFE4950 library for interfacing the AFE4950 biomedical sensor with Arduino compatible MCU.
AFE_NXP_Arduino Class library for NXP Analog Front End
AfricasTalking A library to enable easy intergration of Africas Talking communication APIs with esp8266.
Afstandssensor - HCSR04 Bibliotek til HC-SR04 ultralyd afstandssensor.
AgIsoStack A free ISOBUS (ISO11783) and J1939 CAN Stack for Teensy.
AgileStateMachine Arduino/C++ library to simply and efficiently model and run a finite state machine
AGS02MA Arduino library for AGS02MA - TVOC sensor
AGS2616 Arduino library for AGS2616 - Hydrogen H2 sensor.
AGS3870 Arduino library for AGS3870 - Methane CH4 sensor.
AGS3871 Arduino library for AGS3871 - CarbonMonoxide CO sensor.
AHT20 library to drive AHT20 temperature and humidity IC. Forked from
AIChatBot AI Chat Library for Arduino
Ai COCOCAM Kocoafab library for Ai COCOCAM on various orangeboards(arduino compatible boards)
Ai Esp32 Rotary Encoder Easy implement rotary encoder to your application for ESP32 and ESP8266
AIStarter AIStarter programming interface.
AIOModule AIO Modules for ESP8266 and Arduino
AioP13 Another implementation of G3RUHs PLAN-13 for satellite and sun prediction.
Air Commander Entire Control A library to directly interface with the Air Commander Entire
AirGradient Air Quality Sensor ESP32-C3 / ESP8266 library for air quality monitor measuring PM, CO2, Temperature, TVOC and Humidity with OLED display.
AirNgin ESP32 MQTT Client A library for ESP32 to connect to AirNgin IoT platform.
AIS 4G board Enables AIS 4G network connection use by AIS 4G Board
AITINKR_AIOT_V2 Library for controlling motors, servos, buttons, camera, and MQTT with the AITinkr AIOT V2.
AITINKR_JSON_FIELDS A library to manage dynamic JSON fields for IoT devices.
AITINKR_SHIELDS A library to drive the AITINKR_SHIELDS to work with Arduino.
AJSP Another JSON Streaming Parser
Akafugu Four Letter Word Library Akafugu Four Letter Word Library
Akafugu TWIDisplay Library Akafugu TWIDisplay Library
Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library
Akafugu TWILiquidCrystal Library Akafugu TWILiquidCrystal Library
Akafugu WireRtc Library Akafugu WireRtc Library
ALA Arduino Light Animation (ALA) library
alarm Alarms implementation for Arduino.
AlertMe Allows for sending email and SMS from nothing but the ESP8266!
AlfredoConnect-Receive Library for communicating over a serial connection to AlfredoConnect-Desktop.
AlfredoCRSF CSRF serial protocol Arduino library
Alfredo-NoU2 Library for the Alfredo NoU2 robot control board.
Alfredo-NoU3 Library for the Alfredo NoU3 robot control board.
Algoduino A simple API client implementation in C++ for the Algorand Blockchain.
AlignedJoy Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to read a variety of analog joystick by aligning axis values (XY).
AllSensors DLHR Support for the AllSensors DLHR Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors.
AllSensors DLV Support for the AllSensors DLV Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors.
AllThingsTalk LoRaWAN SDK LoRaWAN SDK for AllThingsTalk Maker
AllThingsTalk LTE-M SDK Connect your LTE-M enabled Arduino device to AllThingsTalk IoT Platform.
AllThingsTalk WiFi SDK Connect and control your device with AllThingsTalk
AllWize Arduino-compatible library to interface RC1701HP-OSP/WIZE radio modules
ALLBOT The library for the ALLBOT modular robotic system.
AlmaviosLitMqtt A Simple MQTT client for connection with cloud providers
AlmostRandom AlmostRandom generates random number from a few entropy sources within the Arduino.
AloesDevice MQTT connector for Aloes
Alpenglow FUnicorn Controls the LED message on the FUnicorn.
AltController Alternative keyboard controller for Project 1, Physical Computing
AltSoftSerial Software emulated serial using hardware timers for improved compatibility
AlternativeLSS Asynchronous control of Lynxmotion LSS smart servos.
Altino The library for the Altino car.
AM1002-UART Arduino library to control Cubic AM1002
AM1008W-K I2C Arduino library to control Cubic AM1008W-K I2C
AM2302-Sensor This library read temperature and humidity from the AM2302 (aka DHT22) senor.
AM2315 Arduino library for I2C AM2315 temperature and humidity sensor.
AM2315C Arduino library for I2C AM2315C temperature and humidity sensor.
AM232X Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor.
AM2320_asukiaaa It controls AM2320 or CM2320
AM4096 An Arduino library for interfacing with the AM4096 rotary magnetic encoder.
AM50288H A 14 segment LCD display library for Arduino
AmazonDRS AmazonDRS library for Arduino.
AmbientCO2 Arduino library for CozIR Ambient CO2 sensors.
Ambient ESP32 ESP8266 lib Ambient library for Arduino ESP32 and ESP8266.
Ambimate A library for the Ambimate sensor board from TE
Amethyste_LSM6DS3 Expose les fonctionnalités des capteurs LSM6DS3.
AmigaMouseJoyEmu Library to emulate Amiga Mouse or joystick
AMIS30543 AMIS-30543 SPI stepper motor driver library
AmperkaFET Allows to control the power switches through the output shift register.
AMY Synthesizer AMY, the Music Synthesizer Library
AMYTOL_Robot A powerful however, easy to use library to control NexGen Robot motors.
Amytol_Sample A library and samples to get you started
Analog Buttons Arduino multi button support library
analogComp Set and manage the integrated analog comparator
Analog-Digital Multiplexers Arduino library for controlling analog/digital multiplexers (A/D mux).
AnalogFilter Analog filter library, used to slow down the sampling rate of analog reads.
AnalogIO-Arduino This library allows to read a value from an analog input like an potentiometer, or from a digital input like an encoder. Moreover, allows to write it on digital output, exactly on PWM pin.
AnalogKey Library for matrix analog keyboard
AnalogKeyboard LIB to assist in the use of analog keyboard in embedded systems.
AnalogKeypad Arduino Library for (Robotdyn) 4x4 and 4x3 AnalogKeypad
AnalogKeypad by Makuna A library that makes interfacing an analog keypad easy.
AnalogMultiButton An Arduino library to capture button presses on multiple buttons through a single analog pin.
AnalogPin Arduino Library for AnalogPin
AnalogReadAsync Asynchronous version of analogRead().
AnalogRTCLib Library for Analog Devices Real Time Clocks.
AnalogSelector Read a potentiometer or other analog input as a multi-selector switch.
AnalogTouch AnalogTouch library for Arduino
AnalogUVSensor AnalogUVSensor library for Arduino.
AnalogWrite_ESP32 Function analogWrite and Servo support for ESP32
Andee Annikken Andee Library for Annikken Andee U, Android and iOS boards.
AndeeMobile For use with the Annikken AndeeMobile
Andee101 Annikken Andee101 Library for Arduino 101
AndreyRybalko WT2003M02 MP3 Decoder Library for the WT2003M02 MP3 decoder board v3.0.
Angle Library to convert between floating point angle to minutes hours representation.
AngleConvertor Library to convert between different less known angle formats.
AnimatedGIF Universal GIF player for MCUs with at least 32K of RAM.
Animately Precise animation of props or robots without the need for thread-blocking (delay()) or complex state machines.
Animation Tools Simplifies creating behaviours for Servos and LEDs
Anitracks_ADS7142 A library for the ADS7142 ADC
Anitracks_PCA95x5 Arduino library for PCA9535 and PCA9555 (Remote 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers)
Anomalia Arduino library for data processing anomalies.
ANSI Arduino library to send ANSI escape sequences.
ANT-Arduino Library for communicating with various ANT radios from Dynastream Innovations.
Antares ESP8266 HTTP A library to simplify the process of fetching/deploying data to Antares IoT platform
Antares ESP8266 MQTT A library to simplify the process of subscribing and publishing data to Antares IoT platform via MQTT on ESP8266
AntaresLoraID Arduino Library for Dragino/RFM and standalone LoRaWAN modules.
AntiDelay AntiDelay is a library that aims to provide non-blocking delay functionality.
AntiKeyRepetition Prevents keys(buttons) from being triggered continuously.
ANTIRTOS No any RTOS needed, you will see - seamlessly manage all your tasks without unnecessary waiting, keep your interrupts blazing fast.
anto-esp8266-arduino Enables ESP8266 to connect to IoT platform.
ANTPLUS-Arduino Library for easy ANT+ integration
AnyRtttl A feature rich arduino library for playing rtttl melodies.
Anyleaf Driver for the AnyLeaf pH, EC, and RTD sensors.
ApSDM120 Library for interfacing meter SDM120 with Arduino, tested whith Mega 2560
AP3216_WE An Arduino library for the AP3216 (CJMCU 3216) ambient light and proximity sensor.
AP_DCC_Library Library for (NMRA/RCN) Digital Command Control (DCC)
APA102 APA102/SK9822 LED strip library
APDS9900 Arduino library for the APDS9900 sensor.
App Fernando K Library that helps working with the Fernando K app
AppleMIDI AppleMIDI (aka rtpMIDI) MIDI I/Os for Arduino
Appnostic SC16IS7XX Arduino Library Arduino Library for SC16IS7XX I2C and SPI UART interfaces
Approximate The Approximate Library is a WiFi Arduino library for building proximate interactions between your Internet of Things and the ESP8266 or ESP32.
Approxy Library approximating arrays of data
APRS-Decoder-Lib Library to decode APRS messages.
APRS-IS-Lib APRS-IS library for ESP32
APSNode Apogeo Space Library for IoT networking
AqualaboSensor Aqualabo Sensors.
Arancino Enables communication between microcontroller and Arancino Module running mainly in Arancino boards.
Aranet4 Aranet4 communication library for ESP32
Arara Biblioteca para o controlador Arara
ArcPID PID controller
ArdBitmap A library to compress and draw bitmaps on the Arduboy game system.
ArdOSC Open Sound Control(OSC) Library for Arduino.
ArdRTOS ArdRTOS provides a real-time operating system for embedded systems.
ArdTap A library to manage an Arduino board from a mobile in a couple of minutes. No coding, only configuration.
ArdVoice A library to play audio (voices) on the Arduboy game system.
ArduCAM Using the ArduCAM camera module on the Arduino platform
arduFPGA-app-common-arduino The common libraries and drivers for arduFPGA development boards.
ArduMax AD5241 Driver Driver for Analog Devices AD5241/2 and AD5280/2 digital potentiometers.
ArduMax MCP41xxx Driver Driver for Microchip MCP41xxx/42xxx digital potentiometers and MCP43xxx/44xxx digital rheostats.
ArduMekaWiFi Library Sederhana Untuk Menghubungkan ESP ke WiFi.
ArduPID PID library for Arduinos with greater accuracy than the legacy Arduino PID library
ArduProf A thin layer framework for developer to code inter-task communication by an event driven method, running on different RTOS.
ArduRoomba A library that allows simple serial interfacing with iRobot Create 2 (and similar) robots.
ArduTFLite TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style.
ArduZ80 The first Z80 emulation library for Arduino.
Arduboy The Arduboy core library.
Arduboy-BistercianNumbers Tiny 4x4 Bistercian Numerical Display for the Arduboy game system.
ArduboyI2C An I2C library for Arduboy multiplayer games.
ArduboyPlaytune A library for playing musical scores and tones that is compatible with the Arduboy game system.
ArduboyRaycast A library for making raycasting games on Arduboy
Arduboy-TinyFont Tiny 4x4 Font for Arduboy which contains the small ASCII Table from 32 to 127. The sprite for the font uses 192 bytes.
ArduboyTones A library for playing a sequence of tones, intended for use with the Arduboy game system.
Arduboy2 An alternative library for use with the Arduboy game system.
ardubson Arduino Library for BSON (Binary JSON)
arducam_dvp Library to capture pixels from supported cameras on Arduino boards.
Arducam_Mega Examples of spi cameras used on different hardware.
Arducam_mini Using the ArduCAM camera module on the Arduino platform
ArduinoArcherPanelClient Client library for websocket based communication with Archer Cloud panels.
arduino-async-duplex Easily and asynchronously with a serial device requiring call-and-response style commands.
arduino-async-modem Asynchronously interact with your GSM or LTE modem.
ArduinoCloudStorage CloudStorage lets you store and retrive values from a remote server.
ArduinoComponents A library for writing modern OO Arduino.
arduino-display-lcdkeypad Arduino LCD Keypad Shield driver.
ArduinoESPAT A library to control esp-8266 from Arduino by AT commands easier.
arduino-ess Support for Sensirion's Environmental Sensor Shield
ArduinoFacil Librería (más bien conjunto de macros) para facilitar el uso de Arduino en castellano para principiantes.
arduinoFFT A library for implementing floating point Fast Fourier Transform calculations on the Arduino framework.
ArduinoFritzApi An arduino Library for Automation of Fritz!Box, Fritz!DECT and FRITZ!Powerline devices
arduino-fsm A library for implementing a finite state machine
ArduinoHttpServer Server side minimalistic HTTP protocol implementation.
Arduino-I2C-KM1 KeiganMotor KM-1 control library using I2C communication
ArduinoIHC A Library for connecting to the IHC Controller data in/out.
ArduinoINA219 INA219 hi-side i2c current/power sensor Library
ArduinoIRC Easy library to make an Arduino IRC Bot (Also supports Twitch chat).
ArduinoJson A simple and efficient JSON library for embedded C++.
ArduinoLang Translate Wiring and CPP language to your native language.
Arduino Learning Board A combined library created to support the Arduino Learning Board project
ArduinoLearningKitStarter Library for the ArduinoLearningKitStarter (ALKS) board by RoboticsBrno with definition of pins and initialization of peripheries.
ArduinoLog Small logging framework
arduino-managed-serial-device Easily and asynchronously with a serial device requiring call-and-response style commands.
ArduinoMenu library Generic menu/interactivity system
arduino-menusystem A library for implementing a menu system
ArduinoMqtt MQTT Client library for Arduino based on the Eclipse Paho project.
arduino-NVM Direct flash memory access, round robin virtual pages and EEPROM like memory. (Flash, VirtualPage, NVRAM)
Arduino OPL2 Use this library to control the OPL2 Audio Board or OPL3 Duo!
ArduinoOSC OSC subscriber / publisher for Arduino
ArduinoOTA Upload sketch over network to Arduino board with WiFi or Ethernet libraries
Arduino POST HTTP Parser A library that allows for easy parsing of POST packages.
ArduinoQueue Queue Library
ArduinoSensors A Library of Libraries of Sensors
arduino-sht Support for Sensirion's humidity and temperature sensors.
Arduino Smart Watch A library that makes coding a watch for Arduino Micro and so on
ArduinoSTL A port of uClibc++ Arduino library.
ArduinoTEA5767 A simple to use library for the TEA5767 I2C FM receiver IC.
ArduinoThread A simple way to run Threads on Arduino
ArduinoThreadRunOnce Run an ArduinoThread just one time
arduino-timer Timer library for delaying function calls
arduino-timer-api Simple cross-platform API for multitasking on timer interrupt handlers
ArduinoTrace A dead-simple tracing library to debug your programs
ArduinoUniqueID Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller.
ArduinoUnit Flexible test framework for arduino projects.
arduinoVNC VNC Client for Arduino
Arduino-Websocket-Fast Websocket client library (fast data sending).
ArduinoWebsockets A library for writing modern Websockets applications with Arduino.
Arduino_MKRMEM SPIFFS on W25Q16DV for Arduino MKRMEM Shield.
Arduino_USBHostMbed5 ARM Mbed5 USBHOST library port for Arduino.
ardukit Foundation library toolkit for easier arduino programming
Ardwloop A library to ease controlling an Arduino program from a Java or Kotlin application.
ardyno A library to control dynamixel motors
ArgParse A library for splitting a string with arguments into an array.
Ark-Cpp-Client A simple API client implementation in C++ for the ARK Blockchain.
Ark-Cpp-Crypto A simple Cryptography Implementation in C++ for the ARK Blockchain.
Array An array container similar to the C++ std::array
ArrayExt Expand the array and set the average value for front, back, left and right.
array-helpers Array helper classes and functions.
ArrayList A templated class for creating dynamic or fixed size arrays. Based off of Java's ArrayList class.
ArrayUtils Array utility functions for arduino.
ArrbotMonitor Plotter-friendly display macros.
ArsaLearn Ability to code completely simple
ArtNet Art-Net Sender/Receiver for Arduino (Ethernet, WiFi)
artemis-cubesat The software available in this library is designed to break down the flight software from the Artemis CubeSat Kit into individual components, enabling users to effectively test and evaluate various systems and elements of their satellite.
ArticulatedLib Articulated Library
ArtnetWifi ArtNet with the ESP8266, ESP32, RP2040 and more.
Artron DS1338 Arduino library of RTC DS1338.
ArtronShop_BH1750 Arduino library of BH1750 Ambient Light (Lux) Sensor
ArtronShop_HDC302x Arduino library of HDC302x Digital humidity and temperature sensor
ArtronShop_LineNotify LINE Notify library for ESP32, ESP8266 and Arduino Uno R4 WiFi
ArtronShop_PCF85363 Arduino library of PCF85363A Real-Time Clock/calendar with 64 byte RAM
ArtronShop_RX8130CE Arduino library of RX8130CE Real-Time Clock/calendar with 4 byte RAM
ArtronShop_SHT3x Arduino library of SHT3x Digital humidity and temperature sensor
ArtronShop_SHT45 Arduino library of SHT45 Digital humidity and temperature sensor
ArtronShop_SPL06-001 Arduino library of SPL06-001 Digital pressure sensor
ArucoLite Lightweight ArUco tracking
ArxContainer C++ container-like classes (vector, map, etc.) for Arduino which cannot use STL
ArxRobot Library Enables easy access to the controls of Arxterra robots.
ArxSmartPtr C++ smart pointer-like classes for Arduino which cannot use standard smart pointers
ArxStringUtils Arduino String utilities
ArxTypeTraits C++ type_traits for Arduino which cannot use it as default
ArylicHTTP ESP32 Library for controling Arylic audio devices.
AS-289R2 Thermal Printer Shield Arduino Library for Thermal Printer Shieid
AS1115 AS1115 display library.
AS3935 Library to support Austrian Microsystems AS3935 lightning sensor.
AS5X47 A library that reads angles from AS5047 and AS5147 sensors.
AS5047P An Arduino library for the AS5047P high-resolution rotary position sensor.
AS5600 Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L magnetic rotation meter.
AS5600_PsW AS5600 Library
AS6212 Temperature Sensor Arduino Library for interfacing with the AMS AS6212 Temperature Sensor
AsciiMassage AsciiMassage is a microcontroller message packer and parser for the ASCII format in different protocols.
asip A library to control a board using a stream (e.g., serial)
asip-services A library to extend the core Asip library with additional services
AskSinPP Homematic Protocol Library
AsproSolarShield AsproSolarShield Library
astra_esp8266 Easily access a Cassandra database from an ESP8266.
AstroCalcs Astronomy calculations library.
AstroMech Protocol for exchanging small amounts of data over audio.
ASTRON_CCS811 Easy and fast library for CCS811 sensor
AsyncAnalog Arduino Library for async reading of an analog pin
AsyncBMP180Wrapper Async wrapper for Sparkfun BMP180 lib
AsyncButton A library that implements async buttons.
AsyncDelay Simple abstraction library implementing delays and timeouts.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_ENC Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_W5500 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_ESP32_W6100 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet.
AsyncDNSServer_RP2040W Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W using CYW43439 WiFi with arduino-pico core.
AsyncDNSServer_STM32 Asynchronous DNS Server Library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 using LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet
AsyncDNSServer_Teensy41 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet.
AsyncDNSServer_WT32_ETH01 Fully Asynchronous DNS Server Library for WT32_ETH01 or ESP32-based boards using LwIP LAN8720 Ethernet.
AsyncEspFsWebserver ESPAsyncWebserver with steroids
AsyncESP32_ENC_Manager ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_Ethernet_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_ENC_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP + LwIP ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_Ethernet_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_W5500_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_SC_W6100_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_W5500_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W5500, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP32_W6100_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP8266_ENC_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP8266_Ethernet_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500 / W5100(S) / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP8266_W5100_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP W5100 / W5100S) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncESP8266_W5500_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500) Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
AsyncHTTPRequest_ESP32_Ethernet Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720.
AsyncHTTPRequest_Generic Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP libraries, such as AsyncTCP, ESPAsyncTCP, AsyncTCP_STM32, etc.. for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3), WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 with LwIP ENC28J60, W5500 or W6100, ESP8266 (WiFi, W5x00 or ENC28J60) and currently STM32 with LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet.
AsyncHTTPRequest_RP2040W Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_RP2040W library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W with CYW43439 WiFi.
AsyncHTTPRequest_Teensy41 Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of Teensy41_AsyncTCP for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet
AsyncHTTPSRequest_ESP32_Ethernet Simple Async HTTPS Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_SSL library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720.
AsyncHTTPSRequest_Generic Simple Async HTTPS Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_SSL library for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3), WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720) and ESP32 with LwIP ENC28J60, W5500 or W6100.
AsyncLiquidCrystal Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays (LCDs), in a non-blocking way.
AsyncMQTT_ESP32 Arduino Library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3 asynchronous MQTT client implementation
AsyncMQTT_Generic Arduino Library for ESP8266, ESP32, Portenta_H7, STM32 and RP2040W asynchronous MQTT client implementation
AsyncOTA Asynchronous over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates for ESP32.
AsyncSerial Library that allow to recieve a serial port stream in a non blocking process
AsyncServoLib Library for non blocking controlling a servo
AsyncSMS Simple asynchronous SMS library for SIM800L
AsyncSonar Library for non blocking controlling a ultrasonic sensor like HC-SR04
AsyncStepperLib AsyncStepper is a library for non blocking stepper motor control
AsyncStream Async read from Stream objects (Serial, etc)
AsyncTask Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Function Executor for All Arduino Like Platforms
AsyncTaskLib Library that implements a non blockin task
Async TCP Async TCP Library for ESP32
AsyncTCP_RP2040W Asynchronous TCP Library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W using CYW43439 WiFi with arduino-pico core
AsyncTCP_SSL Asynchronous SSL TCP Library for ESP32.
AsyncTelegram2 Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Hardware independent, it can be used with any MCU capable of handling an SSL connection.
AsyncTimer JavaScript-like async timing functions (setTimeout, setInterval).
AsyncTimerLib Simple non blocking timer with callback function
AsyncUdp_ESP32_ENC Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_ENC Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32_S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500, W6100 or ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_W5500 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_SC_W6100 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32S2/S3/C3 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_W5500 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W5500 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_ESP32_W6100 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP32 boards using LwIP W6100 Ethernet
AsyncUDP_Ethernet Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP8266 using W5x00 or ENC28J60 Ethernet. The library is easy to use and includes support for Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast environments.
AsyncUDP_RP2040W Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W using CYW43439 WiFi with arduino-pico core. The library is easy to use and includes support for Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast environments.
AsyncUDP_STM32 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for STM32 using LAN8720 or built-in LAN8742A Ethernet.
AsyncUDP_Teensy41 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet. The library is easy to use and includes support for Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast environments.
AsyncUDP_WT32_ETH01 Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720).
AsyncWebConfig A web based configuration editor for asynchron web server.
AsyncWebSerial Browser-based logging and debugging for ESP32 using the Web Serial API.
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_ENC AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + ENC28J60)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_ENC AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP ENC28J60)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_W5500 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_SC_W6100 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W5500 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + LwIP W5500)
AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W6100 AsyncWebServer for (ESP32 + LwIP W6100)
AsyncWebServer_Ethernet Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for ESP8266 using W5x00 or ENC28J60 Ethernet
AsyncWebServer_RP2040W Asynchronous WebServer Library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W using CYW43439 WiFi with arduino-pico core.
AsyncWebServer_STM32 AsyncWebServer for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 using LAN8720 or builtin LAN8742A Ethernet
AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet
AsyncWebServer_WT32_ETH01 AsyncWebServer for WT32_ETH01 using LAN8720
AsyncWT32_ETH01_Manager ESP32 + LwIP LAN8720, including WT32-S1, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
Async_Operations A library for accurately keeping track of long tasks without blocking the main thread
Asynchrony A way to schedule functions to be executed in the future, similar to asynchrony in other languages.
asyncino asynchronous library for the Arduino family
AtTouch Arduino Library for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch 7-channel Sensor IC via i2c.
AT24C A library for using the AT24C series i2c serial eeproms.
AT24C256 Library for the AT24C256 EEPROM
AT24C256 library Library for the AT24C256 I2C EEPROM.
AT24CM01 AT24CM01 EEPROM Library for Arduino Devices.
AT24Cxx Library for Atmel's AT24Cxx Series EEPROMs.
AT24MAC402 EEPROM I2C library for AT24MAC402/602
AT42QT Arduino library for the Microchip AT42QT series capacitive touch sensors.
ATC_MiThermometer Arduino library for BLE ATC_MiThermometer thermometer/hygrometer sensors.
ATC_MiThermometer-Arduino A library for interacting with ATC Mi Thermometers over BLE.
ATD1.47-S3 Lib Arduino library of ATD1.47-S3
ATD3.5-S3 Library for ATD3.5-S3
atlas OEM module Basic function to accessing atlas OEM module.
ATM90E26 Arduino ATM90E26 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino
ATMAC_EEPROM A library that interfaces the AT24MAC402/602 EEPROM chip.
Atmega328_IO Library for robot Cing with Atmega328.
Atmega32u4_IO Library for robot Cing with Atmega328.
Atmega8_IO Library for robot Cing with Atmega8.
Atmega8_IO_basic Library for robot Cing with Atmega8.
Atmel TSS463C VAN bus Datalink Controller library A library for the Atmel TSS463/TSS461 VAN Datalink Controller
ATOM_DTU_CAT1 Library for ATOM DTU CAT1 development kit
ATOM_DTU_LoRaWAN Library for ATOM DTU LoRaWAN development kit
ATOM_DTU_NB Library for ATOM DTU NB development kit
AtomicWeight Arduino library for atomic weights, calculate massPercentage of elements in a formula.
AtrivaTECH PicUNO Arduino library for programming PicUNO with device specific functions.
AttachInterruptEx AttachInterruptEx extends the standard AttachInterrupt function to allow for a variety of callable objects as timer callbacks.
Attiny84_IO Library for robot Cing with Attiny84.
Attiny84_IO_basic Library for robot Cing with Attiny84.
attiny85FasterPin "Library which lets you to control pins in more efficient way"
Attiny85_IO Library for robot Cing with Attiny85.
Attiny85_IO_basic Library for robot Cing with Attiny85.
Audio - Adafruit Fork Adafruit SAMD51 port of Teensy Audio Library - Flexible, High Quality Audio Processing
AudioShieldDTMF MCP4921 Audio Shield DTMF Example
AutoAnalogAudio Automated analog reads and analog output (streaming) using Arduino DAC(or PWM), ADC, DMA and Timers
AutoConnect ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at runtime with web interface.
AutoOTA Library for checking OTA updates
AutoPID Automatic PID controller
Automaton A multi tasking table driven finite state machine framework
Automaton-Esp8266 Esp8266 State Machines for the Automaton Framework
autorequest Autorequests implementation for Arduino.
autowp-mcp2515 Arduino MCP2515 CAN interface library
avdweb_AnalogReadFast Fast analogRead 10/12 bit ADC for the Arduino Zero and Uno
avdweb_SAMDtimer Timer library for the SAMD21 and Arduino Zero
avdweb_VirtualDelay Allows using (multiple) delays without blocking code execution. Arduino Uno and Zero.
AverageAngle Arduino library to calculate correctly the average of multiple angles.
avrCalibrate This library determines OSCCAL calibration values for MCU clock frequency and internal reference voltage and loads them at setup.
AVR-context This library provides a low-level facility for context switching between multiple threads of execution and contains an implementation of asymmetric stackful coroutines on an AVR micro-controller.
avr-fast-div Optimized integer division for AVR hardware
avr-fast-map A faster implementation of the Arduino map() function
avr-fast-shift Optimised left and right shifting of `uint32_t` up to 31 places.
AvrHeap Library to runtime analyse the structure of the heap (AVR 328).
AVR-IoT-Cellular Library for the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini Board
AVR-IoT MCP9808 Low level Arduino driver for the MCP9808 Digital Temperatur Sensor, mainly focused for the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini
AVR-IoT VEML3328 Low-level Arduino driver for the VEML3328 RGBCIR Color Sensor [1], which is mainly focused on the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini development kit.
AVR Standard C Time Library Real Time functions for Goldilocks ATmega1284p & ATmega2560
AvrTracing The last hope for the desperate AVR programmer. A small (344 bytes) Arduino library to have real program traces and to find the place where your program hangs.
AVRUtils AVRUtils
AVR_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, 32u4, etc., to create and output PWM.
AVR_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Mega-2560, UNO,Nano, Leonardo, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
avr_stl A port of ArduinoSTL Arduino library.
avrtos RTOS for AVR Arduino microcontrollers (Uno & Mega)
Awesome The library that supports the Awesome Shield PCB.
AwesomeClickButton Arduino awesome click button.
AwsIotWiFiClient A library to connect Wi-Fi microcontrollers to AWS IoT Core.
AWS-SDK-ESP8266 SDK for AWS using ESP8266
AX-Mini Library for AX-Mini
AxisJoystick The Library implements a set of methods for working with an axis joystick controller.
AXP202X_Library Arduino library for X-Power AXP202 chip
AY3891x Library for General Instrument AY-3-8910, AY-3-8912 Programmable Sound Generator chip.
AzureIoTHubMQTTClient Azure IoT Hub client library for ESP8266 via MQTT protocol.
Azure RTOS ThreadX Azure RTOS ThreadX Library for Arduino
Azure SDK for C Azure SDK for C library for Arduino.
Babelduino A library that allows writing and highlighting code in local language.
BackSeatDriver Simple move and turn semantics for self-driving vehicles.
BackgroundAudio Plays MP3, AAC, and WAV via an IRQ based mechanism to allow "multitasking" while playing
Balboa Spa communications Use Arduino to control your BalBoa Spa Pack.
Balboa32U4 Balboa 32U4 Arduino library
Ballvalve A library to control 5 wire electric ball valves like the US Solid MSV-00015.
BalmIot Library to easily make GET and UP requests to a BALM IOT.
Bang Use the command line interface of your host machine as a 'Service' for your Arduino!
BanglaDuino This library gives power to your Arduino to write in Bangla.
BanglaText Bangla text renderer in esp supported displays for ESP boards, by mamunul
BareBoneSim800 A BareBone Arduino Library For SIM800 Modules
BaroLibrary Library for Measurement Specialties MS5637-02BA03 Altimeter/Pressure sensor (including Freetronics BARO module).
Bas.Button A simple button class that calls a callback function when pressed.
Bas.CallbackCaller A class that encapsulates the registering and calling of a callback function.
Bas.SinglePinDevice A class for simple devices that can be turned on or off by writing to a single pin.
Base32-Decode Base32 decoder; able to handle both binary and string encoded data.
base64 Base64 encoder/decoder for arduino repo
base64_encode Convert between binary and base64 encoded string.
Basecamp A basic IoT library for the ESP32
basicCalculus Perform real-time 1D integration and differentiation
BasicColorLedControl This is a tiny and clearly arranged Arduino library for the basic RGB LED functionalities.
BasicEncoder BasicEncoder counts pulses from one or more simple rotary encoder control knobs.
basicGLCD This library is for QY-12854BG(= GLCD).
BasicLinearAlgebra A library for representing matrices and doing matrix math on arduino
BasicLinkedList A templated class for creating dynamic Linked Lists. A Linked List is a Linked List where each node points to the next node in the list.
basicMPU6050 lightweight library for the MPU6050.
BasicTag Functional C Library for abstracting variables as tags.
BasicTimer Basic Timer Interface
BasicTinkering A collection of wrapper classes for commonly used electronic components.
Batflow Battery lookup
BatteryMeter A library for reading a voltage from a battery and displaying the results.
Battery Sense Arduino battery sensing library
Battery_18650_Stats Library to calculate 18650 charge level
Battery_Shield Библиотека для работы с Battery Shield - источником автономного питания (ИАП).
BaudotCode Easily encode and decode ITA-2 5 bit Baudot code for for RTTY on Arduino
bb_captouch Capacitive touch sensor library for FT6x36, MXT144, CST820, CST226 and GT911 I2C devices.
bb_epaper A frustration-free e-paper library.
bb_hx1230 BitBank HX1230 96x68 LCD display library.
bb_ltr390 LTR-390 light sensor library.
bb_rtc realtime clock library for DS3231, RV3032, and PCF8563.
bb_scd41 Sensiron SCD4x CO2 sensor library.
bb_spi_lcd Color SPI LCD+OLED library with many unique features.
bb_truetype A fast+small TrueType font renderer.
bb_uc1701 Optimized 128x64 monochrome LCD display library for ST7565/UC1701 conrollers.
BBE IoT Class Library This is the C++ class library for students' use in IoT class to control smart systems.
BBQ10Keyboard Library for using the BBQ10Keyboard PMOD
bcl A fork of Nayukis Bitcoin Cryptography Library.
BDSP The library implements a binary data separation protocol.
BeShell A JavaScript framework for ESP32 Platform
Beacon An AMX-style Ethernet beacon, allowing for remote discovery.
BeaconNano Create a Beacon from an Arduino Nano Ble
BeeDataLogger Example libraries for the Bee Data Logger
BeeMotionS3 Example libraries for the Bee Motion S3
BeeS3 Helper library for Bee S3 Board
Beelan LoRaWAN LoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API.
Benchmark Measure code execution time
Better Joystick A library that handles and processes inputs from dual-axis Arduino joysticks.
BetterWiFiNINA An improved fork of WiFiNINA library
BGWiFiConfig BGWiFiConfig是一个为esp8266和esp32设计的简单易用Arduino配网库。
BH1730 An easy to use library for reading light values from the BH1730 light sensor
BH1750 Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
BH1750FVI Enables reading the digital light sensor
BH1750FVI_RT Arduino library for BH1750FVI (GY-30) lux sensor
BH1750_WE An Arduino library for the BH1750 light intensity sensor.
Bifrost library for HC-SR04 A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
BigCrystal A library that displays double height characters on LCD displays.
BigNums2x2 Creates a set of 2x2 character Big Numbers for a 2x16 character LCD.
Bind A UI toolkit for arduino.
BioData Interpret biological signals in real-time.
BIP66 A simple Bitcoin BIP66 Implementation in C++ for the ARK Ecosystem.
BirdhouseSDK An Arduino library to easy control lots of relays effects, buttons with debouncer, analog indicators and more
BistableRelay A simple library to control a bistable relay with set and reset pins.
BitArray Arduino library for compact array of objects with a size expressed in bits.
BitBang_I2C Bit-bang the I2C protocol on any 2 GPIO pins on any system.
BitBool The ultimate bit manipulation tool.
bitHelpers Arduino library with functions on bit level
BitPack Library for packing bit flags into byte array
BitReader The BitReader library is an arduino library that allows one to read or write data which is not aligned on 8, 16 or 32 bits variables.
Bitcraze PMW3901 PMW3901 Optical flow sensor driver.
BitkitRobit Arduino library for Bitkit Robit.
bitluni ESP32Lib Multimedia library for the ESP32
Bits and Droids flight sim library Use serial communication to control Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
bits_asukiaaa A library to handle bits or bytes.
BlaeckSerial A simple library to send binary (sensor) data via Serial port to your PC.
BlaeckTCP A simple library to send binary (sensor) data via Ethernet/Wifi to your PC.
BLE-MIDI BLE-MIDI I/Os for Arduino
BLEPeripheral An Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals.
BLE SDK for Arduino Nordic BLE SDK for Arduino for nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield, Blend and Blend Micro.
BLESensorGateway allows to read data from a local BLE sensor and send it to Arduino Cloud and viceversa.
BLESerial A library to communicate with BLE Serial Modules
ble_definitions A library that contains ready to use definitions for different BLE Services and Characteristics
Bleeper A library to store generic configurations.
Bleeping Library Simple BLE ESP Provisioning and Configuration
BlenderServoAnimation Library to control servos based on an exported Blender animation.
blesdlib Emulate a keystrok via bluetooth wirelessly
BlinkCode Library Asynchronous BlinkCode library for indicating flash fault codes.
BlinkControl This is an Arduino/ESP32 module for easily manage multiple LED on/off, blinking or Buzzer beats with different pattern.
BlinkSuite A library for blinking pins on and off or in a sequence.
Blinkenlight Supercharge your status LEDs / beepers
Blinker Build a easy way for your IoT project.
Blinker_PMSX003ST Arduino library for Plantower PMSX003ST family sensors.
blite Dev kit for buildybee blite breakout board
BlockNot BlockNot gives you non-blocking timers with simplicity.
BlueDisplay This library enables an Android smartphone or tablet to act as a graphical display for your Arduino.
BlueDot BMA400 Library BlueDot library for BMA400 sensors.
BlueDot BME280 Library BlueDot library for BME280 sensors.
BlueDot BME280 TSL2591 BlueDot library for BME280 and TSL2591 sensors.
BlueDot SGP40 SHT40 BlueDot library for SGP40 and SHT40 sensors.
BlueFairy Task Scheduler, Keyboard Control, Machine State
BlueRobotics Arduino_I2C_ESC Library A library for I2C based control of BlueRobotics ESCs
BlueRobotics Keller LD Library A simple and easy library for the Keller LD series pressure/depth sensors
BlueRobotics MS5837 Library A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor
BlueRobotics TSYS01 Library A simple and easy library for the TSYS01 temperature sensor
BlueVGA Library for BluePill VGA library for STM32F103C8T6 (BluePill) that can manipulate a 224x240 pixels with 8x8 Tiles or Characters from a user defined bitmap font
Bluebird All in one library to control Teknikio's Bluebird board.
bluemicro_engine Engine to implement a loop in order to decouple the progression of time from user input and processor speed.
bluemicro_exmpl Keyboard examples that uses the BlueMicro libraries.
bluemicro_hid Creates a unified facade to both TinyUSB and nRF52 BlueFruit HID interfaces.
bluemicro_nrf52 A nRF52 Library for controler-specific functions like setting up GPIOs, Watchdog Timer and sleeping.
bluemicro_rp2040 A RP2040 Library for controler-specific functions like setting up GPIOs, Watchdog Timer and other hardware specific functions.
bluemicro_samd A SAMD Library for controler-specific functions like setting up GPIOs, Watchdog Timer and sleeping.
Bluepad32 for NINA-W10 boards Enables gamepad support for NINA-based boards like the Nano RP2040 Connect, MKR WiFi 1010, MKR VIDOR 4000, UNO WiFi Rev.2 and Nano 33 IoT.
Blues-Minimal-I2C Blues-Minimal-I2C
Blues Notecard Environment Variable Manager A utility class to support usage and management of Notecard-based environment variables.
Blues Wireless Notecard An easy to use Notecard Library for Arduino.
Blues Wireless Notecard Auxiliary Wi-Fi A utility class to support external Wi-Fi operations.
Blues Wireless Notecard Pseudo Sensor Sensor class used for Notecard testing and examples.
BluetoothSerial Handles the Bluetooth Serial connection to BluetoothSerial Connect iOS app.
BluetoothTerminal A library to implement serial-like communication over BLE.
BluetoothTPMS Bluetooth TPMS Library for Arduino
Bluewhale GameCube comms library using the RP2040s PIO
BLVD20KM_asukiaaa It controls BLVD20KM or BLVD40NM
Blynk Build a smartphone app for your project in minutes!
BlynkESP32_BT_WF Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM.
BlynkEthernet_Manager Simple Ethernet Manager for MultiBlynk for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52, ESP32, ESP8266, RP2040-based (Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) boards, etc. with or without SSL, configuration data saved in ESP8266/ESP32 LittleFS, SPIFFS, nRF52/RP2040 LittleFS/InternalFS, EEPROM, DueFlashStorage or SAMD FlashStorage.
BlynkEthernet_STM32_WM Simple Blynk Credentials Manager for STM32 boards using built-in LAN8742A Ethernet, LAN8720, ENC28J60 or W5x00 Ethernet shields, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in EEPROM.
BlynkGate Connect your IOT Projects to Blynk.
BlynkGSM_Manager Simple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM.
BlynkNcpDriver A shared interface to the services provided by Blynk.NCP
Blynk_Async_ESP32_BT_WF Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either SPIFFS or EEPROM. Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Using AsyncWebServer instead of WebServer, with WiFi networks scanning for selection in Configuration Portal.
Blynk_Async_GSM_Manager Simple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM.
Blynk_Async_WM Simple Async WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.1 and ESP32 core v1.0.6
Blynk_Esp8266AT_WM Simple WiFiManager for Blynk with MultiWiFi Credentials, for Mega, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, RP2040-based RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc. boards running ESP8266/ESP32-AT shields. Configuration data saved in EEPROM, EEPROM-emulated FlashStorage_STM32 or FlashStorage_SAMD, SAM-DUE DueFlashStorage or nRF52/TP2040 LittleFS.
Blynk_Teensy Enable Blynk support of Teensy boards, especially latest Teensy 4.0/4.1, using WiFi, Ethernet, BT/BLE and GMSM/GPRS shields
Blynk_WiFiManager Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.0 and ESP32 core v1.0.6
Blynk_WiFiNINA_WM Simple WiFiManager for Blynk and Mega, UNO WiFi Rev2, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32, nRF52, RP2040-based boards, etc. using WiFiNINA shields, configuration data saved in EEPROM, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_STM32, DueFlashStorage, nRF52/RP2040 LittleFS
BM12O2021-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM12O2021-A/BMD12K202 that NMOS Driver Module
BM12O2321-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM12O2321-A/BMD12K232 that H-bridge Drive Module
BM2102-9x-1 Arduino library for UART and I2C access to the BM2102-9x-1/BMC21M0x1 that Sub-1G OOK Transmitter Transparent Transmission Module
BM22S2021-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S2021-1/BMA26M202 that Smoke Detector Digital Sensor
BM22S3021-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3021-1/BMA36M302 that Semiconductor Gas Detector Module
BM22S3031-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3031-1/BMA36M303 that Catalytic Gas Detector Module
BM22S3221-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3221-1/BMA56M322 that CO Detection Module
BM22S3421-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S3421-1/BMA34M421 that Alcohol Detector Module
BM22S4221-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM22S4221-1/BMA46M422 that PIR Detector Module
BM2302-9x-1 Arduino library for UART and I2C access to the BM2302-9x-1/BMC23M0x1 that Sub-1G OOK Receiver Transparent Transmission Module
BM25S2021-1 Arduino library for I2C and OneWire access to the BM25S2021-1/BME33M251 that Temperature and Humidity Mdoule
BM25S3221-1 Arduino library for UART access the BM25S3221-1/BME25K322 that Laser Dust Detection Module
BM25S3321-1 Arduino library for UART access the BM25S3321-1/BME58M332 that CO2 Detector Digital Module
BM25S3421-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM25S3421-1/BME53M421 that VOC Detection Module
BM32O2531-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM32O2531-A/BMD32K253 that LCD Module
BM32S2031-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM32S2031-1/BMS31M001 that Second Generation Proximity Sensing Module.
BM32S3021-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM32S3021-1/BMS31M002 that 1D Infrared Gesture Control Digital Module.
BM42S5321-1 Arduino library for I2C/UART access to the BM42S5321-1/BML36K532 that Laser Ranging Module
BM52D5021-1 Arduino library for BM52D5021-1/BMN31K502 that Microporous Atomiser Module
BM52D5121-1 Arduino library for BM52D5121-1/BMN31K512 that Low Power Atomiser Module
BM62S2201-1 Arduino library for I2C or UART access to the BM62S2201-1/BME21M621 that Air Pressure Module
BM64 Library BM64/BM62 Library for Arduino
BM7701-00-1 Arduino library for UART access to the BM7701-00-1/BMC77M001 that Bluetooth 5.2 BLE module
BM92S2021-A Arduino library for 9-bit UART access to the BM92S2021-A/BMA92K202 that Color Sensor Module
BM92S2222-A Arduino library for the BM92S2222-A/BMA92K222 that Fingerprint Module.
BMB22M210 Arduino library for UART access to the BMB22M210/BMB22T101 UART Expansion Module
BMC Fully featured MIDI Controller Library with a Companion Editor App for 32-bit Teensy boards, Requires Teensyduino.
BMC11T001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC11T001 that NFC Card Reader Shield
BMC36M0x1 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC36M0x1 that Sub-1GHz FSK Transceiver Transparent Transmission Module
BMC56M001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC56M001 that 2.4G GFSK Transceiver Transparent Transmission Module
BMC81M001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMC81M001 that WIFI Module
BMD11M134 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMD11M134 that 4-Digit Digital Tube Module
BMD26M088 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMD26M088 that RGB LED 8×8 Module
BMD31M090 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMD31M090 that 0.96 inch OLED Display Module
BMD58T280 Arduino library for SPI or EBI access to the BMD58T280 that 2.8 inch TFT-LCD Display Shield
BME280 Provides a library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 environmental sensor data over I2C, SPI or Sw SPI.
BME280_Arduino_I2C A simple library to recive data from BME280 sensor over I2C interface
BME280_Mini A very lightweight library to read data from a Bosch BME280 sensor over an I2C interface
BME280_Zanshin Access the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity and pressure sensor
BME34M101 Arduino library for UART access to the BME34M101 that Soil Moisture Detection Module
BME63M001 Arduino library for UART access to the BME63M001 that TDS Water Quality Detector Module
BME680 Arduino library to access and control the Bosch BME680 sensor and get temperature, humidity, pressure and gas readings.
BME68x Sensor library Bosch Sensortec BME680 and BME688 sensor library
BME82M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BME82M131 that Ambient Light Detection Module
BMH06203 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMH06203/BMH63K203 that IR Temperature Module.
BMH08002-4 Arduino library for UART access to the BMH08002-4/BMH83M002 that Oximeter and Heart Rate Module
BMH12M105 Arduino library for I2C or UART access to the BMH12M105 that Weighing Module
BMH23M001 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMH23M001 that 24-Bit ADC Module.
BMH23M002 Arduino library for I2C or SPI access to the BMH23M002 that 24-Bit ADC Module
BMI270_Sensor Library for BMI270 sensor
BMK22M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK22M131 that Button-LED Module
BMK52M134 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK52M134 that 4-KEY Capacitive Touch Module
BMK52T016 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK52T016 that 16-Key Capacitive Touch Shield
BMK54T004 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK54T004 that Slide+4-Key Capacitive Touch Shield
BMK56T004 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMK56T004 that Wheel+4-Key Capacitive Touch Shield
BML36M001 Arduino library for I2C access to the BML36M001 Laser Ranging Module
BMN31K522 Arduino library for UART access to the BMN31K522 Atomization Adapter Module
BMP280 DFRobot Standard library modified by dvarrel
BMP73T102 Arduino library for the BMP73T102 that Dual-channel Motor Driver Shield
BMP73T104 Arduino library for the BMP73T104 that Four-channel Motor Driver Shield
BMP75M131 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMP75M131 that Relay Module
BMS26M833 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS26M833 that Infrared Thermopile Array Mdoule
BMS33M332 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS33M332 that Proximity&Light Mdoule
BMS36T001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMS36T001 that IR Proximity Sensing + Motor Driver Shield
BMS56M605 Arduino library for I2C access to the BMS56M605 that Gyroscope&Acceleration Mdoule
BMS81M001 Arduino library for IIC access to the BMS81M001 that Wake On Shake Module
BMV23M001 Arduino library for IIC access to the BMV23M001 that Sound Detector module
BMV31T001 Arduino library for one-wire access to the BMV31T001 that Voice Playback Shield
BMV36T001 Arduino library for SPI access to the BMV36T001 that Record and Playback Shield
BMV51T001 Arduino library for UART access to the BMV51T001 that MIDI Shield
BMV56T123 Arduino library for UART access to the BMV56T123 that Creative Music Touch Shield
BNO055SimplePacketComs Serve the BNo055 sensor using a SimplePacketComs Server.
BnrOneAPlus Interfacing Bot´n Roll ONE A+ robot from
Board Identify An Arduino library which allows identification of over 100 different boards/controllers.
BobaBlox A library that makes it easy to code simple hardware interactions with the Arduino.
BOF-Bling_On_ofF Arduino library for playing with relay, LED, and other On/OFF.
Bofu A library to send and receive bofu blinds controller messages.
BohleBots_BNO055 Library for the BNO055 as easy to use compass.
Boho Encryption, authentication, Secure communication.
Bolder Flight Systems Ainstein USD1 Library for communicating with the Ainstein US-D1 RADAR altimeter.
Bolder Flight Systems Airdata Calculations Airdata library.
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5812 Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5812 pressure transducers.
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5915 Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5915 pressure transducers.
Bolder Flight Systems BME280 Library for communicating with the BME280 environment sensor.
Bolder Flight Systems BMI088 Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI088 6 axis IMU.
Bolder Flight Systems Checksum Checksum library.
Bolder Flight Systems Circular Buffer Circular buffer library.
Bolder Flight Systems Controls Controls library.
Bolder Flight Systems Eigen Eigen Matrix Math Library.
Bolder Flight Systems Excitation Library of excitation waveforms.
Bolder Flight Systems Filter Filter library.
Bolder Flight Systems Honeywell HG4930 Library for communicating with the Honeywell HG4930 IMU
Bolder Flight Systems Imap Float to integer mapping.
Bolder Flight Systems LEB128 LEB128 library.
Bolder Flight Systems Message Framing Message framing library.
Bolder Flight Systems MPU9250 Library for communicating with the MPU-9250 and MPU-9255 nine-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU).
Bolder Flight Systems MS4525 Library for communicating with MS4525DO pressure transducers.
Bolder Flight Systems Polytools Polynomial fitting and evaluation.
Bolder Flight Systems PWM Library for sending commands to PWM servos.
Bolder Flight Systems SBUS Library for communicating with SBUS receivers and servos.
Bolder Flight Systems Statistics Stats library.
Bolder Flight Systems Terabee Library for communicating with Terabee Evo Hub.
Bolder Flight Systems UBLOX Library for communicating with uBlox GPS receivers.
Bolder Flight Systems ULEB128 ULEB128 library.
Bolder Flight Systems Unit Conversions Unit conversion library.
Bolder Flight Systems VectorNav Library for communicating with VectorNav IMU and INS sensors.
Bonezegei ILI9341 Simple Library for ILI9341 LCD Module
Bonezegei LCD1602 I2C HD44780 with PCF8574 I2C
Bonezegei_A4988 Stepper Motor Driver (A4988)
Bonezegei_Compute Bonezegei Compute (BZC)
Bonezegei_DHT11 DHT11
Bonezegei_DHT22 DHT22
Bonezegei_DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver (DRV8825)
Bonezegei_DS1307 DS1307 Driver
Bonezegei_DS3231 DS3231 Driver
Bonezegei_GL Bonezegei Graphics Library (Beta)
Bonezegei_GPS GPS Library
Bonezegei_GSM GSM Library via Serial Port
Bonezegei_HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Bonezegei_HD44780 16 x 2 LCD Library
Bonezegei_I2CScan Scans I2C device from 0 to 255 and show the address of active devices
Bonezegei_ILI9341v2 ILI9341 Driver
Bonezegei_LCD2004_I2C HD44780 with PCF8574 I2C
Bonezegei_List Simple List Class
Bonezegei_PCA9685 I2C PWM Expander
Bonezegei_PCF8574 PCF8574 driver
Bonezegei_Printf Simple Printf
Bonezegei_Protocol Bonezegei Protocol (BZP)
Bonezegei_RS485 RS485 to UART
Bonezegei_Search Simple Array keyword Search
Bonezegei_SoftSerial Software Serial Beta
Bonezegei_SSD1306 OLED Library
Bonezegei_ULN2003_Stepper Stepper Motor Driver Library
Bonezegei_Utility Simple Utility for Bonezegei Libraries
Bonezegei_WS2812 WS2812
Bonezegei_XPT2046 Simple Library XPT2046 Resistive Touch Controller
Bonezegei_XPT2046v2 XPT2046 Driver
Boodskap IoT Digital Twin library Arduino library for sending & receving sensor data
BoodskapTransceiver Boodskap IoT Platform Arduino Library
BoolArray Arduino library for compact array of booleans of max size 2000 (UNO).
BooleanButton library for monitoring the state, transitions, and timing of a boolean variable, creating a virtual button that emulates a switch.
Bootstrapper A client library for MQTT messaging.
Bosch_BME280_Arduino C++ Library for the Bosch BME280 Sensor based on the original Bosch Sensor API v3.5.1
bosejis_AMV The AMV Protocol Implementation
bosejis_Bin Bosejis Bin Library
bosejis_PString Print to String Library
bosejis_TWI TWI operations Library
bosejis_Types Generic Type to Value Conversion Library.
BotleticsSIM7000 Arduino library for the Botletics SIM7000 Shield and other SIMCom modules
Botly Librarie permettant de piloter le robot Botly développé par l'association La Machinerie
Bounce2 Debouncing library for Arduino and Wiring.
BowlerCom A library to communicate between an arduino and a computer.
BPLib This library simplifies using the RN-42 Bluetooth Module
BQ25887 Library for the BQ25887 2S Lithium Battery Charger
BQ25896 Arduino library for BQ25896 single-Cell Battery Charger
BQ76952 TI-BQ76952 BMS IC library for Arduino
BraccioRobot Braccio Robot controller API.
BraccioV2 A library that enables more functionality for use with the Tinkerkit Braccio Arm.
BRAINZY A library that makes coding user-friendly for programming robots.
Brasilino Biblioteca de tradução e facilitação de funções para Arduino em PT-BR
BresserWeatherSensorReceiver Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121.
BridgeHttpClient A practical and easy to use generic HTTP client library for the Yun.
Brief A scriptable firmware and protocol for interfacing hardware.
Brino A biblioteca possibilita o uso de termos em portugues (Brino) para a programacao do arduino.
Brushless Servo A library to use Brushless Motors with Servo syntax.
Brzo I2C Brzo I2C is a fast I2C Implementation written in Assembly for the esp8266
BSEC Software Library Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library
bsec2 Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library
BSON Binary JSON packet builder for Arduino
BTLE Arduino library for basic Bluetooth LE communication.
btnapi Library for conecting buttons
BTS7960 Library for BTS7960 Dual H-Bridge 43A DC Motor controller
BTS7960_Motordriver A library that helps control a brushed DC motor using BTS7960 motor driver easy.
BUCO-PI A library to simplify creating, operating, and using your DIY Internet of Things devices using BUCO PI devices.
BufferUtils An Arduino library for working with Buffers.
Buffered Oreon SSD1351 Library for the OLEDs based on SSD1351
Buffered Streams Implementation of Arduino's Stream class which use internal ring buffers to emulate a pair of connected Streams or a Loopback Stream.
Bugtton Fast button debounce library for ATmega328P. Uses registers instead of digitalRead.
buildTime Library will help you to get compile time
BusInOut_Arduino BusInOut (mbed style multiple GPIO pins control)
BusRepeater_NXP_Arduino Demo code for PCA9617ADP-ARD
ButtinoRAK Library for the Lualtek Button handler for RAK devices
Button Button is a tiny library to make reading buttons very simple.
Button-Arduino This library allows to manage a button.
ButtonClickCheck This is a library for checking the state of a button connected to an Arduino. [Korean]아두이노에 연결된 버튼의 상태를 확인하기 위한 라이브러리입니다.
ButtonControl Short clicks, long clicks and double clicks. Click count and button press time.
ButtonDebounce A library that makes easy to use button with debounce.
ButtonFever Powerful button tools for managing various button events of standalone button or button array.
ButtonGestures Use one button for up to 6 different functions using gestures!
ButtonKing Arduino libary for improving the usage of a singe input button.
ButtonMatrix ButtonMatrix library for keypads directly connected to the Arduiono/ESP or via external IO
ButtonSuite A library for using a simple mechanical push (momentary) button as a momentary button, a latching button, a counter, an enumerator, and more.
ButtonToSwitch Implement simple to complex switches out of simple buttons -or any other momentary digital input signal- this library with an easy consistent API will take care of debouncing, deglitching, toggle on-off, keep activation times in a completely unnatended manner.
ButtonToSwitch_ESP32 Implement simple to complex switches out of simple buttons, this library with an easy consistent API will take care of debouncing, deglitching, toggle on-off, keep activation times in a completely unnatended manner.
Button2 Arduino/ESP library to simplify working with buttons.
button_asukiaaa Supply classes for Button.
button_moarbue Button library with callbacks for press events
Button_SL Button query
Button_TT Library of classes and functions to support drawing buttons on a pixel display.
ButtonnIRQ Button function based on IRQ
Buzz AC/static electricity-based motion detection using only the ADC and a wire!
Buzzer Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Buzzer.
BuzzerManager A library to manage multiple buzzers with flexible beep control.
BuzzerMelody This library provides a simple solution for playing one or more melodies on piezoelectric passive buzzers using the arduino core tone function in a non-blocking way.
BY8X01-16P Audio Module Library Library to control a BY8001-16P or BY83001-16P audio module from an Arduino board.
ByteConvert Library for converting variables to bytes and reverse
byte-sized-encoder-decoder communicate over I2C with an encoder reading module
BytebeamArduino A small Arduino Library for Bytebeam Cloud that just works.
Byteduino A light implementation of Obyte cryptocurrency platform (formerly Byteball) for ESP8266 and ESP32
CBeeper Arduino Beeper Control
CHx01 Allow to read ultrasound data from Invensense CH101, or CH201 devices, detects targets and computes range.
cI2C Arduino Hardware I2C for AVR (in plain c)
CLed Arduino LED Control
cQueue Queue handling library (written in plain c)
cSerialWatcher Monitor and modify arduino variables via serial usb
Cabluino A Library establishing a connection between Arduino and Cables using the WebSerial API.
CafeIOT CafeIOT library for Eep8266.
CafeIot_Arduino CafeIot library for Arduino.
CAGEduino Arduino library for CAGEduino board on CAGEBOT platform.
CalibratedSpeed Arduino Library for calibrating DC motors
CallMyFunction Arduino library to call function with time restrictions
Callables General Callables API
Callback A simple implementation of Signals and Slots for writing more flexible callbacks
CallbackButton Listen to pushbutton click events on an asynchronous and non-blocking way using callback functions.
CallbackHelper Tool to generate std::function like callback APIs without the huge memory footprint of std::function
Calliope Arduino library Arduino library for Calliope mini V1 - V3
Callmebot ESP32 Callmebot library for ESP32
Callmebot ESP8266 Callmebot library for ESP8266
Camino A library for controlling an Arduino from Python over Serial.
CAN An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus.
CAN Adafruit Fork An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus.
CanAirIO Air Quality Sensors Library Air quality particle meter and CO2 sensors manager for multiple models.
CanBusData_asukiaaa It defines data frame of CAN bus.
CanBusMCP2515_asukiaaa It communicate with MCP2515 or MCP25625 on SPI to use CAN Bus.
CanSat Kit Library Library for CanSat Kit.
CanSatNeXT A library for using the hardware resources of CanSat NeXT board
CanSatNeXT_GNSS Extension to the CanSatNeXT to add support for the GNSS module
CAN_BUS_Shield Seeed Arduino library to control CAN BUS and CAN BUS FD.
Canon BLE remote [BETA] Canon bluetooth remote control library for Arduino.
CapacitiveSensor Create capacitive sensors that can detect touch or proximity.
Capacitor Measure capacitance from 0.2pF to 100uF with no external hardware.
CaptureTimer Arduino Input Capture Library
car robot vip This Arduino library provides the car robot code.
Cardinal An Arduino library that takes input in degrees and output a string or integer for the 4, 8, 16, or 32 compass headings (like North, South, East, and West).
Carduino A library for Carduino, the programmable Cardano Logo and epoch countdown counter.
CarreraDigitalControlUnit Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 interface library for Arduino and mbed OS
Cat GFX Thermal Printer Library Adafruit GFX compatible arduino library for using cat thermal printers with the ESP32
CayenneLPPdec CayenneLPP data decoder
CayenneLPP CayenneLPP Arduino Library.
CayenneMQTT Connect a device to the Cayenne dashboard using MQTT.
CB-HCHO-V4 Arduino library to control Cubic CB-HCHO-V4
CBUSconfig Arduino library for MERG CBUS module configuration
CBUS Library for MERG CBUS
CBUSSwitch Arduino library for MERG CBUS pushbutton switch processing
CBUS2515 Library for MERG CBUS using MCP2515, 25625 ICs
CBUSACAN2040 Library for MERG CBUS using CAN2040 driver
CBUSBUZZER Arduino library for MERG CBUS buzzer processing
CBUSLED Arduino library for MERG CBUS LED processing
CBUSMCP_CAN Library for MERG CBUS using the MCP_CAN library for MCP2515
CC-Lantern Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
CC1101 Arduino library for CC1101 transceiver.
CCIR476 Encode and Decode CCIR476 symbols for SITOR / AMTOR based messages on Arduino
CCS811-Soldered CCS811 Environmental Sensor
CD22M3494EZ A library for controlling the CD22M3494EZ device.
CD4511B Seven Segment Display Driver Arduino library that drives seven segment displays using CD4511B chips.
CD74HC4067 A library for interfacing with the CD74HC4067 Mux.
Cdrv8833 ESP32 class for the TI DRV8833 motor driver. Designed for unipolar (DC) motors only (not stepper).
CEClient A library which allows communication with HDMI CEC capable devices.
CESmartCamp Made it for CESmartCamp#12
cerebro A library that makes cerebro works easly.
CERP - DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino library Is a lightweight library for DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino
CFPushButton A library for Arduino that helps interface for Push Buttons.
CF Rotary Encoder A library for Arduino that helps interface for Rotary Encoders.
CFSM A State Design Pattern for State Machines in C-Language.
cgnuino Arduino library for behavioral task controls in cognitive psychology and neuroscience.
Ch376msc A library for CH376 file manager control chip.
CH55xSwitchControl A library to automate Nintendo Switch games using CH55x microcontrollers.
CH9328-Keyboard USB HID Keyboard using WCH CH9328 chip. It is almost compatible with Arduino Keyboard library.
CH9329_Keyboard This library and the CH9329 chip allows an Arduino board without USB capability to act as a keyboard.
CharDisplay Library for unicode progress pars, bitmap drawing graphics and plots (charts)
Charge n Boost A library for the Charge 'n Boost lithium charger and usb booster
Charset Charset library for Arduino
Chassis Chassis is a C++ library for undercarriage control in robotics.
ChatGPTuino Arduino library for making API calls to OpenAI's chatGPT.
ChatGPT_Client Library for communication with ChatGPT
CheapLCD A convenience library for using a common LCD shield available from SainSmart, DFRobot, HiLetgo, RobotDyne and others.
CheapStepper A library for the cheap but useful 28BYJ-48 5v stepper motor with ULN2003 driver board
CheckDS18B20 Check manufacturer of DS18B20 temperature sensors
CheerLights Fetch and use the latest CheerLights color.
Chirale_TensorFLowLite Allows you to run machine learning models locally on all Arduino boards with mbed or ESP32 architecture.
ChirpSDK Chirp SDK
Chrono Chronometer/stopwatch library that counts the time passed since started.
Chronos Easily manipulate date-times to perform scheduling, setup calendars and find points in time that are of interest.
ChronosESP32 Setup your ESP32 as a smartwatch and connect to Chronos app over BLE.
CHT8305 Arduino library for CHT8305 temperature and humidity sensor.
CHT8310 Arduino library for CHT8310 temperature and humidity sensor.
CHT832X Arduino library for CHT832X temperature and humidity sensor.
CIE-PN532 Arduino library for SPI access to the Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE) with the PN532 NFC reader
CIE1931 Arduino library for calculating PWM DCs for a linear LED brightness ramp.
CipherCode Library with functions to encode texts
Circios Roboter-Steuerung Arduino-Bibliothek zum Ansteuern des "Circios" Schulroboters
CircuitPlaygroundGestures Gesture recognizer for the Adafruit Circuit Playground.
CircuitsFunBasic Essential basic components library by CircuitsFun.
CircuitsFunProjects Beginner friendly projects and project libraries by CircuitsFun
CircularBuffer Arduino circular buffer library
CircularBufferLib CircularBuffer Library
CircularQueue Implementation of Queue Data Structure for Arduino Boards.
CirquePinnacle A driver library for interfacing with the Cirque Pinnacle (1CA027) touch controller used in Cirque Glidepoint Circle Trackpads.
CJKit Supporting Library for the CanSat Júnior Kit.
CLAIRE API to interface with CLAIRE water management demonstrator at DEIS-AAU.
Clap Library for clap recognition and counting
CleanRTOS Makes use of FreeRTOS on ESP32 much easier and safer.
CliTerminal Simple Serial Terminal
ClickButton Effortless handle botton clicks.
clicli Command Line Interface for Arduino.
ClimaStick Arduino ClimaStick v1 & v2 library for the Internet of Things Platform.
ClimateGuard CG Anem Library for communicating with the thermoanemometer CG-Anem.
ClimateGuard RadSens Library for communicating with the radiation detector module RadSens.
Clip Command Line Interface Parser
Clock Arduino Software Clock
ClockForSeg_Lib A library for Clock made of TM1637
cloud4rpi-esp-arduino Connect a board to the Cloud4RPi control panel using MQTT -
Cloudchip IoT communication library for Arduino, ESP8266 & EPS32
ClusterDuck Protocol Mesh communication protocol.
CM1106 I2C Arduino library to control Cubic CM1106 I2C
cmd A serial command line interface with buffer editing.
cmdArduino A small command-line library to make development easier.
CmdMessenger A serial messaging library for the Arduino and .NET/Mono platform.
CmdParser A simple and most powerfull cmd parser with small memory footprint
CmdSerial Simple library that provides an easy way to input/output data from the sketch.
CMMC Easy CMMC Easy is a library for managing time without delay function
CMMC MQTT Connector MQTT Connector library
CMMC Packet A simple CMMC Packet data structure.
CMMC WiFi Connector WiFiConnector by CMMC
CMMC_Interval CMMC_Interval
CMMC_LED An easy led controller
CNCShield Lightweight library for the Arduino CNC Shield.
CoAP simple library Simple CoAP client/server library for generic Arduino Client hardware.
CoDrone A library for CoDrone users
CodeCell CodeCell Arduino Library
CodeCodeCodec Library Arduino library for CodeCodeCodec's projects.
CodeDebugScope CodeDebugScope Library
CodeSizeProfiler An Arduino library for profiling function execution time as a proxy for code size.
Codec2 The Codec2 library is a proof-of-concept for running the Codec2 audio codec on an Arduino-compatible Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit LE board.
CodingArray MotorShield V1 Library A library for controlling the CodingArray MotorShield V1. Supports DC and stepper motors with microstepping and stacking capabilities.
Cohere_Client Arduino Library to connect with Cohere models
CoilCell CoilCell Arduino Library
CoinMarketCapApi A wrapper for the Api (supports ESP8266, ESP32 & WiFi101 boards)
Cojson Zero-effort JSON reading and writing on Arduino platforms,
ColorConverter Color Converter Library
Coloria Coloria is an Arduino library for printing colored and formatted text to the serial monitor.
ColourKit Simple Arduino library for storing, manipulating, and using colour data.
ComDriverSpi SPI communication driver class
CommandParser An Arduino library for parsing commands of the form COMMAND_NAME ARG1 ARG2 ARG3.
Commander Command line library for Arduino.
Commander-API This library can be used to create a simple command parser.
Commanders This is a library for Arduino to handle input devices like buttons, Dcc (railroad modeling), CAN or I2C bus, or serial interface to give orders.
Comp6DOF_n0m1 An Arduino Library for compass tilt compensation and hard iron offset
CompileTime Automatically set the hours, minutes seconds, year, month, and day in your project when uploading!
Complex Arduino library for Complex math.
Computherm RF Library Arduino library for Computherm Q8RF thermostat.
ConductivityLib Library for resistance-measuring sensors prone to electrolysis.
ConfigAssist A lightweight library allowing managing configuration settings on ESP32 and ESP8266 devices devices using a web portal.
ConfigManager WiFi connection manager for ESP8266 and ESP32
ConfigPortal32 Configuration Web Portal for ESP32
ConfigPortal8266 Configuration Web Portal for ESP8266
ConfigStorage Library to store configuration parameters in the file system using LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32.
ConfigTool Save config variable and edit them online.
ConfigurableFirmata This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board.
Connect Arduino-Supabase Arduino Library to communicate with
ConnectThings_ESP8266 Allows communication with WiFi network for all Arduino boards.
ConnectionHelper Library for setting up WiFi and OTA (Over The Air)
ConsentiumNow A versatile library enabling ESP-NOW communication for IoT devices.
ConsentiumStarterKit Consentium Starter kit.
ConsentiumThings Consentium Things IoT board.
Console Arduino based VT100 comparable serial console library.
Constellation Arduino/ESP library for Constellation 1.8
ContinuousStepper An Arduino library to spin stepper motors in continuous motions.
ContinuousStepper_Generic This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Generic boards to use PWM to control continuous Stepper Motor
ControlAssist Generate webserver pages on esp devices and control their html elements at runtime using web sockets.
controlKeyboard A library for checking keyboard events like whether a key is pressed or released.
ControlLoop An all in one, device controller with on/off, PID, and Cascade PID.
ControlSystemsOS A robotics library for interfacing with a dynamic set of plug-and-play low-level I2C modules through a high-level control systems API.
controlVoltage A simple library for generating CV signals to control modular synthesizers.
ControleForno Uma biblioteca para controle e automacao de forno tipo esteira.
Controlino A library for using direct or multiplexed input controls easily.
ControlledServo A library to have more control over the movement of a servo.
ControllerAsI2c_asukiaaa It handles ESP32 as I2C device of receiver of wireless controller.
Controller Utilities Contains a number of useful tools for building custom game controllers.
CONTROLLINO Support library for CONTROLLINO PLC boards
CoogleIOT An IOT library for ESP8266 to provide WiFi Configuration, MQTT Client, OTA updates and more.
CoopTask Portable C++ library for cooperative multitasking like Arduino Scheduler on ESP8266/ESP32, AVR, Linux, Windows
CoopThreads Lightweight, platform agnostic, stackful cooperative threads library
Coordinates Allow easy and reliable conversion between cartesian and polar coordinate system.
CopyThreads A lightweight threading library
CoreX Library for CoreX IoT Platform.
Correlation Arduino Library to determine correlation between X and Y dataset
Corsair Lighting Protocol Control LED strips via USB from a PC.
CosmosNV2 Biblioteca desenvolvida para Cosmos NV2 Shield
CountDown Arduino library to implement a CountDown clock in SW.
CountdownLib Countdown Library
Countimer A simple library for creating timers and counters.
CowPi A library for the Cow Pi educational hardware kit.
CowPi_stdio A library to interface with the serial monitor and with display modules using familiar stdio functions.
Cozir Arduino library for COZIR range of CO2 sensors. Polling mode only.
CppComponentsLibrary Components Library
CppLinq ArduinoLinq Library
CppPotpourri An architecture-agnostic package of discrete solutions to common problems in C++.
CPPTasks A simple hardware agnostic library written in C++11 implementing coroutines/state machines
Cpp_Standard_Library 将C++标准库移植到 Arduino。支持C++11~17。Porting the C++ standard library to Arduino. Support C++11~17.
CPUTemp Retrieve the internal temperature of the processor!
CPUVolt Calculate the processors Vcc voltage using only the internal registers
CQRobotTDS Simplify the use of CQRobot TDS sensor.
CRCx CRC calculation for Arduino and other C++ programs
CRMui3 CRMui3 WebFramework build a web app (Web UI) for ESP8266 and ESP32 in your project in minutes! / CRMui3 WebFramework для esp8266 и esp32. Позволяет быстро и просто создать веб интерфейс для настройки и управления устройством.
CraftConnect_ESP8266 Библиотека для приложения CraftConnect.
CrazyHC595 Library for HC595
Crazy-IoTik library for IoTik
CRC Library for CRC for Arduino
CRC Simula Arduino IDE Library Support Library for Chicago Robotics Simula Boards.
CRC VCNL4200 Library Library for control of the Vishay VCNL4200 proximity and ambient light sensor package. Now includes limited interrupt support.
CRC32 An Arduino library for calculating a CRC32 checksum.
crc_asukiaaa A library of functions about crc.
CreativeRobotix Creative Robotix library for Codee.
CreatorKidsIO Latihan membuat library Arduino
CredentialManager Provides intuitive interface for storage and retrival for user credentials.
CRMX_TimoTwo Provides a library for reading and interpreting CRMX TimoTwo MKR Shield data over SPI.
CronAlarms Schedule alarms to occur at specific times with crontab syntax.
cronos A std::chrono wrapper for target system's native tick count.
CrossMgrLapCounter Library for communicating with CrossMgr's lap counter interface
CROZONE-VEML6040 It is a library for use with the CROZONE VEML6040 module of Crozone Technology Company Limited.
CRSF Бібліотека для радіо керованих моделей протоколом CRSF
CRT Bunch of CRT functions for LEDs
Crypto Rhys Weatherley's arduinolibs Crypto library.
CryptoAES_CBC A AES CBC lib from Rhys Weatherley's arduinolibs Crypto and CryptoLegacy libs. For Arduino and ESP8266.
CryptoAuthLib MicroChip CryptoAuthLib with Arduino support
Crystal C Interpreter This is a C++ interpreter developed based on ArduinoSTL, which supports almost all C++ keywords (excluding for) and can be used as a basic operating system on the avr development board.
CS5464 Arduino CS5464 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino
CS5490 A library control an integrated circuit Cirrus Logic - CS5490
CS5530 An Arduino library for CS5530 based weight scales.
CSE_ArduinoRS485 Allows sending and receiving data through the RS-485 interface, using any Arduino-compatible boards.
CSE_CircularBuffer Simple circular buffer for all Arduino boards.
CSE_GNSS Arduino library for reading and writing NMEA-supported GNSS/GPS modules.
CSE_MillisTimer Arduino library for simplifying the use of millis() based timers.
CSE_ModbusRTU Arduino library for implementing Modbus RTU communication protocol on Arduino-supported boards.
CSE_ZH06 Arduino library for reading Winsen ZH06 laser dust sensor.
CST816S Capacitive touch screen library
CST816_TouchLib A CST816 touch and gesture library, tested using the LilyGO T-Display ESP32-S3 and T-Display S3 AMOLED. Includes gestures. Includes a rudimentary GUI registration method to aid support for buttons.
cst816t cst816t capacitive touch screen
CSV Parser CSV Parser for Arduino.
CSWBattery The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their batteries.
CSWButtons The library for the diy smartwatch projects, which operates with their buttons.
CTBot Simple Arduino Telegram BOT library for ESP8266/ESP32
CTC GO MOTIONS All in one library containing examples from lessons and projects for CTC GO! Motions Expansion
CTRL Buttons, rotary encoders, potentiometers, leds & multiplexers.
Cubigel Read information from the Cubigel compressor system
Cumulocity IoT client A client library to connect your Arduino to Cumulocity IoT cloud over MQTT.
Cumulocity IoT Downstream A client library to extract realtime measurement, alarm, event and operation from Cumulocity IoT Platform.
Cumulocity IoT Upstreaming A client library to connect your Arduino to Cumulocity IoT cloud over https.
currency Arduino library to help formatting integers as currency e.g. $ 1.000.000,00.
CurrentSwitch Use SCT-013-000 current sensor as a workproof
CurrentTransformer Arduino Library for measuring current in 50/60Hz circuits using current transformers.
CurrentTransformerWithCallbacks Coil, Current Transformer (CT) based AC current measurements using fast ADC sampling of waveform
CursedDoubleLinkedListInterface Cursed Double Linked List Interface with previous/next pointers for C++ and Arduino.
CurveFitting Fits polynomial curves to given datapoints
CustomJWT A library to make it easy to encode and decode JWT tokens on the Arduino platform.
Custom PID Library PID Control System.
custom_PortentaBreakout Library for Arduino Portenta Breakout Carrier modified by alessandromrc (Alessandro Marcon)
CuteBuzzerSounds Simple and Cute Robot Sounds
CV7OEMFR Enables provisioning.
CWLibrary Library to send CW message (Morse) with your custom function and device.
CWW Morse Transmit Send Morse Code on a digital I/O pin with optional audio sidetone.
CX_Devices Library for getting telemetry from arduino esp8266.
CX_MQTT Library for sending telemetry and receiving commands from arduino esp8266 via mqtt.
CynoIOT Library for platform
Cytron 3A Motor Driver Shield Library for controlling Cytron 3A Motor Driver Shield
Cytron ESPWiFi Shield Library for Cytron ESPWiFi Shield
Cytron G15 Shield Library for controlling G15 Cube Servo
Cytron Maker Sumo Library Library for Cytron Maker Mini Sumo controller.
Cytron Motor Drivers Library Library for Cytron Motor Drivers.
Cytron Servo Shield Library for using Cytron Servo Shield
Cytron_PikaBot Library for Cytron PikaBot.
Cytron_PS2_Shield This library is for the Cytron PS2 Shield.
DLxx416_Arduino Display library for four-character OSRAM/Siemens intelligent displays: DLR2416, DLO2416, DLG2416, DLR3416, DLO3416, DLG3416.
DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
DSpotterSDK_Maker_NiclaVision DSpotterSDK_Maker_NiclaVision provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
DTime Date plus Time workaround service
dWin Dwin HMI LCD Screen Library.
DA16200 Wi-Fi Library for Arduino Wi-Fi enable your Arduino sketches using Dialog's DA16200 Module
DABShield Library for controlling DABShield DAB/DAB+/FM digital radio shield
Dabble Updated Dabble library with Internet module for Arduino.
DabbleESP32 Dabble is a library to interface ESP32 with Dabble Smartphone app on Arduino IDE.
DABDUINO Library for controlling DABDUINO - DAB/DAB+ (digital radio) shield
DacESP32 Arduino library for using the ESP32 DAC output channels fast and easy.
DAC121C08x Arduino library for the following Texas Instruments 12 bit DAC ICs: DAC121C081 and DAC121C085.
DAC7574 DAC7574 is a 4-channel 12-bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) with an I2C interface.
DAC7611 A library that makes interfacing the DAC7611p a breeze.
DAC8550 Arduino library for DAC8550 SPI DAC Digital Analog Convertor
DAC8551 Arduino library for DAC8501, DAC8531, DAC8550 and DAC8551 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8552 Arduino library for DAC8532 and DAC8552 SPI Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8554 Arduino library for DAC8534 and DAC8554 SPI Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8560 Arduino library for DAC8560 SPI 16-bit Digital Analog Convertor.
DAC8571 Arduino library for DAC8571 16 bit DAC.
DAC8574 Arduino library for DAC8574, I2C, 4 channel, 16 bit DAC.
DailyStruggleButton DailyStruggleButton is yet another Arduino library to debounce button (push tactile switch) and manage its events.
DaisyDuino Arduino library for the Daisy audio platform.
DallasTemperature Arduino library for Dallas/Maxim temperature ICs
DalyBMSInterface Daly BMS Serial Interface Library for Arduino
DarkSkySevenDay Current and Seven Day Weather Forecast Library for Arduino.
Dashboard IoT Library for Dashboard IoT Platform by Nusabot.
Dashio Utility Classes to support libraries for the free Dash IoT app.
DashioBluefruit BlueFruit SPI library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app.
DashioBluno Bluno library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app.
DashioESP ESP32 & ESP8266 library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app.
DashioMKR1500 MKR NB 1500 library for communicating with the free Dash IoT app.
DashioNano33BLE Arduino NANO 33 BLE library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app.
DashioSAMD_NINA Arduino SAMD NINA library for communicating with the free Dash IoT dashboard app.
DataLogger Arduino library for fast logging of complex sensor data in CSV or binary format to an SD card or serial stream
DataSeriesPod A simple Arduino data logging library
DataServeriOS Serves data to Arduino Control (iOS) for control over network.
DataTome Data analysis and filtering using time series for embedded devices (IoT). All in a single C++ library, Data Tome.
DataVisualizer This library is intended to simplify the use from Microchip Data Visualizer via the Atmel Data Protocol.
DatabaseOnSD A library to easily create and manage a database on an SD card
databot Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino
databot2 Official databot library supporting databot, based on Arduino
DatavisionLCD This library allows communication with Phico Datavision LCD.
DateTimeFunctions Collection of date & time functions. Check, Convert, Get, Clock & Date.
dateTimeHelpers Arduino library with date and time helper functions.
dbg-trace Debug Trace component for Embedded Applications - Debug and Trace Log message system based on trace ports with adjustable levels.
DBS-Lib DBS-Lib is a library board that we created for practice such as C++, algorithms, mathetical, embedded system and robotics.
DCCpp This is a library to control DCC devices.
DcDccNanoController This library is made to build a basic Dcc controller on small Arduino Nano or Uno.
DCMotor Arduino DCMotor library with the L293D motor driver.
DCCEXProtocol DCC-EX Native Protocol implementation
DCD SDK for Arduino A library that allows to connect to dcd hub and update value of thing property provided by property_id.
DCF77 Read and decode the atomic time broadcasted by the DCF77 radiostation.
DCF77Decode Focusing on clean code, this library implements almost the entire public DCF77 standard in C.
dcf77_xtal DCF77 decoder with excellent noise tolerance.
DCS-BIOS Connect input and output devices to the DCS: World flight simulator using DCS-BIOS.
DDBot Provides simple functions to control a differential drive robot.
DDC-CI VPC library A simple library to control you monitor over DDC/CI
ddns-nightly Official nightly duinodns (ddns) builds
DDNS_Generic DDNS Update Client Library for SAM DUE, nRF52, SAMD21/SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, AVR Mega, megaAVR, Teensy, RP2040-based RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, WT32_ETH01, Portenta_H7, etc. besides ESP8266/ESP32, using ESP8266-AT/ESP32-AT WiFi, WiFiNINA, Ethernet W5x00, ENC28J60, LAN8742A or Teensy NativeEthernet
DDS Generate sinusoids on AVR-based Arduinos at varying frequencies. Requires an analog low-pass filter.
DDSM115 An Arduino library for control DDSM115 Wheels through RS485.
DeadReckoning-library Uses wheel encoder data on a differential drive robot to estimate position.
debounce A library for button debouncing.
DebounceEvent Simple push button and toggle switch debounce library that reports number of clicks and length
DebounceFilterLib DebounceFilter Library
DebounceMe Debounce button library.
DebouncedButton Library for debouncing a momentary button.
DebouncedLDR Library for debouncing a light-dependent resistor.
Debouncer Debounce library for Arduino
debug-cli Debug CLI for Embedded Applications - Command Line Interface for debugging and testing based on an object oriented tree structure.
DebugLog Logging library for Arduino that can output to both Serial and File with one line
Debugger A terminal debugger with break points and data watches.
debuggery A helper library for getting information (including an assert and print macros) from Arduino including the Esp32 via the usual serial port.
DecodeIR A library for decoding IR signals.
deepC Allows you to run machine learning models locally on arduino boards.
DeepSleepScheduler Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision.
DelayExec A library to defer executions
DelayFunctions Simple delay functions.
Deneyap 5x7 LED Matris Arduino library for Deneyap 5x7 LED Matrix
Deneyap 6 Eksen Alaletsel Olcum Birimi Arduino library for Deneyap 6 Dof IMU LSM6DSM
Deneyap 9-Eksen Ataletsel Olcum Birimi Arduino library for Deneyap 9 Dof IMU MMC5603NJ, LSM6DSM
Deneyap Arduino Examples Arduino examples for Deneyap Development Boards
Deneyap Arduino Projeleri Arduino examples for Deneyap Devkits with Deneyap Modules
Deneyap Basinc Olcer Arduino library for Deneyap Basınç Ölçer MS5637-02BA03
Deneyap Cift Kanalli Cizgi Algilayici Arduino library for Deneyap Dual Channel Line Follower TCRT5000
Deneyap Cift Kanalli Motor Surucu Deneyap Dual Channel Motor Driver TC78H660FTG
Deneyap Derinlik Olcer Arduino library for Deneyap ToF Range Finder Sensor VL53L0X
Deneyap Dokunmatik Tus Takimi Arduino library for Deneyap Keypad
Deneyap Duman Dedektoru Arduino library for Deneyap Gas Sensor
Deneyap Gercek Zamanli Saat Arduino library for Deneyap Real Time Clock MCP7940
Deneyap GPS ve GLONASS Konum Belirleyici Arduino library for Deneyap GPS and GLONASS Locator
Deneyap Hareket Algilama Arduino library for Deneyap Gesture Sensor NCS36000
Deneyap Hareket Isik Renk Algilayici Mesafe Olcer Arduino library for Deneyap Gesture, Color, Proximity Sensor APDS9960
Deneyap Hoparlor Arduino library for Deneyap Speaker
Deneyap Kart IDE Ornekler Deneyap Kart Dahili Örnek Kodlarının Yer Aldığı Kütüphane
Deneyap Kart QRCodeReader A library to read QR Codes using an Deneyap Kart with a camera module.
Deneyap Kizilotesi Alici Verici Arduino library for Deneyap Infrarad Receiver Transmitter
Deneyap Kumanda Kolu Arduino library for Deneyap Joystick
Deneyap Mesafe Olcer Isik Algilayici Arduino library for Deneyap Proximity Light Sensor LTR553
Deneyap Mikrofon Arduino library for Deneyap Microphone ICS-40619
Deneyap OLED Ekran Library for Deneyap OLED Display Module SSD1306
Deneyap Renk Donusturme Arduino library to change colors between different systems
Deneyap Role Arduino library for Deneyap Relay
Deneyap Servo Arduino library to drive servo motors
Deneyap Sicaklik Nem Basinc Olcer Arduino library for Deneyap Temperature&Humidity, Barometer Sensor SHT4X
Deneyap Sicaklik Nem Olcer Arduino library for Deneyap Temperature Humidity SHTC3
Deneyap Telegram Telegram Library for ESP32 / Deneyap Cards
Deneyap Toprak Nemi Olcer Arduino library for Deneyap Soil Moisture Sensor TL555Q
Deneyap Ultraviyole Isik Algilayici Arduino library for Deneyap UV Light Sensor LTR390
Deneyap Yagmur Algilayici Arduino library for Deneyap Rain sensor
deploii Library for enabling communication between a MCU and Deploii
Derivs_Limiter This library can be used to limit the first and second derivative of a variable as it approaches a target value.
Design Informatics Base Library for making use of the Design Informatics PCB for getting started with Arduino coding
desklab Implement methods for the use of desklab ( devices.
detaBaseArduinoESP32 Makes working with Base easy
detaBaseESP8266 Makes working with Base easy on esp8266
Dev Device Pins Pin definition header files for Arduino Dev Devices
DEVFULL Arduino library for a /dev/full stream
DeviceConfigJSON Library enables device configuration using JSON.
DeviceController Control Board Pins states using Device Controller Web interface
DEVNULL Arduino library for a /dev/null stream
DEVRANDOM Arduino library to wrap a random generator in a stream
DEVTAGLibIA Artificial Intelligence Library for Arduino IDE.
Devuino A device library for Arduino and other -inos
DFPlayerMini A reliable, responsive and compact driver for DFPlayer Mini sound module for Arduino.
DFPlayer Mini Mp3 by Makuna Library for the DFPlayer Mini Mp3 module
DFPlayerMini_Fast Arduino library to interface with the DFPlayerMini MP3 module
DF-Print Use C# style syntax for formatting strings.
DFRobotDFPlayerMini Driver for DFPlayer Mini from DFRobot
DFRobotIRPosition Driver for Positioning ir camera from DFRobot
DFRobot SHT DFRobot Standard library.
DFRobot_AD9837 This is a Library for AD9837, AD9837 is a Programmable Waveform Generator(SKU: DFR0973).
DFRobot_ADS1115 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0553).
DFRobot_ADXL345 Six axis sensor library.(SKU:SEN0032)
DFRobot_AHT20 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0527&SEN0528).
DFRobot_AirQualitySensor A air quality sensor library.(SKU:SEN0560)
DFRobot_Alcohol DFRobot Standard library.
DFRobot_AS3935 DFRobot Lightning Sensor library.(SKU:SEN0290)
DFRobot_AS7341 AS7341 is a 11 channel visible light sensor, which can measure 8 wavelengths of visible light, suitable for color detection, light color temperature detection and other scenes(SKU:SEN0365)
DFRobot_ASR The speech recognition module can identify the terms that have been pre-written into the sensor and return the corresponding numbers(SKU: DFR0715).
DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B is the sensor library of DFRobot
DFRobot_BC20_Gravity DFRobot Standard library.(SKUTEL0130)
DFRobot_BloodOxygen_S DFRobot Standard library.(SKU:SEN0344)
DFRobot_BME280 This is a Library for BME280, the function is to read temperature and humidity and pressure(SKU: SEN0236).
DFRobot_BME680 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0248).
DFRobot_BMI160 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0250).
DFRobot_BMM150 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0419).
DFRobot_BMP280 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0372).
DFRobot_BMP3XX This is a Library for BMP3XX, the function is to read temperature and pressure(SKU: SEN0423/SEN0371/SEN0251).
DFRobot_BMX160 DFRobot_BMX160 is the Sensor library of DFRobot
DFRobot_BT401 This Bluetooth module features Bluetooth/U-disk/TF-card playback, and Bluetooth call function, supporting simple and clear serial port control function, BLE pass-through, and SPP pass-through functions(SKU:DFR0781)
DFRobot_CCS811 DFRobot_CCS811 is the Sensor library of DFRobot
DFRobot_CH423 CH423 IO Expansion Module(SKU:DFR0979&DFR0980).
DFRobot_DF1101S record audio and play audio(SKU:DFR0745).
DFRobot_DF1201S This module is a conversion board, which can drive DF1201S DFPlayer PRO MP3 through I2C.
DFRobot_DF2301Q This is the library to drive the offline voice recognition module(SKU: SEN0539).
DFRobot_DHT11 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0067).
DFRobot_DHT20 Provide an Arduino library to get Humidity and Temperature by reading data from dht20.
DFRobot_digitalPot A digital potentiometer library(SKU:DFR0520).
DFRobot_DS1307 Define infrastructure of DFRobot_DS1307 class(SKU: DFR0151).
DFRobot_DS323X DS323X driver library.
DFRobot_EOxygenSensor This is the library of Eoxygen, the new electrochemical Oxygen sensor (SKU: SEN0496).
DFRobot_EC10 for measuring the liquid with high electrical conductivity(SKU: DFR0300-H).
DFRobot_ENS160 This is a Library for ENS160, ENS160 is a Digital Metal-Oxide Multi-Gas Sensor(SKU: SEN0514/SEN0515).
DFRobot_EnvironmentalSensor A environmental sensor.(SKU:SEN0500\SEN0501)
DFRobot_ESP_EC_BY_GREENPONIK Update from DFROBOT library for ESP32 compatibility
DFRobot_ESP_PH_WITH_ADC_BY_GREENPONIK Update from DFROBOT library for ESP32+ADC compatibility
DFRobot_FreeTenIMU Ten axis sensor library(SKU:SEN0140).
DFRobot_GDL A display library based on SPI.
DFRobot_Gesture_Touch A gesture detection and touch detection sensor(SKU:SEN0285).
DFRobot_GM60 GM60 is a highly integrated QR code scanner with excellent performance and a small size(SKU:SEN0486)
DFRobot_GNSS Provide longitude and latitude and other satellite information (SKU:TEL0157).
DFRobot_GP8XXX GP8XXX series driver library.
DFRobot_GP8302 I2C to 0-25mA DAC module(SKU:DFR0972).
DFRobot_GP8403 0-10V DAC module(SKU:DFR0971).
DFRobot_Heartrate This is a Library for SON1303(SKU: SEN0203).
DFRobot_HX711 By a simple mechanical structure with the sensor, that can be read to the mass of the body(SKU:SEN0160)
DFRobot_HX711_I2C By a simple mechanical structure with the sensor, that can be read to the mass of the body(SKU:KIT0176)
DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer I2C expansion module support library(SKU:DFR0576).
DFRobot_ICG20660L DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0443).
DFRobot_ICP10111 This is an atmospheric pressure sensor.(SKU:SEN0516)
DFRobot_ID809_I2C This is an library for capacitive fingerprint module(SKU:SEN0348).
DFRobot_IICSerial DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0627).
DFRobot_IIS This library provides the codes for driving FireBeetle camera and the camera, microphones, etc. of audio expansion board.(SKU:DFR0498).
DFRobot_INA219 measure the current and voltage (SKU: SEN0291).
DFRobot_ITG3200 A library of gyroscopic sensors(SKU:SEN0140).
DFRobot_LcdDisplay It is a display screen that can be driven by both I2C and UART interfaces(SKU:DFR0997).
DFRobot_LedDisplayModule This is a 4bits / 8bits digital tube(SKU: DFR0646\DFR0645).
DFRobot_LIDAR07 DFRobot_LIDAR07 is the sensor library of DFRobot(SKU:SEN0413)
DFRobot_LIS a sensor library.(SKU:SEN0405/SKU:SEN0407/SKU:SEN0408/SKU:SEN0409/SKU:SEN0411/SKU:SEN0412/SKU:SEN0224)
DFRobot_LoRa DFRobot_LoRa is the Communication library of DFRobot
DFRobot_LPUPS A library designed for LPUPS.(SKU: DFR0682).
DFRobot_LSM303 The LSM303DLH is a triple axis accelerometer combined with a triple axis magnetic sensor(SKU: SEN0079).
DFRobot_LWLP The differential pressure between two probes of the differential pressure sensor can be obtained by this drive(SKU: SEN0343).
DFRobot_MaqueenPlus educational robot library.
DFRobot_MAX17043 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0563).
DFRobot_MAX31855 A library of temperature sensors(SKU:DFR0558).
DFRobot_MAX98357A This is a Library for MAX98357A(SKU: DFR0954).
DFRobot_MCP23017 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0626).
DFRobot_MCP2515 This is a Library for MCP2515(SKU: DFR0370).
DFRobot_MCP4725 12 bit digital-analog DA conversion module(SKU: DFR0552).
DFRobot_MCP9808 DFRobot Standard library.
DFRobot_MGC3130 DFRobot_MGC3130 is the Gesture library of DFRobot
DFRobot_MLX90614 This is a Library for MLX90614, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0206/SEN0263).
DFRobot_MotorStepper Stepper motor and DC motor driver control board(SKU:DFR0508)
DFRobot_MPX5700 A pressure sensor library.(SKU:SEN0456)
DFRobot_OLED12864 OLED12864 multifunctional module(SKU: DFR0507).
DFRobot_OSD This is a Library for OSD,the function is the superposition of characters(SKU: DFR0515).
DFRobot_OxygenSensor Standard library for DFRobot oxygen sensor.(SKU:SEN0322)
DFRobot_PAJ7620U2 DFRobot_PAJ7620U2 is the Sensor library of DFRobot
DFRobot_PH DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0161-V2).
DFRobot_PN532 this is a module that reads data from NFC tags.
DFRobot_QMC5883 Electronic compass drive library(SKU:SEN0140).
DFRobot_RainfallSensor A rain sensor.(SKU:SEN0575)
DFRobot_RGBButton This is a Library for RGBButton(SKU: DFR0991).
DFRobot_RGBMatrix RGB light board control(SKU: DFR0499).
DFRobot_RGBLCD1602 DFRobot_RGBLCD1602 is the display library of DFRobot
DFRobot_RP2040_SCI This is a library for a SCI Acquisition Module based on the Arduino platform(SKU:DFR0999).
DFRobot_RTU Modbus RTU library for Arduino.
DFRobot_SCD4X This is a Library for SCD4X(SCD40/SCD41), SCD4X is a Digital Metal-Oxide Multi-Gas Sensor(SKU: SEN0536).
DFRobot_SerialScreen771 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0626).
DFRobot_SGP40 DFRobot_SGP40 is the sensor library of DFRobot
DFRobot_SHT20 This is a Library for SHT20, SHT20, the new humidity and temperature sensor(SKU: SEN0227).
DFRobot_SIM base class library.
DFRobot_SIM7000 communication device library.(SKU:DFR0572/DFR0505-CN)
DFRobot_SIM808 This is a Library for SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Arduino Shield V1.0(SKU: TEL0097).
DFRobot_SpeechSynthesis Synthesize the sound you need, support Chinese, English.
DFRobot_ST7687S This is a 2.2” TFT LCD Display Module with an input voltage(SKU: DFR0529).
DFRobot_STS3X This is a Library for STS3X, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0434).
DFRobot_SU03T Speech input and output(SKU: DFR0987)
DFRobot_TCS3430 DFRobot_TCS3430 is the sensor library of DFRobot
DFRobot_TCS34725 A color sensor library
DFRobot_TMF8x01 DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0430/SEN0429).
DFRobot_URM07 A range sensor(SKU:SEN0153)
DFRobot_URM09 DFRobot Standard library.
DFRobot_URM13 URM13 driver library(SKU: SEN0352).
DFRobot_VEML6075 DFRobot_VEML6075 is the Ultraviolet library of DFRobot
DFRobot_VEML7700 This is a Library for VEML7700, the function is to read High Accuracy Ambient Light data(SKU: SEN0228).
DFRobot_VisualRotaryEncoder Visual rotary encoder driver library(SKU: SEN0502).
DFRobot_VL53L0X DFRobot Standard library(SKU:SEN0245).
DFRobot_VL6180X DFRobot_VL6180X is a sensor library.
DFRobot_VoiceRecorder DFRobot Standard library.
DFL168A_Async Arduino board accesses OBD2/J1939/J1708 Data by DFL168A Integrated Circuit Chip. Most methods are unblocked.
DFL168A_Sync Arduino board accesses OBD2/J1939/J1708 Data by DFL168A Integrated Circuit Chip. All methods are blocked.
DFR0534 Class for controlling a DFR0534 audio module by SoftwareSerial or HardwareSerial
DFR0554 Device driver for DFR0554.
DFR_Radar Configure and communicate with the DFRobot 24GHz millimeter-wave Human Presence Detection sensor (SEN0395).
DFW Tele-op and autonomous change over for WPI RBE platform.
DHTlib AVR Optimized Library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor on AVR only.
dhtESP32-rmt Minimal, non-blocking, DHT11/DHT22 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral for Arduino 3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4
DHT kxn BACKUP Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
DHT sensor library Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
DHT sensor library for ESPx Arduino ESP library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
DHT Sensors Non-Blocking An Arduino library for the DHT sensor family (DHT11, DHT22,...). With Non-Blocking design to optimize CPU performance.
DHTStable Stable version of library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor
DHT11 An Arduino library for the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
DHT118266 Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
dht11esp8266 Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
dht11esp8266examples Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
DHT12 Arduino library for I2C DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor.
DHT12 sensor library DHT12 Temp & Humidity Sensors, library for Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32
DHT20 Arduino library for I2C DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor.
DHT22 humidity and temperature, 1-wire only
DHT2pin Experimental version of the DHT library, using 2 data pins instead of 1.
DHTINT Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor. Integer only to save footprint.
DHTNEW Arduino library for DHT temperature and humidity sensor, with automatic sensortype recognition.
DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 The Arduino library for 74HC595 4-dot 4-digit 7-segment display. It works with Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266.
DIYables_IRcontroller The Arduino library for IR remote controller. It works with Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266.
DIYables_Keypad The Arduino library for keypad. It works with any hardware platform such as Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266.
DIYables_LED_Matrix The Arduino library for LED Matrix. It works with any hardware platform such as Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266.
DIYsplay A beginner-friendly library for DIYsplay.
Diablo16-Serial-Arduino-Library Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Diablo16 processor, when configured in Serial/SPE mode
Dictionary A dictionary data type with a fast b-tree based search
Didactic Robot Simple Didactic Robot library
Differential Steering A library to use differential steering with a single dual axis joystick
DigiCombo Make for yourself a virtual digital pen and keyboard with Digispark Attiny85.
DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER Library An easy to use library to control the DD-Booster.
DigiFont Scalable 7-segment font
DigiKeyboardBe A library that allow to use the belgian azerty keyboard with digispark
DigiKeyboardFr A library that allow to use azerty keyboard with digispark
DigiPotX9Cxxx A library for X9Cxxx family digital potentiometers (X9Cxxx, xxx=102,103,104,503)
DigiSpark_PWM Hardware-based Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) for AVR ATtiny85-based boards using ATTinyCore up to 500 kHz.
digiedge_frame_generator Streamline data frame transmission from equipment to an edge device with this microcontroller library.
DigitLedDisplay MAX7219/MAX7221 Digital Tube 7-Segment LED Display Library
DigitLed72xx A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers.
DigitSeparator Arduino library to separate digit value with marks and returns it as C string.
Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor MLX90615 Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor.
DigitalIO Fast digital IO.
digitalPinFast More speed for digitalPin operations.
DigitalPressureSensor This library provides an Interface for Infineon's DPS310 Pressure Sensor (DEPRECATED).
Digital Rain Animation Easily display Matrix effects in the Arduino environment.
DigitalSignalsArduino Digital Signal library for Arduino platform
digitalWriteFast Fast pin access for AVR microcontrollers
DimSwitch A library to control dimmable ballasts for fluorescent light tubes.
Dimmable Light for Arduino This library allows to easily control dimmers (also known as thyristors).
Dimmer class for ATmega32U4 Easy use of 10/12 bit PWM outputs on ATmega32U4 for dimmer applications.
Dimmer class for SAMD21 Easy use of PWM outputs on SAMD21 for dimmer applications.
DimmerControl Dimmer control functions, like soft on/off, dimming up/down etc.
DINO PLC This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support DINO PLC
DINO-PLC-V2 This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support DINO PLC V2
DIO2 Fast digital input/output functions.
DiodeIoT_SI-1104 SI-1104 library for Espressif MCUs
DiodeIoT_SI-1108 SI-1108 library for Espressif MCUs
DiodeIoT_SI-1116 SI-1116 library for Espressif MCUs
directADC Library for advanced ADC control (AVR)
DirectCurrent_Motor_Module Simple library to control various motors and engines
DirectNECTransmitter Library to send NEC IR pulses without a carrier wave.
directTimers Library for advanced hardware timers control
DisCard Discorda Mesaj Göndermeyi Sağlayan Arduino Kütüphanesi
Discord_WebHook Send message on discord using webhook
DisplayMenu This library helps with creating menu pages when using graphical displays supported by the TFT_eSPI library.
DisplayUtils Utility classes to help working with displays (eg large fast changing numbers)
DistanceSensor HC-SR04 distance sensor library.
DistanceTable Library for a memory efficient DistanceTable for Arduino.
DJIMotorAlgoESP A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020: A Summary of the Algorithm Using ESP32..
DJIMotorCtrlESP A library for controlling DJI M3508, M2006, and GM6020 motors using ESP32.
DLPacket Structure a collection numerical data to be sent through a stream into a well-defined packet.
DL_PAC_NK76 Arduino library for remote control DeLonghi PAC NK76
DLLN3X ZigBee Mesh Module Library This library allows you to use DLLN3X ZigBee mesh module very easily.
DMOscillator A library that makes easy on/off control on a pin at fixed or dynamic rate.
DMStepper A library to drive stepper motors.
DMTimer A library that simplifies non blocking recurrent calls.
DMXasLED Una libreria per il controllo di luci DMX usando ESP32 e freeRTOS
DM8BA10 Library for Chinese DM8BA10 LCD modules.
DMD2 Updated (beta) library for Freetronics DMD dot matrix displays.
DMD2TUR Use with DMD2 library and enjoy Turkish letters!
DMD32 An Arduino library for ESP32 to drive DMD LED matrix display
DMD_STM32 STM32 library for led matrix panels
DMM DMM (digital multimeter) library for Arduino.
DmtrPots Potentiometer library for Arduino / Teensy.
DMXSerial Enables DMX communication using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards.
DMX Serial Transceiver Transmit and receive Serial DMX (max485) and switch without a struggle.
DMXSerial2 Enables building DMX/RDM devices using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards UNO, Leonardo, Mega.
DmxSimple Drive DMX controlled lights and visual effects available from DJ or theatrical suppliers.
DMXUSB DMXUSB emulates an ENTTEC-compatible DMXKing USB to DMX serial device with one or two universes
DoEEP A simple EEPROM library for reading, writing, and managing key-value pairs.
DOC_CAT Expanding the Arduino environment
DonoLed Library to easily control LED Strips.
Dorpac-timer A library for implementing very simple timers
DotMatrixDisplay Dot-Matrix Display library for use with PD243X I2C Adapter Board
DotMatrix5x7 Drives 5x7 dot matrix display directly connected to Arduino pins
DoubleEMAFilterLib DoubleEMAFilter Library
DoubleLinkedList A templated class for creating dynamic Double Linked Lists. A Double Linked List is a Linked List where each node points to the next node and the previous node.
DoubleResetDetect Arduino library to check for double reset on ESP8266
DoubleResetDetector Library to detect a double reset, using ESP8266 RTC Memory.
DoubleResetDetector_Generic Library to detect a double reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RTL8720DN, MBED nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE, Portenta_H7, etc. boards. Now using efficient FlashStorage_STM32 library and supporting new RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, Portenta_H7, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO and STM32 core v2.0.0
DoublyLinkedList An advanced library for managing lists.
DovesLapTimer A simple lap-timing library centered around GPS data
DpsPowerSupply Control of Ruideng DPS power supply series thought serial port (DPS3003, DPS3005, DPS5005, DPS5015, DPS5020)
DRA818 Configure and communicate with FM module DRA818.
Drive Arduino library to use L298N motor bridge. (Works for all esp8266 boards also)
DriveCell DriveCell Arduino Library
DriveMaster RC protocol
DropboxManager Manipulate your Dropbox files by ESP8266
DRV2667 Arduino library for DRV2667 Piezo Haptic Driver with Boost, Digital Front End, and Internal Waveform Memory
DRV8251-Driver A library that provides support for using brushed DC motors via the TI DRV8251 motor driver
DRV8434S DRV8434S stepper motor driver library for Arduino
DRV8825 Arduino library for DRV8825 stepper motor driver.
DRV8835MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield
DRV8870 DRV8870 Motor Driver Library for Arduino, ESP and STMboards
DSFamily Read and calibrate of of the Maxim DS- Family of 1-wire thermometers
DS MCP4018 Library Arduino library for the MCP4018T-103E I2C digital potentiometer.
DS PCA9536 Library Arduino library for the PCA9536 I2C I/O expander.
Ds1302 A C/C++ library to use DS1302 RTC chip.
DS1307 DS1307 Driver for Arduino boards including RP2040
DS1307 Emulator An emulator of the DS1307, which transform the Arduino in an RTC chip without actually having a physical RTC.
DS1307RTC Use a DS1307 Real Time Clock chip with the Time library
DS1307newAlarms Adding weekday alarms to the DS1307 RTC functionality
DS1624 A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory.
DS1624_Library A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory.
DS1631 Use the Maxim Integrated DS1631 I2C Thermometer
DS18B20 Arduino library for the Maxim Integrated DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor.
DS18B20Events Arduino temperature changed events for DS18B20 and other DallasTemperature compatible sensors
DS18B20_int Library for DS18B20 restricted to a single sensor per pin.
DS18B20_RT Arduino library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor.
DS1804 Arduino library for DS1804 Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer.
DS1804Ctrl Arduino library for the DS1804 digital potentiometer, including helper functions for setting resistance, and using the EEPROM, and retrieving state.
DS1821 Arduino library for DS1821 temperature sensor
DS1881 A driver for the Dallas/Maxim i2c logarithmic potentiometer.
DS1881_2 Controller for Maxim DS1881 and DS1882 Digital Pots
DS2 DS2 and KWP library to handle messages in those automotive protocols.
DS2401 Library for 1-Wire DS2401 UID restricted to a single device per pin.
DS2431 Arduino library for Maxim DS2431 1-Wire EEPROM
DS2438 Library for DS2438 1-Wire battery monitor. One device per pin.
DS28CM00 Arduino library for I2C DS28CM00 unique identification chip.
DS3231 Arduino library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC)
DS3231M Arduino library to use the Maxim Integrated DS3231 and DS3231M RTC (Real-Time-Clock)
DS3231-RTC C++ Library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) module, ready to use on Arduino IDE and PlatformIO.
DS3231_RTC Arduino library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC)
DS3232 Arduino library for I2C DS3232 RTC (minimalistic).
DS3232RTC Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks.
DS323x Arduino library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal
DS323x_Generic Library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal
DS4 Dualshock 4 wired controller emulator.
DSC Keybus Interface Directly interface Arduino, esp8266, and esp32 to DSC PowerSeries and Classic security systems for integration with home automation, remote control apps, notifications on alarm events, and emulating DSC panels to connect DSC keypads.
DSPFilters A realtime digital signal processing (DSP) library for Arduino.
DST RTC Arduino library for automatically adjusting RTC time for Daylight Saving Time (DST)
dswpainelpro Library for software DSW painel pro
DTF_ESP32Update Update ESP32 devices using Deploy the Fleet service.
DTF_ESP8266Update Update ESP8266 devices using Deploy the Fleet service.
DU-INO DU-INO base Arduino library.
DualG2HighPowerMotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual G2 High Power Motor Driver Shields
DualMAX14870MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MAX14870 Motor Driver Shield
DualMC33926MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield
DualSenseController Library to use DualSense Controller based on USB Host Shield Library 2.0.
DualTB9051FTGMotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver Shield
DualVNH5019MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield
DualVNH5019MotorShieldMod3 Arduino library for the running two Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shields on an Arduino Mega
DueAdcFast Arduino Due ADC analogRead Fast 1Mhz with measures collect and also differential.
DueFlashStorage DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due.
DueTimer Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE
DUE_ADC_Oversampler 16 Bits ADC oversampler with PDC on SAM3x DUE
due_can Allows for CAN bus communications with the Arduino Due
DUE_schmitt Enable SAM3x DUE IO Schmitt trigguer
DumbDisplay A library for connecting to Android DumbDisplay app (>= this version), for various virtual gadget realizations.
Dump AVR dump RAM and Flash
DunogeonENG Arduino library for a mini D&D Game (it's a part of a bigger project).
DunogeonFR Cette librairie est un simulateur de donjon (une partie isolée d un projet plus grand).
Dusk2Dawn Get estimate time of sunrise and sunset given a set of coordinates.
dustSensor_kocoa Arduino Particulate Matter Sensors for PM-D4.
DvG_StreamCommand A lightweight Arduino library to listen for commands over a stream
DW1000 A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips/modules.
dwarf433 Arduino libary to transmit arbitrary RF433 signals
dwiBus A library for UART communication between multiple devices using the dwiBus protocol.
DWIN T5L API wrapper A basic library to easily communicate with DWIN HMI displays.
Dx_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.), using DxCore, to create and output PWM.
Dx_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.), using DxCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
Dx_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc.) using DxCore
dynaHTML dynamic HTML library for ESP8266/ESP32
dynaconfig Arduino WiFi dynamic configuration library for ESP32 using captive portal authentication.
Dynamixel Arduino library for Dynamixel
DynamixelShield DynamixelShield Library for Arduino
Dynamixel2Arduino DYNAMIXEL protocol Library for Arduino
Dynamixel_Servo Dynamixel_Servo is an Arduino compatible library for controlling Dynamixel MX and RX series servos.
eBoard shackle the Arduino All in one library to run qfixSoccerBoard code on the Arduino
eBtn A library to handle Buttons based on events.
EButton A compact, simple-to-use, reliable and powerful event-driven button library, with proper debouncing and fine grained event structure.
EByte LoRa E22 library LoRa EBYTE E22 device library complete and tested with Arduino, Arduino SAMD (Nano 33 IoT and MKR), esp8266, esp32 and STM32. sx1262/sx1268
EByte LoRa E220 library LoRa EBYTE E220 device library complete and tested with Arduino, esp8266, esp32, STM32 and Raspberry Pi Pico. LLCC68
EByte LoRa E32 library LoRa EBYTE E32 device library complete and tested with Arduino, Arduino SAMD, esp8266, esp32 and STM32. sx1278/sx1276.
EByte RF E70 library RF EBYTE E70 device library complete and tested with Arduino, esp8266, esp32, STM32 and Raspberry Pi Pico. CC1310
EEvar Allows to save variables to the EEPROM memory. Works with any POD (bool, int, float, custom structs) and String. Lightweight. Simple to use.
eFlexPwm Arduino eFlexPwm library for Teensy 4.x
eFLL eFLL (Embedded Fuzzy Logic Library).
eForth1 eForth for Arduino UNO
ELi_McM_4_00 A library for using Microcontroller modules of E-LAGORi.
ELi_MdM_4_00 A library for using motor driver modules of E-LAGORi.
EMailSender Send EMail via SMTP, library for Raspberry Pi Pico W, Arduino, SAMD (WiFiNINA), STM32, esp8266 and esp32.
EMoRo 2560 EMoRo 2560 library includes all specific libraries and examples for EMoRo 2560 controller.
eOS ETC EOS library for OSC
ERa E-Ra by EoH. An IoT Market Enabler!
ESensors Manage recordings from multiple environmental sensors.
E131 E1.31 sACN for AVR Ethernet and ESP8266.
E220-900T22S-JP Arduino E220-900T22S(JP) libraries.
E220-900T22S LoRa library A library for Spresense LoRa.
E220Lib A Library used to interface the EBYTE E220 module with an Arduino
E24 E24xxx EEPROM library.
EAA_MLX90614 MLX90614 device driver
EasIno A protocol that allows to easily communicate with Arduino boards, using different communication options.
Easing Easing function library for Arduino
EasyAndee Annikken EasyAndee Library for Annikken Andee U, Android and iOS boards.
EasyAndee101 Annikken EasyAndee Library for Arduino 101
EasyBNO055 ESP Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor made easier with ESP32 threads
EasyButton Arduino library for debouncing momentary contact switches, detect press, release, long press and sequences with event definitions and callbacks.
EasyButtonAtInt01 Small and easy to use Arduino library for using push buttons at any PinChangeInterrupt pin. Automatic debouncing, no delay required. Functions for long and double press detection are included.
EasyBuzzer EasyBuzzer Library
EasyColor Color converter to many formats
EasyCommaLib EasyComma is a light library that implements funtions for easily parse comma separed arrays
easyConfig WebPortal and WiFi management for ESP32/ESP8266
EasyDDNS ESP8266 & ESP32 DDNS Update Client Library.
EasyEspNow An easy-to-use ESP-NOW wrapper library for ESP platform that simplifies peer communication and data handling.
EasyGNSS An easy-to-use library to parse the NMEA protocol output by the GNSS receiver (Ublox) through serial port.
EasyHTTP An ESP32 library to facilitate the execution of HTTP requests.
EasyLed Arduino library for controlling standard LEDs in an easy way. EasyLed provides simple logical methods like led.on(), led.toggle(), led.flash(), led.isOff() and more.
easyLiDAR Using vl53l5cx(tof64) LiDAR driver easy.
EasyLogger A library to do serial logging the easy and lightweight way
Easy MFRC522 Simplified reading/writing data chunks from/to RFID tags with MFRC522 module.
EasyMorse A simplified Morse code library to be used as a method of Communication.
Easy NeoPixels Use Adafruit NeoPixels with less setup and configuration.
Easy Nextion Library Arduino library for Nextion displays
EasyNTPClient Library to read time from Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.
EasyOledUI Arduino ESP32 - Simple UI generator with manus and messages
EasyOpenTherm OpenTherm Library to control Central Heating (CH), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) or Solar systems by creating a thermostat using Arduino IDE and ESP32 / ESP8266 hardware.
EasyPCF8574 Generic library for PCF8574 easy to use
EasyPCF8575 The easiest library for PCF8575
EasyPin An easy and simple way for manage Arduino pins.
EasyPreferences ESP32 Preferences abstraction and manager. It includes a basic keys manifest and auto setters to streamline implementation.
Easy SevenSeg Easily connect and play with a seven-segment display (single-digit type).
EasySSDP Easy, single function SSDP setup.
EasySTEAM Biblioteca para o controlador EasySTEAM
EasyStringStream A library for string creation without std:: overhead
EasyTask A lightweight but powerful implementation of tasking manager.
EasyUltrasonic An Arduino library used to work with ultrasonic sensors in an easy way for measuring distance.
EasyVR A library for the EasyVR line of products.
EasyWebServer An easy-to-use web server
EasyingLib Arduino library that implements easing functions for smooth property value change transitions
Easyiot-Esp8266 An Arduino library for sending and receiving data to an online platform using Esp8266 ESP-12E Boards.
Easyuino It offers a set of APIs to easily make beginners use several different sensors and devices using only the Easyuino
Eccel-C1 Arduino library for UART access to the Eccel Pepper C1 RFID reader
EDB Extended Database Library
Edge-fel Feature extraction library for Arduino.
EdgeML-Arduino Library to use the Nicla Sense ME and BLE Nano 33 with edge-ml.
EdgeNeuron TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style for TinyML applications.
EdgieD Simple, generalised edge detection for variables as well as input signals
EduBox A library for eduBox modules.
EduShield Display library for EDUshield
EduShield-2 Library Arduino Library for the Edu-Shield 2 by JustPlay Software (
EducationShield Library used for the completion of all the projects related to CTC
EEBoom Simple and powerful EEPROM emulation for ESP8266 and ESP32
EEManager Simple library for reducing EEPROM wear
EEPstore EEPROM data storage with CRC16 checksum
EEWrap A convenient library allowing one to use the EEPROM just like RAM.
EE895 Arduino Library Library for the EE895 CO2 Sensor
EEPROMextent This is a library for Arduino to read/write complex data to EEPROM.
EEPROMsimple Communications with 25LC1024 EEPROM chip
EEPROMAdapter This adapter can read and write AT28C64 and AT28C256 EEPROM chips using Arudino Mega. Creating converter PCB for this task recommended
EEPROMEx Extension of the standard Arduino EEPROM library.
EEPROMHandler Simplifies using AT24C256 EEPROM with Arduino
EEPROMReader EEPROM reading / writing library with cpp type templating.
EepromSecureData CRC-controlled EEPROM memory storage
EEPROM-Storage Generic class to wrap an EEPROM variable on the Particle and Arduino platforms.
EEPROMTyped The EEPROM Typed Library is a lightweight static library for reading and writing standard Arduino data types to the EEPROM.
EEPROMWearLevel EEPROMWearLevel reduces EEPROM wear by writting a new value to an other EEPROM location.
EEPROM32_Rotate EEPROM wrapper for ESP32 that handles partition rotation
EEPROM_24LC64F EEPROM_24LC64F EEPROM memory chip for Arduino
eeprom_25AA02EXX Library to read and write Microchip SPI EEPROM 25AA02E48 or 25AA02E64
EEPROM_CAT25 Driver for On Semiconductor CAT25 SPI EEPROM chips for AVR, SAM3X (Due), and SAM M0+ (SAMD, SAML, SAMC) microcontrollers
EEPROM_Rotate EEPROM wrapper for ESP8266 that handles sector rotation
EEPROM_SPI_WE Library for external SPI based EEPROMs
EEPROM_STM_Arduino Class library for NXP I2C multiplexer and switch
EEPROM_WL Library for implementing EEPROM wear leveling on AVR Arduino boards
EERAM_47XXX A library to work with Microchip 47XXX EERAM ICs
EEWL EEPROM wear leveling
Effortless-SPIFFS A class designed to make reading and storing data on the ESP8266 and ESP32 effortless.
efont Unicode Font Data Arduino Unicode Font libraries.
egoShieldS Library offering support for uStepper S egoShield
egoShieldTeach Library offering support for uStepper egoShield
egoShieldTimeLapse Library offering support for uStepper egoShield
EgoSmartHeaterRS485 Controlling the EGO Smart Heater via RS485 using Modbus
EiMOS Versatile Mahjong Scorer
EiMOS_U8X8 Versatile Mahjong Scorer with U8G2 Displays
Eigen Eigen (a C++ template library for linear algebra) for Arduino
EIS EIS is a library board that we created for practice such as C++, algorithms, mathetical, embedded system and robotics.
EIS_INTERBOT EIS_INTERBOT is a library board that we created for practice such as C++, algorithms, mathetical, embedded system and robotics.
ELMo Low-level synchronous Arduino library to interface with ELM327 OBDII devices.
EL_dev_arduino Library and Sample of ECHONET Lite for Arduino
elapsedMillis Makes coding responsive sketches easier.
ElasticNetModel A library for ElasticNet regression modeling with coefficient updates based on feedback.
electricui-embedded Connect your microcontroller to a high performance user interface, run entirely locally and under your control.
Electronic Cats PN7150 Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN7150 RFID/Near Field Communication chip.
ElectronicsEducation Arduino libraries and educational materials for workshop
electuno Electuno library, simulates vintage organ sound type Electone or Hammond.
ElegantOTA OTA updates made slick and simple for everyone!
Elegoo This is a library to use the ELEGOO Smart Robot Car Kit.
Elektor_AudioDSP Driver for the Elektor Audio DSP FX Processor board with ESP32-PICO-KIT and ADAU1701.
elk Tiny JavaScript Engine
ellipse Arduino library for ellipse class
ELMDuino Arduino library to easily interface with the common OBDII scanner: ELM327
Elog The ultimate logger for ESP32
EloquentArduino An eloquent interface to common Arduino patterns, data structures and algorithms
EloquentEsp32cam Use your Esp32-cam like an expert
EloquentRTLS RTLS (Real Time Location System) for Arduino and ESP32
EloquentSurveillance Esp32-cam surveillance system, batteries included
EloquentTensorFlowCortexM An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers for Cortex-M chipset
EloquentTensorFlow32 An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers for ESP32 chipset
EloquentTinyML An eloquent interface to Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers
EloquentVision Image processing datatypes and algorithms for Arduino and Esp32
Eloquent_EdgeImpulse Easy Edge Impulse integration
eloquent_remote Access your ESP32 camera stream from anywhere in the world
ELT S300 Library This is a library for the ELT CO2 sensor S300 via I2C.
emGUI GUI for embedded devices
EmSevenSegment Arduino library to drive multiple-digit 7-segment LED displays using HEF4094B, CD4094B, CD4094BMS, MC74HCT4094A and other 4094 shift registers.
EMUcan ECUMaster EMU CAN Stream Reader Arduino Library
emWin emWin V6.46 Professional graphics library
em4095 A library for reading and writing rfid chips with em4095 and esp32
EmbAJAX Framework for displays and controls on a web page
EmbUI Embedded Web UI framework for esp8266/esp32/esp32-c3/esp32-s2/esp32-s3 IoT prototyping
EmbedUI EmbedUI is an open source Project, for enthusiasts to speed-up & visualize UI development using Embedded Hardware.
EmbeddedMqttBroker Mqtt Broker for embedded systems, tested on an Esp32 and esp8266.
EmbeddedSparkplugNode Sparkplug B / Sparkplug 3 Edge Node Library.
Embedded Template Library ETL ETL. A C++ template library tailored for embedded systems.
Embedded Type-C PID PID controller (Type-C) with a flexible API and errors handling.
EmbeddedUtils collections of utility headers for embedded c++
EmbeddronicsBleOTA Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for updating firmware over ble.
Embedis An Embedded Dictionary Server.
EmberGL Low-Level 2D/3D Graphics Library
EMFButton Easy MultiFunctional button
EmonLib Energy Monitoring Library
EmotiBit ADS1X15 Arduino library for ADS1015/1115 ADCs.
EmotiBit ArduinoFilters Filter library for Arduino.
EmotiBit BMI160 A library written for EmotiBit that supports the BMI160 and BMM150 IMU
EmotiBit EmojiLib Library to draw Emoji when using EmotiBit with appropriate Feather Wings
EmotiBit External EEPROM Library for I2C Communication with external EEPROMs
EmotiBit FeatherWing A library written for EmotiBit FeatherWing that supports all sensors included on the wing.
EmotiBit KTD2026 Library for controlling KTD2026 led driver and its variants
EmotiBit MAX30101 Library for the MAX30101 Pulse sensor on board the EmotiBit-Beta boards
EmotiBit MLX90632 Library for using MLX90632 FIR sensor
EmotiBit NCP5623 Library for the NCP5623 LED driver
EmotiBit SI7013 A library written for EmotiBit that supports the Si7013 temperature and humidity module
EmotiBit SimpleFTPServer Fork of SimpleFtpServer for EmotiBit
EmotiBit XPlat Utils A Utilities Library required for the successfull operation of EmotiBit FeatherWing and EmotiBit Oscilloscope Library
EmuRTC Emulated Real Time
EMUSerial ECUMaster EMU Serial Library
Emulation A comprehensive mocking framework for seamless unit testing in PlatformIO.
EnableInterrupt Assign an interrupt to any supported pin on all Arduinos, plus ATtiny 84/85 and ATmega 644/1284.
EncButton Light and powerful library for button and encoder operation for Arduino
Encoder Counts quadrature pulses from rotary & linear position encoders.
EncoderButton Lossless event based rotary encoder & button library
EncoderStepCounter Quadrature Encoder library for half-step and full-step encoders.
EncoderTool Library to read out mechanical rotary encoders
Endo-Continuum-Robot The Endo Continuum Robot Library
Energesis LM35 Driver for LM35 series temperature sensor.
Energesis_GenericSensor Generic interface for standardized implementation of sensor drivers.
Energia-EBP_MKII Educational BoosterPack MKII examples from Energia application.
Energia-MultiTas MultiTasking examples from Energia application.
Energize Lab Servo Library for controlling Energize Lab Servo.
EnergyBoard Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard
EnergyMeter Arduino library to get data from energy meters in order to monitor them.
Engineer EasyEEPROM Arduino library for easy work with EEPROM. (AVR and ESP)
Engineer Regulator Arduino library for temperature controller. Stores settings in EEPROM. Hysteresis. (AVR and ESP)
ENGR100-950 UMich ENGR 100-950 Library
ENGR100-980 UMich ENGR 100-980 Library
ENS160 - Adafruit Fork Arduino library for the ENS160 digital four channel MOX gas sensor with I2C interface from ScioSense
ENS210 Arduino library for the ENS210 relative humidity and temperature sensor with I2C interface from ams
ENS22 Library for controlling the ENS22 NB-IoT modem, supporting MQTT communication.
enum_asukiaaa A library to share enum on arduino.
EnviroDIY_DS3231 An Arduino library for the DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock).
Environment Read enviroment sensors
EPD It controls waveshare 1.54 inch e-paper(e-ink) display.
Ephemeris Arduino library for the calculation of ephemeris of the solar system with an Arduino Mega.
Epson_PNL_CE02 Library to repurposing the control panel (PNL CE02) of EPSON XP 520/530/540 printers from an Arduino.
Epson_SU_SPI Sensing Unit Library using SPI for Epson M-Gxxx & Accelerometer M-A352
Epson_SU_UART Sensing Unit Library using UART for Epson IMU M-Gxxx & Accelerometer M-A352
EQSP32 A library for controlling your EQSP32 - ESP32 Industrial IoT Controller.
ER_OLEDM1_CH1115 Library to support the ER-OLEDM1.09-1 OLED Display Module driven by the CH1115 controller
Eridano-Septentrio An Arduino library for Septentrio products
ERM19264_UC1609 Library to Support the ERM19264 LCD driven by the UC1609C controller
ERO A library make learning basic robotic easier.
ERPC ESP32 RPC library.
ESPboy ESPboy Handheld Driver.
ESPectro ESPectro development board library for Arduino IDE
ESPectro32 ESPectro32 development board library for Arduino IDE
ESPert ESPert library for Arduino IDE
ESPiLight pilight 433.92 MHz protocols library for Arduino
ESPpassthrough Library that uses ESP AT serial commands to set it in Passthrough (transparent) Mode.
ESPping Let the ESP32/ESP8266 ping a remote machine.
ESPxRGB RGB manipulation functions in Xtensa assembler for ESP SoCs
ES32Lab Library provided by ESDeveloperBR to facilitate the development of programs that utilize the ES32Lab board.
ES920 Arduino library for ES920/ES920LR FSK/LoRa wireless module
ESC Thermal Printer BLE Library for ESC/POS Printer BLE
EscapeAutomate EscapeAutomate Library
Escon A library for IoT Device
escornabot Arduino library for control of the Escornabot robot
Escornabot-lib Escornabot library for Arduino.
Escornabot-Library Librería para Escornabot
escposprinter Library for ESC/POS Printer
ESPAsyncButton Event-driven asynchronous button toolkit for ESP32
ESP Async E1.31 Async E1.31 sACN for ESP8266.
ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer Simple/Stylized HTTP Update Server for ESPAsyncWebServer(by me-no-dev)
ESPAsyncTCP Async TCP Library for ESP8266 and ESP31B . Forked from
ESP Async WebServer Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for ESP32, ESP8266 and RP2040
ESPAsyncWebSrv Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket Server Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 . Forked from
ESPAsync_WiFiManager ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3), ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESPAsync_WiFiManager_Lite Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Async WiFiManager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters.
EspATMQTT Support library for the the MQTT functionality in the ESP-AT interpreter.
ESPAutoWiFiConfig Start serving a local webpage if cannot connect to WiFi, also include Buffer for to WiFi client to prevent small packets with partial messages being sent.
ESPAutoWifi Auto Connect WiFi for ESP32 Board.
ESP Battery Arduino Library to calculate the ESP8266 (Feather Huzzah) battery level.
EspBootstrap Library helps bring new esp devices online and connected into ecosystem
esp-brookesia ESP-Brookesia is a human-machine interaction development framework designed for AIoT devices.
ESPCanary Create an ESP32 or ESP8266 OpenCanary Honeypot
ESPConnect Simple & Easy WiFi Manager with Captive Portal for ESP8266 / ESP32
ESP-DASH A blazing fast library to create realtime dashboards for ESP8266's and ESP32's.
ESPDateTime Date Time Functions and Classes for ESP8266 and ESP32
ESPDisplay Use the DAC function of ESP32 to output C_ESP_8_BIT_composite with LovyanGFX.
EspEasyUtils ESP32 Easy Utils
esp-echonet-lite Echonet Lite library for ESP
ESPEssentials Essentials to get you started with your ESP8266 and ESP32 projects
EspFileManager Web-based file manager for ESP32 file operations.
esp-fipsy Fipsy FPGA programmer.
ESPFlash Lightweight library that makes SPIFFs usage simple and easy to understand on the ESP8266 and ESP32.
ESP-FlexyStepper This library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device
esp-fs-webserver From FSBrowser.ino example to library
ESP-Google-Forms-Client Arduino Google Forms REST client library for ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
ESP-Google-Sheet-Client Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for Arduino devices.
ESPHap Native support Apple HomeKit protocol with Arduino projects
EspHtmlTemplateProcessor A library that provide simple HTML template processing for ESP using SPIFFS
esp-iot-core A framework to implement IoT devices/gateways based on the ESP8266/ESP32 hardware.
esp-lib-utils esp-lib-utils is a library designed for ESP SoCs to provide utility functions, including logging, checking, and memory.
ESP Line Notify Line Notify Library for ESP8266 and ESP32.
ESPLogger This library provides a simple interface to collect data on local storage (embedded flash or micro SD).
ESPMail EMail library.
ESP Mail Client Arduino E-Mail Client Library to send, read and get incoming email notification for ESP32, ESP8266 and SAMD21 devices.
ESPManager ESP manager
EspMQTTClient A library that provides a wifi and MQTT connection to an ESP8266/ESP32
EspMQTTClientFork A library that provides a wifi and MQTT connection to an ESP8266/ESP32
ESPNexUpload Upload UI file to Nextion displays using ESP's
EspNowCam ESPNowCam, a straightforward video streamer for popular ESP32Cam models, leveraging the ESPNow protocol. No need for IPs, routers, or credentials—keeping it simple! :D
EspNowJoystick Abstraction of ESP-Now and Protocol Buffers to have improved joystick for any kind of hardware
ESP-NOW MIDI Arduino library for sending MIDI messages via the ESP-NOW protocol.
EspNowNetworkHost Node code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkHostDriver Host driver code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkNode Node code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNowNetworkShared Shared code for the EspNowNetwork
EspNow2Mqtt Use Esp-now to connect to mqtt and send and recive data.
ESP OTA GitHub ESP library for auto updating code from GitHub releases.
ESPPerfectTime SNTP library that provides more accurate time for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESPPubSubClientWrapper A wrapper class for the MQTT PubSubClient library by Nick O'Leary for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESP QRcode ESP Generate QRCode for GDEH0213B72 eink display, SSD1306, SH1106 oled displays 128*64 pixel and others based on Adafruit ST77XX
ESP Rotary ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values.
EspSaveCrash Automatically saves exception details and stack trace to flash in case of ESP8266 crash.
ESPSerialFlasher [EXPERIMENTAL] Flash the WiFiNiNa module on your arduino nano 33 iot
EspSimpleRemoteUpdate Simple remote update handling for ESP8266/ESP32
EspSimpleWifiHandler Simple and automatic WiFi handling for ESP8266/ESP32
EspSleep Library for esp8266 unlimited deep sleep period
EspSoftwareSerial Implementation of the Arduino software serial for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESP-StepperMotor-Server A stepper motor control server for ESP32 with Web UI, REST API and CLI
ESPStringTemplate Lightweight string templating library for building static web pages on the ESP8266
ESPSupabase A Arduino Platform Library for interfacing ESP32/ESP8266 to Supabase, including user authentication.
ESP Telnet ESP8266/ESP32 library that allows you to setup a telnet server.
EspUsbHost This is a library for using USB Host with ESP32.
ESPWebDAV WebDav server compatible with linux, macOS, windows.
EspWebFileManager A library to manage various file systems and provide file management over web interface for ESP32.
ESPWiFiMqttWrapper ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi - MQTT Wrapper
ESP-WiFiSettings WiFi configuration manager for the ESP32 and ESP8266 platforms.
ESP-Wifi-Config A ready-made Web Admin panel for configuring WiFi settings for ESP8266 and ESP32
EspWii A library to send Wii extension controllers data over wifi.
ESP2SOTA Async OTA (AP & Client WiFi modes) for ESP32/ESP8266.
ESP32AnalogRead Load the ESP32 ADC calibration data and use it to read from the ADC Supports the original, S2 and S3.
ESP32 AnalogWrite ESP32 Polyfill for analogWrite functions
ESP32-audioI2S-master With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board and a I2S-module.
esp32-BG95 BGxx modem - GPRS and LTE communications
ESP32 BLE ANCS Notifications Arduino library for ESP32, for reading and interacting with Smartphone notifications from iOS.
ESP32 BLE Arduino BLE functions for ESP32
ESP32-BLE-Gamepad Bluetooth LE Gamepad library for the ESP32.
ESP32-BLE-MIDI A library to use MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy on ESP32 boards.
esp32-BLE112 BLE112 - BLE modem
ESP32CAR Allows ESP32 boards to control MakistCar using
ESP32-Chimera-Core Alternate library for M5Stack/M5Core2/Odroid-Go/D-Duino and possiblly other ESP32/TFT/SD bundles
ESP32Console Extensible UART console for ESP32 with useful included commands.
ESP32 Control This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0
ESP32 Control lite This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 Control module.This library support all version of ESP32 Control module,ERS ,E1.0
ESP32 Digital RGB LED Drivers A library for driving self-timed digital RGB/RGBW LEDs (WS2812, SK6812, NeoPixel, WS2813, etc.) using the Espressif ESP32 microcontroller's RMT output peripheral.
ESP32Dispatcher Simple time-slice based task dispatcher
ESP32DMASPI SPI library for ESP32 which use DMA buffer to send/receive transactions
esp32-ds18b20 Minimal, non-blocking, DS18B20 sensor library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports multiple sensors, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X
ESP32-ENC28J60 Enables network connection (local and Internet) with ENC28J60 using the ESP32 Ethernet.
ESP32Encoder Encoder library for the ESP32 using interrupts.
ESP32 ESP32S2 AnalogWrite ESP32 PWM, Servo, Easing and Tone.
ESP32 File Manager for Generation Klick ESPFMfGK Manage your ES32 file system content with a simple web based interface
esp32-flashz ESP32-FlashZ arduino library
esp32FOTA A simple library for firmware OTA updates
ESP32 FX1N PLC This library providing the possibility to call a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of ESP32 module 2.0RXO,MiniPLC-32u
ESP32 HUB75 LED MATRIX PANEL DMA Display HUB75 LED Matrix Library for ESP32, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3
ESP32 I2C Slave I2C Slave library for ESP32 (unofficial)
ESP32-imgur-uploader Image/Video uploader
ESP32 Lite Pack Library ESP32LitePack, M5Lite, A lightweight compatibility library. Support Devices:M5StickC, M5StickC Plus, M5Stack BASIC, M5Stack GRAY, M5Stack FIRE, M5Stack Core2, M5Stack ATOM Lite, M5Stack ATOM Matrix, M5Stack ATOM ECHO
ESP32Logger Logger for ESP32 for debugging C++-code
ESP32Logger2 Logger for ESP32 for debugging C++-code
ESP32 Mail Client Mail Client Arduino Library for ESP32
ESP32 Microsoft Graph This library provides an easy login process to AzureAD. I have also included a sample that displays Teams presence.
ESP32MotorControl Motor control using ESP32 MCPWM
ESP32MQTTClient A thread-safe MQTT library based on the of ESP-IDF instead of PubSubClient.
ESP32MX1508 An ESP32 library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier.
ESP32-OTA Add an HTTP OTA interface to an existing project.
ESP32-OTA-Pull ESP32-OTA-Pull provides simple 'pull' based OTA updates for ESP32
ESP32-PSRamFS "ESP32 RamDisk for PSRAM and fs::FS"
ESP32PsramLock Library to control ESP32 PSRAM
ESP32-PTQS1005 PTQS1005 Sensor Data Acquisition Library for ESP32 and Arduino
ESP32 Rest Client Arduino WIFI Rest Client for ESP32
esp32-rmt-ir Minimal, non-blocking, IR library for ESP32 using RMT pheripheral, supports NEC, Sony, Samsung and RC5 transmit and receive, lightweight, no dependencies, will need Arduino esp32 3.x based on IDF 5.X
ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library
ESP32RotaryEncoder Use a rotary encoder with your ESP32 easily!
ESP32-RTSPServer An RTSP server library for streaming video, audio, and subtitles.
ESP32Servo Allows ESP32 boards to control servo, tone and analogWrite motors using Arduino semantics.
ESP32Servo360 Initial development release
Esp32SimplePacketComs This Arduino library supports Simple Packet Coms for Esp32.
ESP32SPISlave SPI Slave library for ESP32
ESP32-targz A library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
ESP32Time Set and retrieve internal RTC time on ESP32 boards.
ESP32TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32-based (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3) boards
ESP32TinyUSB USB functions for ESP32-S2
ESP32-TWAI-CAN ESP32 driver for TWAI / CAN for Adruino using ESP-IDF drivers.
ESP32 ULP Debugger Arduino ESP32 ULP Debugger libraries.
ESP32-USB-Soft-Host "An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example"
ESP32WebRemoteControl Web Remote COntrol
Esp32WifiManager This Arduino library supports Wifi Management for Esp32.
ESP32_BleSerial A BLE Serial library for Arduino ESP32
ESP32_Button ESP32_Button is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of ADC/GPIO button functionality on ESP SoCs.
ESP32_C3_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_C3 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_C3_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-C3-based board
esp32_codec2 Codec2 Arduino library for ESP32.
ESP32_Display_Panel ESP32_Display_Panel is a library designed for ESP SoCs to drive display panels and facilitate rapid GUI development.
ESP32_easy_wifi_data Simple library for sending and recieving booleans, bytes, integers, and float variables over UDP. The ESP32 or ESP8266 can be connected to a wifi network or create its own hotspot.
ESP32_ENC_Manager ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
esp32_epd A library that makes coding a E-paper a breeze.
ESP32_Ethernet_Manager (ESP32 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60), including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_FastPWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based boards to create and output PWM to pins.
esp32_ftpclient An FTP-Client for the ESP32.
esp32_gamepad connect ESP32 to SteelSeries:Free bluetooth gamepad.
ESP32_HTTPS_Server Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP.
esp32_https_server_compat An Arduino library for an alternative ESP32 HTTP/HTTPS web server implementation
ESP32_IDF5_HTTPS_Server Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP. Compatible with ESP-IDF 5.0 or later.
esp32_idf5_https_server_compat An Arduino library for an alternative ESP32 HTTP/HTTPS web server implementation
ESP32_IO_Expander ESP32_IO_Expander is a library designed for driving IO expander chips using ESP SoCs
ESP32_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_Knob ESP32_Knob is a library designed for driving encoders using ESP SoCs
esp32_moga connect ESP32 to MOGA bluetooth gamepads
ESP32_MQTTClient MQTT library based on the of ESP-IDF.
ESP32_MySQL Directly connects to MySQL using ESP32.
ESP32_New_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3, ESP32_C3 boards to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board
esp32_opus OPUS Arduino library for ESP32.
ESP32_Pinoo An Arduino library to use Pinoo ESP32 modules.
ESP32_PWM This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board to create and output PWM to pins.
ESP32_RTC_EEPROM EEPROM emulation that stores in RTC RAM. Survives deep sleep, but not reset or power loss.
ESP32_S2_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_S2 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32_S2_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-S2-based board
ESP32_SC_ENC_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP ENC28J60 Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SC_Ethernet_Manager (ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SC_W5500_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W5500 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SC_W6100_Manager ESP32_S2/S3/C3 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_SemBeacon SemBeacon BLE functions for ESP32
ESP32_SoftWire ESP32 software I2C library
ESP32_USB_STREAM ESP32_USB_STREAM is a specialized library created to facilitate the implementation of USB stream functionality on ESP SoCs.
ESP32_VS1053_Stream This is a Arduino IDE library for playing mp3, aac and flac/ogg local files and online streams with a vs1053 decoder.
ESP32_W5500_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W5500, including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3, Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_W6100_Manager ESP32 + LwIP W6100 Connection and Credentials Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP32_WS2812_Lib An Arduino library for WS2812 led on ESP32/ESP32S3.
ESP32epd A library that makes coding a E-paper a breeze.
ESP32epdx A library that makes coding a E-paper a breeze.
ESP32httpUpdate Http Update for ESP32
ESP32softPWM Easily implement software PWM
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays I2C display driver for SSD1306 OLED displays connected to ESP8266, ESP32, Mbed-OS
ESP8266Audio Audio file and I2S sound playing routines for ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040
ESP8266AutoWifi Auto Connect WiFi for ESP8266 Board.
esp8266-framework esp8266 framework stack for easy configurable applications
esp8266-google-home-notifier Send notifications to Google Home from esp8266/32.
esp8266-google-tts generate the link to speech mp3 on esp8266/32.
ESP8266 Influxdb InfluxDB Client for Arduino.
ESP8266IoTHelper Helper for ESP8266 that orchestrates WiFi connection and OTA updates
ESP8266 Microgear A client library for ESP8266 to connect to NETPIE IOT Platform.
Esp8266-Mqtt-Canary Create an ESP8266 OpenCanary Honeypot
ESP8266MQTTClient MQTT Client for ESP8266
ESP8266 MQTT Mesh Self-assembling Mesh network built around the MQTT protocol supporting OTA
ESP8266-OLED Display Library esp8266-Arduino library for I2C-OLED displays
ESP8266-ping A library to enable esp8266 platform to send and receive ping messages.
ESP8266 QRcode ESP8266 Generate QRCode for SSD1306 oled displays 128*64 pixel
ESP8266RestClient ESP8266 RESTful HTTP Request Library.
ESP8266RTTTLPlus An RTTTL parsing and playing library.
ESP8266SAM_ES Speech synthesis in spanish on the ESP8266, ESP32, and RP2040
ESP8266Scheduler ESP8266 Co-operative Multitasking
ESP8266SDUpdater SD Card Loader for ESP8266
ESP8266 SMTPClient The SMTPClient library allows you to send emails using an ESP8266 microcontroller. It supports sending plain text emails as well as emails with attachments.
ESP8266TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266-based board.
ESP8266 Weather Station ESP8266 based internet connected Weather Station
esp826611 Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
ESP8266_AT_WebServer Simple WebServer library for AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, SIPEED_MAIX_DUINO and RP2040-based (RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) boards using ESP8266/ESP32 AT-command shields with functions similar to those of ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer libraries
ESP8266_ENC_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP8266_Ethernet_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500 / W5100(S) / ENC28J60) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP8266_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266 to control servo motors.
ESP8266_LED_64x16_Matrix ESP8266 driver to run LED matrix.
esp8266_mdns mDNS queries and responses on esp8266.
ESP8266_multipart A small multipart file sending library for the ESP8266.
ESP8266_PWM This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP8266-based board to create and output PWM to pins.
ESP8266_W5100_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP W5100 / W5100S) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP8266_W5500_Manager (ESP8266 + LwIP W5500) Connection and Credentials Manager, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
esp8266channel3lib Analogue TV Out with an ESP8266!
ESP_8_BIT Color Composite Video Library Generate color composite TV video out signals with an ESP32.
esp_abus ABUS Socket Communication library for PLCs (Cybro-2 and Cybro-3) from Cybrotech and ESP32 / ESP8266 over WiFi
ESP_AT_Lib WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32-AT library for Arduino providing an easy-to-use way to control WizFi360/ESP8266-AT/ESP32-AT WiFi shields using AT-commands. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32, nRF52, SIPEED_MAIX_DUINO and RP2040-based (Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc.) boards using WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32 AT-command shields.
ESP_AT_WiFiManager WiFi/Credentials Manager for nRF52, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc. boards using WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32-AT-command shields with fallback web configuration portal. Credentials are saved in EEPROM, SAMD FlashStorage, DueFlashStorage or nRF52/RP2040 LittleFS.
ESP_AT_WM_Lite Light-Weight WiFi/Credentials Manager for AVR Mega, SAM DUE, SAMD, nRF52, STM32, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards, etc. using WizFi360/ESP8266/ESP32-AT-command shields. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters.
esp_dmx Transmit and receive DMX and RDM using an ESP32.
ESP_DoubleResetDetector Library to detect a double reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32
ESP_EEPROM An improved EEPROM library for ESP8266
ESP_FC28 Simple library for the FC-28 sensor.
ESP_LM35 A library for the ESP boards to make easier using the LM35 temperature sensor.
ESP_MultiResetDetector Library to detect a multi reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32, ESP32_C3, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3
ESP_MultiWiFi Library for asynchronously managing multiple WiFi connections on ESP8266.
ESP_NOW_Network ESP-NOW network library for ESP32 for Arduino-esp32 >= 3.02
esp_sds011 ESP8266/ESP32 library for the SDS011 particulate matter sensor.
ESP_SSLClient The upgradable SSL Client for Arduino devices.
ESP_TF Tensorflow micro for esp32 with esp nn support
ESP_WiFiManager Library to configure MultiWiFi/Credentials at runtime for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. With enhanced GUI and fallback web ConfigPortal.
ESP_WiFiManager_Lite Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters.
Espalexa Library to control an ESP module with the Alexa voice assistant
Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit Sensors Unofficial Arduino library for interacting with sensors in the Espressif ESP32 Azure IoT Kit development board.
ESPUI ESP32 and ESP8266 Web Interface Library
ESPVGAX VGA signal generator for ESP8266
ESPVGAX2 VGA signal generator for ESP8266
espwifiarduino Library for espwifiarduino board
EtherCard EtherCard is an IPv4 driver for the ENC28J60 chip.
EtherSia IPv6 library for the ENC28J60, W5500 or W5100 Ethernet controllers
Etherkit JTEncode Generate JT65, JT9, JT4, FT8, WSPR, and FSQ symbols on your Arduino.
Etherkit Morse Generate Morse Code for transmission on an digital I/O pin.
Etherkit Si5351 A full-featured library for the Si5351 series of clock generator ICs from Silicon Labs
EthernetBonjour Bonjour (ZeroConf) Library for Arduino & Teensyduino
EthernetENC Ethernet library for ENC28J60. Only include EthernetENC.h instead of Ethernet.h
EthernetEspAT Enables wired (secure) network connection with esp8266 or esp32 as network adapter on Serial interface.
EthernetESP32 Alternative Ethernet library for the ESP32 platform.
EthernetIndustruino Library for the Industruino Ethernet module
EthernetSP Enables network connection using the W5500-Ether add-on for Spresense.
EthernetWebServer Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for AVR, AVR Dx, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, W6100, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet
EthernetWebServer_SSL Simple TLS/SSL Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for for AVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client.
EthernetWebServer_SSL_STM32 Simple TLS/SSL Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards running WebServer using built-in Ethernet LAN8742A, Ethernet LAN8720, W5x00 or ENC28J60 shields. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client.
EthernetWebServer_STM32 EthernetWebServer_STM32 is a simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards using built-in Ethernet LAN8742A, LAN8720, Ethernet W5x00 or ENC28J60 shields
Ethernet2 Enables network connection (local and Internet) using W5500 based Ethernet shields.
Ethernet3 Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the Arduino Ethernet board or shield. For all Arduino boards.
Ethernet_Generic Simple Ethernet library for AVR, AVR Dx, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, W5100S, W6100
Ethernet_Manager Simple Ethernet Manager for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, nRF52, ESP32 (including ESP32-S2/C3), ESP8266, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc. boards. Config data saved in ESP LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM, nRF52 LittleFS, EEPROM, DueFlashStorage or SAMD FlashStorage.
Ethernet_Manager_Portenta_H7 Simple Ethernet Manager for Portenta_H7 board using Ethernet from Portenta Vision shield. Config data saved in LittleFS.
Ethernet_Manager_STM32 Simple Ethernet Manager for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards with Ethernet LAN8720, W5x00, ENC28J60 or built-in LAN8742A shields, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in EEPROM. With DoubleResetDetect feature.
Ethernet_Shield_W5200 Arduino library to control Ethernet Shield W5200.
ev3-arduino Enables the communication with an ev3 brick
ev3lego PID controlled motor
EventAnalog Event based library for analog inputs.
EventButton Event based button library
EventEthernet Enables network connection (local and Internet) for Arduino, running on W5100S-EVB-Pico board
EventJoystick Event based library for analog joysticks.
EventOS Library for event-driven embedded devices programming (hardware interruputs for all pins).
EventSystem Event based system that monitor variables and fire event when the variable change.
Eventfun Basic building blocks for event-driven Arduino sketches.
Eventually Event-based programming library for Arduino
EventuallyCommand Trigger Eventually event from a serial command
EventuallyStateMachine Extends Eventually with a state machine
Eventually2 Event-based programming library for Arduino
Eventuino C++ Event Framework for Arduino
Every Non-blocking replacements for delay().
EveryTimer A library providing the possibility to call a function at specific time intervals.
everytime A easy to use library for periodic code execution.
evive This ia a arduino libray for using evive.
EVN Software libraries for EVN Alpha.
evo_bsp Evo BSP components
evo_build_template Evo Build Template
evo_pmux_csr Evo PMUX CSR
evo_servo Evo Servo
EWMA Exponentially Weighted Moving Average filter used for smoothing data series readings.
ExampleLibrary An example of how to create a public Arduino Library, that is automatically uploaded into the Arduino Library Manager for public consumption.
Excelsior Functions as a beginners guide to programm the Excelsior-Brick.
Excelsior_Ambassador Functions as an extensions for the Excelsior Brick.
Excelsior_Light Used for easy use of the Excelsior Lightsensor
Executive Execute routines to specified schedule
ExodeCore Communication between Arduino microcontroller boards and a connected computers.
Exosite Easily interface with Exosite's device HTTP API.
ExponentMap Generates an exponentially growing array based on provided number of steps and maximum value.
extEEPROM Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs.
ExtFlashLoader Downloads application binary to external flash memory connected to ATSAMD51 MCU and run it.
extendFor Add and subtract from 0 to 10 in 2 steps each.
ezAnalogKeypad Analog Keypad and Analog Buttons library for Arduino, ESP32
EzArduino A library that makes coding wtih Arduino easier by providing simple OOP based components
EZButton Transform raw button/touch inputs into events easily.
ezBuzzer Buzzer library for Arduino
ezLED LED library for Arduino
EzLoRaWAN ESP 32 port of the Arduino TheThingsNetwork library.
EzLoRaWAN_BLE BLE OTAA provisioning for library EzLoRaWAN.
ezOutput Output library for Arduino
ezTime ezTime - pronounced "Easy Time" - is a very easy to use Arduino time and date library that provides NTP network time lookups, extensive timezone support, formatted time and date strings, user events, millisecond precision and more.
ez_SIPO8_lib Support for multiple serial-in/paralle-out (SIPO) shift registers.
ez_switch_lib Support for single and multiple switches for Arduino and ESP 32 microcontrollers.
EZ_USB_MIDI_HOST Arduino MIDI Library wrapper for usb_midi_host library
EZPROM A library to help organize EEPROM access.
fANSI Control the PC screen using ANSI graphics
fDigitsSegtPin Power the basic 4 digit 7 segment display
FSerial A Delay Less Communication Protocol.
FaBo 201 3Axis ADXL345 A library for FaBo 3AXIS I2C Brick
FaBo 202 9Axis MPU9250 A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick
FaBo 203 Color S11059 A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
FaBo 204 Baromter MPL115A2 A library for FaBo Barometer I2C Brick
FaBo 205 Proximity VCNL4010 A library for FaBo Proximity I2C Brick
FaBo 206 UV Si1132 A library for FaBo UV I2C Brick
FaBo 207 Temperature ADT7410 A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick
FaBo 208 Humidity HTS221 A library for FaBo Humidity I2C Brick
FaBo 209 KTemp MCP3421 A library for FaBo KTemp I2C Brick
FaBo 210 GPIO PCAL6408A A library for FaBo GPIO I2C Brick
FaBo 211 7Segment LED TLC59208F A library for FaBo 7Segment LED I2C Brick
FaBo 212 LCD PCF8574 A library for FaBo LCD I2C Brick
FaBo 213 LCD mini AQM0802A A library for FaBo LCD mini I2C Brick
FaBo 214 OLED EROLED096 A library for FaBo OLED I2C Brick
FaBo 215 RTC PCF2129 A library for FaBo RTC I2C Brick
FaBo 217 Ambient Light ISL29034 A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick
FaBo 222 Environment BME680 A library for FaBo Environment I2C Brick
FaBo 223 Gas CCS811 A library for CCS811 that getting values of CO2 and TVOC.
FaBo 230 Color BH1749NUC A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
FaBo 301 BLE SiliconLabs A library for SiliconLabs BLE113.
FaBo 307 BLE Nordic A library for nRF5x.
FaBo GPIO40 PCA9698 A library for FaBo GPIO.
FaBo Motor DRV8830 A library for FaBo Motor.
FaBo PWM PCA9685 A library for FaBo PWM.
FabGL ESP32 VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306 ILI9341 ST7789 Controller, PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal
Fabrik2D A library for fast solving of inverse kinematics using the FABRIK algorithm.
FacebookApi A wrapper for the Facebook Graph API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards)
FadeLed Makes fading LEDs easy
FanController Arduino Library for controlling PC fans
FancyTerminal FancyTerminal - A serial console beautifier
FastAccelStepper A high speed stepper library for Atmega 168/168p/328/328p (nano), 32u4 (leonardo), 2560, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32S3, ESP32C3, ESP32C6 and Atmel SAM Due
FastBLE BLE that leaves cycles for other tasks on Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
FastBot Fast ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot (messages, menus, time sync, OTA update + SPIFFS, files upload and download)
FastBot2 Fast and universal Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 library for Telegram bot
FastCapacitiveSensor A library to use capacitive sensors quickly
FastCRC Fast CRC routines
FastDisplayPrototyping Fast Display Prototyping for Adafruit GFX and TFT eSPI
FastEPD A frustration-free e-paper library for parallel eink panels.
FastGPIO Faster general-purpose I/O
FastIMU Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of IMU's.
FastInterruptEncoder An Arduino library for Quadrature Encoder for ESP32 and STM32Duino.
FastLED Multi-platform library for controlling dozens of different types of LEDs along with optimized math, effect, and noise functions.
FastLEDHub Control multiple FastLED lightstrip animations on the ESP8266 and ESP32 without reuploading.
FastLEDManager FastLED Manager that can generate multiple sequences with layered (mixed) output
FastLED NeoMatrix Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for NeoPixel grids
FastLED NeoPixel A library that allows you to reuse Adafruit NeoPixel animations with the FastLED library without having to rewrite them.
FastLED_RPIRGBPanel_GFX Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for ArduinoOnPC Raspberry Pi RGBPanel Driver.
FastLED_SPITFT_GFX Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for SPI TFT screens like SSD1331, ST7735, and ILI9341
FastLED_TFTWrapper_GFX Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible library for ArduinoOnPC X11 TFT Emulator
FastMap Library with fast map function for Arduino.
FastPID A PID controlled implemented using fixed-point arithmetic.
FastShiftIn Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftIn - e.g. for 74HC165
FastShiftInOut Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftInOut (simultaneously)
FastShiftOut Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftOut - e.g. 74HC595
FastTimer Arduino Library for managing time section, can be extended for requesting Unix/RFC3339 timestamp by NTP
FastTrig Arduino library with interpolated lookup for sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2() and more.
Fast4ier An FFT and IFFT library.
fast_math Arduino library for fast math algorithms
Fastcore Improvement of Arduino Core Functions.
FatFs FAT file system based on open-source FatFS solution.
FauxmoESP Amazon Alexa support for ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W
FC0001614614 Quad, High-Voltage EL Lamp Driver with I²C Interface.
FC0003390327 Library for the Quectel EG25-G LTE
FC0005748911 Firechip - Micro Crystal RV-8263 Arduino Library a Real-Time Clock Module with I2C-Bus
FCWRobot_Model2 The library array that is needed for the FCW Robot Model2.
FDC2214 TI FDC2214 capacitative sensor library
FeatherFault FeatherFault tells you why your Arduino program is crashing
Feature-Variables Persistent event driven variables aimed at making complex designs much simpler
FED3 This is a library for operating FED3
Fetch Gives you high level Javascript's fetch like API to make you any request with any server.
FFT Library for FFT
FFT_C FFT library in C
FHEM This library allows communication with a FHEM Server.
FIFObuf A library for buffering items into a FIFO/LIFO buffer
FifteenStep A general purpose Arduino MIDI sequencer library.
FileConfig A library for reading and writing settings from a configuration file on a SD card.
FileData Simple library for storing any data in file
FileFetcher A library for fetching files or images from the web (supports ESP8266/ESP32 & probably others)
FilesystemAccessInterface Abstraction for Filesystem Access.
FilesystemUtility Provides useful functionalities to simplify filesystem operations.
Filter Easy A collection of easy-to-use digital filters
Filters Filter utilities for Arduino
Finder 6M for Finder Opta Easily read from Finder 6M devices via ModBus.
Finder 7M for Finder Opta Easily read from Finder 7M devices via ModBus.
FingerLib Allows for servo-like functionality for finger control. For Atmega 2560 (Almond PCB) and Arduino Zero (Chestnut) only.
Fingerprint Scanner TTL Arduino examples for ADH-Tech's Fingerprint Scanners.
Finite-State Finite-State Machine (FSM) for Arduino.
FiniteStateMachine A synchronous time-sliced state management library to build responsive "embedded apps" via callbacks and conditional signal chaining.
Finite-State-Machine-Arduino With that we can create proper states for objects.
FIR-Filter Finite Impulse Response Filter for filtering signals/sensor data.
FireBase32 Allows communication with Firebase.
FireEsp A library for connecting to Firebase using ESP boards
FireTimer Simple and non-blocking library to time the execution of processes
Firebase Enables Firebase Realtime Database connectivity on the ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino UNO R4 WiFi.
Firebase Arduino based on WiFiNINA Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 and Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2.
Firebase Arduino based on WiFi101 Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Arduino WiFi Shield 101 and Arduino MKR1000 WIFI.
Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 Google Firebase Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32
FirebaseClient Async Firebase Client library for Arduino
Firebase ESP32 Client Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP32
Firebase ESP8266 Client Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP8266
FirebaseJson The easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x and others MCUs.
FirebaseRealtime A simple library to make Firebase Realtime Databse CRUD operations.
FireplaceMLX MobaLedLib Extension adds simulation of single fireplace
FirmataExpress An enhanced version of StandardFirmata version 2.5.8
FirmataWithDeviceFeature This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board.
Firmetix The server for the Firmetix Project.
FirstBuild - Relay Control a relay by specifying a period and duty cycle.
fishyDIYdevices A library to simplify creating, operating, and using your DIY Internet of Things devices using NodeMCU (ESP8266) devices.
FixMath Fixed Point Arithmetics for Arduino and others
fix_fft A library for implementing fixed-point in-place Fast Fourier Transform on Arduino. It sacrifices precision and instead it is way faster than floating-point implementations.
fixed Implementation of fixed poind calculations
FixedPoints A template library for defining fixed point types of varying sizes.
FixedString A stack based fixed string class
flagsapi Library for packing bits
Flanco Flanco Library (Spanish version)
Flash A library to wrap accessing and writing to flash
FlashLightLED An Arduino library that can programmatically manipulate the LED color changing light strips controlled by a 44 Key IR Remote.
FlashStorage The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of microcontrollers.
FlashStorage_RTL8720 The FlashStorage_RTL8720 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user data using the non-volatile flash memory of Realtek RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTM8722CSM, etc.
FlashStorage_SAMD The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of SAMD21/SAMD51. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte.
FlashStorage_STM32 The FlashStorage_STM32 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user data using the non-volatile flash memory of STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1. It is using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. New STM32 core v2.0.0+ is also supported now.
FlashStorage_STM32F1 The FlashStorage_STM32F1 library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of STM32F1/F3. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. New STM32 core v2.0.0+ is supported now.
FlashStringTable Easy definition and use of Arduino flash-based (PROGMEM) global string.
FLE Arduino library for FLE = FLoat with Error datatype
Fletcher "Arduino Library for calculating Fletcher's checksum.
FlexLibrary This Library is designed to make the integration of 'Flex Sensors' easier and simpler.
FlexWire This library implements the master side of the I2C protocol in a platform independent way.
flex_DST A library for observing DST according to user predefined parameters.
FlexiPlot Arduino Library Arduino library for FlexiPlot.
FlexyStepper Stepper motor control library for Arduino supporting in-motion changes.
Flicker A library for making capacitive touch easy to use.
FlightSimOutputs Library for easy handling of digital outputs on Multi Output card.
FlightSimSwitches Library for easy handling of Switches and Buttons in X-Plane with PJRC's Teensy
Flinders_ENGR2781 Examples for ENGR2781 - Mechanical Design Project (Warman)
Flinduino_Sensorkit Flinduino Sensor Kit
FLINT_E220-900T22S-JP This library supports E220-900T22S(JP) of CLEALINK TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.
FlipDisc Arduino library for flip-disc displays
FlixPeriph Arduino drivers for the Flix drone peripherals.
FloatArrayManager A library to simplify averaging a moving window of values.
FloatToAscii Fast and small single precision float to string conversion.
floatToString Provides a function to convert a float to a string with a specified number of digits after decimal.
float16 Arduino library to implement float16 data type.
float16ext Arduino library to implement float16ext data type.
FlowSensor Flow Sensor library for Arduino.
FMDataClient Filemaker 17 DATA API Client (ESP32)
FM25060 Library for controling FM25060 inverter circuit
fmt Port of the {fmt} library to Arduino
fog Programming water mist.
FontCollection Font Collection manager
FOR_MACRO For macro library
Force This is a library for operating FORCE
FORCE2 This is a library for operating FORCE2
Forced-BME280 A library that makes using a BME280 easy and lightweight.
forcedBMX280 A library that makes using a BME280 or BMP280 easy and lightweight.
Forecaster Weather forecasting with Zambretti algorithm
fork-webbino-ahmsec Experimental fork of Webbino library.
Formulinha Formulinha Robot Library
FortniteAPI Arduino library to access unofficial Fortnite API.
FourBitLedDigitalTube 7 segment, 1 to 8 digits LED display easy to use and powerful library for modules based on two 74HC595 (or similar) shift registers chips.
FourRegs Prints the low-level configuration registers for Arduino-compatible boards which use an ARM SAMD51 processor.
FourteenSegDisplay Drives a fourteen 14 segment alphanumeric starburst LED display, Also supports 7, 9 & 16 segment displays.
fp64lib Handcrafted 64-bit floating point routines for AVR/arduino microprocessors.
FPGAArcade Replay MKR Vidor 4000 Enables access to FPGAArcade Replay cores on the MKR Vidor 4000.
Fraction Arduino library to implement a Fraction datatype.
Fram FRAM library for Industruino
FRAM_Cache FRAM Cache
FRAM_I2C Arduino library for I2C FRAM for persistent storage.
Framebuffer GFX Adafruit_GFX and FastLED compatible Framebuffer library
Franzininho_LiquidCrystal Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays (LCDs).
Free-ESPAtHome Implements the Busch-Jeager / ABB Free@Home API for ESP8266 and ESP32.
FreeRTOS FreeRTOS Real Time Operating System implemented for Arduino Uno R3, Nano, Leonardo, Mega, and related Microchip ATmega devices.
FreeRTOS_SAMD21 FreeRTOS ported for Arduino SAMD21 processors
FreeRTOS_SAMD51 FreeRTOS ported for Arduino SAMD51 processors
Freenove IR Lib for ESP32 An Arduino library for IR remote receive on ESP32.
Freenove RFID Lib for Pico An Arduino library for RFID on Pico.
Freenove VK16K33 Lib Arduino library for Freenove VK16K33 Lib.
Freenove WS2812B RGBLED Controller Arduino library for Freenove WS2812B RGBLED Controller.
Freenove WS2812 Lib for ESP32 An Arduino library for WS2812 led on ESP32.
FreqCount FreqCount measures the frequency of a signal by counting the number of pulses during a fixed time.
FreqMeasure FreqMeasure measures the elapsed time during each cycle of an input frequency.
FreqPeriodCounter Smart library with comprehensive functions for counting (multiple) frequencies. For Arduino Uno and Zero.
FrequencyDetector Measure the main frequency of analog captured signal connected to an Arduino and check for noise and mute.
FrequencyTimer2 Generate a frequency using Timer2
frt Lightweight, easy-to-use wrapper around the Arduino_FreeRTOS_Library.
FS_MX1508 Library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier.
FS_Nano33BLE Wrapper of FS (FATFS or LittleFS) for Arduino MBED nRF52840-based boards, such as Nano_33_BLE boards
FTDebouncer An efficient, low footprint, fast pin debouncing library for Arduino
FTPduino An easy to use FTP client library for the Arduino ecosystem.
FTServo FEETECH BUS Servo library for Arduino and ESP32
FTTech Aqualabo Sensors Aqualabo Sensor Library for Arduino, using ArduinoModbus through RS485
FTTech LoRaWAN Arduino IDE Library to make our SAMD51 interface with RAK811 20 pin click easier to use.
FTTech SAMD51 Clicks Arduino IDE Library to make our SAMD51 easier to use.
FTTech SAMD51 XBee Arduino library to make easier to use an XBee.
FTTech Swarm Arduino IDE Library to make our SmartNode Swarm easier to use.
FT6236G capacitive touch sensor.
ft817 Serial CAT interface to control a Yaesu FT-817 transceiver
FT81x Arduino Driver Graphics library for the open source FT81x display driver board.
FTOLED Library to drive Freetronics OLED128 128x128 display.
FTPClient_Generic FTP Client for Generic boards such as AVR Mega, megaAVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based (Nano-RP2040-Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RP2040W, etc.), ESP32/ESP8266 using Ethernet
ftp32 FTP client for esp32
FTP_Server_Teensy41 FTP Server for Teensy 4.1 using SD, FS, etc.
FTRGBLED Freetronics RGBLED module (WS2801-based) driver library.
FuGPS Library Arduino library for parsing NMEA 0183 (GPS) messages.
FunctionFsm A library that simplifies the creation of finite state machines and streamlines the process of turning state diagrams into code..
FunctionGenerator Arduino library to generate wave forms (nummeric) for a DAC
Functional-Vlpp Provides function templates to better support C++ functional programming across platforms.
functional_button simple button library
Functor Callbacks in C++ using template functors.
FUSB302 PD UFP sink Arduino library for the FUSB302 USB power delivery controller IC.
FutabaVfdM202MD10C Library for Arduino framework for convenient working with vacuum fluorescent displays (VFD) based on Futaba M202MD10C board.
FVS Beinhaltet die Funktionen portMode, portWrite, portRead.
FXLS89xx_Arduino An library for NXP FXLS89xx
FXPS7xxx_Arduino A library for NXP FXPS7xxx
gButton Provides an easy way to work with buttons and other momentary contact switches.
GCodeParser The GCodeParser library is a lightweight G-Code parser for the Arduino using only a single character buffer to first collect a line of code (also called a 'block') from a serial or file input and then parse that line into a code block and comments.
GGreg20_V3 IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector pulse output driver library.
GParser Fast library for parsing cstring into substrings, urlencode, unicode encode for Arduino
GSheet32 Library for sending data from ESP32 to Google Sheets.
G4Enc Optimized CCITT G4 (ITU T.6) encoder.
GadgetBox Enclosure and Universal Hardware for IoT Gadgets.
Gadget_Shield Gadget Shield implemented for AVR (Uno, Nano, Leonardo, Mega).
Gadgetron Libraries Collection of Libraries for the Gadgetron software.
GalvoController A library for controlling laser scanners that use the XY2-100 protocol with G-code sent over serial.
GameBoyShield AbenoGameBoyShield, GameBoy Shield
Gamebuino Classic Create your own games on a fun and retro console.
Gamebuino META Make your first game within hours.
Gamer A library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Technology Will Save Us.
GamerIR Infrared communication library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Tech Will Save Us
GAMMA Arduino Library for the GAMMA function
GammaCorrectionLib GammaCorrection Library
Gauge_asukiaaa It calculates value from sample values.
Gauss Library for the Gauss probability math.
Gaussian Gaussian math, Kalman Filters and Moving Averages made easy
GaussianFilter1D Arduino library for using a gaussian blur / smoothing filter
GBALib Potentiometer Potentiometer Management Library.
GBALib_DCMotor DC Motor Management Library using the L293D Motor Driver IC.
GBALib_ShiftRegister Shift Register 74HC595N Management Library.
GBALib_UltrasonicSensor HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor library.
GBALib_Wave Wawes Management Library.
GC9A01A AVR Very fast SPI library for the GC9A01A IPS display
GDXLib A library for educators to communicate with a Vernier Go Direct device via Bluetooth® Low Energy.
Geekble_LieDetector Library for Geekble LieDetector
Geekble_MotorOrgel Library for play music on Motors
Geekble_Note2Freq Library for easy convertion of musical note to frequency.
Geekble_Oscillator Generate pulse from 31.25KHz to 8MHz
GEM A library for creation of graphic multi-level menu.
Gemelon Pushbutton Arduino library to debounce a pushbutton.
GeneralShield GeneralShield Library
generic-Arduino Generic Arduino Headers, to increase compatibility of code.
GenericMotorDriver Generic library for controlling PWM, brushed DC motor drivers.
Generic-Queue Generic Queue Library for Arduino.
genieArduino 4D Systems ViSi-Genie library for Arduino
genieArduinoDEV 4D Systems ViSi-Genie library for Arduino, DEV *STABLE*
GeoIP Library to get local timezone and geographic location based on your network's IP address.
GeoMagnetism A conversion of the NOAA WMM wmm_point.c and GeoMagnetismLibrary.c source code
GeoluxCamera Arduino library for communication with Geolux serial camera.
geomath Arduino library with geographic math functions.
Geometry A library for representing where things are in relation to other things in 3D space
GestureDetector Gesture recognition library for Arduino Giga Display.
Gesture PAJ7620 Arduino library to control Grove Gesture(PAJ7620U2).
GetInTouch Arduino library for GetInTouch Twitch Extension.
gfxDraw GFXDraw is a powerful and easy-to-use GUI library for Arduino offering path-based vector drawing for displays with GFX support.
GFX Library for Arduino Arduino_GFX is a GFX library for various color displays with various data bus interfaces
GFX4DIoD9 Graphics Library for the IoD-09TH and IoD-09SM by 4D Systems
GFX4d Graphics Library for the gen4-IoD by 4D Systems
GFX4dESP32 Graphics Library for the gen4-ESP32 displays by 4D Systems
GFX_Extensions Sub classes extracts of Adafruit GFX graphics core library
GFX_Root Root class extract of Adafruit GFX graphics core library
GFX_Thaana Add Dhivehi fonts to any Adafruit GFX based graphics library.
GG GG for Arduino is a serial console library.
ggwave Tiny data-over-sound library
ghaemShopSmSim arduino SMS Remote Controler over ghaemShopSmSim protocol
GhostLab42Reboot Arduino library for GhostLab42's Reboot Triple-Display Board Set
ghostl Lock-free queue; C++ coroutines; and a nano-sized C++ STL adapter for MCUs like ESP8266/ESP32.
GifDecoder Play Animated GIFs
GigaAudio An Arduino library to play WAV files on an Arduino Giga R1.
GigaScope A library allowing you to use your Arduino as a basic osciloscope.
Gizmo Support library for interacting with the Gizmo Platform from Arduino/Wiring.
GKScroll Arduino library for scrolling long lines of text on an LCD screen.
GLEE Beelan LoRaWAN LoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API. Modified for the GLEE Project.
GLEE2023 This library is for the Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone mission, which will provide accessible opportunities for students to directly participate in Lunar exploration.
GlobalCovfefe An emulation of a GlobalCache device with one IR sender and (optionally) an IR learner (demodulating or non-demodulating).
glpi_esp8266 It performs the integration between the GLPi system and the ESP8266
Glue A library for building mix type messages as strings.
GM1602lib Arduino library for GM1602-CO sensors.
gma3 GrandMA3 library for OSC
gmp-ino GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) Arithmetic Library for Arduino.
GMSN Pure Digit This library is used to control the GMSN! Pure Digit.
GoGoBoard Arduino Library A library for built-in STM32 arduino core on GoGoBoard to enabled fully functional of hardware along with the used of students.
GoPRO GoPRO API library for Arduino
GoProControl A library that makes using GoPro Cameras a breeze.
GoWired-lib Common libraries used by GoWired software.
gob_unifiedButton Add touch buttons for CoreS3 / Tough and commonality with conventional buttons (M5.BtnX)
GobbitLineCommand Basic to advanced line following, intersection detection, basic motor control, battery monitoring, gripper control, and basic collision detection with the Gobbit robot.
goblin3d Graphics engine for rendering 3D wireframe on monochromatic displays and TFT LCDs without any dependency required for Arduino platform.
Goertzel Tone decoding library based on the Goertzel algorithm
Goldelox-Serial-Arduino-Library Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Goldelox processor, when configured in Serial/SPE mode
Goldfish4Tech Arduino demo code for project
Goldfish4TechAirPump Arduino Library for Goldfish4Tech air pump running code.
Goldilocks Analogue DAC Library DAC (MCP4822) functions for Goldilocks Analogue
Goldilocks Analogue SPI RAM Library Firmware for SPI solid state memory (including SRAM, FRAM, EEPROM) devices for Goldilocks Analogue
GoogleCalendarClient Google Calendar API for Arduino
Google Cloud IoT Core JWT Demonstrates JWT generation for connecting Arduino clients to Google Cloud IoT Core.
GoogleFormPost A simple way to add data to Google Sheets, without API or authentication.
GoogleMapsApi A wrapper for the Google Maps API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards)
GoogleSchedular Arduino Library for reading events title from a Google Calendar
GovoroxSSLClient Provides secure network connection over a generic Client transport object.
GPStar Audio Serial Library Control your GPStar Audio boards with serial communication commands.
GP2Y0A21YK_lib A simple library for GP2Y0A21YK sensor.
GP20U7 GPS Library A simple library for the GP20U7 GPS unit
GPIOViewer Web Application to view GPIO pins live!
GPIO_NXP_Arduino Class library for NXP GPIO drivers
gpiobj Manage and access GPIOs as objects.
GPRSbee An Arduino library for the SODAQ GPRSbee.
GPS GPS code class for Arduino
GPSP A simple, and easy to use Arduino protocol
GPT_Stepper Direct timer drive for A4988 stepper driver
GrafanaLoki Send logs/events to Grafana Loki
Grafici-GFX Data visualization library for Arduino driven displays
Grandeur Let your arduinos and ESPs communicate with Grandeur in realtime.
Gravitone Drivers for the Gravitone: a spatial synthesizer.
Gravity Soil Moisture Sensor Arduino Library for DfRobot Gravity Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor.
GrayCode Arduino library for decoding Gray Code encoders.
GRC_AI A library supporting communication with GRC AI module
Green Beacon BLE beacon library compatible with LINE Simple Beacon
GRGB Library for smooth RGB LED control
GroPointModbus Arduino library for communication with GroPoint soil moisture sensors via Modbus.
Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader Arduino library to control Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader.
Grove - 2-Channel Inductive Sensor LDC1612 Arduino library to control Seeed Inductive Sensor LDC1612.
Grove 3Axis Compass V2.0 BMM150 Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digitial Compass v2.0.
Grove-3-Axis-Digital-Accelerometer-2g-to-16g-LIS3DHTR Library for Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±2g to 16g Power(LIS3DHTR).
Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L This is an Arduino library for Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L.
Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyro Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyro base on ITG 3200.
Grove 4-Digit Display Arduino library to control Grove_4Digital_Display TM1637.
Grove - 6Axis Accelerometer And Compass v2 Arduino library to control LSM303DLH.
Grove 6Axis_Digital_Accelerometer_Gyroscope4_ADIS16470 Arduino library to control Grove 6-Axis Digital Accelerometer&Gyroscope(ADIS16470).
Grove - Air quality sensor Arduino library to control Grove Air Quality Sensor.
Grove barometer HP20x Arduino library to control Grove barometer HP20x.
Grove Barometer Sensor Arduino library to control Grove Barometer Sensor BMP085/BMP180.
Grove - Barometer Sensor BME280 Arduino library to control Grove - Temp&Humi&Barometer Sensor(BME280).
Grove - Barometer Sensor BMP280 Arduino library to control Grove - Barometer Sensor (BMP280).
Grove - Capacitive Touch Slide Sensor CY8C40XX Arduino library to control Grove_touch_sensor_CY8C40XX.
Grove - Chainable RGB LED Arduino library to control Grove - Chainable RGB LED.
Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V LTC2941 Library for Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V(LTC2941)
Grove - Digital Light Sensor Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Light Sensor(TSL2561/ISL29035).
GroveDriverPack GroveDriverPack
GroveEncoder Grove Encoder Library
Grove - Haptic Motor Arduino library to control Grove - Haptic Motor.
Grove - High Precision RTC Arduino library to control Grove - High Precision RTC_PCF85063TP.
Grove - High Temperature Sensor Arduino library to control Grove - High Temperature Sensor.
Grove - I2C Color Sensor Arduino library to control Grove - I2C Color Sensor.
Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp_Humi Sensor SHT35 Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor SHT35.
Grove I2C Motor Driver v1.3 Arduino library to control Grove I2C Motor Driver.
Grove - I2C Thermocouple Amplifier MCP9600 Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor MCP9600.
Grove - I2C UV Sensor VEML6070 Arduino library to control Grove UV sensor VEML6070.
Grove IMU 9DOF Arduino library for controlling Grove IMU 9DOF, using I2C communication.
Grove - Infrared Receiver And Emitter Arduino library to control Grove - Infrared Emitter and Grove - Infrared Receiver.
Grove - Laser PM2.5 Sensor HM3301 Arduino library to control PM2.5 sensor(HM3300).
Grove - LCD RGB Backlight Arduino library to control Grove - LCD RGB Backlight.
Grove LED Bar Arduino library to control Grove LED Bar.
Grove - LED Matrix Driver Arduino library to control Grove - LED Matrix Driver.
Grove - LoRa Radio 433MHz 868MHz Arduino library to control Grove - LoRa Radio 868MHz and Grove - LoRa Radio 433MHz.
Grove Mini Track Ball Arduino library to control Grove Mini Track Ball.
Grove - Motor Driver TB6612FNG Arduino library of Grove - Motor Driver(TB6612FNG)
Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor Arduino library to control Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor .
Grove - OLED Display 0.96 Arduino library to control Grove - OLED Display 0.96.
Grove - Q Touch Sensor Arduino library to control Grove - Q Touch Sensor.
Grove Ranging sensor - VL53L0X Sensor driver for VL53L0X Ranging sensor
Grove - RTC DS1307 Arduino library to control Grove - RTC DS1307.
Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor Arduino library to control Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor.
Grove - Sunlight Sensor Arduino library to control Grove - Sunlight Sensor.
Grove Temper Humidity TH02 Arduino library to control Grove Temper Humidity TH02
Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor Arduino library to control Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor, it contains chip DHT11 AM2302.
Grove - Temperature And Humidity Sensor HDC1000 Arduino library to control Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor HDC1000
Grove Ultrasonic Ranger Arduino library for controlling Grove Ultrasonic Ranger, using gennal I/O communication.
GSL1680 Driver for GSL1680
GSM-Playground A library for GSM Playground device.
GSMSim GSM Library For SimCom Modules
GSM_Generic Enables GSM/GRPS network connection using the Generic GSM shields/modules. Supporting ESP32 (including ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3), ESP8266, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based boards, etc.
GSON Light JSON parsing and assembling library for Arduino
GST Arduino library for Golden Standard Test, confusion matrix.
GT5X Arduino library for the GT5X fingerprint sensors
GT811 Library Arduino library for GT811-based Capacitive touch screen
GTL Library with template tools (buffers, pointers)
GTT Enables use of matrix orbitals GTT line of products
GUIslice GUIslice embedded touchscreen GUI library in C for Arduino & Raspberry Pi
GuL_NovaFitness This is an Arduino-Framework library to work with nova fitness particulate matter sensors.
GuL_Plantower This is an Arduino-Framework library to work with plantower particulate matter sensors.
GuL_TI_Humidity_HDC10XX An Arduino-Framework library to work with humidity sensors series HDC10XX of Texas Instruments.
GU140X32F-7703A Provides a graphic library for the Noritake Itron GU140X32F-7703A VFD display
GU_Elements Buttons, menus and more for Arduino Giga Display Shield.
GuaraTeca_Hardware Bibliotecas de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas em baixo nivel.
GuaraTeca_OBR Biblioteca de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas.
GuiN-E Bot Arduino Library for building GuiN-E Bot Projects using ROS
Guppy Simplifies the control of the Guppy robot.
GUVB-C31SM A library that interfaces the UVB Sensor GUVB-C31SM.
Gwiot 7941E A simple library to interface with Gwiot 7941E 125kHz RFID reader
GxEPD Display Library for SPI e-paper panels from Dalian Good Display and boards from Waveshare.
GxEPD2 Arduino Display Library for SPI E-Paper displays from Dalian Good Display and Waveshare.
GY26Compass Library for interfacing with GY-26 Compass Module
GY521 Arduino library for GY521 angle measurement
Gyro_Tomer simple gyro interface
gyroturn Gyro Turn Interface for Arduino
GyverBeeper Async tone generator with amount and time settings
GyverBlinker Async LED blinker and task count timer
GyverBME280 Light library for BME280 sensor
GyverBus Communicating by GBUS interface
GyverButton Advanced button control library
GyverDB Fast Arduino database for any type of data
GyverDimmer Phase and Bresenham algorithm for AC triac dimmer
GyverDS18 Light library for Dallas DS18b20 temperature sensor
GyverDS3231 Library for DS3231 with millis() sync and 1-second timer
GyverEncoder Advanced encoder operation library
GyverFIFO Simple ring (circular, FIFO) buffer for Arduino
GyverFilters Library with few filters for data processing
GyverGFX Fast GFX library for displays and matrixes
GyverHC595 Fast SPI/BitBang library for 74HC595 shift register
GyverHTTP Simple Arduino Client based HTTP server and client with stream tools
GyverHTU21D Light Arduino library for HTU21D sensor
GyverHX711 Library for HX711 ADC/weight module
GyverINA Light library for INA219/INA226 sensor module
GyverIO Fast GPIO operation functions for AVR, ESP8266, ESP32
GyverJoy Library for analog joystic Arduino
GyverLBUF Simple linear buffer for Arduino
GyverMAX6675 Fast and light MAX6675 thermocouple library
GyverMAX7219 Fast and light MAX7219 matrix library
GyverMotor Library for motor driver control
GyverNTC Simple library for NTC thermistors
GyverNTP Library for async receiving precise time from NTP server
GyverOLED Fast and light library for SSD1306/SSH1106 OLED display
GyverOLEDMenu Creating a menu in your project for SSD1306/SSH1106 OLED display
GyverOS Simple task manager for Arduino
GyverPID Fast library for PID regulating algorithm
GyverPortal Simple web interface builder for esp8266 and ESP32
GyverPower Library for power management of AVR
GyverPWM Library for advanced PWM settings of AVR
GyverRelay Library for relay regulation algorithm
GyverSegment Powerful library for controlling 7-segment indicators
GyverShift Library for input and output shift registers (HC595 and HC165)
GyverStepper Fast library for stepmotor control and multi-axis planning
GyverTimer Simple timer with period/timeout modes on millis
GyverTimers Library for control hardware timers on ATmega328p and ATmega2560
GyverTM1637 Library for advanced control of TM1637 7-segment display
GyverTransfer Library for 1-wire communication by GT interface
GyverUART Light and fast Serial library
GyverWDT Advanced WDT control library for ATmega328p/32U4/2560 & ATtiny85/84/167
Gyver433 Simple library for 433 MHz radio
HaCEspSockets An Event driven MCU socket similar to windows socket experience .
HaCTimers An event driven arduino Timer.
HaCWifiManager An event driven wifimanager library with Json input.
HaLakeKit A library to control hakale kit.
HaLakeKitFirst A library to define communication between HaLakeKitFirst blocks.
HaLake-M5Stack-Library A library to create web server on M5Stack
HAMqttDevice A library that provides tools to simplify MQTT discovery implementation for Home Assistant
HAMqttDiscoveryHandler A library that generates MQTT topics and configuration message for Home Assistant MQTT Discovery.
HaMqttEntities Easy Home Assistant MQTT Integration Library
hackAIR A library for using a variety of air quality sensors.
HalfStepper An Arduino library to enable half-stepping and single/dual phasing for step motors.
Hall-Switch This library provides an interface to interact with the Hall effect sensor switch family
HamShield A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices.
HamShield_KISS A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices.
Hamming Library for pack and unpack data by Hamming algorithm
Hanuman Library for Hanuman
Haptic_DA7280 Arduino library for Dialog DA7280 Haptic Controller
Haptic_DRV2605 Arduino library for TI DRV2605L Haptic Controller
HardWire A spinoff of the Wire. This library allows you to communicate with I2C and Two Wire Interface devices, and control each step of any I2C transaction.
HardwareBLESerial An Arduino library for Nordic Semiconductors proprietary UART/Serial Port Emulation over BLE protocol, using ArduinoBLE.
Hardware Buttons Custom button actions handler
HardwareSerial_RS485 Concurrent multi-drop (i.e. multi-master, multi-slave) RS485 communication library
Harvard_TinyMLx Supports the TinyML edX Course and TinyML Shield.
Hashtable This library provides an easy and efficient way to create dynamic Hash Tables in Arduino projects. It supports various operations such as insert, remove, among others.
haversine A library to find the distance and azimuth angle between two GPS cordinates based on haversine formula.
HC-SR04 Library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
HC0x_AT_Config Simple HC05/HC06 Bluetooth module AT configuration program.
HC4051 Arduino library for a HC4051 1x8 channel multiplexer
HC4052 Arduino library for a HC4052 2 x 4 channel multiplexer
HC4053 Arduino library for a HC4053 3 x 2 channel multiplexer
HC4067 Arduino library for a HC4067 1 x 16 channel multiplexer
HC_SR04 Allows an Arduino board to use multiple HCSR04 module.
HCSR04 Library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
HCSR04 ultrasonic distance sensor Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 modules.
HCSR04 ultrasonic MKL Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module.
HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module.
hd44780 Extensible hd44780 LCD library.
HD44780_LCD_PCF8574 Library to Support the HD44780 LCD I2C driven by the PCF8574 controller
HDC1000 A temperature and humidity sensor library for HDC1000
HDC2010 Arduino library for Texas instrument HDC2010
HDC302x TI HDC3020, HDC3021 and HDC3022 Temperature / Humidity sensors
HeartBeat Arduino library for HeartBeat with frequency and duty cycle.
HeatpumpIR Heatpump / Air Conditioner infrared control
HeidelbergInterface Arduino Library to communicate with Heidelberg Wallbox Energy Control via Modbus RTU.
HeliOS An open source, community delivered, embedded operating system project.
Helium Arduino library for the Helium Atom module
Hello Drum Arduino Library for piezo sensing
hellothing_BG96_NBIoT NB-IoT library for hellothing BG96 Arduino shield
hellschreiberlib Modulate Hellscriber OOK signal
heltec-eink-modules Third party graphics library for Heltec E-Ink modules.
Heltec ESP32 Dev-Boards Library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards
Heltec ESP8266 Dev-Boards Library for Heltec ESP8266 based boards
Heltec_ESP32_LoRa_v3 Proper working library for "Heltec ESP32 LoRa v3" and "Heltec Wireless Stick v3" boards.
Heltec_LoRa_OLED_Examples Examples for Heltec boards using main ESP32 libraries
Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller Arduino library to control Hercules Dual 15A 6-20V Motor Controller.
HerkulexServo A library for communicating with Herkulex smart servos.
HexFabQuadroMotorShield Control up to four DC Motors and read their currents with this shield.
HiTechnic-Arduino Use the HiTechnic motor/servo controllers with your Arduino!
HID Buttons Easily handle state changes for HID button inputs.
HID-Project Extended HID Functions for Arduino
High Performance IMU BMI085 Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI085 6 axis IMU.
HighPowerStepperDriver High-Power Stepper Motor Driver library for Arduino
High-Side-Switch DEPRECATED. C++ library for the PROFET+2 12V
high-side-switch-ino C++ library for the Infineon PROFET high-side switch product family
HIH61xx Library to access Honeywell HIH61xx humidity and temperature sensors.
Histogram Arduino library for creating histograms math.
HITIComm Control and monitoring
HITICommSupport Support for HITIComm library
HL1606 LED Strip Code to control HL1606-based LED strips
HLK-LD2450 A library for the HLK-LD2450 LD2450 24Ghz Human body Motion Inductive Radar Sensor
HLW8012 HLW8012 for Arduino / ESP8216
Hlw8032 The hlw8032 library is designed for power, current, and voltage monitoring across diverse hardware, supporting both software and hardware serial interfaces.
HM330X by Tomoto Arduino library for HM3301/HM3302 dust sensor.
HMC6352 Experimental Arduino library for HMC6352 digital compass sensor
Hmi4DinBox I2C Human to Machine Interface for Din Box
HoldButton Reads the buttons connected to Arduino pins.
HomeAssistantEntities Library for providing sensors and actuators to Home Assistant using MQTT.
home-assistant-integration Home Assistant MQTT integration for Arduino
HomeAssistantMQTT Arduino Library to create IoT devices connected to Home Assistant via MQTT.
HomeDing Building Internet Things made easy.
HomeKit-ESP8266 Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core.
HomeSpan A robust and extremely easy-to-use HomeKit implementation for the Espressif ESP32 running on the Arduino IDE.
homecontrol-mqtt A client library for MQTT messaging.
Homeyduino Homeyduino allows you to connect your Arduino projects with Homey.
HONEYLemon A library HONEYLemon Platform.
HoneyWellFMA_SPI A library for easy use of Honeywell FMAMSDXX025WCSC3 sensor
Honeywell TruStability SPI Arduino library for communicating with Honeywell TruStability HSC or SSC pressure sensors over SPI.
Honeywell Zephyr I2C Arduino library for Honeywell Zephyr HAF flow rate sensors using I2C.
HotButton Button library for Arduino. The usual, plus "if (button.event(LONG, SHORT, LONG))" and more.
HoverboardAPI Hoverboard API controller
HP03S A library that makes it easy to use the HP03S-sensor.
hp_BH1750 Digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
HPDL1414 HPDL1414 Display Driver
HPDL1414-74HC595 An Arduino library for driving HPDL-1414 displays using shift registers
HS_CAN_485_ESP32 A library for HS_CAN_485_ESP32
HS_JOY_ESP32 A library for HS_JOY_ESP32
HSCDTD008A A library for the HSCDTD008A geomagnetic sensor.
hsmcpp C++ library for Hierarchical State Machines (HSM, FSM)
HT16K33 Arduino Library for HT16K33 I2C 4x7segment display
HT1621 A library for HT1621 based 7-seg LCDs.
HT1632 Arduino library code for HT1632(C) matrix panel driver chips, and the panels we have in the Adafruit shop
htcw_bits Provides advanced bit manipulation
htcw_button Provides button functionality
htcw_data Provides STL free containers
htcw_gfx Provides cross platform graphics
htcw_io Provides STL free streams
htcw_json Provides JSON parsing
htcw_ml Provides HTML and XML parsing
htcw_uix Provides cross user interface functionality
HTL_onboard Library to control HTL Uno onboard components.
HTTPed Simple HTTP Request client library (with redirects) for WiFiNINA.
HTTP A full HTTP/1.1 implementation library for Arduino.
HttpClient Library to easily make HTTP GET, POST and PUT requests to a web server.
HTTPS_Server_Generic This is HTTPS/HTTP Server Library for ESP32, WT32_ETH01, ESP32 + LwIP W5500, ESP32 + LwIP W6100, ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60
HTU21D Sensor Library An Arduino library for the HTU21D sensor.
HUB75Enano This Library makes the Arduino Nano drive a HUB75E Panel with 128x64 pixels
HUB75nano This Library allows the Arduino Nano/Uno/Uno R4 Minima/Nano Every/Mega/Pro Mini to drive a HUB75 panel from 8x16 up to 32x64
hueDino Philips Hue library for Arduino.
HuemonelabKit Library for educational arduino kit made by HuemoneLab
Huma Buttons Push Buttons for ESP32, ESP88266
Husarnet ESP32 Connect your devices using secure P2P network layer for robots and IoT.
HUSB238 Driver library for the HUSB238 USB-PD IC
HUSB238Driver HUSB238Driver for ESP32
HV518 Arduino library to control Microchip HV518
hw262 A library that enables the use of the HW262 shield.
HX710 Arduino library for HX710.
HX710AB Arduino library for the HX710A and HX710B 24-Bit ADC.
hx710b_arduino Arduino library for Air Pressure Sensor HX710B.
HX711 Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier.
HX711 Arduino Library Library to interface the Avia Semiconductor HX711 ADC.
HX711_ADC Library for the HX711 24-bit ADC for weight scales.
HX711_asukiaaa It read values from HX711
HX711_light A lightweight interface to the HX711 load cell amplifier.
HX711_MP Arduino library for HX711 load cell amplifier.
HydroinoJobMgr A library for managing jobs/tasks associated with an arduino based controlled environment agricultural system.
HyperDeck BlackMagic Design HyperDeck controller for Arduino via TCP
Hyperduino Library Allows anyone to control H-Bridge for Hyperduino
Hysteresis Hysteresis library
HzMeter_asukiaaa It measures Hz from pulse input.
iBit_Arduino A control library for iBit Board.
IBot Arduino library for I-Bot camp.
iBotX Arduino library for "i-Bot X" to be used in i-Bot Camp by Robot Club KMITL (Thailand)
IBusBM Arduino library for the Flysky/Turnigy RC iBUS protocol - servo (receive) and sensors/telemetry (send) using hardware UART (AVR, ESP32 and STM32 architectures)
iKB1_Arduino A control library for IKB-1 Extension I/O Board.
iMakeBeta Library for beginner.
iMakerPS2 A library that allows interfacing with PlayStation 1/2 controllers
iParol Library for controlling a matrix of LEDs using LedControl.
IRremote Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
IRremoteESP8266 Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols (ESP8266/ESP32)
IRsmallDecoder Allows the reception and decoding of infrared signals from remote controls.
iSYNC A library that makes Internet of Things for iSYNC IoT Cloud Platform.
iSYNC_BC95_Arduino A network library for BC95 NB-IOT module on Arduino platform ( platform support).
I0Servo Servo control.
I2C A ligthweight communication library over the Arduino framework
I2C AXP192 Power management This is a library of AXP192, the Power Management for I2C connectivity.
I2C BM8563 RTC Library to control I2C RTC
I2CDisplayController Arduino library for Seven Segment Display with I2C Communication Interface.
I2CExtension I2C extension/wrapper for Arduino
I2CHelper This is a wrapper for Wire that simplifies I2C communication when creating libraries for new I2C devices.
I2C-IRSENSE Library An Arduino library to control the Iowa Scaled Engineering I2C-IRSENSE ( ) reflective infrared proximity sensor.
I2CKeyPad Arduino library for 4x4 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8574.
I2CKeyPad8x8 Arduino library for a 8x8 (or smaller) keypad connected to an I2C PCF8575.
I2C MPU6886 IMU Library to control I2C MPU6886
I2CScanner I2C Scanner
I2C-Sensor-Lib iLib Library for i2c-sensors and some other specific functions (fast eFn, HDLC, SpektrumSerial).
I2C SLG Library to control I2C GreenPAK SLG46826
I2CSoilMoistureSensor Provide access to all functions of the I2C Soil Moisture Sensor from Catnip Electronics.
I2C Temperature Sensors derived from the LM75 Support for I²C digital temperature sensors derived from the LM75.
I2C_24LC1025 Library for 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM
I2C_ASDX Arduino library for I2C ASDX pressure sensor (Honeywell).
I2C_device_Arduino I2C_device class library
I2C_Functions This is a helper library to abstract away I2C transactions and registers also this tool scans the master I2C bus and reports connected devices.
I2C_LCD Arduino library for I2C_LCD.
I2C_LCD12864 Arduino library for LCD12864 I2C module.
I2C_Scanner Master I2C Bus Device Scanner.
I2C_Slave Arduino Library to create a basic I2C slave device
I2CIP A library of protocols for interfacing with I2C devices on a modular switched network.
I2Cwrapper I2Cwrapper is a generic modular framework which helps you implement Arduino based I2C target (slave) devices for control of non-I2C hardware.
I2cControlPanel_asukiaaa It communicate with a control panel via i2c.
I2cDiscreteIoExpander Arduino library for the Texas Instruments PCF8575C 16-bit I2C I/O expander.
i2c-for-esp32 I2C library for ESP32 (unofficial)
I2cMotors_asukiaaa It controls i2c motor driver.
I2cMultipleMotors_asukiaaa Multiple motors driver
i2c_adc_ads7828 Arduino library for the Texas Instruments ADS7828 12-bit, 8-channel I2C A/D converter.
i2cdetect Arduino library for scanning I2C bus for devices
iarduino Frequency Библиотека для определения частоты на аналоговом входе.
iarduino GSM Библиотека для работы с GSM/GPRS Shield A6 и GSM/GPRS Shield A9.
iarduino_4LED Библиотека для работы с 4 разрядным LED индикатором
iarduino_ACS712 Библиотека для работы с аналоговым датчиком тока ACS712 (Analog Current Sensor)
iarduino_ADC_CS1237 Библиотека для работы с одноканальным дифференциальным АЦП CS1237.
iarduino_AM2320 Библиотека для работы с датчиком температуры и влажности AM2320
iarduino_APDS9930 Библиотека для работы датчиком освещённости APDS9930.
iarduino_Bluetooth_HC05 Библиотека для работы с Bluetooth Trema-модулем HC05.
iarduino_DHT Библиотека для работы с датчиками температуры и влажности DHT11 и(или) DHT22.
iarduino_DS18XXX Библиотека для работы с датчиками температуры: «DS18S20», «DS18B20», «DS1822».
iarduino_Encoder_tmr Библиотека для работы с энкодерами используя второй аппаратный таймер.
iarduino_GprsClient_A9 Arduino Client for ai-thinker A9 GPRS modem
iarduino_GPS_ATGM336 Библиотека управления GPS модулем ATGM336.
iarduino_GPS_NMEA Библиотека парсинга протокола NMEA.
iarduino_HC_SR04 Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04.
iarduino_HC_SR04_int Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04.
iarduino_HC_SR04_tmr Библиотека для работы с ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния HC-SR04.
iarduino_Hexapod Библиотека для управления Hexapod'ом (шестиногим пауком), через MultiServoShield.
iarduino_I2C_4LED Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash LED индикатором.
iarduino_I2C_Address Библиотека установки адресов для модулей серии FLASH-I2C.
iarduino_I2C_Bumper Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем бампер.
iarduino_I2C_connect Библиотека для удобства соединения нескольких Arduino по шине I2C.
iarduino_I2C_DSL Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash датчиком освещённости.
iarduino_I2C_Encoder Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем энкодер-потенциометр.
iarduino_I2C_Expander Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем расширитель выводов.
iarduino_I2C_IO Библиотека для работы с Trema I2C расширителями выводов.
iarduino_I2C_IR Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем ИК-приёмник/передатчик.
iarduino_I2C_Joystick Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем джойстик.
iarduino_I2C_Keyboard Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash клавиатурой.
iarduino_I2C_Matrix_8x8 Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash светодиодной матрицей 8x8.
iarduino_I2C_Motor Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash драйвером мотора.
iarduino_I2C_ORP Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем ORP-метр.
iarduino_I2C_pH Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем pH-метр.
iarduino_I2C_Relay Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулями силовых ключей и реле.
iarduino_I2C_SHT Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash датчиком температуры и влажности.
iarduino_I2C_Software Библиотека для работы с программной шиной I2C.
iarduino_I2C_TDS Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулем TDS/EC-метр.
iarduino_I2C_Track Библиотека для работы с I2C-flash модулями трассы.
iarduino_IR Библиотека для работы с ИК-приёмником и(или) ИК-передатчиком.
iarduino_IR_Thermometer Библиотека позволяет работать с ИК-термометром на базе чипа MLX90614ESF-AAA
iarduino_KB Библиотека для работы с матричными клавиатурами
iarduino_MB_eCO2 Библиотека для работы с датчиком углекислого газа по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_HTL Библиотека для работы с модулем датчиков влажности (H), температуры (T) и освещённости (L) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_pH Библиотека для работы с pH-метром (датчиком кислотности жидкости) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_Pump Библиотека для работы с насосами по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_ShtSgpLtr Библиотека для работы с модулем климатических датчиков по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_Socket Библиотека для работы с розеткой по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MB_TDS Библиотека для работы с TDS/EC-метром (датчиком минерализации жидкости) по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_Metro Библиотека для работы с модулями из линейки Metro.
iarduino_Modbus Библиотека для работы с шиной UART->RS485 по протоколу Modbus RTU/ASCII.
iarduino_MultiServo Библиотека для работы с Multi Servo Shield рассчитанным для работы с 16 сервоприводами.
iarduino_nLED Библиотека для работы с последовательными LED индикаторами.
iarduino_NeoPixel Библиотека для работы с адресными светодиодами WS2812B
iarduino_OLED Библиотека для работы с OLED дисплеями 128x64.
iarduino_OLED_txt Библиотека для вывода текста и чисел на OLED дисплеи 128x64.
iarduino_PCA9555 Библиотека для работы с I2C расширителем выводов PCA9555.
iarduino_Position_BMX055 Библиотека для работы с Trema модулем IMU 9 DOF на базе чипа BMX055.
iarduino_Pressure_BMP Библиотека для работы с датчиками атмосферного давления и температуры BMP180 и(или) BMP280.
iarduino_REG_595 Библиотека для работы с 8-и битными сдвиговыми регистрами HC595/HTC595.
iarduino_RF433 Библиотека для работы с радиопередатчиком FS1000A и(или) радиоприёмником MX-RM-5V, работающими на частоте 433,920 МГц.
iarduino_RTC Библиотека для работы с часами реального времени.
iarduino_SensorPulse Библиотека для работы с датчиком пульса.
iarduino_VCC Библиотека для получения напряжения питания Arduino.
iarduino_VpH Библиотека для преобразования напряжения с щупа pH-метра в кислотность жидкости.
iarduino_Wattmeter Библиотека для работы с датчиком тока и напряжения ...
IBM LMIC framework Deprecated arduino port of the LMIC (LoraWAN-in-C, formerly LoraMAC-in-C) framework provided by IBM.
IbusTrx Arduino library for sending and receiving messages over the BMW infotainment bus (IBUS).
ICM20689 Library for communicating with the ICM20689 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU).
ICM20948_WE A library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer ICM20948
ICM42605 Library for communicating with the ICM42605 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU).
ICM42670P Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM42670P Invensence IMU device.
ICM42670S Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM42670S Invensence IMU device.
ICM42688 Library for communicating with the ICM42688 six-axis Inertial Measurement Units (IMU).
ICM45605 Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM45605 Invensence IMU device.
ICM45686 Allows to read accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensors from an ICM45686 Invensence IMU device.
ICM7218 Intersil-Renesas and Maxim ICM7218 and Intersil-Renesas ICM7228 LED driver library.
ICM7218C Maxim ICM7218C LED driver library.
ICOM 746 CAT Control Simulate an ICOM 746 radio from the CAT point of view.
ICP-101xx Pressure Sensor Library Arduino library for the TDK Invensense ICP-101xx family of high-resolution pressure sensors.
ICP101xx Allows to read pressure and temperature data from an ICP101xx Invensense pressure sensor (ICP10100, ICP10125,...) and estimates altitude or depth.
ICP201xx Allows to read pressure and temperature data from an ICP201xx Invensense pressure sensor (ICP20100,...) and estimates altitude or depth.
ICRS 101 Example code for Robotics 101
ICUX0201 Allow to read ultrasound data from Invensense ICU10201, ICU20201 or ICU30201 devices, detects targets and computes range.
IEEE754tools Fast helper functions for IEEE754 floats.
IFTTTMaker A helper library for triggering IFTTT maker events (ESP8266 & Wifi-101)
IFTTTWebhook Library for triggering IFTTT web hooks
IFX007T-Motor-Control This library provides an Interface for Infineons IFX007T Motor Control Arduino Shield
IFX9201_XMC1300_StepperMotor This library provides an interface to control a stepper motor through Infineon’s Stepper Motor Control Shield "KIT_XMC1300_IFX9201" with h-bridge IFX9201 and XMC1300 microcontroller.
IGB-FlashSst26 Spi Flash Memory Library for Microchip SST26 1,8V
IgcLogger Simple library to log igc track records
IHCSoapClient A Library for connecting to the IHC Controller using soap
IISc_EdgeAI This library is for the Edge AI course at the Indian Institute of Science.
ILI9341-Layout-Manager An autolayout engine with callback support for designing and organizing buttons, text fields, and modal windows for ILI9341 chipsets
ILI9341_t3 Optimized ILI9341 (320x240 Color TFT) Display
ILI9341_t3n Optimized ILI9341 (320x240 Color TFT) Display Support different SPI buses
ILI9341_T4 Optimized ILI9341 SPI driver for Teensy 4/4.1/micromod.
ILI9342_T4 Optimized ILI9342(C) SPI driver for Teensy 4/4.1/micromod.
ILI9486_SPI Display Library for ILI9486 SPI TFT display.
ILIB Arduino library for ILOGICS DEVICE
Improv WiFi Library The library implements the Improv WiFi protocol allowing users to use this feature in their projects without effort.
imuFilter Sensor fusion for an IMU to obtain heading and velocity.
IMU_Fusion_SYC The data of MPU6050 and QMC5883L can be read, and the data fusion of both can be realized.
INA219 Arduino library for INA219 voltage, current and power sensor.
INA219B INA219B TI i2c output current/voltage/power monitor Library
INA219_WE A library for the INA219 current sensor module
INA226 Arduino library for INA226 power sensor
INA226Lib Enables reading from INA226 current sensors to measure current and power.
INA226_asukiaaa It manages INA226
INA226_WE A library for the INA226 current and power sensor module
INA228 Arduino library for INA228 voltage, current and power sensor.
INA236 Arduino library for INA236 current and power sensor.
INA239 Arduino library for the INA239, SPI, 16 bit, voltage, current and power sensor.
INA2xx Read current, voltage and power data from one or more INA2xx device(s)
INA3221 INA3221 Triple-Channel Sensor Driver.
INA3221_RT Arduino library for the I2C INA3221 3 channel voltage and current sensor.
INA780x Library for communicating with the INA780X family of power monitor ics over I2C.
IncRotaryEncoder Library for incremental rotary encoders
incbin Include binary and text files in your Arduino project with ease.
indhilib ESP32 developer library for using with Indhi platform.
Indio Library for the Industruino IND.I/O product
INFICON Spot Library Library for the INFICON Spot sensor
infiniteAverage Experimental Arduino Library to calculate a high precision average of many samples
InfinitePCA9685 Manage and control multiple PCA9685 devices using a single object in Arduino.
Infrared An object oriented library for sending, receiving, generating, and decoding IR signals on the Arduino.
InfraredMLX Extension adds infrared features to control MobaLedLib using an infrared remote control
Ingenia Serial Servo Drive Library Arduino library for control Ingenia Servo Drives using serial communication.
IniFile Library to read and parse .ini files.
InkplateLibrary Inkplate boards driver library
InkyBoard Bibliotheek om gebruik te maken van het InkyBoard van InkyCode
InputDebounce Simple polling input debounce Arduino library.
InputEvents An easy but comprehensive Arduino style Event Library for Buttons, Encoders, Encoder Buttons, Analog Inputs, Joysticks and Switches.
InqPortal ESP8266 Full featured IoT Application Server.
InstagramFollowers Get Instagram Followers on your Arduino (supports ESP8266, ESP32)
InstructableApi A wrapper for the Instructables API for Arduino (supports ESP8266, ESP32 & WiFi101 boards)
Int64String Convert 64bit integers to strings
integer24 integer24 types uint24_t and int24_t for Arduino.
Internal eeprom Essa biblioteca permite ler ou gravar dados na eeprom
InternalTemperature Teensy internal CPU temperatures
InterpolationLib Arduino library that provides interpolation methods step, linear, smooth, catmull spline and constrained spline.
InterruptStepper A stepper library for the Arduino Due board that can run stepper motors using timer interrupts.
Interstitial Quadrant Arduino library and example code for the Quadrant hand-tracking interface board.
Interval Arduino library for Interval data type.
IntervalTimerEx IntervalTimerEx subclasses the Teensy IntervalTimer to allow for a variety of callable objects as timer callbacks.
IoAbstraction Treat PCF8574, MCP23017 and Shift registers like pins, matrix keypad, touch screen handler, button press and rotary encoder management (switches) on any supported IO (including DfRobot & Joysticks) with event handling, interchangable AVR/I2C(AT24) EEPROMs.
IOSignal IOSignal Arduino Client.
IoTController IoT Network Controller for ESP8266 and ESP32
IoTGuru Cloud based backend services to your devices.
IoT Pipe A library to use with the IoT Pipe web service.
IoT Suite IoT Suite is a simple, easy to use platform for building IoT solutions.
IoTWay Arduino library for connecting to IoTWay servers through Proxy
IoTWebConf_for_Visuino_modified_by_IoT_Jedi ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration.
IoT_Modules-Buttons Button library for easier use of buttons in projects.
IoTeX-blockchain-client A simple API client implementation in C++ for the IoTeX blockchain.
IoTesla-client Arduino IoTesla client Library
IoTivity-Lite OCF(Open Connectivity Founcation) core framework
IoTivity-Lite_Arduino-porting OCF(Open Connectivity Founcation) core framework porting to Arduino
IoTtweet A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on
IoTtweetESP32 A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on
IoTtweetNBIoT A library that makes Internet of Things (NB-IoT device) send data and control on dashboard.
IoTtweetSIEMENS_SIMATIC A library that makes SIEMENS SIMATIC IOT2020, IOT2040 send data to dashboard.
IO22_IO_Board Drive the Eletechsup IO22 family of I/O boards: IO22D08 and IO22C04
IO7F32 io7 IOT Framework for ESP32
IO7F8266 io7 IOT Framework for ESP8266
Iobeam Client library for using the iobeam cloud.
iocontrol interface for Arduino IDE
IoliteCoding SerialCommands IoliteCoding library for receiving serial commands.
IonDB A powerful key-value store for all data storage needs.
IOTAppStory-ESP Update your ESP8266, ESP32 & Nextion displays over the air(OTA)
IOTClient IOT Client Library.
IotKernel A library for basic functions of IoT devices
iotNetESP32 A library for ESP32 providing WiFi, MQTT, and HTTP client functionality for IoT applications.
IotWebConf ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration.
iotec_MAX7319 A library for using the MAX7319 from MAXIM Integrated.
Iotkaran Iotkaran library for Arduino.
IOTKME Currency Conversion and Stepper motor control and loadcell reader library for more informtion visit
iotsa An Internet Of Things Server Architecture for ESP8266.
IOXESP32Audio With this library You can easily build a WebRadio with a ESP32 board with IOXESP32 Audio shield.
IOXESP32Motor With this library You can control motor with IOXESP32 Motor shield
IOXESP32_4-20mA_Receiver Arduino library of IOXESP32 4-20mA Receiver shield
IPGeolocation Library to get current timezone using your IP - uses
ipMIDI ipMIDI for Arduino
IP236x A library for controlling and monitoring the IP2366/IP2368 charging IC via I2C.
IP5306_I2C Library for IP5306 I2C based battery-management SOC for Arduino platform supported boards
IPS-7100-I2C-Arduino An Arduino library and setup instructions for integrating the versatile IPS-7100 Particle Sensor with Arduino compatible boards (Arduino, ESP etc.) using I2C communication.
IQ Module Communication A library for communicating with and controlling IQ motor modules.
irBoard Library for ESP32 This library is to become a host of irBoard app by the ESP32 device.
IR-infrared Remote Control Decoder-Simulator Driver for BC7215, an 8-pin universal IR remote control signal decoder/generator chip.
IRLremote Lightweight Infrared library for Arduino
IRProxSensor IRProxSensor provides a class to control an Infrared Proximity sensor.
IRRemoteControl A lightweight library for send/receive infra-red signal.
IRRemoteESP32 Library for receiving and decoding IR signals.
IridiumSBDi2c This library supports satellite data transmissions from anywhere on earth using the RockBLOCK family of Iridium 9602 and 9603 modems.
Iridium SBD This library supports satellite data transmissions from anywhere on earth using the RockBLOCK family of Iridium 9602 and 9603 modems.
IRM Mini Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for IRM-Mini
IRMP Receive and send infrared signals.
Irms_calc Irms calculation library for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino.
IS31FL3729_LED_Matrix A library for IS31FL3729 LED Matrix chip.
ISE I2C-MCP3427 Library A library to control the Iowa Scaled Engineering I2C-MCP3427 ( ) 16-bit analog to digital converter
ISFET board library Arduino library for ISFET board to read pH and Temperature
ISL1208-RTC-Library Arduino library for Intersil ISl1208 RTC chip.
Isolated EC Probe Interface Measure Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, and Salinity
Isolated ISE Probe Interface An isolated Ion Specific Electrode Probe Interface
ISRHandler A flexible, reusable interrupt handler class for Arduino, allowing template-based interrupt management.
Itty Bitty With the fastest possible Arduino-compatible GPIO and register manipulation...It's the biggest of hits when you need to bang bits!
IwitVolumeKnob Library to support the hardware built into many chinese volume knobs (iWit)
JLed An Arduino library to control LEDs
JLedPCA9685-HAL A HAL to drive PCA9685 LEDs with JLed
JMotor This library uses polymorphism and defines common interfaces for reading encoders and controlling motors allowing for easy open or closed loop motor control.
J1850 Arduino Transceiver Library Arduino library for J1850-Arduino-Transceiver
J1850 VPW Arduino Transceiver Library Arduino library for J1850-VPW-Arduino-Transceiver
JAREL Just Another Rotary Encoder Library
JavaScript JavaScript interpreter for Arduino
JBLogger A simple to use logger library for Arduino.
JBWopr Support library for the Unexpected Maker W.O.P.R. boards
JC_Button Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses.
JC_EEPROM Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs.
JC_Sunrise Arduino library to calculate sunrise and sunset times.
JDI_MIP_Display Arduino library to drive the JDI and Sharp Memory In Pixel LCD Displays
JeVe_EasyOTA Easy include OTA Updates
jeager-one Easy use of jeager connection with LoRa, WiFi, and GSM connections
JJYReceiver JJY standard radio signal wave receiver library.
jm_CPPM A CPPM Library for Arduino.
jm_crc-ccitt jm_crc-ccitt CRC-CCITT Arduino Library.
jm_LCM2004A_I2C jm_LCM2004A_I2C Arduino Library.
jm_LiquidCrystal_I2C My enhanced fm_LiquidCrystal_I2C Arduino Library.
jm_PCF8574 PCF8574 Arduino Library.
jm_Pin Pin Arduino Library.
jm_Scheduler A Cooperative Scheduler Library for Arduino.
jm_Wire Revisited Arduino Wire Library.
JMAFoundation A library that provide event response for Arduino.
JMA_SPComm A library that makes simple communication protocol for Arduino.
JOAAT Implementation of the Jenkin's HASH for Arduino.
Joba Tsl2561 Library IoT library for using the Tsl2561 luminosity sensor
Joystick Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the Joystick.
Joystick 5-Pin A joystick library for Arduino.
JoystickController This is a library to simplify joystick control.
Joystick_ESP32S2 Allows an ESP32S2/S3 board with USB capabilities to appear as a Joystick or Gamepad.
joystick_module Provide function to using joystick module
JPEGDecoder Jpeg decoder tested with Arduino Mega, Arduino Due and ESP8266 based NodeMCU 1.0
JPEGDEC Optimized JPEG decoder for MCUs with 32K+ RAM.
JPEGENC Universal JPEG encoder for MCUs with at least 4K of free RAM.
JrkG2 Jrk G2 library for Arduino
JsmnStream Reformatting of the Serge Zaitsev jsmn library to parse a JSON string one char at a time.
JSON Encoder Encode/Decode json/URL format strings for web transmission.
JsonLogger An easy-to-use, small, fast and portable JSON builder and logger for IoT logging, data acquisition and analytics.
Json Streaming Parser A very memory efficient library to parse (large) JSON objects on small devices
json2asw Reads json sf2 data from a file and converts it to a Teensy Audio Library AudioSynthWavetable::instrument_data object.
jsonlib A simple JSON parsing library.
jsons Read and write JSON documents as a stream.
JTAG A library to perform JTAG operations and play XSVF.
JTAG_Interface Library for establishing a live JTAG communication between the MCU and FPGA of the Arduino Mkr Vidor 4000.
JustWifi Wifi Manager for ESP8266
Justina interpreter Justina interpreter for Arduino 32 bit boards.
JVC-Stereo An arduino library for controlling a JVC Stereo
JWA BME280 Arduino library for BME280
JWT_RS256 A library to check if a JWT RS256 token is valid
kMeans k-Means Arduino library - Unsupervised machine learning clustering method of vector quantization.
kRPC Client library for kRPC, a Remote Procedure Call server for Kerbal Space Program.
K1200 Library for the Velleman K1200 watch.
K24C16 EEPROM Library This is a library for interfacing with K24C16 EEPROM
Kaa IoT Platform All in one library to communicate with Kaa IoT Platform
KAI Pro Library Grants easy access to the various species of the Kai Pro.
KAIST_IoTDataScience This library was repackage for KAIST_IoTDataScience Class.
Kalman Include Kalman filter to your Arduino projects
Kalman Filter Library Kalman Filter Library.
Kangaroo Motion Controller Use reliable Packet Serial to communicate with your Kangaroo.
kc868-arduino-library KC868 library for Arduino
KCN_Utility a simplified motor and sensor driver.\n
KellerModbus Arduino library for communication with Keller pressure and water level sensors via Modbus.
Kelvin2RGB Arduino library for converting temperature to RGB values
KerbalSimpit A library for interfacing with the Kerbal Space Program video game.
KermiteCore_Arduino Kermite firmware library for Arduino and PlatformIO.
KeyDetector A library for detecting state change on analog and digital pins.
KeyMatrix KeyMatrix is poll event library for matrix keypads.
KeySequence A library for sending complex keyboard sequences.
KeyboardAzertyFr Keyboard library adaptation that allows an Arduino/Genuino board with USB capabilites to act as a french AZERTY Keyboard.
keyboardButton Convinient way to map a push-button to a keyboard key. This library utilize the ability of 32u4-based Arduino-compatible boards to emulate USB-keyboard.
keyboard_peripheral_modules A set of general modules for keyboard firmware.
keybrd A library for creating custom-keyboard firmware.
Keypad Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino.
KIMlib Library for TAPKO KIMaip EIB/KNX Interface Module
KickFFT A library for implementing a discrete Fourier transform on an input data array.
KickFilters A library for implementing a few basic filters including: high-pass, low-pass, notch, moving average filters, and median filters.
KickFiltersRT A library for implementing a few basic real-time filters including: high-pass, low-pass, notch, etc.
KickMath A library for performing a few simple mathematical calculations for use with arrays.
KickSort Arduino library for different sorting algorithms including quicksort, bubble sort, insertion sort, shell sort, and comb sort.
KickstarterStats A library to fetch Kickstarter stats (supports ESP8266/ESP32 & others)
KidMotorV4-Arduino Drive DC motor / Servo motor, I/O expander with KidMotor V4
KiddeeExpress An enhanced version of the already enhanced FirmataExpress version 1.2
KIM Library with examples for KIM1 shield v2 (no longer distributed) on Arduino platforms
KIM Arduino Library Handles the interface between KIM shield and Arduino.
Kinematics Kinematics library for robotics
Kinematrix [BETA] Arduino library for beginner.
Kionix_KX023 3-axis accelerometer KX023-1025 library
KLEncoder Library for get data from Encoder Module.
Klang Electronics 8 Digit VFD This is a library for the 8 digit VFD display using Russian IV-4 tubes.
KMESerial KME Iot Cloud
KmeStepper Stepper motor control and loadcell reader library for more informtion visit
KMP_MCP23S08 Unified driver for the the MCP23S08 SPI expander
KMP_RS485 Library allows you send and receieve data using RS485 protocol
Kniwwelino KniwwelinoLib Base Library for the Kniwwelino Board
Knock Detector A non-blocking knock detection library to use with piezo elements
KnockPatternDetector Can record, save and detect knock patterns in an asynchronous way with many settings.
KOCOAFAB Kocoafab's arduino D.I.Y. kit library.
KolabseCarsCan Storing data about the state of the car and decoding this data from CAN bus messages
KomootBLEConnect A library to receive Komoot BLE Connect Packages
Komotion For use with Komotion, the motion sensing platform designed for ES20r.
Koyn A trustless and decentralized Bitcoin library for Arduino compatible boards
KrokoTS Light and fast library for resistive touchscreens
KS0108_GLCD Arduino driver library for KS0108 GLCD monochrome display
KT0803 Arduino library for the KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter.
KTMS1201 High level library for use with the KTM-S1201 LCD
Kurtosis Arduino library for calculating skewness and kurtosis of a dataset.
KWP2000 A library that makes interfacing with motorbikes a breeze.
KX0231025IMU Arduino library for Semtech KX023-1025 IMU
kxnTask Simple state machine
KXTJ3-1057 Motion detection without bells and whistles, simply works, low power.
L293 A library to control motors with the L293x motor driver and L298x compatible modules
L293D Allows an Arduino board to use control a motor using a L293D.
L298 Motor Driver L298 Motor Driver is a library for Arduino to handle motor control using an H-bridge.
L298N L298N library for Arduino
L298NDriver A library that makes using L298N motor driver much easier.
L298N_MotorDriver Arduino driver library for DC-Motors
L3G Arduino library for Pololu L3G4200D, L3GD20, and L3G4200D boards
laboratorioFW-DIY Biblioteca para uso com a placa Laboratório DIY - Franzininho Wifi.
Labvee Library Labvee Arduino Board Library.
lansium-arduino Connect board to Lansium Server
LapI2CTop LapI2CTop supports a branched topology I2C network, using the ubiquitous TCA9748 multiplexers
LapINA219 This is a simple current and voltage sensing library for the INA219 high-side Current Sensor
LapX9C10X A library to drive the X9C102/103/104/503 Digitally Controlled Potentiometers
Layad Circuits Saleng GSM Shield Library for SIM800L based GSM shield from Layad Circuits.
lazyjson Lazy JSON parser for embedded systems
LC709204F Arduino library for the LC709204F battery monitor.
LC_baseTools A set of tools to make coding Arduinos easier.
LC_cardIndex A indexed list you can pull items out of randomly. Think dealing cards.
LC_EEPROM Library for working with internal and external EEPROM memory via I2C.
LC_lilParser A library for setting up a simple command parser. (Do the command line thing.)
LC_neoPixel Allows the LC colorObj to work with Adafruit NeoPixels. Also allows them to be grouped and run in the background.
LC_slowServo Control the speed of your RC servos. NON BLOCKING
LCBUrl A library to manipulate URL strings
LcdBarGraph This library is to display analog values in an LCD display.
LcdBarGraphX Visualizing alanalog values on an LCD with the LiquidCrystal_I2C library.
LCDBigNumbers Arduino library to write big numbers on a 1602 or 2004 LCD.
LCDDisplay10 A library to display numbers on an BL55xx display.
LCDDrivers_NXP_Arduino Class library for NXP LCD driver
LcdEffects A library that lets you apply special effects to LCD text.
LCDGraph An Arduino library for drawing line graphs on alphanumeric displays using custom characters.
LCD-I2C C++ Library for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) with the Hitachi HD44780 display driver.
LcdMenu Display navigable menu items on your LCD display with Arduino.
LCDMenuLib A library with you can generate a menu`s based on the nested set model with multi layers
LCDMenuLib2 Easy creation of a multi layer tree menu with screensaver and other stuff.
LcdProgressBar A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display.
LcdProgressBarDouble A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display.
LcdUi This library is made to build sophisticated User Interface on Arduino for text Lcds.
LCD03 A library for I2C control of the LCD03 20x4 and 16x2 serial LCD modules from Robot Electronics.
LCD595 Library for LCD1602 or LCD2004
LCD_BacklightRGB An Arduino library for an 18-pin RGB LCD Display backlight
LCD_HD44780 A library for HD44780 based LCDs.
LCD_I2C A library to control a 16x2 LCD via an I2C adapter based on PCF8574.
LCD_SharpBP_SPI This library supports the Sharp ® Memory LCD BoosterPacks 430BOOST-SHARP96 and BOOSTXL-SHARP128.
LCD_ST7032 Arduino library for ST7032 LCD controller with i2c interface
lcdgfx VGA, SSD1306, SSD1331, SSD1325/SSD1327, SSD1351, IL9163/ST7735, ST7789, ILI9341, PCD8544, SH1106/SH1107 spi/i2c OLED/LED Display driver.
LCDI2C_Multilingual_MCD Displays multilingual text on LCD text displays via I2C.
LCDIC2 Class interface for Liquid Crystal (LCD)
LCLV Arduino driver library for LCLV like Adafruit 3627 and 3330
LCT200 Library for LCT200 and LCT200 ESPWiFi Shield
ld2410 An Arduino library for the Hi-Link LD2410 24Ghz FMCW radar sensor.
LDC1312-1314 I2C Library This library allows for easy communication between Arduino and the LDC1314 or LDC1314.
LDS Laser distance scan sensors (LDS/LIDAR) wrapper/controller for robotics platform
LEDuino Framework for defining patterns and mapping them to a configuration of addressable LEDs using FastLED.
leOS Simple scheduler that run little tasks within IRSs
leOS2 Simple scheduler based on watchdog that runs little tasks within IRS
LEADS Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System Arduino Library
LeafonySTM32 Library for Leafony STM32 basic kit
Leaphy Extensions Provides functionality to program all Leaphy robots
Leaphy Extra Extension Provides Extra functionality to Leaphy robots
Leaphy Original Extension Provides functionality to program Leaphy Original robots
LectroboxKeypadShield Driver for the Lectrobox Keypad Shield.
LectroboxPCJoyShield Driver for the Lectrobox DB-15 PC Joystick Shield.
LED Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the LED.
Led 7 Segment A powerful but easy to use versatile 7 Segment Library
LedBlinky Allows an Arduino/Genuino board to control the builtin led and external leds.
LedControl A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers.
LedController The better LedControl library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers.
LedDisplay Print text to an Avago HCMS-29xx LED display.
LED Dithering Adjustable LED brightness on every IO pin with software-controlled blinking
LEDDriver PWM LED Driver with ability to brighten and dimm fluently
LEDDrivers_NXP_Arduino Class library for NXP LED drivers
LedLib Controla LEDs de forma sencilla.
LEDMatrixDriver A replacement for Arduino's LedControl library for MAX7219
LedMatrix8X8 A library that controls max7219 led matrix.
LedRGBlib RGB LED library for Arduino (ENG+ESP)
LedRGB565 A Led RGB 565 library
LedSync Arduino library to perform synchronous blinking operations with LEDs and NeoPixels.
LedTask The Arduino library shows the power of non-preemptive multitasking.
LedUtil Controls leds to on/off/blink
LED744511 74'4511 LED Driver Library
Leeman Geophysical Learning Shield Tools for the Leeman Geophysical LLC Learning Shield.
LegoSensorAdapter Library for robot Cing with Atmega328.
Legoino Library for controlling PoweredUp, Boost, Corntrol+ controllers/hubs
Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module Library Library to control a Lepton FLiR (forward looking infrared) thermal camera module from an Arduino-like board (Teensy 3+/ESP32+ minimum).
Letters and Numbers Seven Segment Display Library Arduino library for displaying letters and numbers on 7-segment display.
LettersKeypad A simple 4x3 phonetic alphabet keypad library.
LevelShifter_NXP_Arduino Demo code for NTS0304EUK-ARD
Lewis A morse code stream/print interpreter
LG_Matrix_Print A library to print text on one or more segments with 8x8 LED-Matrix using MAX
LGFXMeter LGFX based Gauge Decoration and Animation library
LibAPRS_Tracker A library that turns the aruino into a APRS Packet Sender
libCBOR A CBOR (RFC 7049) processing library.
LibEdificio Allows to control the Building Lights educative system.
LibEstacionamiento Allows to control the Estacionamiento educative system.
LibLanc Allow camera control via the Sony lanc protocol
LibLCC A library for interfacing with LCC(Layout Command Control)
LibLucesCiudad Allows to control the City Lights educative system.
LibMiniSys Allows to control the MiniSys educative system.
LibPrintf Library adding support for the printf family of functions to the Arduino SDK.
LibSemaforo Allows to control the Semaforo educative system.
LibSemaforosCiudad Allows to control the Traffic Lights educative system.
LibSSH-ESP32 SSH client and SSH server library for ESP32 based on libssh.
libTrial Library to add two numbers
LibYxml Yoran Heling's yxml library.
libasm Cross assembler and disassembler for retro CPUs
libcli Command Line Interface library
Libdevlpr A library that makes using the FANTM DEVLPR shield easier.
libedge A client library for MQTT messaging.
libnapc libnapc implementation.
liboshima 大島商船高等専門学校ロボット研究部用ライブラリ
LidarArray Library for managing multiple VL53L0X LIDAR sensors using PCF8574 I/O expanders.
LIDAR-Lite Arduino library for Garmin LIDAR-Lite.
Lifely Agrumino Lemon Library for Agrumino Lemon Device
LightDimmer This library allows to drive LEDs to simulate railroad signals.
LightEffect This library allows you to easily create light animations from an Arduino board or an ATtiny microcontroller (traffic lights, chaser, shopkeeper sign, etc.)
LightMDNS Light Multicast DNS Library for Arduino
light_CD74HC4067 A lightweight library for interfacing with CD74HC4067 Mux.
LightningStepper Control a stepper motor with position tracking, interrupts, and calibration.
LILCMU GoGoBright Library An extension board for KidBright aim to enabled fully functional of hardware along with the used of students.
LilyGo-AMOLED-Series Library for LilyGo T-Display AMOLED Series
LilyGo-EPD47 LilyGo 4.7 inch ink screen driver library
LilyGo-T-RGB Library for LilyGo T-RGB
LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass Library for LilyGO T-Wristband and T-Glass
Lime Labs HDC2080 An Arduino library to configure and communicate with the Texas Instruments HDC2080 temperature & humidity sensor
LINBus_stack Provides Local Interconnect Network (LIN) support on SAM3X or AVR based boards with a TJA1021 transceiver.
LIN master emulation with background operation LIN master node emulation with preemptive background operation
LIN master portable LIN master node emulation for different boards
linaGFX Draw a line segment and one number on the memory.
LineFollowerPID Line follower robot library.
LineFormatter Wrapper class for Stream e.g. Serial to enhance layout of tabular data.
LineMessgingAPI Line Messaging API Library for ESP32 ESP8266
LineTracker5 Library The library for the LineTracker5 board
Linear Position Control Position controllers for linear actuators with low-cost components.
LinearRegressionModel A simple library for linear regression modeling with coefficient updates based on feedback.
LinkedList A fully implemented LinkedList made to work with Arduino projects
LinkedListLib LinkedList Library
LinkedPointerList Light-weight implementation of LinkedList library, that is now stripped down to bare minimum, making it appropriate for use in memory-critical environments.
LinxESP32 LINX - Digilent/LabVIEW MakerHub for ESP32
LionBit-STEM-library This is a library for LionBit
LiquidCrystal I2C A library for I2C LCD displays.
LiquidCrystal I2C Multilingual For printing multilingual UTF8 strings (French, Russian, Vietnamese, Katakana, etc.) to LCD1602, LCD2004, etc. via I2C.
LiquidCrystalIO LiquidCrystal fork for displays based on HD44780. Uses the IOAbstraction library to work with i2c, PCF8574, MCP23017, Shift registers, Arduino pins and ports interchangably.
LiquidCrystal NKC Control library for an advanced RS232\I2C\SPI LCD display by Longtech & NKC Electronics
LiquidCrystalSerial A simple 74hC595 shift register LCD driver.
LiquidCrystalWired Device driver for AiP31068 based controllers.
LiquidCrystal_74HC595 This library allows an Arduino board to control most LCDs (Hitachi HD44780 based or compatible) through a 74HC595 shift register.
LiquidCrystal_AIP31068 A library for AIP31068 I2C/SPI LCD displays.
LiquidCrystal_I2C_Hangul A library for printing Hangul on I2C LCD displays.
LiquidCrystal_I2C_STEM A library for I2C LCD displays.
LiquidCrystal_I2C_UTF8 For printing Russian, Viet UTF-8 to LCD I2C. Replaced by LCDI2C_Multilingual.
LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 A library for driving LiquidCrystal displays (LCD) by using the I2C bus and an PCF8574 I2C adapter.
Liquid Handling Robotics Liquid handling robotics kit: low-level control software.
LiquidMenu Menu creation Arduino library for LCDs, wraps LiquidCrystal.
LircPlayer101 Infrared bitbanger for Arduino 101
LIS3DH motion detection Motion detection without bells and whistles, simply works, low power.
LIS3MDL LIS3MDL magnetometer library
LIS331 LIS331 triple axis acceleromenter Arduino library
LispIO new lightweight IO function
LispMotor L298x driver
List The Ultimate Collection of Lists
ListLib List Library
LitSwitch A special library for an LED/momentary switch hardware combination.
LiteLED Light weight library for driving one or more WS2812B, SK6812, APA106, SM16703 RGB LED strips.
LiteOSCParser A lightweight OSC processing library.
Lithium-Powered All-In-One Code Solution for Lithium Battery Management using the LTC4150 Coulomb Counter circuit.
LittleFS_esp32 LittleFS for esp32 based on esp_littlefs IDF component. Use esp32 core-provided LITTLEFS library instead of this one when available in future core releases.
LittleFS_Mbed_RP2040 Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED RP2040 boards
LittleFS_Portenta_H7 Wrapper of LittleFS for Arduino MBED Portenta_H7 boards
LittleVector std::vector like container.
LiveObjectsSDK A library that makes connection with Orange LiveObjects platform a breeze.
Lixie Allows for easy writing to Lixie Digit displays!
Lixie II Library for controlling Lixie II displays!
LM35 Gets the raw value of LM35 and tranform to Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.
LM35IC A library to interface with the LM35 family of temperature sensors.
LM35 Sensor This library for Arduino allows you to use the LM35 temperature sensor.
LM73 LM73 Temperature Sensor Library
LM75 Library to get temperature from LM75
LM75A Arduino library M2M Solutions LM75A Arduino library.
LM96163 Driver for LM96163 Fan Controller
LMI Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) solver for Arduino.
LMP91000 Arduino library for the LMP91000 Configurable Potentiostat for Low-Power Chemical Sensing Applications.
LMT87 A simple library for utilizing analog temperature sensor
LoR Handles LoR related background functions
LoRa An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
LoRaFi An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRaFi board and LoRa module.
LoRaLayer2 Layer 2 routing protocol for LoRa connected devices.
LoRaNow LoRaNow Library is a simple LoRa Node <> Gateway communication protocol.
LoRa-payload-BKU Library for easy Data transmission using MKR WAN 1300/ 1310 to LoRaWAN server
LoRaRF Arduino LoRa-RF library used for transmitting and receiving data using LoRa module with Semtech SX126x series, SX127x series, or LLCC68.
LoRa Serialization Library for serialization of data on the Arduino side and deserialization in the TTN
LoRaWAN-Seeed-Grove-Wio-E5 Sending LoRaWAN frame with a Grove Wio E5 module.
LoRaWAN_ESP32 ESP32 'persist' object for using deep sleep in combination with RadioLib LoRaWAN.
LoRa_AT A small Arduino library for AT command based LoRa Modules.
LoRa_Library Library implementation of Semtechs sx126x_driver for Arduino microcontrollers
LoRandom A library using Semtech's sx1276/7/8/9's `RegRssiWideband` register properly to generate random numbers.
LocoNet Enables Digitrax LocoNet Communication
Log Simple but useful macroses for logging. Allow use printf() with Serial for logging.
LogToQueue Envio de log a un Queue para manejarlo como quieras.
log4Esp Extendable logging library for ESP8266
log4arduino Lightweight, no-frills logging for Arduino and friends
LogansGreatButton An all in one, easy to use, powerful, self contained button library so you can focus on your other code! Includes Debouncing, Avoids Delays, multiclicks and allows you to decide what happens at the beginning and end of Short, Long, Hold and Shifts so you can create a intuative and responsive experience.
Logger An Arduino library for serial logging.
LogicAnalyzer A SUMP protocol compatible logic analyzer firmware
Logistic Arduino library to explore the logistic formula. (chaos, bifurcation)
LongFi Enables LongFi Communication with Semtech Compatible Radios.
Looper Simple task, thread and event manager for Arduino
LoraSx1262 Send and receive data over radio using LoRa 915mhz
loremipsum An Arduino library to do lorem ipsum generation.
losant-mqtt-arduino MQTT library to easily communicate with the Losant IoT platform.
LoveButton Touch Sensitive Love Button
LovyanGFX TFT LCD Graphics driver with touch for ESP32/ESP8266, SAMD21/SAMD51, RP2040/RP2350
Low level quick digital IO 高性能引脚读写。More efficient digital IO than builtin functions
Low-Power Lightweight power management library
LowPower_LowPowerLab AVR & SAMD power management library
LP50XX Library for interaction with the LP5009 and LP5012 LED driver
LPD6803 RGB Pixels Controlling library for strands of LPD6803 LED pixel dots.
LPD8806 Arduino library for LED strips and pixels using LPD8806 (and probably LPD8803/LPD8809)
LPS Arduino library for Pololu LPS boards
LPS35HW LPS35HW pressure sensor library
LSA08 This library is for the Cytron Line Sensing Array: LSA08.
LSA08_Simplified An easy to use library to interface LSA08 line sensor with MCU.
LSM303 Arduino library for Pololu LSM303 boards
LSM6 LSM6 accelerometer and gyro library
LTC1392 library Arduino library for the LTC1392 Micropower Temperature, Power Supply and Differential Voltage Monitor
LTC230x Arduino library for LTC230x (LTC2301, LTC2305, and LTC2309) 12-Bit ADCs with I2C Interface
LTC2942 Library for Analog Devices LTC2941 and LTC2942 battery gas gauges.
LTC2991 Arduino library for LTC2991 temperature and voltage control IC
LTR-329ALS-01 LTR-329ALS-01 is a low voltage, I2C digital light sensor.
LTR308 library An Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the Lite-On LTR-308ALS-01 IC
LTR390 Arduino library for the LTR390 UV sensors.
LTR390_DFR Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor (DF Robotics edition).
LTR390_RT Arduino library for the I2C LTR390 UV sensor.
LTS01A_MAX31725 Library for LTS01A MAX31725.
LualtekCubecell This is a library for the Lualtek Cubecell board.
LualtekRAKRUI Library for the Lualtek RAK RUI3 based board.
LualtekTTN This is a library for the Lualtek RN-TTN based board.
LUHN Arduino Library for calculating LUHN checksum.
Luni Implements a framework for device drivers for use on the Arduino.
lv_arduino Full-featured Graphics Library for embedded systems
lv_examples Examples for LVGL grapics library
lvgl Full-featured Graphics Library for Embedded Systems
lvglCpp LVGL C++ wrapper.
LVGL_CYD Running LVGL on CYD, all the boilerplate stuff.
lwIOLink Lightweight IOLink Device library.
lwIP LWIP Library port for Arduino
LW09-Dali This library provides an interface for managing DALI-compatible lighting systems through an I²C bus. LED-Warrior 09
lx16a-servo Simple Arduino library to operate ALX-16A, LX-224, HTS-35H and LX-15D serial servos.
Lynxmotion Smart Servo -LSS- A library that makes using the LSS simple.
MBusinoLib an Arduino M-Bus decode Library
MCreator Link Adds support for the MCreator Link system.
mDash Remote control and OTA for ESP32 via IoT backend
mDNSResolver Resolves MDNS names for the ESP8266.
mDriver LM398n motor driver library(SKU:LM398n).
mPower Control a Ubiquiti mPower pro IP power switch
mString Static lightweight analog of String class
mWebSockets Simple to use implementation of WebSockets for microcontrollers
MWings A library that communicate with TWELITE wireless modules. Supports ESP32 modules and Arduino UNO R4 series.
M10ADC ADC library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10CODEC CODEC library for the Si3000 CODEC on PulseRain M10 board.
M10DTMF DTMF library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10ESP8266 library for ESP8266 shield.
M10Examples Examples for PulseRain M10 board.
M10I2C I2C library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10JTAG JTAG UART library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10LCD Library for LCD Interface
M10PS2 Library for PS2 Interface
M10PWM PWM library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10SD microSD library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10SerialAUX Auxiliary Serial port library for PulseRain M10 board.
M10SevenSeg Library for Seven Segment Display
M10SRAM SRAM (Microchip 23LC1024) library for PulseRain M10 board.
M2M Solutions Logger Library Arduino library for logging.
M2M Solutions MiraOne Library Arduino library for the MiraOne radio module by Lumenradio AB.
M2M Solutions Purplepoint Boards Library Arduino library for Purplepoint IoT boards.
M2M Solutions Quectel Library Arduino library for Quectel cellular modules.
M2M Solutions TLV Library Arduino library for the TLV format.
M304 Library Library useful when programming control nodes using the M304 board for UECS control nodes
M5-ADS1100 Library for Unit & Hat ADC
M5-ADS1115 Library for Unit Ameter & Vmeter
M5ANGLE8 Arduino library for M5 8ANGLE 8x12 bit potentiometers.
M5Atom Library for M5Atom Core development kit
M5AtomS3 Library for M5AtomS3 Core development kit
M5Atomic-EchoBase Library for M5Stack Atomic EchoBase
M5Atomic-Motion Library for M5Atomic-Motion
M5BurnerNVS Library for M5BurnerNVS
M5Capsule Library for M5Stack M5Capsule Board
M5Cardputer Library for M5Stack M5Cardputer Board
M5Core-Ink Library for M5CoreInk development kit
M5CoreS3 Library for M5CoreS3 Core development kit
M5Core2 Library for M5Stack Core2 development kit
M5-DLight Library for M5Stack Unit & HAT DLight
M5-Depends Library for M5
M5Dial Library for M5Stack M5Dial Board
M5DinMeter Library for M5Stack M5DinMeter Board
M5EasyUI Library for drawing UI on M5 devices with a single code.
M5EPD Library for M5Paper development kit
M5-Ethernet Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the M5 PoE Camera.
M5FacesEncoder Arduino Library for reading encoder values from the M5Stack Faces Encoder Module
M5Family Convergence of the relevant dependencies used in M5 products.
M5-FPC1020A Library for Finger Unit
M5GFX Library for M5Stack All Display
M5HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) for M5 Products
M5Hat-8Servos Library for M5 HAT 8SERVO
M5Hat-JoyC Library for M5Hat JoyC
M5-LoRa-E220-JP Library for M5-LoRa-E220-JP
M5-LoRaWAN Library for UNIT LoRaWAN
M5Module-4Relay Library for M5Stack MODULE 4RELAY
M5Module-GNSS Library for M5Stack GNSS Module
M5Module-LAN-13.2 Library for M5Module-LAN-13.2
M5ModuleLLM M5ModuleLLM is a library for M5ModuleLLM
M5NanoC6 Library for M5NanoC6 Board
M5-Outdepends Library for M5
M5PoECAM Library for M5Stack PoE-CAM development kit
M5ROTATE8 Arduino library for M5 8ROTATE 8x rotary encoders
M5-RoverC Library for M5Stack RoverC & RoverC-Pro
M5Stack Library for M5Stack Core development kit
M5 Stack 4Relay Library M5Stack 4RELAY library for multiple different architectures.
M5StackMenuSystem A quick way to create nice menus for M5 Stack devices with just a few lines of code
M5Stack-SD-Updater SD Card Loader for M5 Stack
M5StackToio This library allows your M5Stack micro-controller to control your SONY toio core.
M5Stack_Avatar Yet another avatar module for M5Stack
M5Stack_OnScreenKeyboard OnScreenKeyboard for M5Stack
M5Stack_SimpleBeep Simple Beep for M5Stack.
M5Stack_TreeView TreeView Menu UI for M5Stack
M5StampC3LED M5Stamp C3 Mate LED library.
M5Station Library for industrial level controller with M5Station(SKU:K123,K124)
M5-STHS34PF80 Library for M5Stack Unit TMOS.
M5StickC Library for M5StickC Core development kit
M5StickCPlus Library for M5StickC Plus development kit
M5StickCPlus2 Library for M5Stack M5StickCPlus2 Board
M5-SX127x Library for M5Stack SX127x LoRa
M5Unified Library for M5Stack/Core2/Tough/CoreS3/CoreS3SE, M5StickC/C-Plus/C-Plus2, M5CoreInk, M5Paper, M5ATOM, M5STAMP, M5Station, M5Dial, M5DinMeter, M5Capsule, M5Cardputer, M5VAMeter
M5Unit-4RELAY Library for M5Stack 4RELAY UNIT
M5Unit-ACSSR Library for M5Stack UNIT ACSSR
M5Unit-BLDC Library for M5Stack Unit BLDC
M5Unit-CAN Library for M5Stack M5Unit-CAN
M5Unit-CatM Library for M5Stack Unit CatM SIM7080
M5Unit-DDS Library for M5Stack Unit DDS
M5Unit-DigiClock Library for M5Unit-DigiClock
M5Unit-Encoder Library for M5Stack Unit Encoder
M5Unit-ENV Library for M5Stack UNIT ENV
M5Unit-EXTIO2 Library for Unit EXTIO2
M5Unit-GESTURE Library for M5Stack UNIT GESTURE using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-HEART Library for M5Stack UNIT HEART using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-HUB Library for M5Stack UNIT HUB using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini Library for M5Stack M5Unit-IMU-Pro-Mini
M5Unit-KMeter Library for M5Stack UNIT KMeter
M5Unit-METER Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-MQTT Library for M5Stack UNIT MQTT
M5Unit-PbHub Library for M5Stack UNIT PbHub
M5Unit-PoESP32 Library for M5STACK UNIT PoESP32
M5UnitQRCode Library for M5Stack UNIT QRCode
M5Unit-RELAY Library for M5Stack RELAY UNIT
M5Unit-RTC Library for BM8563 RTC
M5Unit-Sonic Library for M5Stack Unit Sonic series
M5UnitSynth Library for M5Stack M5Unit Synth
M5Unit-Thermal2 Library for M5Stack UNIT Thermal2
M5Unit-ToF4M Library for M5Stack M5Unit-ToF4M
M5Unit-TOF Library for M5Stack UNIT TOF using M5UnitUnified
M5Unit-UHF-RFID Library for M5Stack Unit UHF-RFID
M5UnitUnified M5UnitUnified is a library for unified handling of various M5 units products. (Alpha version)
M5Unit-WEIGHT Library for M5Stack UNIT METER using M5UnitUnified
M5UnitWeightI2C Library for M5Stack M5Unit WeightI2C
M5UNIT_8Encoder Library for M5UNIT_8Encoder
M5Utility Library for other M5 libraries and products
M5_BMM150 Library for M5_BMM150
M5_EzData An IoT cloud data storage service
M5_PbHub Simple library for the M5Stack PbHUB Unit.
M5_RTC_Module A library for using the RTC-Module from iotec for the M5-Stack.
M5ez Complete interface builder for the M5Stack, an ESP32 based mini tinker-computer
M62429 Arduino library for M62429 volume control IC
M62429 Volume Control Library M62429/FM62429 Serial data control dual electronics volume library for Arduino.
M8058 Arduino library for M8058E, M8058S and M8026S melody IC control.
M95_EEPROM A library for talking with the M95 series of EEPROM chips from ST. May work with chips from other vendors as well.
MacroDebugger Debug-printing done elegantly, and cleanly!
MacroLogger Arduino logger with support for preprocessor directives and standard C/C++ string formatting.
MacroPad Controls a keyboard composed of a key matrix.
madflight Flight Controller for ESP32-S3 / ESP32 / RP2350 / RP2040 / STM32
MaerklinMotorola Decoding the signals from the Märklin-Motorola-protocol.
MagAlpha Angle Sensor Library Arduino library for the MPS MagAlpha magnetic angle sensor.
MagStripe Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers.
MagStripe_ESP32 Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers on ESP32.
MagVector 3D Magnetic Sensor Library for the MPS MagVector 3D magnetic sensors.
MAGELLAN AIS Magellan Library; Provide Function MAGELLAN API v.2 MQTT Connect for ESP32 and ESP8266 Board and Device Support Client internet interface
Magellan_BC95 AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Magellan_BC95_lite AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
Magellan_SIM7020E AIS Magellan Library; easy way to integrate IoT Device to Magellan using Arduino Platform.
MagicHome A library For discovering and controlling MagicHome Leds.
MagicPot Arduino library for reading values easily from potentiometers.
Mahony Helpers for MahonyAHRS algorithm
Maidenhead Library for converting between latitude/longitude and Maidenhead locators.
MakeBlockDrive Use to drive all devices provided by Makeblock company.
MakeBlock Drive Updated Use to drive all devices provided by Makeblock company.
MakerBoard Library for MakerBoard(メイカーボード)
MakerVision Arduino library used by Scratch generated code on
MAKERLABVN Library Collection of
Makerlabvn_I2C_Motor_Driver Driver for 2-DC motor and 2-RC motor
Makerlabvn_kit_CIA0_BOT CIA0 Bot Example code.
Makerlabvn_SimpleMotor Driver for 2-DC motor.
MakestroCloudClient Library for connecting with Makestro Cloud
ManuvrDrivers A collection of non-blocking flexible hardware drivers written around CppPotpourri.
map2bits Arduino library for mapping a float to a number of bits.
map2colour Arduino library for mapping a float to colour spectrum
Mapf extended arduino map() function
maqui Library for the maqui sequencer
MaquinitasParams Library of parameters for art devices.
MaquinitasRitmos Library of rhythmic data for art devices.
Marceau This is a library that allows devices to be easily controlled over serial and websockets.
Marisa ESP32 Wrapper Fast lookups in large static dictionaries
Masaylo Arduino library for control of the Masaylo robot
MaterialBoard This library implements the Firmata protocol for use with the VirtualBoard project to remotely interface with an Arduino board.
MatesController Breadboard Mates' Mates Controller Arduino library
MatrixCharlieplex A library for Arduino to control Charlieplexed LED matrices.
Matrix Color Sensor An RGBW color sensor.
Matrix Controller A combined DC Motor controller and servo controller.
MatrixKeypad Simple to use library to interface matrix keypads.
Matrix Laser Sensor a laser rangefinder.
MatrixMath Minimal linear algebra library
Matrix Mini Library An Arduino Uno(R3) based robot controller.
MatrixMiniR4 An Arduino R4 based Robotics controller made by MATRIX Robotics.
Matrix Motion Sensor An inertial measurement unit 6-degree of freedom sensor.
Matrix Motor Extension A 4 channel DC motor controller.
Matrix Servo Extension A 8 channel RC Servo controller.
MATRIX7219 Arduino Library for 8x8 LED MATRIX MAX7219, MAX7221.
MatrizLed Librería para matrices de leds de 8x8 con controladores MAX7219 o MAX7221.
MAVLink MAVLink v2 for Arduino.
MaxEssentialToolkit Library for MAXIM RTC, temperature and current-sense amplifier sensors.
MaxLedControl A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers.
MaxMtrParser Max/MSP MTR (Multi-Track Recorder) Protocol Parser for Arduino
MAX11643 Arduino library for MAX11643 ADCs
MAX1464 Arduino library A complete interface for the the Maxim MAX1464 Multichannel Sensor Signal Processor for Arduino.
MAX14661 Arduino library for MAX14661 16 channel I2C multiplexer
MAX1704X Arduino library for MAX17043/MAX17044 lithium ion battery fuel gauge.
MAX17048 Arduino library for MAX17048/MAX17049 1-Cell/2-Cell Fuel Gauge with ModelGauge
MAX17055 Lithium based battery fuel gauge and measurement IC library.
MAX30100 This Library supports the MAX30100 Pulse Oximetry IC
MAX30100_milan Based on MAX30100lib, it's a library for Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components with slightly modifications.
MAX30100lib Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components
MAX3010x Sensor Library An Arduino library for the MAX3010x sensor family.
MAX3100 Serial Serial communication using MAX3100 USART chip.
Max31328RTC Library for Max31328 Real Time Clock.
MAX31850 Arduino library for the MAX31850 thermocouple temperature sensor.
MAX31850 DallasTemp A version of the DallasTemp Arduino library with MAX31850 support (Requires OneWire with MAX31850 support!)
MAX31850 OneWire A version of the OneWire Arduino library with MAX31850 support
MAX31855 Arduino Library to read temperatures from a thermocouple using the MAX31855 chip
MAX31855-Library Library for the MAX31855K module
MAX31855_RT Arduino library for MAX31855 chip for K type thermocouple.
Max44007 Library for MAX44007 I2C LUX sensor Arduino.
Max44009 Library for MAX44009 I2C LUX sensor Arduino.
MAX44009 library Library for the MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor.
MAX471 Arduino Library to support the MAX471 sensor module
MAX471_RT Arduino library for MAX471 current sensor.
MAX520 Arduino library for MAX520 and MAX521 4/8 channel 8 bit DAC.
MAX541X Arduino library for the MAX5417/18/19 I2C Digital Potentiometers.
MAX6626 Arduino Library for MAX6626.
MAX6675 Arduino library for MAX6675 chip for K type thermocouple.
MAX6675 library Arduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier
MAX6675 with hardware SPI A library for MAX6675 thermocouple interface.
MAX6675_Thermocouple The Library implements a set of methods for working with a thermocouple based on the MAX6675 driver.
MAX6816 Single Switch Debouncer Library for Arduino.
MAX7XX-7-Segment MAX72XX 7-segment display library.
max7219 Lightweight library for the MAX7219 7 segment 8 digit display
MAX7219Segment MAX7219/MAX7221 Digital Tube 7-Segment LED Display Library
MAX77650-Arduino-Library An Arduino library for the Maxim Power Management Controller MAX77650
MAX78630 Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard.
Max86141 Enables using Max86140 and Max86141 sensor on NRF52840 board.
MAX_RS485 A library to easily use MAX485 half-duplex RS485 to Serial module
MaximWire A library for DS18B20 temperature sensor and Arduino NANO 33 BLE controller
MB85_FRAM Read and Write to the Fujitsu FRAM devices in the MB85 Family of memories
Mbed BLE HID A Library to implement Human Interface Device with Bluetooth on a Mbed stack (Arduino Nano 33 BLE).
Mbed BLE Mouse Bluetooth LE Mouse library for the Arduino Boards with BLE support and running mbed OS.
MbedNanoTLS Standalone Mbed TLS for Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards
MBEDSpeech Arduino library for running speech recognition machine learning models
MBED_RP2040_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM to create and output PWM to pins on RP2040 board to create and output PWM to pins.
MBED_RP2040_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, with Arduino-mbed (mbed_nano or mbed_rp2040) core to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
MBED_RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
mbino Port of mbed OS 2 APIs to the Arduino platform
MBUSPayload MBUS application layer payload encoder and decoder
mc74hc595a A library to use 8-Bit Serial-Input/Serial or Parallel-Output Shift mc74hc595a
MCCI Arduino Development Kit ADK The MCCI XDK ported to Arduino ("Arduino Development Kit").
MCCI Arduino LoRaWAN Library High-level library for LoRaWAN-based Arduino end-devices.
MCCI Catena Arduino Platform Arduino library for MCCI Catena 44xx, 45xx, 46xx and 48xx systems.
MCCI-Catena-PMS7003 Arduino library for Plantower PMS7003 particulate matter sensors.
MCCI Catena SCD30 Arduino library for Sensirion SCD30 carbon dioxide sensors.
MCCI Catena SDP Arduino library for Sensirion SDP (SDP31, SDP32, SDP800-series) Differential Pressure sensors.
MCCI-Catena-SHT3x Arduino library for Sensirion SHT3x (SHT31, SHT32, SHT35) Temperature/Humidity sensors.
MCCI FRAM I2C Driver for MCCI Catena's I2C-Based FRAM.
MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC library Arduino port of the LMIC (LoraWAN-MAC-in-C) framework provided by IBM.
MCCI LTR-329ALS Arduino library for Lite-On LTR-329ALS ambient light sensor.
MCCI SofwareSerial Software UART for Arduino
MCMVoltSense Voltage Measurement Library
MCM_BL0940 UART Library Control for BL0940 Energy Meter IC
MCP23S08 Arduino library for SPI MCP23S08 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines
MCP23S17 Arduino library for SPI MCP23S17 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines
MCP23008 Arduino library for I2C MCP23008 8 channel port expander 8 IO-lines
MCP23008-I2C Arduino Library for MCP23008, a 8-port GPIO expander
MCP23008_I2C Library for MCP23008 I2C based GPIO expanders for Arduino platform supported boards
MCP23017 MCP23017 I2C Port expander library.
MCP23017 Port Expander Arduino library for MCP23017 I2C I/O port expander.
MCP23017_Attiny85 "Library which lets you to control mcp23017 I/O expander simply"
MCP23017_I2C Library for MCP23017 I2C based GPIO expanders for Arduino platform supported boards
MCP23017_MR A sleek, efficient Arduino library for seamless control of the MCP23017 I/O expander. Simplify your GPIO!
MCP23017_RT Arduino library for I2C MCP23017 16 channel port expander 16 IO-lines
MCP23017_WE A library for the MCP23017, MCP23S17, MCP23018 and MCP23S18 port expanders.
MCP2515-nb Arduino library for MCP2515 with non-blocking support.
MCP3X21 MCP3021 & MCP3221 Arduino library
MCP3XXX An Arduino Library supporting the MCP3XXX series of ADC SPI chips, including MCP3002, MCP3004, MCP3008 and others.
MCP3201 A lighweight library for MCP3201 ADC chip.
MCP3202 Used to interface the 12 bit ADC MCP3202 by Microchip.
Mcp3208 Arduino library for the MCP320x 12 bit ADC family.
MCP3221 MCP3221 Driver (12-bit ADC with hardware I2C Interface)
MCP3304 A simple library for working with the MCP3304 in a bit bang version. Useful for Raspberry Pico
MCP3421 A library for MCP3421 analog digital converter chip
MCP3424 Arduino library for 18 bit ADC I2C MCP3424 et al.
MCP342x Library to support Microchip ADC342x analogue to digital converters.
MCP4131 library A library to control an MCP4131 digital potentiometer
MCP4132 MCP4132 library for interfacing the MCP4132 digital potentiometer with Arduino and compatible MCU.
MCP4151 SPI library to interface with the MCP4151 digital potentiometer.
MCP4251 MCP4251 Digital Pot Control
MCP4261 Arduino library for MCP4261 SPI based digital potentiometers.
MCP45HVX1 Library for MCP45HVX1 digital potentiomters,
MCP4661_asukiaaa It controls potentiometer MCP4661.
MCP4725 Arduino library for 12 bit I2C DAC - MCP4725
MCP4728 Arduino library for MCP4728 quad channel, 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-Analog Convertor with non-volatile memory and I2C compatible Serial Interface
MCP48xx DAC Library A library to control the MCP48xx family of SPI digital to analog converters (DACs).
MCP7940 Arduino library to use the Microchip MCP7940 RTC (Real-Time-Clock)
MCP79412RTC Arduino library for the Microchip MCP79411/12 Real-Time Clock/Calendar.
MCP9800 Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9800/1/2/3 2-Wire High-Accuracy Temperature Sensors.
MCP9802 MCP9802 Driver (12-BIT Temperature Sensor with I2C Interface)
MCP9808 Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9808 Maximum Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor.
MCP9808_RT Arduino Library for I2C MCP9808 temperature sensor
MCP_23017 IO expander library for MCP23017
MCP_3208 ADC library for MCP3208
MCP_ADC Arduino library for MCP_ADC, e.g. MCP3008 SPI 10 bit, 8 channel ADC
mcp_can MCP_CAN Library
mcp_canbus A library for MCP2515
MCP_DAC Arduino library for Microchip SPI DAC, 8, 10, 12 bit; 1 or 2 channel.
MCP_POT Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers.
mcu-max An MCU-optimized C-language chess game engine based on micro-Max.
mcu-renderer A low-resource graphics library, focused on rendering non-flickering, anti-aliased text on both monochrome and color LCD displays.
MCUVoltage MCUVoltage measures the voltage supply (Vcc) of Arduino without extra components.
MCUFRIEND_kbv TFT Library for 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend UNO Shields
MCUOS An OS simulator for Arduino boards.
MD_AButton Library for multiple switches on one analog input.
MD_AD9833 Library for using a AD9833 Programmable Waveform Generator.
MD_CirQueue Library for FIFO queue implemented as a Ring Buffer.
MD_Cubo Library for device independent LED Cubes.
MD_DS1307 Library for using a DS1307 Real Time Clock.
MD_DS3231 Library for using a DS3231 Real Time Clock.
MD_HX711 Library to read load cells using HX711 weight scale ADC
MD_KeySwitch Library for digital switches.
MD_LM335A Library for using a LM335A temperature sensor.
MD_MAXPanel Implements functions to manage a panel of MAX72xx based LED modules
MD_MAX72XX Implements functions that allow the MAX72xx (eg, MAX7219) to be used for LED matrices (64 individual LEDs)
MD_Menu Library for displaying and managing menus on displays with with up to 2 lines.
MD_MIDIFile Arduino Standard MIDI File (SMF) Player
MD_MSGEQ7 Implements functions for the MSGEQ7 7 band equalizer IC
MD_OnePin One pin serial comms link
MD_Parola LED matrix text display special effects
MD_PWM PWM on arbitrary pins
MD_REncoder Library for Rotary Encoder
MD_SmartCar Core functions for movement control of a 2 wheeled SmartCar Robot using DC motors.
MD_SmartCar2 Core functions for movement control of a 2 wheeled SmartCar Robot using Stepper motors.
MD_SN76489 Library for SN76489 sound generator.
MD_Stepper Stepper Motor control
MD_TCS230 Library for TCS230 TCS3200 Colour Sensor
MD_TTT Tic-Tac-Toe game logic library
MD_UISwitch Library for Universal User Interface Switches.
MD_YM2413 Library for Yamaha YM2413 sound synthesizer.
MD_YX5300 Library for Serial MP3 Player (Catalex YX5300 module)
mdif Minimal Data Image Format (MDIF) is a lightweight image format with minimal data structure and integration with Diwa in mind that balances both simplicity and functionality.
MDNS_Generic mDNS Library for ESP32, ESP8266, nRF52, SAMD21, SAMD51, SAM DUE, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Portenta_H7, AVR Mega, RP2040-based boards, etc. using Ethernet W5x00, ESP WiFi, WiFiNINA or ESP8266-AT shields
MeArm-Robot-Arm Provides inverse kinematics control for all MeArm versions.
MeanAndVarOnTheFly Calculate mean and variance not storing individual values in memory.
MeanFilterLib Mean Filter Library
Mechasolution R finder10D Arduino library form the TIONE R finder10D
Mechasolution Voice Recognition Module Geeetech voice recognition module suite 2 Library for Arduino
Mechatro A library to control motors with the L293x motor driver 메카트로 보드 모터 컨트롤 라이브러리 (L298x드라이버 사용하는 모든 프로젝트 사용 가능)
MedianFilterLib Median Filter Library
MedianFilterLib2 Median Filter Library 2
Meeo This library is used for connecting your Arduino device to Meeo.
megaAVR_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on megaAVR-based boards, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_Nano_Every, etc., to create and output PWM.
megaAVR_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino megaAVR board, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_Nano_Every, etc., to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
megaAVR_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an Arduino megaAVR board, such as UNO WiFi Rev2, AVR_NANO_EVERY, etc.
MegunoLink Library for storing data in the eeprom, processing serial messages and plotting data with MegunoLink.
MegunoLink File Manager Library to provide access to files on embedded SD/LittleFS filesystem from MegunoLink.
Meiro Arduino Meiro library.
Melody Melody offers a simple an powerful music text notation called MELO.
Melody Player This library provides an intuitive interface to play melodies on buzzers
Melopero AMG8833 A driver library for the AMG8833 sensor.
Melopero APDS9960 A driver library for the APDS9960 sensor.
Melopero BME280 A driver library for the BME280 sensor.
Melopero Cookie RP2040 Melopero Cookie RP2040 helper library
Melopero LSM9DS1 A driver library for the LSM9DS1 9-DOF IMU.
Melopero RV3028 A driver library for the RV3028 rtc.
Melopero SAM-M8Q A driver library for the SAM-M8Q GNSS Antenna Module.
Melopero UBX Protocol A library to easily create Ubx messages.
Melopero VL53L1X A driver library for the VL53L1X sensor.
Melt7SegLcd Melt 7-segment LCD Arduino library.
Mem24CSM01 A library to interface the 24CSM01 I2C EEPROM Memory
MemoryDumper Dump Arduino memory
MemoryHexDump Arduino Dump memory
MemoryLib Library to manage the storage of INT and LONG variables in EEPROM
MemoryUsage Use this library to check your SRAM / Stack memory usage.
MentorBit-1Rele Librería para Módulo MentorBit Relé de un Canal
MentorBit-2Rele Librería para Módulo MentorBit Relé de dos Canales
MentorBit-3LED Librería para Módulo MentorBit de tres Diodos LEDs
MentorBit-BMP280 Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor BMP280
MentorBit-DetectorIR Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Emisor/Receptor Infrarrojo
MentorBit-DetectorLluvia Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Detector de lluvia
MentorBit-DHT11 Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor DHT11
MentorBit-DHT22 Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor DHT22
MentorBit-Encoder Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Encoder con LEDs
MentorBit-Expander Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Expansor de Entradas y Salidas
MentorBit-LDR Librería para Módulo MentorBit de LDR
MentorBit-Library Librería para MentorBit
MentorBitMatrizPulsadores Librería para uso de MentorBit matriz de pulsadores I2C
MentorBit-MQ Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor MQ
MentorBit-PIR Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor PIR
MentorBit-PoteLineal Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro lineal
MentorBit-PoteRueda Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro de Rueda
MentorBit-Potenciometro Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Potenciómetro Simple
MentorBit-Pulsadores Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Pulsadores
MentorBit-RGB Librería para Módulo MentorBit de LED RGB
MentorBit-Ultrasonidos Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Sensor Ultrasónico
MentorBit-Zumbador Librería para Módulo MentorBit de Zumbador Pasivo
Menu-UI Arduino Menu user interface using keybaord arrows and escape, built using object Oriented Programing Inheritance.
MenuX Simple menu library for TFT_eSPI-based projects.
mergCBUS Allow building Merg modules communicating with CBUS.
MergedStreams Make an Arduino stream which writes reads and writes from two streams.
Meridian This is a library to drive a communication system for humanoid robots, "Meridian".
MeshGnome Mesh Synchronization and OTA for ESP-Now on the ESP8266.
Meshtastic Driver for interfacing with Meshtastic nodes over WiFi and Serial connections
MessagingLib Complex Arduino serial communication made manageable.
MeteoFunctions Collection of meteo functions
MFRC522 Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI)
MFRC522-spi-i2c-uart-async Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI, I2C and UART) with asynchroneous callbacks
MFRC522_I2C MFR522 i2c Library to read NFC Tags with Arduino or ESP2866/ESP32 (NodeMCU)
MFRC522_NTAG424DNA Arduino RFID/NFC Library for NXP NTAG 424 DNA tags using MFRC522.
MFRC522_PN512 Arduino RFID Library for PN512 (SPI)
MHGroveBLE Interface with Grove BLE v1 modules.
MH-Z CO2 Sensors Ready-to-use implementation for CO2 sensors of the MHZ series (Intelligent Infrared CO2 Module), supporting MH-Z14A, MH-Z14B, MH-Z19A, MH-Z19B, and MH-Z19C.
MH-Z14A Library A Library for using the MH-Z14A CO2-Sensor with Arduino.
MH-Z19 New Commands & Examples for the MHZ19 with Arduino, supporting hardware & software serial.
Mhz19 Library for Winsen MH-Z19 – infrared carbon dioxide sensor.
MHZCO2 Arduino Library for MHZ series CO2 sensors.
MiCS6814-I2C MiCS-6814 Gas Sensor I2C Interface Library
MiDispositivoMIDI_V3 Provides functions to control de MiDispositivoMIDI V3 hardware
MicroAnimation Play Animated Icons from even on devices with only small amounts of memory available like the Arduino Micro.
MicroBeaut MicroBeaut Standard Library for Arduino.
MicroDebug Arduino debugging support library
microDS18B20 Light library for DS18b20 sensor
microDS3231 Light library for DS3231 RTC module
micro-ecc uECC
MicroFlow Export and run tensorflow models on arduino microcontrollers!
MicroGamer A library for content creation on the Micro:Gamer gaming platform
microLED Light library for addressable LEDs
micro Maqueen Simple library for the DF Robot micro:Maqueen BBC Micro:Bit Robot
MicroMidiDevices Arduino (very) Simple Library to manage various input devices as MIDI controllers
MicroMidiEnc Arduino (very) Simple Library to manage Rotary Encoders as MIDI messages over USB
MicroMidiPot Arduino (very) Simple Library to manage potentiometer (smoothed) as MIDI messages over USB
MicroNMEA Compact Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences.
MicroOsc Simple and lightweight Open Sound Control (OSC) library
MicroPOP32 Fast, efficient and minimal POP32 library for Line Follower robot
micro-prompts Client library for prompting LLMs
MicroQt A library that enables event-driven applications on the Arduino platform.
MicroShell Shell implementation, compatible with VT100 terminal
MicroTFLite Allows you to run machine learning models locally on your microcontroller devices.
MicroTuple A library tuple like variadic datastructure for arduino.
MicroUART Simple implementation of UART (ATmega328)
MicroWakeupper Wemos D1 Mini Battery Shield Library for the MicroWakeupper Wemos D1 Mini Battery Shield (with deepsleep)
microWire Light library for I2C communication
micro_ros_arduino micro-ROS Arduino library
micro_ros_kaia micro-ROS Arduino library with additional message types
MicrobitV2-HHS Library for Microbit Version 2 with Radio (NRF52) and PWM support (Tone and Servo).
Microbot_Motor_Shield Dual DC Motor Shield V2 library for Arduino
MicrochipSRAM Access all Microchip SRAM chips
Microchip_RN487x An Arduino library for the Microchip RN487x
Microchip_RNBD451 Arduino library for the Microchip RNBD451 Developement Board
Microcontroller-id Retrieve manufacturer serial number stored inside the microcontroller
Microfire Mod-NTC Add the ability to measure any 10k NTC temperature to your hardware application with a fully digital interface.
Microfire_HABridge Create a Home Assistant sensor from any hardware and send measurements with ESPNow or LoRa.
Microfire_Mod-EC Add the ability to measure EC to your hardware application with a fully digital interface.
Microfire_Mod-ORP Add the ability to measure ORP to your hardware application with a fully digital interface.
Microfire_Mod-pH Add the ability to measure pH to your hardware application with a fully digital interface.
Microfire_SHT3x Measure air temperature, humdity, VPD, and dew point. It also calculates heat index and wet bulb estimates.
microgear-nbiot NETPIE client library for BC95 NB-IOT module on Arduino platform.
microlzw Embeddable micro Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression library for strings.
MicromationDevboardV3 Library for Micromation Dev Board V3 with ESP32
Microsoft_HidForWindows Reference implementations of various Windows-compatible Human-Interface-Devices (HIDs).
MicrostepToLinear Convert stepper motor microsteps to linear distance.
MIDIcontroller A library for creating Teensy MIDI controllers.
Midea AC infrared remote controller with ESP32 RMT Peripheral ESP32 RMT Peripheral IR remote control library for Midea Air conditioner.
MideaIRWrapper A library that makes, easier work with Midea Air Conditioners.
MIDI Device Controller Musical control of devices via the MIDI interface
MidiDmxBridge Enables Arduino boards to convert MIDI continuous controller commands into DMX signals.
MIDI Library MIDI I/Os for Arduino
Midier A library for playing, recording, looping and programming MIDI notes, arpeggios and sequences.
MightyOhmGeigerCounter Arduino library for the Mighty Ohm Geiger Counter.
MIKROE_4_20mA_RT_Click A library for the 4-20 mA R & T Click Boards of MIKROE (MIKROE-1387 & MIKROE-1296).
milesTag An Arduino library to implement milesTag lasertag with an ESP32 using the RMT peripheral.
MillaMilla DS7505 Library Arduino library for the DS7505 temperature sensor.
MilliStopper Easy to use and lightweight stopper
MillisCounter Arduino library to count up and down time using the millis() function.
MillisTimer A timer library for working with millis().
MillisTimerLib Library to use the Millis function as a task scheduler.
mimuz-ch55x mi:muz (a part of MIDI) library for ch55xduino
minIniFS Library to read and write .ini files.
minbasecli A minimal Command Line Interface C++ library implementation with HAL emphasis to be used in different kind of devices and frameworks.
MINDS-i-Common Common code to assist with running MINDS-i platforms
MINDS-i-Drone Code to assist with running MINDS-i Drones
MINDS-i-Farming Code for MINDS-i Farming applications
MINDS-i-Foundations Code to assist with running MINDSi robots
miniDAC Library for Arduino miniDAC module by Tamojit Saha and Sandeepan Sengupta.
Mini Grafx Graphics Library for embedded devices with a framebuffer
MiniMP3 Minimal MP3 DFURobotics library for Arduino.
MiniPLC_FX2N This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of MiniPLC-32u
mini-ppm-info Get PPM header information, relying only on enough data for the initial header
Mini QOI A streaming QOI decoder, designed for embedded systems with very little RAM.
Ministache Mustache template engine for Arduino and ESP32 - render HTML templates dynamically
MINMAX MINMAX library for Arduino.
Mintrix Library for the Mintrix project.
Mirobot This is the library that makes Mirobot ( work.
MissionList An arduino queue library for storing commands to be executed
MjGrove MjGrove
MJScore Mahjong score calculation library
mjson JSON parser, emitter, and JSON-RPC engine
MKPin Better control over pin position Speed ​​up using manually defined register addresses
MKHC595 A powerful but easy to use 74HC595 Library
MKL_DHT sensor library Library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
MKL_DS18B20 Library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor.
MKL_RTClib A fork of Jeelab, fantastic RTC library.
MkrGsm1400IoT A set of useful functions for the Arduino MKR GSM 1400 to use it for IoT. As example: Store integer into Telephonebook and read them after a reset.
MKRWiFiLed Control the RGB led on the MKR WiFi board.
MKS_SERVO42 This library is used to control one or more Nema17 with MKSSERVO42 driver from an Arduino device
MKS_SERVO57 This library is used to control one or more Nema23 with MKSSERVO57 driver from an Arduino device
ML8511 ML8511 - UV sensor - library for Arduino
MLX90393_raw MLX90393 magnetometer library.
MLX90614 Library to support Melexis MLX90614 infrared thermometer
MM-S50MV MMS50MV(ToF sensor) Driver
MMA7455 sensor Library Freescale MMA7455 accelerometer sensor library
MMA8453_n0m1 an Arduino Library for the Freescale MMA8453Q & MMA8452Q accelerometer.
MMA8652 Library for the Freescale MMA8652 3-axis accelerometer
MMA8653 Allows reading the MMA8653 accelerometer.
MMC34160PJ A library for the Memsic's MMC34160PJ magnetometer
MobaLedLib Arduino library for driving up to 768 (49152 ESP32) LEDs, signals, sound modules or other actuators via one signal line on a model railway
MobaTools Functions (steppers, servos, leds) for model railroaders( and for others too )
Mock Replace Arduino methods with mocked versions and let you develop code without the hardware. Run parallel hardware and system development for greater efficiency.
MockEEPROM The Arduino library replaces EEPROM library methods with mock methods.
ModBusSlave ModBus Slave RTU over RS485
Modbus Modbus RTU
ModbusADU This is a library for managing Modbus RTU and TCP appication data units (ADUs).
Modbus-Arduino A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
ModbusConfig ModbusConfig library for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino. The library process a modbus configuration file in JSON format.
modbus-esp8266 Modbus Library for Arduino. ModbusRTU, ModbusTCP and ModbusTCP Security
Modbus-Esp8266AT A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-EtherCard A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
Modbus-Ethernet A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
ModbusMaster Enlighten your Arduino to be a Modbus master.
ModbusPowerMeter ModbusPowerMeter is a user-friendly library that uses the ModbusMaster library to read data from power meters.
Modbus-Radio A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
ModbusRTUComm This library provides some core functions for implementing Modbus RTU communication.
ModbusRTUMaster This is an Arduino library that implements the master/client logic of the Modbus RTU protocol.
ModbusRTUSlave This is an Arduino library that implements the slave/server logic of the Modbus RTU protocol.
ModbusRTU_Slave_RS485 A library package for ARDUINO acting as ModBus slave communicating through UART-to-RS485 converter. Originally written by Geabong github user. Improved by Łukasz Ślusarczyk.
Modbus-Serial A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave.
ModbusSlaveLogic This is an Arduino library for processing Modbus requests.
modbusrtu ModbusRTU implementation for Arduino.
Modelisme Arduino for R/C models
modem-freeRTOS process to manage network interfaces
ModernPIDControlSS Modern PID Control Architecture and CPLMFC Tuning
MODI A driver for control MODI on Arduino
Modmata Control an Arduino over Modbus
MODSPI Library for interfacing with MODSPI modules and controllers.
Modular Minimalist library for Modular
ModuleInterface ModuleInterface is an open-source system for configuration of and data logging from Arduinos and similar devices.
ModuleMore Sumo V2 Library for ModuleMore Sumo robot controller.
Module_GRBL_13.2 Library for M5Stack GRBL13.2 MODULE
Module_Stepmotor Library for M5Stack MODULE DIRECT STEPMOTOR
Modulo A library that provides support for Modulo hardware.
moduloMap Arduino library for modulo mapping
monitor_printf Provides a class with member function printf() that prints to a serial port.
MonteCarloPi MonteCarloPi is a library to benchmark Arduinos by estimating the value of pi.
MoonPhase Get lunar phase information on a esp32.
MoonRise Calculate moon rise/set times.
MoonStruck Lunar Information Library for ESP32.
MOREbot Games Library MOREbot Games Kit Utilities Library
MOREbot Library MOREbot Controller Library
Morse Morse code class for Arduino
MorseCodeMachine Get started with Arduino by learning Morse code.
MorseDuino Arduino library for generation morse code and displaying it on LEDs
MorseEncoder Enables Converting Data to Morse Code (Audio and Light).
MOS Electronics AY-3-8910 Library This is a library for the GI AY-3-8910.
Mosiwi_Basic_Learning_Kit Library for Mosiwi basic learning kit.
Moteus Driver for mjbots moteus brushless servo controller
motix-btn99x0 Arduino library for the Infineon DC Motor Control Shield with BTN9970LV and BTN9990LV
MotoMama Library Simple library for H-Bridge MotoMama.
MotorCell MotorCell Arduino Library
MotorController Easy to use Arduino library to control virtually any DC motor controller
MotorCVD_asukiaaa It communicate with a motor driver CVD.
Motor Driver Library Motor Driver Library for Arduino Shields with L293D and 74HC595
MotorGo_Mini_Driver The MotorGo Mini driver provides an API to interface with the motor controllers on the MotorGo Mini board.
Motor Shield V2.0 Arduino library to control Motor Shield V2.0.
motor system IC TLE956x This library provides an interface for Infineons motor system IC TLE956x
MotorVID28 A library for controlling VID28 or equivalent stepper motors (BKA30D-R5, X25).
Motor_PID HG7881 module double H bridge L9110S and L298N drivers library (PID)
Motor_RS Library for L293D.
Motoron Motoron Motor Controller library for Arduino
MOTY-Mini Temperature Sensor A library for interfacing with the MOTY-mini temperature sensor.
Move Buffer Move Buffer Library for move list storage
MOVI Voice Dialog Shield This is the Arduino library for the MOVI(tm) Voice Dialog Shield.
MovingAverage Arduino Library for averaging fixed-point numbers
MovingAverageAngle Arduino & Mbed Library for averaging angles 0-360°
MovingAverageFloat Arduino Library for averaging float numbers
MovingAveragePlus Moving Average library compatible with any number type
MovingAverager A basic moving average filter.
movingAvg A simple Arduino library for calculating moving averages.
MovingPlatform Library for collector motors drivers.
Mozzi Sound synthesis library for Arduino
MP3Player Library for playing MP3 files
MPC_ruih Linear MPC controller
MpesaSTK Mpesa Daraja for microcontrollers.
MPG C++ library for processing and converting gamepad inputs, with support for XInput, DirectInput and Nintendo Switch.
MPL3115A2_Arduino An library for NXP MPL3115A2
MPR121 Proximity capacitive touch sensor controller Arduino library.
MPU6050 MPU6050 Arduino Library.
mpu6050_FastAngles Library for reading fast and accurate angles from the MPU6050 sensor with selectable filters.
MPU6050_light Arduino library for light and fast communication with the MPU6050.
MPU6050_tockn Arduino library for easy communicating with the MPU6050.
MPU9250 Arduino library for MPU9250 Nine-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass) MEMS MotionTracking™ Device
MPU9250_asukiaaa It manages MPU9250
MPU9250_WE A library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer MPU9250 and the MPU6500
MPXA6115A Arduino library for the Freescale MPXA6115A absolute pressure sensor.
MPXHZ6116A Arduino library for the Freescale MPXHZ6116A absolute pressure sensor.
MQSensor Arduino Library for any MQ sensor such as MQ135 or MQ8
MQSpaceData The first and only Arduino library where Geiger Counter and MQ Sensors combine with Data Science
MQUnifiedsensor This library allows you to read the MQ sensors very easily.
MQ131 gas sensor Library for measuring ozone (O3) concentration with sensor MQ131
MQ135 This library allows you to easily read the MQ135 air quality sensor.
MQ137 A simple library for an sensor mq137 and ESP8266.
MQ2_LPG Simple library to detect LPG leaks.
MQ7Sensor MQ7 carbon monoxide detector library.
MQTT MQTT library for Arduino
MQTT and Serial Printer Print/log over both serial and MQTT at the same time for debugging over both USB and wifi.
MqttLogger Remote logging on a mqtt broker with the same interface as Serial.print()
MQTTPubSubClient MQTT and MQTT over WebSoket Client for Arduino
MQTTPubSubClient_Generic MQTT, MQTT_over_WebSockets and Secured MQTT_over_WebSockets Client for Arduino
MQTTRemote MQTT wrapper for setting up an MQTT connection
mqtt5nano Mqtt5 based library implements remote command line and utilities. Supports the app at
mqtt_fuota_duino Update the firmware of your IoT devices through MQTT protocol!
MQTT_Looped MQTT library that runs WiFi and MQTT in a loop, enabling async-like behavior.
MrMx - Arduino SI4012 Arduino SI4012 library.
MrMx - AW9523B AW9523B LED Driver & GPIO I2C 16bit expander library
mr76_radar Help you parse CAN data from MR76 radar from nanoradar aslo works for similar module like mr72.
mrm-8x8a CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-8x8a, 8x8 LED array + switches
mrm-bldc2x50 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc2x50, 2x50A BLDC motor controller
mrm-bldc4x2.5 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc4x2.5, 4x2.5 A BLDC motor controller
mrm-board CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-board
mrm-can-bus CAN Bus library
mrm-col-b CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-b
mrm-col-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-can
mrm-common Common library for MRMS CAN Bus boards
mrm-fet-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-fet-can
mrm-imu Library for Bosch BNO055 IMU for MRMS
mrm-ir-finder-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder-can
mrm-ir-finder2 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder2
mrm-ir-finder3 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder3
mrm-lid-can-b CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b
mrm-lid-can-b2 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b2
mrm-lid-d CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-d
mrm-lid1 Library for MRMS mrm-lid1 board
mrm-lid2 Library for MRMS mrm-lid2
mrm-mot2x50 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot2x50
mrm-mot4x10 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x10
mrm-mot4x3.6can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x3.6can
mrm-node CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-node
mrm-pid Library for a very simple PID
mrm-ref-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ref-can
mrm-robot CAN Bus library for a base class for used-defined robots.
mrm-servo Library for MRMS mrm-servo
mrm-switch Library for MRMS mrm-switch
mrm-therm-b-can CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-therm-b-can.
mrm-us-b CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-us-b
mrm-us1 CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-us1
msTask Use hardware Timer1 to run tasks in time preset
MsTimer2 Run an interrupt function using Timer2
msToString Provides a function to convert a number of milliseconds into a string.
ms5540c Arduino library for MS5540C-series sensors
MS5611 Arduino library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor
MS5611_SPI Arduino library (SPI) for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor
MS5837 Arduino library for MS5837 temperature and pressure sensor.
MS5837_30BA_Library A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor
MS5x Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS)
MS5xxx Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS).
MsgPack MessagePack implementation for Arduino (compatible with other C++ apps)
MsgPackRosInterfaces ROS2 common_interfaces bridge based on MsgPack
MsgPacketizer msgpack based serializer and deserializer with packetize for Arduino and more
MSGEQ7 Library for Musicvisualization with MSGEQ7
MSMPLOTTER A library that can plot on Serial Monitor.
MSP300 Arduino Library for MSP300 pressure transducer (I2C).
MT-arduino-momentary-button Momentary button to detect button state change (press/release), short/long presses and multiple presses.
MT-arduino-pin-debouncer Pin debouncer to filter out noise on input pins.
MT-arduino-rotary-encoder Rotary encoder library for the Arduino platform, to detect encoder detent/rotation direction and angular position.
MT-arduino-stepper-driver Stepper motor driver library for the Arduino platform, to control stepper motors via stepper motor drivers that have a "step-direction-enable" interface.
MT6701 Use the MT6701 magnet rotary encoder with ESP.
MT6701-arduino MT6701 driver
MT8870 Arduino library for MT8870 DTMF decoder
MTCParser Midi Time Code (MTC) parser
MteCore MteCore - Library For MTE Controller
MTP40C Arduino library for MTP40, MTP40C and MTP40D CO2 sensor
MTP40F Arduino library for MTP40F CO2 sensor
MTR_ADS7830 Arduino driver library for ADS7830
MTR_STUSB4500 Arduino driver library for STUSB4500
muCom The reliable, fast and easy way to exchange binary data via UART
muTimer Arduino library to easily use on/off delays and cycle timers with non-blocking functions.
mudlink Modular UART Duplex Link: COBS, CRC, flow control and delivery guarantees on any UART port.
mufonts Fonts for GFX library and muwerk mupplets
MultiButton Reliable detection of single, double and long clicks.
MultiButtons Library for handling multiple buttons with single analog pin for ESP32.
Multi Channel Relay Arduino Library Arduino library to control Multi Channel Rely.
MultiFuncShield Arduino Multi Function Shield Library
MultiFunctionShield LED Display driver for Multi Function Shield
multi-half-bridge Library of Infineon Multi Half-Bridge IC controllers family
MultiLcd Drive multiple LCDs like a single LiquidCrystal object.
multiLogger Ever wanted to log easily using one or multiple outputs (serial, spiffs, tcp, udp)?
MultiMap Library for fast non-linear interpolation by means of two arrays.
MultiMAX6675 Read multiple MAX6675 sensor non-blocking(ly)
MultiResetDetector_Generic Library to detect a multi reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. For AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RTL8720DN, MBED nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE, Portenta_H7, etc. boards. Now using efficient FlashStorage_STM32 library and supporting new RP2040-based Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO and STM32 core v2.0.0
MultiTaskLib Storyboard are a series of non blockings tasks that runs in parallel
MultiTrans This library is an implementation of a multi channel transceiver (optionally via IR)
MultiWire Provides an extension to Wire to allow for multiple slave addresses.
Multi_BitBang Bit-bang the I2C protocol on multiple GPIO pins on any system.
Multi_OLED Control multiple I2C OLED displays.
multiplePinOps An Arduino library to drive multiple pins with the same API.
Multiplex Arduino Library implementing a stream multiplexer
MultitapKeypad A library (driver) for matrix 4x3 or 4x4 keypad supports multi-tap and long-tap.
Multitasker A library for managing task switching and multitasking in Arduino projects.
MultivariateNormal Arduino library for sampling from a multivariate normal distribution
munet Modules for Wifi connectivity, NTP, OTA, MQTT on ESP32/ESP8266 compatible with muwerk scheduler, serial link for other platforms
mupplet-core muwerk mupplet Core Library
mupplet-display muwerk mupplet Display Library
mupplet-sensor muwerk mupplet Sensor Library
Muse_library A library for the ESP MUSE devices (LUXE, PROTO, MANGA, RADIO) by Raspiaudio
MusicBuzzer A Collection of musics for buzzer
Music Shield Arduino library to control Music Shield V2.0.
MusicWithoutDelay A library to play multiple musical notes at the same time without Delay.
Musician This library implements a virtual musician. You can easily ask him to play a melody, based on the MELO music notation from the Melody Library.
MusiciansMate An Arduino library that helps you develop your musical IoT devices.
Mutila Mouse's Utilities for Arduino
Muwerk scheduler library cooperative scheduler and mqtt-like communication queues
Muwerk ustd library A minimal and highly portable micro-standard-library for arrays, queues and maps
MUX_SW_NXP_Arduino Class library for NXP I2C multiplexer and switch
MvcWebServerLib A Model-View-Controller web server and framework.
MVP3000esp The MVP3000 framework is built to streamline the implementation of sensor and actuator hardware.
mwc_stepper two-pin stepper motor driver library.
MX1508 A library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier.
MX8650 Mouse sensor library Library to facilitate communication with the MX8650 mouse sensor, read/write from/to its internal registers.
MyAlarm A library that manage alarms and timers based tasks.
MyBlinker A LED blinker library for Arduino platform.
MyButton Making buttons easy and fun to work with (normal, and counting buttons)
MyDelay Arduino library that provides a non-blocking repeating timer with callback functionality.
MyKeywords Define your own custom color-highlighted keywords for the Arduino IDE!
MyLD2410 An Arduino library for the LD2410 presence sensor
MyMacros The Arduino library identifies your unique collection of development boards.
MyOwnBricks A library for the emulation of LEGO PoweredUp sensors on microcontrollers
MySensors Home Automation Framework
MySQL Connector Arduino Connects Arduino using Arduino Ethernet-compatible shields including the Ethernet Shield and WiFi Shield.
MySQL Query Client Connects your project to MySQL DB server using Ethernet, WiFi or GSM client.
MySQL_MariaDB_Generic Connects to MySQL or MariaDB using ESP8266/ESP32, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720A), nRF52, SAMD21/SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, SAM DUE, Mega, RP2040-based boards, Portenta_H7, etc. with W5x00, ENC28J60 Ethernet, Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet, WiFiNINA modules/shields or Portenta_H7 WiFi/Ethernet. W5x00 can use Ethernet_Generic library. ENC28J60 can use either EthernetENC or UIPEthernet Library.
MyTimer Functions for non-blocking millis() timer.
my92xx MY9291 and MY9231 LED driver library for Arduino AVR and ESP8266
my_STL A port of uClibc++ Arduino library with (multiple definition of std::nothrow) error fix
Mybotic Durian Blynk ESP8266 Library for using Durian UNO + ESP8266
MycilaConfig A simple and efficient config library
MycilaDS18 ESP32 / Arduino Library for Dallas / Maxim DS18 sensor using RMT peripheral
MycilaEasyDisplay Easy to use Arduino / ESP32 library for SH1106, SH1107, SSD1306 OLED I2C displays, virtual displays and carousels
MycilaESPConnect Simple & Easy Network Manager for ESP32 with WiFi, Ethernet and Captive Portal support
MycilaHADiscovery Simple and efficient Home Assistant Discovery library for Arduino / ESP32
MycilaJSY Arduino / ESP32 library for the JSY1031, JSY-MK-163, JSY-MK-193, JSY-MK-194, JSY-MK-227, JSY-MK-229, JSY-MK-333 families single-phase and three-phase AC bidirectional meters from Shenzhen Jiansiyan Technologies Co, Ltd.
MycilaLogger A simple and efficient logging library
MycilaMQTT A simple and efficient MQTT/MQTTS client for Arduino / ESP32 based on Espressif API
MycilaNTP A simple and efficient NTP library for ESP32 / Arduino
MycilaPulseAnalyzer ESP32 / Arduino Library to analyze pulses from a Zero-Cross Detection circuit
MycilaPZEM004Tv3 Arduino / ESP32 library for the PZEM-004T v3 Power and Energy monitor
MycilaRelay Arduino / ESP32 library to control Electromagnetic and Solid State Relays
MycilaSystem Arduino / ESP32 library for system-related tasks
MycilaTaskManager Arduino / ESP32 Task Manager Library
MycilaTaskMonitor Arduino / ESP32 library to monitor task priority and stack high watermark
MycilaTrial Arduino / ESP32 library to add a trial duration in your app
MycilaUtilities Utils stuff for Arduino / ESP32 like PID, Time, CircularBuffer, etc
MycilaWebSerial A Web based Serial Monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 to debug your code remotely.
MyoWare Arduino Library Arduino library for the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor and Ecosystem.
NBitArray Array of bits to save memory instead of using 8-bit boolean values.
NColor NColor Library.
NDefs NDefs library, dependency.
NEvents NEvents library for adding event handling.
NFuncs NFuncs library, dependency of other libs, useful functions.
NPush NPush library for Push buttons.
nRF52_MBED_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM to create and output PWM to pins on an nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE board.
nRF52_MBED_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an nRF52-based board using Arduino-mbed mbed_nano core such as Nano-33-BLE to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
nRF52_OLED An I2C/SPI display driver for SSD1306/SH1106 oled displays
nRF52_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on nRF52-based boards to create and output PWM to pins.
nRF52_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an nRF52-based board using Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino core such as Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
nRF905 Radio Library nRF905 Radio Library for Arduino
NRotary NRotary library for using rotary encoders and gradationals.
NStreamCom Data communications library that encode/decodes, and buffers data
NTimer Timing for events, asynchronus delays
n2cmu Feedforward Neural Network Coprocessing Microcontroller Unit (CPC via UART) for STM32F103C8T6 Bluepill Development Board written purely in TinyGo.
N64Controller Arduino library to connect a Nintendo 64 controller (N64 controller).
N64Pad Interface with Nintendo 64/GameCube controllers
Namino_Industrial_Boards Namino industrial board
NanitLib A library for Nanit
NanoBLEFlashPrefs Substitute for the missing EEPROM storage on Arduino Nano 33 BLE and BLE Sense.
NanoConnectHcSr04 HC-SR04 support for the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.
nanoFORTH A simple and useful Forth for Nano.
NanoPlayBoard Enables easy access to the sensors and actuators of the Arduino NanoPlayBoard.
NanoProtoShield Arduino library to interact with the NanoProtoShield hardware.
Nano33BLESensor An Arduino library for the Nano 33 BLE Sense that leverages Mbed OS to automatically place sensor measurements in a ring buffer that can be integrated into programs in a simple manner.
Nano_Every_WS2812B ATmega4809 core-independent driver for WS2812B addressable RGB LEDs.
Navigador Arduino library for dual DC motor navigation.
NbMicro Control devices that implement the NB command set over TWI (I2C).
nb-twi-cmd NB TWI command set.
NB_Generic Enables NB-IoT/LTE-M/CAT M1 network connection using the Generic NB-IoT modules (u-blox SARA R4, etc.) and boards
NceCabBus Enables NCE Cab Bus Communication
NDEF_MFRC522 An Arduino library for NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF).
NDNOverUDP A simpler and lighter NDN protocol for local IoT contexts.
NE555 Simulation of the function from a NE555 timer chip. ;)
NecDecoder Light library for IR receiver with NEC protocol
NeoBufferedPrint Intermediate printing class for reducing the number of writes.
NeoGPS NMEA and ublox GPS parser, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM
NeoHWSerial NeoHWSerial for AVR
NeoNextion Arduino library for controlling Nextion displays
NeoPatterns Patterns for NeoPixel strips and matrixes including the patterns of the NeoPattern example by Adafruit.
NeoPixelBus by Makuna A library that makes controlling NeoPixels (WS2812x and many others) and DotStars (SK6812 and many others) easy.
NeoPixelConnect An experimental NeoPixel Library for the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.
NeoPixel Painter Arduino library for easy creation of LED strip animations, based on the NeoPixel library.
NeoSWSerial An efficient replacement for SoftwareSerial at baud rates 9600, 19200 and 38400.
Neo7Segment A library to display numbers and letters on Neo7Segment displays.
Neosegment Simple control of Neosegment Displays
Neotimer "A powerful non-blocking timer"
NESControllerInterface An interface for the NES controller
NesRob Manipulates the Nintendo R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy).
NetApiHelpers Arduino Networking API helper classes and tests
NetEEPROM A library that stores and retrieves network configuration from EEPROM.
NetWizard An easy-to-use yet powerful WiFi manager and captive portal library for wireless microcontrollers.
NETSGPClient Interface for MicroInverters speaking the so-called NETSGP protocol.
NetworkMonitor A library to provide remote console functions to a MCU through UDP
NeumannCorrector Arduino library for a NeumannCorrector. (randomizing streams of bits).
NeuralNetwork Simple MLP Neural-Network Library.
NeuroMaster A library that allows Arduino Uno to interface with NeuroMaster BrainAI Device.
Neurona Artificial Neural Network architectures for Arduino
NewEncoder A library that makes coding an rotary encoder a breeze with useful functions
NewServo An easy-to-use servo motor library for Arduino.
Newhaven_CharacterOLED_SPI SPI implementation of Newhaven display DZW series OLED displays.
Newt_Display A library to drive the Newt Smart Display.
Nexgen_Rover The Nexgen_Rover code library contains code to control the Nexgen Rover including a number of examples
Nextion Class interface for Nextion
Nextion Serial String ESP32/Arduino library for Nextion displays
NextionX2 A universal alternative and more flexible Nextion library
NFC Tag M24LR6E Arduino library to control Grove - NFC Tag
NGLedFlasher Library Arduino library for Flashing more then one LED
NHBot A Library for control NHBot
NH8CHIR-lib This library is a library that use for control a NH8CHIR
NHB_AD7124 Library for the Analog Devices AD7124-4 24 bit precision analog converter IC
NHB_AD7794 Library for using the Analog Devices AD7794 6ch 24 bit precision analog converter IC
NHCSR04 NHCSR04 for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor.
NHD_Character_LCD A library to allow easy interfacing with Newhaven character LCDs.
NibbleArray Library to implement a compact array of nibbles (4 bit).
NimBLE-Arduino Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for Arduino based on NimBLE.
NINA-Wi-Fi Enables network connection (local and Internet) with the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000, Arduino Uno WiFi Rev.2 and Nano 33 IoT.
Nintendo Connect all your favourite Nintendo Controllers to your Arduino.
NintendoControllersSTM32 Support Nunchuck, GameCube controller and Game Port joysticks on STM32F1
Nintendo Extension Ctrl Library for talking to Nintendo extension controllers over I2C.
NintendoSwitchControlLibrary A library for microcontrollers that uses Arduino to automate Nintendo Switch games.
NL2Client An easy-to-use client for the NoLimits 2 Telemetry Server
nlohmann-json Arduino/ESP-IDF library wrapper for
NMEAParser A simple Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences.
NMEA_Parser Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences
NMH1000_Arduino An library for NXP NMH1000
NmraDcc Enables NMRA DCC Communication
NoBlockEEPROM Non Blocking EEPROM Library for Arduino
NoDelay Arduino library to make use of the Millis funtion for non Blocking Delays.
NodeRedTime Fetch Unix Epoch timestamp from Node-Red flow.
nodepp nodepp is a C++ library that allow building applications in C++ as if it were being written in NodeJS compatible with Arduino Uno.
Nokia 1.8 Inch Display SPFD54124B Allow user to communicate with Nokia 1.8 inch display.
Nokia 5110 Nokia 5110 LCD driver
Nokia 5110 LCD library Arduino library for driving the Nokia 5110 LCD
Nokia5110 Nokia 5110 lcd library for Arduino
NOKIA5110_TEXT NOKIA5110_TEXT is a light-weight library to display ASCII text on Nokia 5110 LCD PCD8544 controller.
NonBlockingDallas Arduino library for Maxim DS18B20 temperature sensor
NonBlockingDelay Non-blocking delay library for embedded systems, using a .hpp header.
Non-Blocking Melody An Arduino library for non-blocking melody playback.
NonBlockingRTTTL Non-blocking Arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies.
NonBlockingSequence Allows Arduino programmer to create sequence of actions and pauses without blocing the thread.
nonblockingtimer The library offers a straightforward interface for creating and managing non-blocking timers.
noolite_tx TX library for noolite 433 MHz communication protocol.
Norman Mathematically simulate natural cycles of daylight, temperature, and humidity for remote locations using minimal data sets.
Nostr Nostr for Arduino.
NotasMIDI Library of MIDI notes
Notched Shaft Encoder Monitor the postion and clickable button status from a Notched Shaft Encoder
Nouryas Advanced Line Follower Allows the car to run over a specific path (Line).
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors library A high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family
Nova_SDS011 Sensor Library Nova SDS011 dust sensor library
NoveltyDetection Detects Novelties/Outliers using Support Vector Machine
NRFLite nRF24L01+ library requiring very little code along with YouTube videos showing all available features.
NRF51_Radio_library Microbit Radio library for NRF51, based on runtine inplementation from Landcaster University
NRF52_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware PWM modules on nRF52832/nRF52840 board to control multiple servo motors.
NRF52_MBED_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an NRF52-based board using mbed-RTOS such as Nano-33-BLE.
NRF52_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an nRF52-based board
NRF_HAL nRFgo SDK nRF24L01 transceiver HAL API port for Arduino.
nrf_rng True non-deterministic random numbers for nRF5 series chips. MIT License.
nrf_to_nrf OSI Layer 2 - NRF52x to NRF24L01+ ESB communication
NST1001 NST1001 temperature sensor driver.
NST1001Driver NST1001Driver for ESP32
NTPtime NTPtime, UNIXtime and TimeFunc give you full control and more manipulation with time.
NTC_Thermistor The Library implements a set of methods for working with a NTC thermistor.
NTP NTP library
NtpClientLib Ntp Client Library
NTPClient_Generic Library for NTPClient to connect to an NTP time-server
nuMROBO An Arduino library for programming nuMROBO robot made by nuMectro Technology.
NuS-NimBLE-Serial Nordic UART Service (NuS) and BLE serial communications
NukiClientESP Library for accessing the nuki smartlock with an ESP8266
NullPacketComms Packet Based Serial Communication.
NullSerial Serial like library which throwing away input/output.
NumberSpeaker Arduino library for speaking numbers.
Nusabot Simple Timer Simple library to launch timed actions.
NVSRAM Arduino library for Microchip 23LCV512 and 23LCV1024 NVSRAM.
nw2s_portenta_SSD1322 ssd1322 display driver for Portenta H7
NXPMotionSense Motion sensing with NXP FXOS8700 Accelerometer & Magnetometer and NXP FXAS21002 Gyroscope.
NXP PCA9633 Device driver for NXP PCA9633.
NXTBluetooth A library that makes communicating with the LEGO Mindstorms NXT via bluetooth easy.
ODriveArduino Library to control ODrive motor controllers
OakOLED An Adafruit GFX driver for the Oak OLED (an SSD1306 with no reset line)
oatmeal-protocol A protocol to control and communicate with Arduino devices from Python.
OBD2 An Arduino library for reading OBD-II data from your car over CAN bus.
ObjectButton An Arduino library for detecting button actions.
ObloqAdafruit Hacky library to work with Oblock module and Adafruit servers.
OCServo Allows user to control ROBS series servos (OCServo manufacturer).
OctoPrintAPI Arduino library to access OctoPrint API.
OctoPrinter A library for talking to OctoPrint instances.
OctoSonar A library to support the OctoSonar v2 HC-SR04 concentrators
OctoWS2811 Control thousands of WS2812B / NeoPixel LEDs at video refresh speeds
Octofet Amperka Octofet board (eight-channel power switch) interface library.
Octopus Firmware Firmware library for Octopus integration using Arduino BLE Nano 33 rev2 or Nicla Vision.
Oddly Specific Objects LCD FeatherWing Library Driver for the BU9796-based LCD FeatherWing
OLED Display 96x96 Arduino library for controlling OLED Display 96x96, using I2C communication.
OLED Display VGY12864L-03 ARDUINO Library for OLED Display VGY12864L-03.
OLED SSD1306 - SH1106 Supported OLED display chip: SSD1306 or SH1106. Supported Interface: I2C (internal driven)
Oled UI Components SSD1306 oled UI components for building UI.
OLED_Display_SSD1306 Simple OLED Display library for SSD1306 (128x64) 0.96" to draw bitmaps and pixels stored in RAM
OLED_SSD1306_Chart Arduino library to easily draw cartesian charts in oled displays based on the SSD1306 drivers.
Olimex16x2 A library for interfacing with the Olimex SHIELD-LCD16x2
Olympic Robotic Challenge A library to Olympic Robotic Challenge competition and supporting the official kit.
OmEspHelpers Web front end for simple IoT projects.
omnicrystal Modular Library for HITACHI HD44780
Omron D6F-PH Arduino Library Library for I2C Communication with Omron D6F-PH Differential Pressure Sensor
OneBitDisplay OLED, LCD and e-paper library for 1-bit per pixel displays.
OneButton Arduino library for improving the usage of a singe input button.
OneIoT Connectivity This library can be used for serial communication with the OneIoT Connectivity Module.
OneMsTaskTimer Enables "Tasks" to be run at a one mili second interval.
OneSheeld It allows you to control your 1Sheeld(s).
OneShot Generates an event that occurs only once at a specified interval.
OneSystemLibrary Arduino library for Delta-Robot One
OneTime-BH1750 A library that makes using a BH1750 easy and lightweight.
OneWire Access 1-wire temperature sensors, memory and other chips.
OneWireHub OneWire slave device emulator with support for up to 32 simultaneous 1wire devices.
OneWireNg Arduino 1-wire service library. OneWire alternative.
Onion Arduino Library Onion library for use with the Arduino IDE and the Arduino Dock.
OnlyTimer Simple timer based on millis function.
OOKwiz Receiving/analysing/sending on-off-keying signals for radio remote controls 📱, weather stations 🌦️ and more.
OOCSI OOCSI client library for the development boards of ESP32 series, ESP8266 series, Arduino MKR Wifi 101, Arduino UNO Wifi, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino Nano RP2040, and Arduno Uno R4 WiFi
OPC A library for Arduino OPC Server support.
OpcServer Open Pixel Control (OPC) Server Library for Arduino
OpenBCI_32bit_Library The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) boards. The Cyton is the main one.
OpenBCI_32bit_SD The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) SD cards.
OpenBCI_Ganglion_Library The library for OpenBCI Ganglion board. Please use the DefaultGanglion.ino file in the examples to use the code that ships with every Ganglion board. Look through the skimmed down versions of the main firmware in the other examples.
OpenBCI_Radios The library for OpenBCI RFDuino system for GZLL
OpenBCI_Wifi The core of the OpenBCI Wifi Shield.
OpenBCI_Wifi_Master The library for controlling Push The World - OpenBCI Wifi Shield
OpenBehavior OpenBehavior Course on Microcontrollers
OpenBuildsBlox Board Support library for OpenBuilds Blox
OpenDevice OpenDevice is a set of tools and APIs to build solutions for the "Internet of Things" like home automations systems, robotics, smart city, energy monitoring, security, sensor monitoring
OpenJigWare_A DYNAMIXEL control Library for Arduino(with Dynamixel2Arduino)
OpenLCB_Single_Thread Implements Single-threaded OpenLCB/LCC stack based on Arduino IDE.
OpenMenuOS Library to easily build menu on ST7735 0.96" display for ESP32 and ESP8266
OpenMRNLite Network protocol stack for model railroading: OpenLCB and LCC implementation.
OpenMV Arduino RPC OpenMV Arduino RPC Interface Library
Open RTS Full implementation of the Somfy RTS protocol
OpenTherm Library OpenTherm Library for HVAC system control communication using Arduino and ESP8266/ESP32 hardware.
OpenWeather OpenWeather client
OpenWeatherOneCall Weather Forecast Library for ESP32.
openafe Library for the OpenAFE Shield
openafe_comm Communication library for the OpenAFE library
Opentherm Arduino library to send and receive data from Opentherm devices.
oprintstream Work with Arduino Serial libraries in a stream-like manner.
OPT3101 OPT3101 distance sensor library
OPT4048 Arduino library for Texas Instruments OPT4048 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS)
OptaUSBUpdate Execute firmware updates from USB storage.
OPTIGA Trust M This library allows you to communicate with Optiga Trust M Security Controller
OPTIGATrustX This library allows you to communicate with OPTIGA™ Trust X Products.
OptoDebounce 100Hz opto debouncer.
optoma Arduino library to control Optoma W305ST beamer over RS232.
Orbo A library useful for Orbo robot.
Oregon Decode data from Oregon sensors.
OrientalAZ_asukiaaa It controls motor driver AZ series.
OrientalBLVR_asukiaaa It controls BLV typeR series of Oriental Motor.
OrientalCommon_asukiaaa Common api of rs485 of oriental motor.
OROCA-EduBot A library for OROCA-EduBot
Orvibo WiWo S20 Library ESP8266 library for controlling Orvibo WiWo S20 smart plugs.
osap Multi-microcontroller plumbing, etc.
OSC Open Sound Control (OSC)
Oscup Oscup is a customized UART protocol for ESP32!
OSFS An Overly Simplified FileSystem for storing things, e.g. in the Arduino's EEPROM
OSP 2wireSPI aospi A library that implements 2-wire SPI towards and from OSP nodes.
OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd A library with a command interpreter (over UART/USB) and handlers for OSP telegrams.
OSP Middleware aomw A library with middleware for OSP applications.
OSP ResultCodes aoresult A library that defines all error codes that may occur in any of the OSP libraries.
OSP ReusableApps aoapps A library with reusable "apps" for OSP chains.
OSP Telegrams aoosp A library that constructs OSP telegrams to send, and destructs received OSP telegrams.
OSP ToplevelSketches aotop A "library" that acts as a container for top-level OSP demo sketches and for top-level OSP documentation.
OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32 A library with drivers for the UI elements on the OSP32 board (the OSP/SAID root MCU board).
Ospom Ospom is FaceBook for your Arduino.
OTAdrive_ESP Official library to use OTAdrive services in ESP8266/ESP32 arduino platform
OtD Library Support library for OtomaDUINO boards
OTAEsp A simple library for the ESP8266 to set up an access point, serve HTML pages, and connect to Wi-Fi.
OtaHelper A esp32/8266 library to make more easy to connect to OTA server.
OTAUpdateManager Library for configuring ESP8266/ESP32 modules OTA update and monitoring using website
OTAWrapper ESP Library to simplify OTA setup.
OttoArduinoLib Arduino library for Otto and Otto Lee robot.
OttoDIYLib Otto DIY official Arduino Libraries.
OV5640 Auto Focus for ESP32 Camera A library that makes the OV5640AF usable on the ESP32.
Oversampling Improving ADC Resolution By Oversampling Averaging.
OvhAPI Arduino/ESP library to simplify working with OVH API.
OVS Simple Arduino library for oversampling ADC and other data
OZGPS_NMEA GPS NMEA Parser library
pImpl pImpl Idiom in C++
PMsensor Arduino Particulate Matter Sensors for GP2Y1010AU0F.
pRNG Pseudo-random number generator
PVision This Arduino library is for talking to the DFRobot IR camera.
P1AM P1AM CPU library
P1AM_Serial P1AM_Serial CPU library
Pablo A library to run Pablo, an Arduino based drawing machine
PacketSerial An Arduino Library that facilitates packet-based serial communication using COBS or SLIP encoding.
Packetizer binary data packetization encoder / decoder based on COBS / SLIP encoding
PadComLib A library adds functionality for the PadCom program
PageBuilder HTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer.
PagonGameDev GameLoop "Library for Creating Game with GameLoop"
Pairs Text pair:value representation for dynamic data
Palazzetti A communication library for fumis/palazzetti stove.
palindrome Palindrome library
Panel.h for NeoPixel Matrix Control any NeoPixel Matrix using processing like methods
PanelLan TFT LCD Graphics config with touch for PanelLan board
Pantalla12x8 Library for graphics on a 12x8 screen on an Arduino R4 WiFi
Paperdink Arduino Library for Paperdink devices
PAR27979 Arduino library for Parallax 27979 serial LCD display.
Parallax LCD A library for writing to Parallax three wire LCDs.
ParallelPrinter Experimental (not complete) library to connect a parallel printer to Arduino.
Parameter Arduino library for handling parameters.
Parse Arduino SDK A library that provides access to Parse
ParseCommands Evaluate commands entered over serial or as string and call a defined function.
Parser Arduino Library that helps to parse a char array
Pasos Allows Arduino boards to control a the stepper motor model 28BYJ-48.
Password Handle passwords easily
PathVariableHandlers Library for handling paths containing variables.
PaunaStepper Allows Arduino boards to control hobby stepper motor such as model 28BYJ-48 5v with ULN2003.
PAX Graphics The PAX computer graphics library for ESP32.
PBEnhancer An Arduino library for easily controlling various events of switches and buttons.
PCA6408A PCA6408A 8-bit I/O expander library using I2C for communication.
PCA9505_06 Library Library for the 40bit PCA9505/06 I2C Port Expander
PCA9536 PCA9536 Driver (4-Channel GPIO I2C Expander)
PCA9536Arduino Arduino library for PCA9536 4-Bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander With Configuration Registers
PCA9536D Library for the PCA9536D I2C 4-bit I/O Expander.
PCA9536_RGB PCA9536 RGB LED Driver
PCA9547 Arduino library for PCA9547 (8-channel I2C-bus multiplexer with reset)
PCA9549 Arduino Library for PCA9549 I2C octal bus switch.
PCA9551 Arduino library for PCA9551 I2C LED driver 8 channel
PCA9552 Arduino library for PCA9552 I2C LED driver 16 channel
PCA9553 Arduino library for PCA9553 I2C LED driver 4 channel
PCA9554 PCA9554 8 bit I2C port expander arduino/esp library
PCA9557-arduino Write & Read PCA9557 8-bit I/O expander
PCA95x5 Arduino library for PCA9535 and PCA9555 (Remote 16-bit I2C and SMBus I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers)
PCA9622 Library for interaction with the PCA9622 LED Driver
PCA9624 Arduino library for PCA9624 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus 100 mA 40 V LED driver
PCA9632 Arduino library for PCA9632 and PCA9633 4 channel, I2C LED driver.
pca9633 Control NXP PCA9633 (and 9632) four channel PWM led driver chips.
PCA9634 Arduino library for PCA9634 I2C LED driver 8 channel
PCA9634 Arduino Library A library for use with the NXP PCA9634 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver.
PCA9634 library A library for the PCA9634 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver.
PCA9635 Arduino library for PCA9635 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 8 bit.
PCA9685 PCA9685 16-channel 12-bit PWM controller.
PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver Module Library Library to control a PCA9685 16-channel PWM driver module from an Arduino board.
PCA9685_LED_DRIVER GPIO I2C driver for PCA9685
PCA9685_RT Arduino library for PCA9685 I2C LED driver, 16 channel PWM, 12 bit.
PCA9698 GPIO I2C driver for PCA9698
PCA9698_RT Arduino library for the PCA9698 - I2C, 40 channel IO expander.
PCD8544 Philips PCD8544 or compatible LCD library.
PCF2129 Arduino library for RTC PCF2129 with integrated quartz crystal
PCF8523 Arduino Library for PCF8523 Real-Time Clock
PCF8563_RTC A library that interfaces with the PCF8563 RTC.
pcf8574 Arduino library for PCF8574 io expander module
PCF8574 library Most starred PCF8574 library for Arduino (standard and SAMD), Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, ESP8266, smt32 and esp32
PCF8574_LH Arduino library for PCF8574 expander over I2C
PCF8575 Arduino library for PCF8575 - 16 channel I2C IO expander
PCF8575-lib Easy to use Arduino library for PCF8575 I2C expander.
PCF8575 library PCF8575, library for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266.
PCF8591 PCF8591 library for Arduino. Supports multiple I2C WireN bus.
PCF8591 library PCF8591, library for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266.
PciManager This library helps you manage Pin Change Interrupts: subscribe and receive change events.
PCM Playback of short audio samples.
PCM51xx DAC Arduino library for TI PCM51xx DAC ICs software configuration via I2C.
PCR Arduino library for PCR process control.
PD-10LX-Library A simple and easy library for the Keller PD-10LX (X-Line) pressure/temp sensors
PDLS_Basic Library for Pervasive Displays iTC screens, extension boards and development kits
PDLS_Common Shared libraries including constants and utilities
PDLS_EXT3_Basic_BWRY Library for Pervasive Displays iTC red and yellow colour screens, and EXT3 or EXT3.1 board
PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Fast Library for Pervasive Displays iTC monochrome screens with embedded fast update, and EXT3 or EXT3.1 board
PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Global Library for Pervasive Displays iTC monochrome and colour screens and EXT3 or EXT3.1 board
PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Touch Library for Pervasive Displays monochrome e-paper screens with touch and EXT3.1 + EXT3-Touch
PDLS_EXT3_Basic_Wide Library for Pervasive Displays iTC monochrome screens with wide temperature and embedded fast update, and EXT3 or EXT3.1 board
PDLS_EXT4_Basic_Matter Library for Pervasive Displays EPDK-Matter EXT4 board and iTC 2.90-HD screen
pdulib A library written in C++ to encode/decode PDU data for GSM modems. Both GSM 7-bit and UCS-2 16 bit alphabets are supported which mean, in practice, you can send/receive SMS in any language (including emojis).
PE43xx Simplifies usage of PE43xx family of attenuators.
PeanutKing ArduinoShield Arduino library for controlling ArduinoShield by Peanut King.
PeanutKing Soccer Arduino library for controlling Soccer Robot by Peanut King.
Pelco_And_Arduino This library makes Pelco cameras moves!
PenYX XY Pen plotter
PenguinBotLib A simpler library for the PenguinBot kit v.2 by Elegoo.
pepstep Stepper Motor Scheduler for Arduino
percent_encode Convert between URL-unsafe string and percent encoded string.
PERIPUMP Arduino library for peristaltic pump DFR0523 and compatibles.
PersWiFiManager Persistent WiFi Manager
PersistentQueue Implementation of a queue that persists messages to flash.
Pervasive_Wide_Medium Driver for Pervasive Displays screens
PestoLink-Receive Library for communicating over BLE to PestoLink-Online.
PetriNetLib PetriNet Library
pfodParser A library to parse pfod messages sent from pfodApp and provides support for sending drawing commands to pfodApp
PGMTools PGMTools
PGMWrap A convenient library allowing structures and variables stored in PROGMEM to be read directly.
pgm_utils Wrappers and helpers for Arduino PROGMEM functions
PHPoC PHPoC Ethernet/WiFi Shield for Arduino
PHPoC Expansion PHPoC Expansion library for Arduino
PH4502C-Sensor Arduino library for PH4502C sensor.
Phant A simple interface to post data to a phant stream.
phyphox BLE Use the app phyphox to visualize your sensor data on your phone or tablet!
PICxel A library for using Neopixels/WS2812 on chipKIT board (PIC32)
PI3EQX12908A2 PI3EQX12908 PCIe 3.0 redriver library for I2C mode
PI4IOE5V6416 Arduino library for PI4IOE5V6416 16-bit general-purpose I/O expander
PI4IOE5V9554 Arduino library for PI4IOE5V9554 8-bit general-purpose I/O expander
Piano Board PianoBoard library for the Piano Board from Cheerful Electronic
Picaso-Serial-Arduino-Library Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Picaso processor, when configured in Serial/SPE mode
PicoAnalogCorrection Arduino library to calibrate and improve ADC measurements with the Raspberry Pi Pico including the built-in temp sensor.
Pico-DMX DMX protocol library for the RaspberryPi Pico
PicoDVI - Adafruit Fork Arduino library for RP2040 DVI output, based on PicoDVI
PicoEncoder High resolution quadrature encoder using the PIO on the RP2040
PicoMQTT MQTT Broker and client
Pico PIO USB Pico PIO USB library for Arduino
PicoPLC This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of Raspberry pi PICO,PICO W
PicoSoftwareSerial Quick 'n' dirty PIO based implementation of SoftwareSerial for an RP2040 based board
PicoStep Library for controlling stepper motors with RP2040 through an H-bridge
PicoWebsocket Websocket Server and Socket
Pico_Keyboard Controls a keyboard composed of a key matrix.
Picovoice_AR Picovoice for Arabic language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_DE Picovoice for German language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_EN Picovoice for English language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_ES Picovoice for Spanish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_FA Picovoice for Farsi language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_FR Picovoice for French language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_HI Picovoice for Hindi language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_IT Picovoice for Italian language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_JA Picovoice for Japanese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_KO Picovoice for Korean language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_NL Picovoice for Dutch language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_PL Picovoice for Polish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_PT Picovoice for Portuguese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_RU Picovoice for Russian language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_SV Picovoice for Swedish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_VN Picovoice for Vietnamese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Picovoice_ZH Picovoice for Mandarin language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
Pictiva OS288048 Library for OSRAM Pictiva OS288048 displays.
PID PID controller
pid-autotune PID autotuning library
PIDController A library that implements PID control to your code.
PID controllers Modular Professional Professional PID controllers: continuous, step, impulse and twelve control functions
PID_DG An improved PID library
PID_RT Arduino PID library
PID_Timed PID controller with non-uniform time sampling
PID_v1_bc PID controller based on PID_v1 with back-calculation anti-windup
PID_v2 PID controller
Pikabot An Arduino library for controlling PikaBot.
pimoroniTrackball Connect the Pimoroni RGBW trackball breakout to a microcontroller.
Pin An easy to use Arduino library for fast and simultaneous operations on Arduino I/O pins.
PinButtonEvents Library for handling button events with various conditions and debouncing support.
PinChangeInterrupt A simple & compact PinChangeInterrupt library for Arduino.
PinExtender Library Library for Pin Extention
PinInGroup A class that groups input pins so they can be read in one logical step.
PinMatrix Pin grid-matrix reader
PinOutGroup A class that groups output pins so they can be updated easier and slightly faster on average.
PinScribe A library to manage and handle GPIO pin events such as button presses, long presses, and double presses.
Pinduino Infterface library for pinduino
ping-arduino A messaging and device api for the Blue Robotics Ping1D echosounder
PioSPI Allows RP2040 to control a SPI bus on any of its pins using PIOs
PIR PIR library for Arduino.
PIRSensor PIRSensor provides a class to control a Passive Infrared sensor.
PixelGrid Pixelgrid is an arduino based handheld game console.
PixelMaestro Library for creating and rendering 2D animations and patterns.
Pixel_Spork Pixel Spork is an Arduino library for controlling addressable LEDs.
pixels-dice-interface An Arduino library for Pixels Dice
Pixetto An Arduino library for VIA Pixetto Vision Sensor.
PixettoLite An lightweight Arduino library for VIA Pixetto.
PixhawkArduinoMAVLink Arduino Library to receive Pixhawk sensor's data
Pixie Library for controlling Pixie Displays!
PixieChromaLite RAM-limited Library for controlling Pixie Chroma displays on small microcontrollers!
Pixie_Chroma Library for controlling Pixie Chroma displays!
Pixxi-Serial-Arduino-Library Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Pixxi processors, when configured in Serial/SPE mode
PJON PJON is an open-source, multi-master, multi-media bus network protocol
PL ADXL355 Analog Devices ADXL355 accelerometer library
PLCustomDevices [BETA] Perfect Lights Custom Devices official library
PLSduino Partial Least Squares for arduino using eigen
PL_microEPD A Universal Hardware Library for 1.1”, 1.4", 2.1" and 3.1" E-Paper displays(EPDs) from Plastic Logic based on UC8156 driver IC.
Plaquette An object-oriented library for creative physical computing.
PlayNote A library that makes translate notes of song to Hz and play it through passive buzzer.
PlayRtttl Plays RTTTL / RTX melodies/ringtones from FLASH or RAM.
PLCCore2 This library providing a function at specific ESP32 module.This library support all version of MiniPLC-32u,MiniPLC-S3 ,DinoPLC
PLEN5Stack PLEN5Stack Library
Plex64 A library for the Plex64 analog input multiplexer shield.
PlotPlus Plotting library compatible with Sloeber IDE and SimPlot
Plotter An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication.
plotutils 2-D vector graphics composition library
PLS7 shield Arduino shield with various I/O devices
PlugAndPlayForLoRa Arduino library interacting and sending messages with a 2.4Ghz Lora modem.
PlugPiBlack Library used for program the Plu&Pi Black board.
PMSensor-HPMA115 A library for interacting with the Honeywell HPMA115 particulate matter sensors.
PM1006K Driver library for PM1006K sensors.
PM2005Lib Controls and reads out data from a PM2005 laser particle sensor module.
PM2008 I2C Arduino library to control Cubic PM2008 I2C
pm25senses A library provided to send dust quality data report on PM25 platform.
PMIC_BQ25896 Arduino Library for Power Management and Battery Charging IC BQ25896 from Texas Instruments.
PmodCls Driver for the Digilent PmodCLS LCD device
PMS Library Arduino library for Plantower PMS sensors.
PMW3360 Module This library allows an Arduino/Genuino board to interface with PixArt PMW3360 motion sensor module.
PNGdec Universal PNG decoder for MCUs with at least 48K of RAM.
PNGenc Universal PNG encoder for MCUs with at least 45K of free RAM.
PN5180 Library for reading ISO15693 RFID cards using the PN5180 RFID reader.
PneumaticStepper A library to manage pneumatic (stepper) motors and servo valves
pngle A stream based portable PNG Loader for Embedding
pocketBME280 Compact library to interface BME280 sensors
PodEnoSim A library to interface with Pod ENO SIM Application
PointzNet A library that makes Internet of Things send data to
Pokerobo_ABC A library for Pokerobo common classes and utilities
Pokerobo_Arm A library for handling Pokerobo robot arm
Pokerobo_Car A library for handling a robot car.
Pokerobo_IRx A library for handling Pokerobo IR communication
Pokerobo_I2C A library for handling Pokerobo I2C communication
Pokerobo_Labs A collection of Pokerobo Labs
Pokerobo_PSx A library for handling PS2 Dualshock
Pokerobo_RCB A library for handling Pokerobo remote control board.
PollingTimer Arduino library to manage timing and event in a flexible way with polling
PololuBuzzer PololuBuzzer library for Arduino
PololuHD44780 C++ library for the Arduino IDE that allows you to control an LCD that uses the Hitachi HD44780 protocol.
PololuLedStrip Arduino library for addressable RGB LED strips from Pololu
PololuMaestro Pololu Maestro Servo Controller library for Arduino
PololuMenu Pololu library for simple LCD Menus.
PololuOLED Arduino library for displaying text and graphics on a SH1106 OLED display.
PololuQik Arduino library for the Pololu Qik dual serial motor controllers
PololuRPiSlave Pololu Raspberry Pi I2C Slave Arduino library
Pololu3piPlus32U4 Arduino library for the Pololu 3pi+ 32u4 Robot
Polyline Encode latitude/longitude coordinates to a Polyline string.
Polymorphic Buttons A simple library to make multifunction buttons.
Ponoor L6470 Library STM L6470 stepper driver chip library.
Ponoor PowerSTEP01 Library STM PowerSTEP01 stepper driver chip library with voltage and current drive mode.
Porcupine_AR Porcupine for Arabic language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_DE Porcupine for German language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_EN Porcupine for English language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_ES Porcupine for Spanish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_FA Porcupine for Farsi language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_FR Porcupine for French language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_HI Porcupine for Hindi language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_IT Porcupine for Italian language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_JA Porcupine for Japanese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_KO Porcupine for Korean language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_NL Porcupine for Dutch language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_PL Porcupine for Polish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_PT Porcupine for Portuguese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_RU Porcupine for Russian language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_SV Porcupine for Swedish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_VN Porcupine for Vietnamese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine_ZH Porcupine for Mandarin language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
PortaMob Portable Mobile device-like shield for Arduino UNO.
portenta-pro-community-solutions PortentaH7, LoRa and Ethernet Vision Shields and Breakout Board Organized: Robotics, Machine Learning and General Examples
Portenta_H7_AsyncHTTPRequest Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP library for Portenta_7, using Vision-shield thernet or Murata WiFi.
Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP Asynchronous TCP Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core
Portenta_H7_AsyncUDP Asynchronous TCP Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core
Portenta_H7_AsyncWebServer Asynchronous WebServer Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core.
Portenta_H7_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on Portenta_H7 board to control multiple servo motors.
Portenta_H7_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins.
Portenta_H7_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board to create and output PWM to pins.
Portenta_H7_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 board. PWM feature can now be used
Posit Library for posit arithmetic on Arduino Uno and other microcontrollers
PositionControl This is a library aiming at implementing pid control to control the position of a DC motor with feedback from quadrature encoder using speed control driver that accepts PWM input. It is a multifunctional program with extra feature of tuning the gain parameters and very useful for robotic enthusiast in wheeled robots
PostNeoSWSerial An efficient replacement for SoftwareSerial at baud rates 9600, 19200 and 38400.
Potentiometer_ADI_Arduino Demo code for AD5161
Potentiostat_Shield Arduino library for potentiostat shield.
POV library Arduino library for POV effects
PowerFeather-SDK Software development kit for PowerFeather boards.
PowerFlex4m Abstraction layer for simple ModBus communications with PowerFlex 4m VFDs
PowerMonitor A Power monitor library
Powerbaas Arduino library for Powerbaas Smart Meter P1 Shield
Pozyx Library for the pozyx indoor positioning shield
PPM RC (radio control) PPM signal
PPMEncoder A library to encode/generate a PPM signal for controlling RC Cars, etc...
PPM-reader PPM Reader is an interrupt based pulse-position modulation (PPM) signal reading library for Arduino.
PPPOSClient A client library for gsm ppp protocol.
Prandom Arduino library for random number generation with Python random interface.
PRDC_AD7193 PR-DC Arduino Library for Analog Devices AD7193.
PRDC_AD7194 PR-DC Arduino Library for Analog Devices AD7194.
PRDC_AD7797 PR-DC Arduino Library for Analog Devices AD7797.
PRDC_FreePort FreePort Protocol for communication with VFD over RS485 implemented in Arduino library.
PRDC_RS485HD_STM32 PR-DC Half-Duplex RS485 communication Library for Arduino_Core_STM32.
PRDC_ServoHT PWM signal for Servo motor control is generated using HardwareTimer library from Arduino_Core_STM32, for every i/o pin, that has PWM capability.
PRDC_TMAESC PR-DC Arduino Library for T-Motor ALPHA ESC Telemetry Protocol.
PreMo - Virtual Path Following Adds virtual path following feature to differential drive robots.
PrecDueTimer Timer Library that is optimized for when frequent changes to the timer(s) period/frequency are required.
PreciseLM35 A simple LM35 wrapper with optional voltage calibration facility
precise_sntp This library is an implementation of the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTPv4) for the arduino platform providing sub-second precision.
Preferences Preferences library for Arduino, ESP8266 and Particle Gen3 devices
PreferencesCLI Arduino library to allow access to the Preferences library via the SimpleCLI library.
pressure Arduino library for pressure conversion.
PressureNXPMXP Pressure differential MXP serie
PrimitiveStepperMotor A library that makes using Stepper Motors with relays or transistors easy!
PrintCharArray Library to capture prints into a char array.
PrintCppVersion Print which C++ standard is in use for your Arduino board.
PrintEx A printing & formatting enhancement for Stream & Print based libraries.
printHelpers Arduino library to help formatting data for printing. 64 bit integers (base 10 and 16). Engineering and scientific notation.
PrintSize Library to determine size of a printed variable.
PrintString Library to capture prints into a String.
PrinterDuino The simplest library to print in paper using 3 axis
Printoo_Library The library for the Printoo modules.
Pro Trinket USB Keyboard Library An arduino library to turn a Pro Trinket 5V/16MHz into a USB Keyboard!
Pro Trinket USB Mouse Library for Pro trinket to turn it into a mouse!
ProcessScheduler An OOP multitasking library
Profiler Easily profile your Arduino functions to see how much time they take. The output can be disabled and enabled at runtime. Very lightweight.
Progetto One Pin Keypad A library to use the One Pin Keypad.
PROGMEMAssert Assert for Arduino that saves RAM by storing assert strings in PROGMEM and prints to Serial.
programmable_air Basic functions to control the Programmable-Air board.
PromLokiTransport Abstracts a bunch of hardware and connectivity away from the GrafanaLoki and PrometheusArduino libraries
PrometheusArduino Send data to Prometheus via the remote write protocol.
PROMPLUS A fork of the EEPROM.h library
PropertyChangeLib Property Change Library
protectedAES AES library with protection against Side Channel Attacks.
ProtoCentral ADS1220 24-bit ADC Library Library for the ProtoCentral ADS1220 breakout board
ProtoCentral ADS1262 32-bit precision ADC Library ADS1262 32-bit ADC library for Arduino
ProtoCentral ADS1292R ECG and Respiration boards library Library for the ProtoCentral ADS1292R Shield/Breakout board
ProtoCentral ADS1293 ECG Library Library to read from the ProtoCentral ADS1293 ECG breakout
ProtoCentral AFE4490 PPG and SpO2 boards library Library for the Protocentral AFE4490 Shield and Breakout board
ProtoCentral FDC1004 Capacitive Sensor Library Library for the ProtoCentral FDC1004 breakout board
ProtoCentral HealthyPi v4 Library Library for the ProtoCentral HealthyPi v4
ProtoCentral MAX30001 Library for the Protocentral MAX30001 Single lead ECG breakout board.
ProtoCentral MAX30003 ECG AFE Sensor Library Library for the ProtoCentral MAX30003 Single lead ECG breakout board.
ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor Library Arduino library for the ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor breakout board
ProtoCentral MAX86150 PPG and ECG IC library Library for the MAX86150 PPG and ECG sensor module breakout board
ProtoCentral MLX90632 Non-contact temperature Library Library for the ProtoCentral MLX90632 breakout board
ProtoCentral Pulse Express SpO2 Heartrate and BPT sensor Library for the ProtoCentral Pulse Express board
ProtoCentral TLA20xx Library for the ProtoCentral TI TLA2021/TLA2022/TLA2024 breakout board.
Proyectil digitalIO Biblioteca Para manejar entradas y salidas digitales, Proyectil Mx
Proyectil GD3300 A library for Serial MP3 Player board (GD3300 / GD3200AB chip).
Proyectil MedeaWiz A library for Sprite serial control
PS-33D I2C Arduino library to control Blue Sky PS-33D I2C
PS2KeyAdvanced PS2 keyboard FULL control and ALL keys processing, as well as LED control.
PS2KeyMap PS2 keyboard codes from PS2KeyAdvanced to UTF-8 for any Latin language keyboard.
PS2KeyRaw PS2 keyboard control and raw data receiving
PS2Keyboard Use a PS/2 Keyboard for input
ps2dev Library to emulate PS2 keyboard/mouse using arduino
ps2shebei 将arduino开发板作为ps/2设备端与主机通讯。
ps2zhuji 用于arduino开发板与ps/2协议的设备通讯。
PS3 Controller Host Control your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!
PS4Controller Control your ESP32 projects with a PS4 controller!
PSACrypto An implementation of the Platform Security Architecture Crypto API for Arduino.
pseudospectrum A library that adds spectrum data to a pseudospectrum (additive) using linear interpolation
Psgino A library to control PSG (AY-3-8910, YMZ294, etc.) with MML.
PsxNewLib A library that allows interfacing with PlayStation 1/2 controllers
PsychicHttp PsychicHttp is a robust webserver that supports http/https + websockets.
Psychrometer Library for psychrometer - read humidity from two thermometers
ptScheduler Arduino timing library for writing non-blocking periodic tasks without using delay or millis routines.
PTSolns_I2CBackpack Control the PTSolns I2C Backpack.
PTSolns_InterfaceShield PTSolns library for Interface-Shield.
PTSolns_microWatt microWatt Support Library (mSL).
PT2258 A library to control the 6-Channel Electronic Volume Controller PT2258
PT2314 Arduino library for PT2314 i2C 4 channel audio processor,
PT6312 PT6312 is an Arduino/AVR library for the PT6312 family of Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) controllers including AD16312, HT16512, ET16312 etc.
PTW-Arduino-Assert The library Push The World uses for unit testing.
PTZProtocolHandler An Arduino library for reading PTZ commands through RS485 (protocols Pelco-D, Pelco-P, Dahau, Hikvision, Hanbang are supported).
PU2CLR AKC695X Control your AKC6955 Family (AKC6951, AKC6955 and AKC6959) BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER.
PU2CLR BK108X Control your BK1086 and BK1088 BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER.
PU2CLR KT0915 Control your KT0915 BROADCAST FM, AM (LW, MW and SW) RECEIVER.
PU2CLR MCP23008 Control the MCP23008/MCP23S08 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface with your Arduino
PU2CLR PCF8574 Control the PCF8574 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface with your Arduino
PU2CLR RDA5807 Control your RDA5807 BROADCAST FM from RDA Microelectronics Inc.
PU2CLR SI470X Control your SI470X (si4703, si4702, si4701) BROADCAST FM/RDS.
PU2CLR SI4735 Control your Silicon Labs SI47XX Family (Si4730, Si4732, Si4731, Si4734, Si4735, Si4740, Si4745 etc) BROADCAST AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER.
PU2REO Si5351ArduinoLite A full-featured lite library for the Si5351A (10 MSOP - 3 Clocks Only) series of clock generator ICs from SkyWorks (ex Silicon Labs).
PU2REO_AD9851 A full-featured library for the AD9851.
PU2REO_Si570 A full-featured library for the Si570 from SkyWorks (ex Silicon Labs).
PubSubClient A client library for MQTT messaging.
PubSubClientTools Tools for easier usage of PubSubClient
PubSubClient_iiot A fork of Nick O'Leary's PubSubClient to enable protobuf will messages.
Pubnub Pubnub SDK for Arduino.
Puertas-Logicas-Plugin Librería para MentorBit y Puertas Lógicas
pulseAny Arduino library to pulse any digital port in any frequency
PulseCom Universal communication library for protocols using pulse length to define bytes.
PulseDivider Arduino library to divide a pulse stream with a float factor.
PulseFlowMeter PulseFlowMeter is simple library for reading accurate flow rates with pulse-output type flow meters.
pulseInput Non-blocking alternative to pulseIn
PulsePattern Library to generate repeating pulse patterns. (AVR only)
PulsePosition Send and receive multiple high resolution PPM encoded signal streams.
PulseRainUARTConsole Arduino Library for UART Console
PulseSensor Playground Support at
Pulser A lightweight library to send sequences of pulses on output pins.
pushButton A simple library for Push Buttons.
PushButton Event Modelling Library PushButton events modelling library
PushButtonTaps Read Push Button Debounced as Single Tap, Double Tap or Long Press without blocking program.
Pushbutton Pushbutton library for Arduino
Pushdata_ESP8266_SSL Free, ultra-simple time series data storage for your IoT sensors
Pushetta The library to use Pushetta service, a service to push notifications to mobile phones and other devices
PwFusion_Data_Transfer PwFusion I2C communication simplification library
PwFusion_I2C_Buttons_Arduino_Library PwFusion I2C Buttons interface library
PwFusion_I2C_Encoder_Arduino_Library PwFusion I2C Encoder interface library
PwFusion_I2C_Joystick_Arduino_Library PwFusion I2C Joystick interface library
PwFusion_I2C_Toggle_Arduino_Library PwFusion I2C switch interface library
PWFusion_MAX31856 MAX31856 Thermocouple Interface Library
PWFusion_Max31865 MAX31865 RTD Sensor Measurement Library
PWFusion_Mcp2515 MCP2515 SPI CAN Controller Library
PWFusion_Mcp960x MCP9601 I2C Thermocouple Measurement Library
PWFusion_TCA9548A TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer Library
PWFusion_VL53L3C VL53L3C Time of Flight Sensor Library
PWMrelay Low-frequency software PWM for relay
PWMFreak Configures the PWM frequency on a pin
PWMMotorControl Control brushed DC motors by PWM and uses optional attached encoders to drive fixed distances. For L298 or TB6612, or Adafruit Motor Shield
PWMOutESP32 Library for controlling ESP32 PWM outputs similar to use on Arduino
PWMServo Control RC Servo motors.
PwmSin This is an LED lighting library for Arduino.
PxMatrix-1R PxMatrix 1R LED MATRIX library for ESP8266, ESP32 and ATMEL
PxMatrix Christmas Icons Arduino/ESP8366 library which contains a number of LED fade effects.
PxMatrix LED MATRIX library PxMatrix LED MATRIX library for ESP8266, ESP32 and ATMEL
PxServ PxServ Library for Arduino / ESP32
PyArduinoDebug A library enabling USB-based debugging.
PyDuinoBridge A transparent library for communication between Python and Arduino.
pzem-edl PZEM event-driven library
PZEM004Tv30 Library for the PZEM-004T v3.0 Power and Energy monitor
QDispatch Synchronous task library.
QList Library implements linked lists
QRcodeDisplay Base code for displaying QRcodes on ESP based MCU with OLED, TFT or E-Ink displays
QRcodeEink QR code generation on E-INK displays
QRcodeOled QR code generation on OLED displays
QRcode_eSPI QR code generation for TFT displays
QRcode_ST7789 QR code generation for TFT displays
QC2Control Set the voltage of a Quick Charge 2.0 source via the Arduino.
QC3Control Sets the voltage of a Quick Charge 3.0 source.
QCFA Quadcopter Control Functions using Arduino
QDEC High-efficiency, state-machine based quadrature decoder.
qlibs A collection of useful libraries for embedded systems.
QMC5883LCompass Library for using QMC5583L series chip boards as a compass.
Qmi8658c Interface with Qmi8658c Inertial Measurement Unit
QNEthernet An lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1 and other platforms.
QN8066 Control your TX/RX QN8066 device
QPESP32 QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework for Arduino.
QRCode A simple QR code generation library.
QRCodeGenerator A simple QR code generation library.
QTRSensors Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors
QUAD7SHIFT Library for driving 4 digits seven segments displays (7 segments displays) for modules that use 74HC595 shift registers.
QuadratureEncoder A library for quadrature encoder utilizing enableInterrupt.h.
QuarkDB A No-SQL Json Document DB based on ArduinoJson 6 with command line interface and APIs for esp8266 and esp32 using SPIFFS
QuarkTS An open-source OS for embedded applications that supports prioritized cooperative scheduling, time control, inter-task communications primitives, hierarchical state machines and CoRoutines.
QubitroMqttClient (BETA) Easily connect to Qubitro IoT Platform with customized MQTT methods.
Queue Queue handling library.
Queuetue Digital Balance Library A library of functions to build a digital balance
Queuetue HX711 Library Simple driver for the HX711 ADC.
QuickCharge Library for control QuickCharge 2.0/3.0 power adapter or charger
QuickESPNow An Arduino library for handling ESP-NOW communication.
QuickMedianLib QuickMedian Library
QuickPID A fast PID controller with multiple options. Various Integral anti-windup, Proportional and Derivative control modes.
QuickSortLib QuickSort Library
QuickStats Descriptive Statistics for Arduino
QZQSM QZSS DC Report Service Decode Library
RLab Управление РОББО Лабораторией.
RPlatform Управление РОББО Платформой.
RPulse Отладка робота в реальном времени.
RSbus Library for the (Lenz) RS-bus protocol
R30X-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library Arduino library for interfacing R30X series optical fingerprint scanners.
R4A_ESP32 Robots-For-All ESP32 support routines.
R4A_I2C Robots-For-All I2C support routines.
R4A_Robot Robots-For-All robot support routines.
R4HttpClient A lightweight HTTP client wrapper library for Arduino Uno R4 WiFi.
r4SwRTC A simple software RTC library for Arduino UNO R4.
R4_Touch Touch Sensing for UNO R4
r89m Buttons A library that makes working with buttons simple.
r89m CapacitiveButton Handle CapacitiveButtons, powered by the CapacitiveSensor library
r89m MPR121Button Handle MPR121Buttons, powered by Adafruit's MPR121 library
r89m PushButton Handle PushButtons, debounced using the Bounce2 library.
RAKwireless ADS7830 library RAKWireless library for the RAK16001 Sensor Modules
RAKwireless-Audio-library RAKWireless library for the RAK audio module
RAKwireless CAP1293 Touch Pad library RAKWireless library for the RAK14002 module with the CAP1293 sense IC
RAKwireless I3G4250D Gyroscope library RAKWireless library for the RAK12025 module with I3G4250D Gyroscope
RAKwireless LED Matrix Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
RAKwireless MQx library RAKWireless library for the MQx Gas Sensor Modules
RAKwireless NCP5623 RGB LED library RAKWireless library for the RAK14001 module with the NCP5623 RGB LED
RAKwireless-RAK12021-TCS37725 RAKWireless library for the RAK12021 RGB Light Sensor with the TCS37725
RAKwireless RAK12033 Library Arduino library for RAK12033 6DoF sensor.
RAKwireless RAK12034 RAKWireless library for the WisBlock 9DOF RAK12034 module, based on Bosch BMX160
RAKwireless RAK13600 RFID library RAKWireless library for the RAK13600 RFID module with the PN532
RAKwireless Storage Driver for WisBlock Storage modules
RAKwireless TLE7259 LIN Bus library RAKWireless library for the RAK13005 LIN bus module with the TLE7259 chip
RAKwireless VEML Light Sensor RAKWireless library for the RAK12010 ambient light sensor module with the VEML7700 chip
RAKwireless_ADC_SGM58031_library RAKWireless library for ADC
RAKwireless_SDI-12 Arduino Library for RAK13010 SDI-12 module.
RadSensBoard An Arduino library for RadSens Geiger counter board.
RADAR Arduino library for a pan tilt radar.
radar-bgt60 C++ library for the BGT60LTR11AIP - XENSIV™ 60 Ghz Radar from Infineon
RadiationWatch Arduino driver for Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger sensor
Radio Library for controlling FM radio receiver chips.
RadioHead Packet Radio library for embedded microprocessors
RadioLib Universal wireless communication library
RadioengeLoraWAN Implementation of RadioengeLoraWAN AT-COMMANDS..
RAIN Arduino library for FC-37 analog rain sensor and compatibles.
RAK-OneWireSerial RAKWireless OneWireSerial
RAK12019_LTR390_UV_Light RAKWireless library for the RAK12019 module with the LTR390 UV light sensor
RAK12022-MAX31865 RAKWireless library for the RAK12022-MAX31865
RAK12027-D7S Arduino library for the RAK12027 seismic sensor.
RAK12029-LDC1614 RAKWireless library for the RAK12029 Induction Sensor module
RAK12035_SoilMoisture Provide access to all functions of the RAKwireless RAK12023/RAK12035 Soil Moisture Sensor.
RAK12039_PM_Sensor RAKwireless library for the RAK12039 Particle Matter Sensor
RAK12052-MLX90640 RAKWireless library for the matrix
RAK13006-MCP2518 library Arduino library for controlling CAN communication
RAK13800_W5100S Arduino library for the RAK13800 Ethernet Module.
RAK13801_UWB Arduino library to use Decawave DW1000 IC.
RAK14000_EPD RAKWireless library for the RAK14000 EPD module
RAK14014-FT6336U Arduino library for TFT display
RAK15007-CY15B108QN Arduino library for controlling FRAM.
RAK1500x-MB85RC RAKWireless library for the FRAM
RAK5814-ATECC608A RAKWireless library for the encryption
Ramp A library that manage interpolation beetween values.
Rando HX711 Library Simple driver for the HX711 ADC, with various options for output formatting/scaling.
RandomForestModel A library for Linear Regression modeling in Arduino projects.
randomHelpers Arduino library with helper function for faster random bits
Random16 Fast 16 bit random number generator
RapifireMqttClient Enables the communication between Arduino and RAPIFIRE platform.
Raspberry Pi Pico CPU Temperature Get the CPU temperature of your Raspberry Pi Pico
rastr A small, lightweight header-only graphics library
RazorIMU_9DOF This library is for the Razor AHRS 9DOF IMU by Sparkfun.
RBD_Button Read and debounce buttons and switches.
RBD_Capacitance Measure change in capacitance.
RBD_HumanSensor Detect human presence, touch, and pickup events.
RBD_Light Control many lights.
RBD_LightSensor Read and calibrate photoresistors.
RBD_Motor Control many motors without delay.
RBD_SerialManager A simple interface for serial communication.
RBD_Servo Control many servos without delay.
RBD_Threshold Set and check numeric quantile scales.
RBD_Timer Manage many timed events.
RBD_WaterSensor Measure and calibrate water level sensors.
RBE1001Lib Support robotics education with simplified support classes.
RBL_nRF8001 An Arduino library for the nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield and Blend.
RC.Easy RC.Easy
RCReceiver A library to add support for rc receivers.
rc-switch Operate 433/315Mhz devices.
RcSwitchReceiver Receive data from 433/315Mhz remote controls.
RC_ESC A library to use ESC with the Arduino platform.
RCLSwitch Compact version of RC Switch
Rcn600 Enable RCN-600 SUSI Communication
RCWL0516 RCWL0516 provides a class to control an RCWL-0516 motion detection radar sensor.
RCWL_1X05 A library for the I2C mode of ultrasonic distance sensors RCWL-1605, RCWL-1005, and probably HC-SR04P
Rdebug The Arduino library provides a unique form of debugging.
RDV GY-512 Library An Arduino library to simplify reading values from the GY-512 gyroscope, accelerometer, and temperature sensor.
ReGIS ReGIS, short for Remote Graphic Instruction Set, is a vector graphics markup language for embedded devices using serial interfaces.
ReWire MAX32664 Biosensor Hub Library Library for interfacing with the MAX32664 biometric hub
ReactESP Asynchronous programming library for the ESP32 and other microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino framework.
React_Generic Asynchronous programming library for the generic microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino framework.
ReactiveArduino ReactiveArduino implements observable-observer pattern on a processor like Arduino
ReactorProtocol Simulated Reactor communication protocol.
ReadFilter An arduino library with functions for filtering noisy analogRead signals
readguy A free E-paper display driver library supports 16-level greyscale.
ReceptorRF Permite recibir códigos de controls RF o IR de cualquier extensión de bits.
ReciclaBot Biblioteca do projeto ReciclaBot do IFPA Paragominas.
RedEye A library implementing the "RedEye" infrared protocol
Redis for Arduino An Arduino library for Redis.
Redis for ESP8266 An Arduino library for Redis that works on ESP8266.
redkea Build custom user interfaces to control your devices using your smartphone.
ReefwingAHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) used in the Reefwing Flight Controller.
ReefwingFilter A collection of filters & noise generators used in the Reefwing Flight Controller.
ReefwingLPS22HB Arduino Library for the LPS22HB Pressure Sensor.
ReefwingLSM9DS1 Arduino Library for the LSM9DS1 9-axis IMU.
ReefwingMotorShield A library that supports the Reefwing Motor Shield and Carrier Board.
ReefwingMPU6050 Arduino library for MPU6050 IMU
ReefwingMPU6x00 Arduino library for MPU6000/6500 IMUs
ReefwingMSP A light weight Arduino implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol.
ReefwingPWM PWM on arbitrary pins
ReefwingSBUS SBUS Library for the Nano 33 BLE.
ReefwingTimer A non blocking Scheduler based on millis().
Reefwing_imuTypes common structs and enums used by the Reefwing IMU Libraries.
Reefwing_xIMU3 Arduino Library for the xIMU3 GUI.
Regexp Regular expression parser for microcontrollers
Regression Easy-to-use Statistical Regressions.
relativity library with relativity functions.
Relay Simple relay usage
RelayModule The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital relay module.
Remocon IOSignal Remocon Examples for app
RemoteDebug A library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet client, with Print commands like Serial Monitor.
RemoteDebug2 A library for ESP2866 and ESP32 for debuging projects over WiFi.
RemoteDebugger RemoteDebug addon: RemoteDebugger, an simple software debugger - based on SerialDebug Library
RemoteMe Libraries for system
RemoteMeUtils Utils Libraries for system
RemoteSensor RemoteSensor library for Arduino.
RemoteSerial A web-based serial monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 devices.
RemoteSignal Remote Signal Arduino Client.
RemoteXY For all RemoteXY projects.
RepeatButton RepeatButton Library for Arduino.
RequestBuilder HTTP request header/body/parameter builder
RESTuino A library to handle arduino GPIO via REST API.
RescenicIO Library untuk mempermudah penggunaan Input & Output
ResistorReader_asukiaaa It read value of a resistor.
ResponsiveAnalogRead Arduino library for eliminating noise in analogRead inputs without decreasing responsiveness
RESTClient Enables sending REST messages using Arduino Ethernet. For all boards.
Restfully Handles Rest requests including parsing of URIs with arguments.
retroTerm A library for creating GUI-esque interfaces in a terminal emulator with a microcontroller.
RevEng PAJ7620 Arduino library to provide a driver and API for the PixArt PAJ7620 (PAJ7620U2 or PAJ7620F2) integrated gesture recognition sensor.
RFCodes RF 433 and IR signal encode and decode library.
RFExplorer 3GP IoT Library reference for RFExplorer 3GP IoT
RF24 Radio driver, OSI layer 2 library for nrf24L01(+) modules.
RF24Ethernet OSI layer 4/5 (TCP/IP) wireless/radio IoT mesh networks for nRF24L01(+)
RF24G A simple way for up to 6 nRF24L01 radios to communicate with each other.
RF24Mesh OSI Layer 7, Automated 'mesh' style networking for nrf24L01(+) & nrf52x radios.
RF24Network OSI Layer 3 Networking for nrf24L01(+) & nrf52x devices.
RF433any A library to decode any protocol received on a 433 Mhz Radio Frequencies receiver
RF433recv A library to decode a known protocol received on a 433 Mhz Radio Frequencies receiver
RF433send A library to send data on a 433 Mhz Radio Frequencies transmitter
RfidDb A library that stores 32 bit identifiers and associated names to EEPROM which can be used to as a basis for RFID access control applications.
Rfid134 by Makuna Library for the RFID WL-134 module
RFID_MFRC522v2 Arduino RFID driver library for MFRC522 (SPI, I2C)
RFM69_LowPowerLab Simple Arduino library for RFM69/SX1231h based radio module transceivers
RGB This library for Arduino allows you to control RGB led.
RGB-LED-Lighting-Shield C++ library for Infineons RGB-LED-Lighting-Shields
RGB LED Lighting Shield XMC1202 This library provides an interface to communicate with the RGB LED Lighting Shield XMC1202 via I2C interface.
RGB matrix Panel Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
RGBProgress Calculate an RGB color according to a progression.
RGB_LED A library that manage 4 legs rgb leds colour and light duration.
RGBLEDBlender A basic RGB LED blending library.
RGBWConverter Hue preserving RGB to RGBW conversion library for Arduino!
RhinoServo This library is for the Encoder DC Servo Motor: RMCS220x.
rhio-pinmap Macro definitions for compatibility among Master modules
RichHttpServer An addon for ESP8266WebServer which makes common tasks for developing a rich REST API straightforward.
RingBuf A library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer
RingBufCPP A C++ library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer
RingBuffer This library allows to use ring buffer with and without interrupts.
RingEEPROM The library increases the arduino EEPROM Write endurance
Ringo by CircuitMess Library Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way.
Riscduino_MCUFRIEND_kbv TFT Library for 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Riscduino and Arduino UNO Shields
Rivers Engineering Arduino library for engineering classes at The Rivers School
RLNode This is the common backbone for RealLogger Nodes.
RLEBitmap Run Length Encoded bitmaps
RMCS-220X A library to facilitate the control of a Rhino RMCS-220X Servo Motor over i2c.
RMDX Arduino library for MyActuator's RMD-X brushless motors
RN487x An Arduino library for the Microchip RN487x
ROKduino Allows control of Rokenbok Education ROKduino robotics system.
RobbusKidsy Rocket Launcher library of the Robbus Kidsy robot vehicle
RobbyIO Library Input Output
ROBLEX library for the ROBLEX Development Kit
RoboCore - BRIICK Keypad Library for the BRIICK Keypad.
RoboCore - MMA8452Q Library for the MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer.
RoboCore - Rocky Library for the BlackBoard Rocky (
RoboCore - Serial Relay Library for the Serial Relay module (
RoboCore - SMW_SX1262M0 Library for the LoRaWAN SMW_SX1262M0 module (
RoboCore - SMW_SX1276M0 Library for the LoRaWAN SMW_SX1276M0 module (
RoboCore - Vespa Library for the Vespa (
RoboFi Enables easy access to the controls of the ESP32 Robot Control board.
RoboHeart Arduino library for the RoboHeart
RoboWunduino Arduino Library for Robo Wunderkind Products
Robopoly Bluetooth This library allows you to use the bluetooth module on the Robopoly Shield.
Robopoly Linear Camera This library allows you to get data from the Robopoly Linear Camera.
Robopoly PRismino This library allows you to use all the functions of the Robopoly PRismino and the Robopoly Shield.
Robopoly RomeEnco This library allows you to read up to four encoders at the same time.
Robot Arduino library to imitate a real car.
RobotDuLAB Arduino Library Bibliothèque de pilotage simplifié de RobotDuLAB.
RobotLib A robotics library to simplify implementing generic robotics hardware.
Robotec Biblioteca para robotica educativa
Robust-EEPROM Allows the use of unallocated bytes on an EEPROM memory as redundant memory for failed allocated bytes.
RocciBoard-Library Library for the RocciBoard-Shield.
Rocket Scream LowPowerAVRZero Low power management for MegaAVR 0-series MCU.
Rocket Scream RTCAVRZero Minimalistic RTC (Real Time Counter) implementation for MegaAVR 0-series MCU.
RogueMP3 A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics MP3 Playback Modules.
RogueSD A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics Data Storage Modules.
RokitSmart A library for RokitSmart users
Romans Audio FastDigitalPin Library Arduino lib for fast digital reads and writes.
Romans Audio RARGBLED Library Arduino lib for RGB LEDs
Romi32U4 Romi 32U4 Arduino library
roo_collections Memory-conscious collections, supporting flat small hashtables, hash maps, and hash sets.
roo_control Arduino relays, port extenders, debouncing, retries: common abstractions and implementations.
roo_display Graphics library, supporting variety of display devices and touch panels.
roo_flags Minimalistic library for run-time configuration flags.
roo_icons Collection of icons for use with the roo_display library.
roo_io Unified I/O library for microcontrollers.
roo_io_arduino Arduino filesystem adapters for the roo_io library.
roo_logging Logging library, targeted at ESP32 and related boards.
roo_material_icons Collection of icons for use with the roo_display library.
roo_onewire Arduino library for OneWire thermometers.
roo_prefs ESP32 'Preferences' utility library for management of persistent settings, avoiding name clashes by using namespaces and transactions.
roo_scheduler Allows scheduling delayed and/or repetitive tasks.
roo_temperature Type-safe and unit-independent representation of temperature and thermometers.
roo_time Basic management of elapsed time, wall time, and date time, with multi-timezone support.
roo_time_ds3231 Arduino driver for DS3231 real-time clock, compliant with roo_time.
roo_wifi WiFi controller library for ESP32, supporting storing persistent configuration in flash, and abstracting away the architecture.
roo_windows GUI library, targeted at ESP32 and related boards, for building interactive, touch-based, mobile-phone-like UI interfaces.
roo_windows_onewire GUI OneWire thermometers configurator for ESP32, using roo_windows.
roo_windows_wifi GUI library, targeted at ESP32 and related boards, for building interactive, touch-based, mobile-phone-like UI interfaces.
RoomWeather Arduino library that provides plug and play support for various air quality sensors.
RootCertificates Library used to associate certificates to top level domains
ros2arduino ROS2 Library for Arduino
Rosserial Arduino Library Use an Arduino as a ROS publisher/subscriber
RotEnc Simple library for handling a 2-phase rotary encoder.
RotEncoder Fast and precise rotary encoder library with low power consumption, optimized for high-speed and battery-powered applications.
Rotary ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values.
rotaryDecoder Arduino library for a PCF8574 based rotary decoder.
rotaryDecoderSwitch Arduino library for a PCF8574 based rotary decoder + switch.
rotaryDecoderSwitch5 Arduino library for a PCF8575 based rotary decoder + switch.
rotaryDecoder8 Arduino library for a PCF8575 based rotary decoder.
RotaryDial Library to read pulse dialing data from telephone rotary dials
RotaryEncoder Use a rotary encoder with quadrature pulses as an input device.
RotaryEncoderPCNT ESP32 rotary encoder implementation, using pulse counter (PCNT) peripheral.
RotaryEncoder_Zanduino Access the 3-Color LED Rotary Encoder - read and set colors
RoverWing Arduino library for use with RoverWing, a robotics expansion board for Adafruit Feather boards
RoxMux Collection of Multiplexer and Hardware Controllers.
RP2040-BrtEve Library for BridgeTek EVE series
rp2040-encoder-library Quadrature Encoder library for RP2040/RP2350
RP2040_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040 board to control multiple servo motors.
RP2040_PIO_Charlieplexing A RP2040 PIO program for 6-leds and 5-leds Charlieplexing.
RP2040_PWM his library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, with either Arduino-mbed (mbed_nano or mbed_rp2040) or arduino-pico core to create and output PWM to any GPIO pin.
RP2040_RTC This library enables you to use RTC from RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
RP2040_SD This library enables you to use SPI SD cards with RP2040-based boards such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO using either RP2040 Arduino-mbed or arduino-pico core.
RP2040_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on RP2040-based boards, such as ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, etc., with arduino-pico core to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on RP2040-based boards such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
RPM RPM sensor library for Arduino.
rrdtool Round Robin Database Tool
RRE Font Library Fast RRE Font Library
RS485 RS485 library for Arduino.
RS485HwSerial Enhanced Arduino serial library with RS485 transmit enable control.
rs485_asukiaaa Functions and classes about rs485 modbus.
rssRead Read rss (xml) and return an array of strings.
RTClib A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library
RTCtime A "Standard C Runtime" compatible library for interfacing the DS1307 and DS3231 Real Time Clock modules.
RTCx Library to access DS1307, DS1337/8, MCP7941x and PCF85263 real-time clocks.
RT-Thread Real Time Operating System porting for Arduino SAM and SAMD boards
RTC Library for I2C based RTCs (DS1307, DS3231, PCF8563, PCF8523, MCP7940).
Rtc by Makuna A library that makes interfacing DS1302, DS1307, DS3231, DS3234, and PCF8563/BM8563 Real Time Clock modules easy.
RTCCounter Provides use of the RTC peripheral in 32bit counter mode. For Arduino SAMD21 boards only.
RTCDue Use for the RTC inside the SAM3X8E from the Arduino DUE
RTCMemory An intuitive library to simplify read and write operations on RTC memory of ESP8266 and its backup on flash memory.
RTC RV-3028-C7 Arduino Library A library to drive the RV-3028-C7 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock
RTCTimer An Arduino library to easily perform scheduled tasks.
RTCVars This library eases the storage of variables in reset-safe RTC memory.
RTC4543lib A simple RTC4543 library.
RTC_NXP_Arduino Class library for NXP RTCs
Rtc_Pcf8563 A library that interfaces the Phillips PCF8563 Real Time Clock chip.
RTC_RX8025NB A simple Arduino RTC library for the EPSON RX-8025NB module.
RTC_RX8025T Arduino library for the RX8025T real time clock (RTC)
rtc_utils Wrapper for esp8266 rtc functions
RTCDS1307 Library for rtc 1307
RTD10K-temp-sensor Read temperature with analog input and 10K RTD
RTL8720_RTC This library enables you to use RTC from RTL8720-based boards such as RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTL8722CSM.
RTL8720_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an RTL8720-based board
RTT-Ethernet RT-Thread Ethernet driver
RTT-GUI Embedded GUI Library
RTT QRCode RT-Thread QR Code App
RTT Stream Arduino library for Segger RTT Real-Time Transfer
Rtttl A library that plays Rtttl melodies
RUI3-Arduino-Library RUI3 Arduino AT command library.
RunAvgWeight Running Average with weight of N elements.
runner A kind of shell for Arduino.
runningAngle Library to average angles by means of low pass filtering with wrapping.
RunningAverage The library stores the last N individual values in a circular buffer to calculate the running average.
RunningMedian The library stores the last N individual values in a buffer to select the median.
RunningStats It computes simple running statistics.
rupertobot Biblioteca de Arduino para el control del robot Rupertobot
RussianText_u8g Russian text for library u8g_lib
RustyKeypad A flexible keypad library supporting T9 input, long presses, and various event types.
RustyVoltmeter A library to measure voltage using a voltage divider with Arduino.
RV-1805-C3 Library for Micro Crystal RV-1805-C3 extreme low power RTC module.
RV-3028-C7 Library for Micro Crystal RV-3028-C7 extreme low power RTC module.
RV3028 Basic library for the RV-3028-C7 RTC
RV8803Tiny A library to drive the RV8803 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock from new ATTINY series that run on MegaTinyCore.
RX8010SJ This is a library to handle Seikos RX8010SJ RTC module with an arduino.
RX8025 Control RX8025 chip or the solar calendar to the lunar calendar.
RX8900 Arduino library for RX8900 series RTC IC control.
sACN Library for sACN ANSI E1.31
sACNSource defines sACN (ANSI E1.31) protocol packets for DMX-512 lighting control.
sMQTTBroker A simple broker library for MQTT messaging.
S.Port sensor library for FrSky an Arduino Library to create FrSky S.Port sensors
sTune Open loop PID autotuner using a novel s-curve inflection point test method.
S11059 A color sensor library for Arduino
S4ALib Simple library for S4A EDU Robotic Controller.
S5851A A temperature sensor library for Arduino
S7XG AcSIP S7XG LoRaWAN/GPS module library
S8_UART SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor library using UART communication
S9706 A color sensor library for Arduino
SafeString A Safe, Static String library to replace Arduino String, plus non-blocking Serial I/O, I/O buffering, loopTimer and millisDelay
SakuraIO Library for Sakura Communication Module (
Salesforce A library to facilitate calls between Arduino and Salesforce
SAMD21 Audio Player Simple audio player for SAMD21-based Arduinos
SAMD21 turbo PWM Fast-PWM library for SAMD21G-based Arduinos
SAMD_ISR_Servo This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 board to control multiple servo motors.
SAMD_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMD21/SAMD51-based boards to create and output PWM to pins.
SAMD_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 boards to create and output PWM to pins.
SAMD_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD-based boards such as SAMD21 Nano-33-IoT, Adafruit SAMD51 Itsy-Bitsy M4, SeeedStudio XIAO, Sparkfun SAMD51_MICROMOD, etc.
SAMDUE_PWM This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on SAMDUE boards to create and output PWM to pins.
SAMDUE_Slow_PWM This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on an Arduino SAM_DUE board to create and output PWM any GPIO pin.
SAMDUE_TimerInterrupt This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an SAM-DUE-based board
SandTimer Easy to use and lightweight timer
Sanke This library allows to run snake on 7-segments display (we use it in idle).
sarmfsw sarmfsw
Satspares_DWIN_DGUS_HMI Updated version of the original DWIN version.
SavLayFilter Savitzky-Golay Filtering Algorithm
SavitzkyGolayFilter Savitzky-Golay Filtering Algorithm
SBC Allows communications with a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1
SBUS2 Arduino Library for receiving SBUS and SBUS2 Frames and transmit Telemetry Data
SCServo SC-series Servo library for Arduino and ESP32